Read Obsession (Stalker #1) Online

Authors: Alice C. Hart

Obsession (Stalker #1) (12 page)

BOOK: Obsession (Stalker #1)
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Getting Abby and Oreo settled is not an easy feat. I bring in all her luggage to my bedroom while she is dealing with getting Oreo set up in Izzy’s room. She said that all he will do is hide because he’s somewhere he doesn’t know. Apparently, cats are not happy when moved around or some shit. I see Abby slip out of Izzy’s room. She informs me Oreo is hiding under the bed and she needs to get his food and water bowls in there. She trots off to the kitchen to get his things. I allow her to take them back to Izzy’s room before I let Ozzy out of his den, hoping he does not try to eat her cat.

I help Abby unpack her suitcases and make some room in the closet. I move stuff around in my dresser drawers to give her space. Unpacked, she’s in the bathroom trying to get all her girly shit situated. Fuck, why do women have so much stuff? Not that I mind having all her shit all over the place in my house. I love it.

I return with Ozzy and he’s so excited he comes barreling towards Abby and nearly knocks her over. He really doesn’t understand how big he is.

Abby squeals, “Ozzy, hey buddy. We need to talk, me and you, mister. You can’t eat my cat.” She speaks to him and it’s as though he’s listening. He’s doing that doggie head tilt to the side, and she seems satisfied with his response . “Can we take Ozzy outside and have a smoke?”

I’m down with that and could totally use something stronger. “Why don’t you grab your stash this time, babe? I think I need some tonight,” I say, chuckling.

“I am down with that!!! Gimme a few minutes and I will twist us up a tasty joint,” she smiles. She’s so beautiful and that smile makes me happy. She seems comfortable and perfectly at ease here, which I’m glad, but wasn’t expecting.

I grab Ozzy and shuffle him outside to the backyard so he can have his late night romp. Abby finishes rolling up the joint and we head outside.

“Spark it up, babe!” I say with eagerness in my voice.

She raises a brow at me. “I like to puff here and there, too, you know.”

I grab the joint and spark it up myself and take a long first haul. Enjoying the smoke filling my lungs, I pass it back to her. She takes her turn and I can see she’s enjoying her first haul, also.

“Baby, I’m so glad you’re here. I’m sorry for the circumstances for which all of this happened, but I’m still glad you’re here.” She passes the joint back and we are both watching Ozzy chase whatever it is he sees in the dark. “I don’t know what’s going on at your apartment, but Kev reassured me he will look into it. I need to ask, when you were hugging him goodbye, what did you whisper in his ear?”

Abby looks to me and smiles. “I told him to ‘go for it’ with Amanda,” she giggles. “Amanda has been single since, oh, I don’t know, like forever and she needs a good man in her life. I thought Kev had a crush on me to be honest, but I think it was Amanda he wanted all along.”

She passes back the joint and I take it, even though I’m feeling pretty good.

“Oh well, thank fuck, because now I won’t have to kick his ass,” I say. She howls with laughter.

Abby gets giddy when she’s on the pot and it’s funny as fuck. She lights up a cigarette and tells me to do the same because it will increase your buzz after you smoke a joint. She was not wrong. I’m fucked in a nice calm, floaty kind of way. A sense of peace has come over me and I feel fantastic and maybe a bit horny. I think we need to go inside. I know we need to talk; it seems we always need to talk about something, but how can I possibly concentrate like this. Abby is in sweats and she still looks fucking sexy as hell.

“Abby, let’s go inside, babe, and talk for a minute before we can’t anymore,” I chuckle at her and she giggles.

I love that sound and could listen to it all day.

Our little party gets moved inside.


Jake and I move inside so we can talk. It seems we always have to talk about something and I wish we didn’t have to; I wish things could just be. I’m feeling all kinds of good right now and I suppose this makes it easier for me. Jake goes to grab us some pop and munchies, thank God, because I’m totally pasty and could use a drink. He gets everything situated before us.

“Baby, let’s see how this week goes with everything going on. I plan on driving us into work tomorrow and for the rest of the week. We will act normal at work, like nothing has changed. Sound good?” Jake grabs the chips and opens the bag, stuffing his face with Doritos.

“Yeah, sounds good. I’m not an actress or anything, but I’m sure I can pull it off. Jake, I just want to say thanks. For everything. For loving me, for basically rescuing me from whatever the hell is going on at my place, for letting me and my cat stay with you, it means the world to me.” I grab the Doritos from him and start licking the cheese off before eating the chip. It’s how I roll.

“Baby, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.” He cups my face and pulls me to him for a kiss; slowly, tantalizing, breathtaking, and it feels so good. I wrap my arms around his neck and press myself up against him, opening my mouth. I love when he takes charge of me. There is something so…freeing.

He breaks the kiss and looks me in the eyes. “I think it’s time for bed.” He’s grinning that cocky grin I love so much.

“I agree.” I get up and Jake grabs me, scoops me up, and carries me to the bedroom. “Jake, oh my shit, you don’t have to carry me!!! My God, if you don’t put me down, I’m probably going to break your back.”

“Shhh, baby, I’ve got you. Always.”

Holy fuck, my heart is all pitter-patter like. He gently carries me into the bedroom and places me on my feet. I feel like he just carried me over the threshold and that is a good feeling.

“Lift your arms,” he commands. I do as I’m told and lift them. I feel him peeling my jacket off. He stops to admire me. He then slides my yoga pants off, being careful to remove one foot at a time. I’m left in my bra and underwear and he’s staring at me. His eyes darken. I know what he wants and I want it, too. There is no fighting it. “Baby, you are so fucking beautiful.” He makes me blush.

I reach behind and unclasp my bra, freeing the girls, and let it fall to the floor. He grins, saying, “Someone is eager.” He takes off his shirt and throws it to the floor while staring at me, and undoes the one button on his jeans. I sink to my knees immediately. I want him so bad. I reach up, and while looking at him, undo his zipper. Right at my eye level, I can’t help noticing his rather large bulge. I slide his jeans and boxer briefs down and his cock springs free, nearly poking me in the eye. He steps one leg and then the other from his clothes. I run my hands up and down his muscular legs while pulling him closer to me. Grabbing his cock, I lick my lips, and look up at him.

“Mmmmmm.” I open my mouth and slide him in. I grasp his cock with one hand, grabbing his ass with the other and I pull him closer to me. I don’t know if I can take him all in my mouth.

“Abby, FUCK! Baby, you don’t know how good that feels,” he growls, which only encourages me.

I find a rhythm when he places his hands on my head and puts me at the pace he wants.
Fuck, his cock is going to choke me.
I try to relax my throat to take him all the way inside and it seems impossible. I don’t think I’m a deep throat kind of girl. With his hands on my head and my hands on his ass, I suck his cock like it’s my last fucking meal. I may not be able to be a porn star and deep throat, but that doesn’t mean I can’t suck a mean cock.

“Abby, fuck. If you don’t stop, I’m going to come and I don’t think I can pull out.”

I look up and see him looking down at me, and I fucking smile. “Give it to me, baby,” I say, my mouth stuffed with cock. I go full force, his hands on my head, pushing me faster and faster. My nails are no doubt leaving marks embedded in his ass, and I hear the most animalistic growl I’ve ever heard in my life.

“FUCK, baby! Here I come!” I slow my pace slightly as the hot liquid shoots to the back of my throat. I wait until I’m sure I’ve captured all of it before swallowing it all down. Lightly licking and suckling, I look up at him before pulling my head away.

“Holy shit, baby, I think that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Come here.”

He pulls me to my feet and kisses me. He doesn’t care that I just swallowed a boatload of his jism; he fucking kisses me anyway and swoops his tongue into my mouth, stealing my breath.
Wait, is he moving me backwards?

“I need to taste your sweet million dollar pussy right fuckin’ now.” All of a sudden, I’m pushed backwards onto the bed and he’s sliding off my underwear. “Open,” he commands, again.

Who am I to argue?
My legs fall to the sides and I’m spread eagle before him.

“Fuck me, I’m going to make you scream, baby.” He grabs me by my hips and pulls me towards the end of the bed. He gets down on his knees. He trails light kisses up the insides of my legs before placing a gentle lick right from my ass to clit.

“Oh, sweet Jesus,” I mumble.

“No, baby, not Jesus. You call my name.” He continues licking and licking and I feel him use his fingers to open up my pussy lips. He spreads them, continuing the deliciously slow assault on my pussy.

“Jake, fuck.” I writhe on the bed. I’m trying to push my pussy right into his face, grabbing his head to keep him there.

“I’m not going anywhere, babe, but if you want, you can try to hang on for the ride.”

I look down at him and his eyes are hooded, and all I see is lust and desire. I throw my head back onto the bed, while letting go of his. He opens my legs as wide as they will go and I feel his hot breath on my pussy. The anticipation is killing me.

“Jake, please,” I beg. I feel him, nose first, inhaling my scent.

“God damn, you smell so sweet.” He licks and licks and I want more. I’m a greedy bitch.

“More please,” I moan, hoping for some finger action.

“Tell me baby, tell me what you want.” I feel the whisper of his words against my pussy.

“I want your fingers inside while you lick me.” I may or may not sound a little eager. He gives me another lick and slowly inserts what I’m pretty sure is two fingers all the way to his knuckles. “Oh fuck, YESSSSSS.” I move my hips in a circular motion and I cannot stop the sounds coming from my mouth.

“Baby, tell me if you’re gonna come, ok,” he instructs me as I mumble,

“Fuck, oh my God, don’t fucking stop.” While he continues to fuck me with his fingers, and nibble on my clit, I feel him move a little lower…
What the fuck? Is he?
Oh shit, I feel him using his fingers and I know he’s using all the wetness coming from me to coat my ass.

“Has anyone ever been inside before?” he says, fingering me.

“Nobody,” I pant.

“I’m going to make you feel so good, baby. Do you trust me?”

I immediately answer, “Fuck yes!” And that’s when he slips a single finger into my ass. Holy hell, it feels fucking awesome! Jake is fingering my ass while licking my pussy, and I can’t stop the orgasm tearing through my body if I tried.

“I’m going to come, holy shit, Jake, ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” I’m so dizzy and didn’t even notice he withdrew his finger from my ass. He’s standing over me now and grabs my hips and flips me over.

“Get on all fours,” he commands.

I do what the fuck I’m told. I’m totally down and kind of loving it when he’s all bossy with me. It’s fucking hot as hell. My ass is bared to him and I’m not even a hint self-conscious like I normally would be. Nobody has ever done this to me before.
Ahhhh!” Is all I’m able to get out as he smacks my ass, grabs a hold of my cheeks, and thrust his cock inside my pussy.

“Holy shit!” I scream as he starts to pump away at a slow, rhythmic pace which has me trying to back myself up closer to him. “More please!” I’m begging and I don’t care.

“Fuck, Abby, you’re going to make me come again, baby. God damn, your pussy is so fuckin’ tight. I’m going to lose my fucking mind.” I feel him as he spreads my ass cheeks open again. He inserts one finger in, while his thrusts get faster and faster. I feel my fucking toes curl.

“HOLY FUCK, JAKE. I’m coming!” I scream and feel my pussy contract around his rock hard cock.


I feel the hot liquid shooting inside of me. I can actually feel his cock pulsating inside my pussy. I fall into a heap on the bed and he falls on top of my back. We are both panting like nobody’s business.

I can’t even move and feel spent. I also can’t breathe… “Uh, Jake, can you get off me?” He rolls over and off, and I let out a sigh of relief. I can breathe again.

“Sorry, baby, I couldn’t move for a bit,” he chuckles. “Abby, that was the hottest sight I’ve ever seen. Come here, babe.” He pulls me to him and he kisses my forehead, the tip of my nose, and then a soft kiss on my lips, whispering softly, “I love you, baby.”

I can’t stop the smile that spreads upon my face if I tried.

“I love you, too,” I whisper back, and gently peck his swollen lips.
Look at me, all mushy and shit. Who would’ve thought?

I make my way to the bathroom to clean up, and on my way back out I stop by his closet to grab a T-shirt to sleep in. I’m not normally down with sleeping naked. I notice a guitar and wonder if Jake has a secret talent that I’ve yet to discover.
I mean, why would you have a guitar if you don’t play, right?

I emerge from the closet in his T-shirt and his smile beams at me.

“Do you always have to look so fuckin’ hot? I love seeing you in my clothes.”

I get back in bed. He gets up from the bed and goes to the bathroom to clean up. Jake returns, naked, and climbs back into bed with me. I flip over on my side to snuggle into him. I rather enjoy spooning and he gets the hint. He molds himself to my body, wrapping his arms around me. I’ve never felt as loved as I do, right now, in this moment.

“Good night, Jake,” I whisper softly, feeling his arms give me a squeeze.

“Good night, Abby,” he breathes softly into my ear.



“I’m never going to let you go,”


“I do, baby, you’re the one I’ve been waiting for.”

He kisses the back of my head and sleep takes over me.

BOOK: Obsession (Stalker #1)
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