Obsidian Music (Lion Security Book 3) (17 page)

BOOK: Obsidian Music (Lion Security Book 3)
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Oh, fuck!

I grunted—doing the only thing I knew how to do to stop him—and grabbed my belly.

Pathetic, really. But I dropped my head and grimaced.

Everyone in the room stopped. Daniil included.

He came back in a rush, moving me to a chair and placing his hands on my stomach, looking all kinds of nervous as everyone around us starting yelling about what to do. Christ. I hadn’t meant to make that big of a scene. Daniil glanced up at me, and back to my stomach before his eyes slammed back up to mine. And, yeah, I couldn’t lie so well, which I had already learned, but he got the hint that I didn’t want him leaving.

“Don’t do that again,” he hissed harshly, but quietly, before standing and lifting his arms. “She’s fine. She’s fine. Everyone calm down. It was just one of the babies kicking.”

“There are three in there. It’s bound to hurt,” mom stated, rushing to my side. “You should really be off your feet. I’m going to call Dr. Wisser tomorrow.”

Daniil actually grinned at that.

Whatever, jerk. Justice, and all that for tricking him.

He still didn’t leave my side, and thank God, five minutes later Eva came into the room dressed impeccably in a red velvet gown. Her chestnut hair was perfectly brushed, her make-up fully intact, and her dress thankfully zipped. However, to the trained eye, her red lips were fuller, and her eyes were still silently dilated, and she was a little breathless even though she hid it behind a small glass of vodka she quickly proffered.

Daniil caught all of it, too. Dammit.

His arm tightened around me, but he didn’t ask. Instead, he went over to his desk as everyone spoke and quickly typed into his computer, staring at his monitor no one else could see from here. And I knew what he was doing. He didn’t need to ask because he figured he could find out from the comings and goings of his surveillance system. But…oh, oh, shit…he looked furious as he typed in something else, his narrowed eyes scanning the screen.

Silently, and slowly, he turned off the computer. And his gaze met mine.

Stash must have done a stellar job with the system. That gaze right there told me he had figured out it had been tapped into. And he didn’t like it. Nope, not one bit.

“Time to go down,” Artur stated, checking his watch. “Everyone should be here by now.”

Oh, thank you, Lord. Saved by the bell.

I scurried out of the room quickly, trying to avoid that determined look in Daniil’s eyes.

“You sure you’re okay?” Ember asked quietly.

I took the opportunity given and wrapped my arm through hers. “Just stay next to me and I will be.”

Her eyes widened, but she nodded. “Alrighty.”

The entire family descended the stairs, and I felt like a girl coming out with everyone below in their finest tuxes and dresses milling around, only to stop and stare up at us. Swiftly, all of their eyes landed on me. And my belly. I took a deep breath, and muttered, “I’m huge. Like a whale.”

Ember chuckled. “And you’re only going to get bigger.”

I snorted. “Thanks.”

She shrugged, her arm solid underneath mine, keeping me steady. “You’re welcome. I’m always the bearer of good tidings.”

I chuckled at that because she so wasn’t. “Talk to Dr. Wisser yet?” She and Grigori had planned to speak with him about their options since Ember had difficulty becoming pregnant.

She nodded. “I start Clomid treatments next week. It’s how I got pregnant with Nikki and Beth, so I’m hopeful, but the doctor seemed to have a reservation because of my,” she cleared her throat, “advanced age.”

I chuckled even harder. Ember wasn’t even thirty-five yet. “I’m sure he’ll get you two all set.” I grinned. “At least, you two get to have sex.”

Ember chuckled at that, both of us landing at the bottom of the stairs. “Yep. And you’re abstinent for a few months.” She patted my arm. “Good luck with that.”

“Wicked redheaded bitch,” I muttered behind a fake smile, as people came up to greet us.

“Crazy preggo bitch,” she answered in kind, plastering a smile on her face just as fake as mine.

Daniil stopped behind me, resting a hand possessively, and a little tightly, on the back of my neck. Yep. He wasn’t pleased. Oh, well. There wasn’t much I could currently do about that. Now, I wanted to figure out who had killed all of my bodyguards and then kidnapped me.

Fun times.

Two hours later, my cheeks hurt from smiling so much as I met so many damn Russians my head was swimming. The house was packed, but I had yet to meet anyone who I thought might have gassed everyone in a church. Not that I wouldn’t put it past most of these people since they were like… No, they were, the grand total of the Russian mob, which I was sure was giving the US a full freak out. I was pretty sure I heard the word FBI and CIA a few times in reference to the reporters that surrounded the property. I guess we had a few more guests keeping tabs than our normal around here.

Daniil had only left my side twice, and that was when he had gotten drinks for us, and now was the third time. Grigori was standing guard by my side, and I had been keeping tabs on Merc this whole while. He was here with my family, standing next to Katie, who was leaning against Artur—whoa, more surprises—and signing with my mom. I really wanted to talk with him because I noticed the glance he gave Eva at one point…who was studiously ignoring Stash, where he stood clear across the room, speaking with Zane and Brent. It was like a game of Clue—who done it. Or, rather, who done whom?

“I’ll be back in just a second,” I told Grigori, already moving away from him. “Bathroom calls.” Hell, he should believe that. I peed all the damn time now.

He nodded, sipping his drink, but I felt his eyes on me as I moved toward Merc. I was short, so everyone hid me after a certain point. I yanked Merc’s hand, jerking my head toward the hallway. His eyebrows rose, and my mom sputtered for a minute, but I shushed her and pulled Merc behind me. I wound our way through endless hallways and tons of people, and finally opened the door to the music room.

I pulled him inside and glanced up and around, finding the cameras and placing my back to them. I could hear people talking outside the door I had shut, so I hurried and started signing, “You slept with Eva.”

His eyebrows rose, and he signed back, “And?”

I scowled, signing, “You said you never sleep with hearing people.”

He sighed, nodding, but slowly, he grinned. It was a little naughty, and he shrugged, signing, “It was only a few times. She wanted nothing serious. I wanted nothing serious. It was just sex.”

I waited for a second and signed, “You don’t want anything more from her?”

He shook his head. “It was just sex.” He grinned again, and signed, “Good sex.”

I chuckled then. “Oh, I’ll never let you live that down.”

His grin widened. “I may try it again if she wants it.”

My chuckle died off. “Merc…I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

He cocked his head. “Why?”

I bit my lip and stared at my belly.

He lifted my chin lightly with his fingers, making me look into his eyes. His dark eyes scanned mine, and he signed, “She’s already with someone?”

I nodded, and started signing in a hurry, “It won’t bother you?”

He shook his head, signing, “I told you we were only having sex for the pleasure of it. Nothing more.”

I grinned. “Can you keep a secret?”

He nodded, his smirk mischievous.

“It’s not like you could tell anyone here,” I signed, laughing, and his shoulders shook. “All right. I walked in on her tonight.” I made the gestures grand. “Fucking! She didn’t see me, but she and…” I leaned forward, “she and Stash were going at it.” I fanned myself. “It was pretty damn hot. And I think it’s been going on for some time.” I paused. “Daniil is going to want to know, but,” I paused, “he’s her dad. And dads can be scary, as it is. Daniil’s the scariest dad out there. I think her and Stash might have a chance if no one bothers them. What should I do?”

Merc stood there thumping his leg with his thumb and finally shook his head, signing, “Don’t lie to him. That’s never the option.”

I sighed, knowing he would say that. I hugged him, and pushed him toward the door, signing, “You always know what’s right.”

He grinned, walking backward toward the door. “You know, I don’t always do what’s right. Now that I’ve had sex with a hearing person,” his grinned widened, “if you weren’t taken, I always thought…” He stopped abruptly, his smile dropping as he stared over my shoulder.

I stilled and ever so slowly turned to the side.

Daniil and Grigori stood in the room right outside a damn hidden door. Grigori’s face was blank, but Daniil’s eyebrows rose, and he stared at Merc, saying and signing at the same time in a lazy motion, “Oh, please. Do continue what you were going to say.”

I turned toward Merc, and signed, “Get the fuck out.”

Mercs jaw hardened, and he looked past me, signing, “I was only joking around. We’ve been friends since we were small. She knew I was kidding.”

“Wonderful,” Daniil stated, walking forward slowly, talking, and signing. “Now, do as she said and get the fuck out.”

“Daniil,” I hissed. “He was only kidding.” Hell, everyone here knew that.

Daniil’s calm broke, and he yelled and signed at the same time, “Whether he was joking or not, it doesn’t mean that I want to fucking see it. Have you already forgotten how my wife had behaved?”

I blinked, realizing I had scared him. Glancing at Merc, I signed, “You need to go.”

He nodded, signing, “I’m sorry. I meant no disrespect. That won’t happen again.”

“Just go,” Daniil yelled.

Merc nodded again, and left quickly, shutting the door quietly behind him.

Daniil took in a deep breath and glanced at Grigori, who was still standing there quietly. “Did you catch all of that?”

Mutely, Grigori nodded.

“Then go keep an eye on,” he hissed, “Stash.” He paused. “But don’t make it obvious. I want to find out how the fucker got past my security system.”

“With pleasure,” Grigori muttered, quickly exiting the room through the hidden door.

I stood there, not really knowing what to do. Daniil was furious. And all because of some previous baggage. Not to mention, he had eavesdropped on my private conversation with Merc. I wasn’t sure if I should feel bad or pissed. I was a little of both.

Daniil and I stood, staring at one another.

He was silent, using that as his weapon.

Which worked damn well. I couldn’t take the silence. I stated slowly, “I’m not her. You’ve already said that before. Don’t expect me to do things that she did. You are more than enough for me.” I paused, and ground out, “Which means you need to have a little fucking trust in me, and not go around sneaking into rooms when I’m having a private fucking discussion.”

His jaw set. And stayed that way, his nose crinkling as he stared at the door Merc had gone through.

I muttered, “Daniil. I don’t want him that way. He’s only a friend.” Jealousy really didn’t suit him.

He turned back to me, growling, “Do you know how many women have hit on me tonight? I’ve lost track with how many numbers I’ve had thrown away. And while I ignore every single one of them, because I’m not fucking interested, you run off the first chance you get and drag a man into an empty room. What the hell was I supposed to think?”

That stopped me. And, really, I only heard one part of it. I practically exploded, shouting, “Which fucking woman gave you her damn number?” I started marching toward the door, pointing back at him. “Tell me right now!”

Daniil blinked, and suddenly, he lunged, grabbing me by the shoulders. He jerked me back when I had almost made it to the door. I felt myself panting as a dangerous, possessive feeling crept inside me, practically boiling my brain. I screamed, “Who the fuck hit on you?”

“Shh… Shit, I’m sorry, my sweet.” Daniil tried to calm me, wrapping me in his arms. “It doesn’t matter. I shouldn’t have said that. Calm down.”

“I. Will. Not. Calm. Down!” I punctuated each hiss with a jab to his hard chest. “Some damn bitch out there,” I paused, and restated, “Multiple bitches think they can take what’s mine. Just tell me which ones! I’ll take care of them.” Oh, hell yes, I would.

BOOK: Obsidian Music (Lion Security Book 3)
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