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confirmed her suspicion.

* * * *

Standing in the middle of a wide open carpeted area, she had a few

choices. The base facility had two clubs in this building, along with a

small casino and a dining area at the other end. She could go back in

through the door to where Rosa was dancing, or she could go through

the other door and see what was happening in the club next door.

Then there was the usual, go to the casino and waste a little bit of time

and money. Tired of the usual, she walked through the other club's

doorway and made her way to the bar for another drink.

This room had a row of booths along the wall that were all

occupied. Peoples' laughter and loud conversations filled the room

while they munched on the baskets of food sitting in front of them.


The center of the room had small round tables and chairs that were

filled with drinks and people sitting around talking. Full stools lined

the bar, leaving Paige no place to sit. She located where the line

began for drinks. She waited for her turn to order her drink.

Inconspicuous, the taller men never even noticed her behind them.

While waiting, the DJ began his monologue and called the first

person up and handed him the microphone. The song popped up on

the screen and everyone cheered when the tall lanky man wearing a

baggy t-shirt and jeans began singing along to the words scrolling

across the monitor. Way off key, he sang on while the group laughed

and hollered, encouraging their fellow soldier.

Paige bought her drink and found a place to stand, leaning against

the support beam that ran from ceiling to floor near the center of the

room. With a smile on her face at the singer's antics, she tipped the

beer to her lips. The cold liquid slid down her throat. Her tense

shoulder muscles began to relax. Then she was nudged from behind.

A warm breath fell across her neck, close to her ear. "Hi, why aren't

you over there dancing with your friend?"

The sound of his husky voice sent a slight shiver down her spine.

Glancing over her shoulder, she saw bright blue eyes and a perfect

smile grinning at her. She felt the heat from his body.

He stood close, not quite touching her.

Shrugging, she turned slightly to acknowledge him. "I wanted to

see what was going on over here." She lied. She really wasn't over

there dancing because no one had asked her to dance and she didn't

have the balls to get out on the dance floor alone like Rosa could do.

"Not much going on in here, other than him screaming into the

microphone." Nodding towards the man jumping around in the crowd,

he smiled and his dimples showed.

There was no stage in this bar. The DJ booth was in the corner and

elevated off the floor just a bit so he could see out over the crowd.

The room was small and crowded with the hundred or so men and a

handful of women who jostled each other while the singer moved

among them. He was butchering the song, but it didn't matter to

anyone. They were having fun.


Paige couldn't think of a response and nodded her head with a

smile. Glancing back in time to see him turn to one of the men who

had just came up behind him. Their greetings and shoulder bumps

were lost in the ending of the song. The crowd gave the singer a

round of rowdy applause, hollers and whistles. Mr. Dimples moved

away without another word. Disappointed yet again, Paige lifted her

beer and took a long swig. What did she expect?

Turning, the sea of men was thick and she had to tap them on the

shoulder and put her hand on their waist to squeeze through the throng

of hard bodied, young men. She moved quickly, trying to keep from

being stepped on or knocked over. If Rosa had been with her, they

would have parted and given her a clear path. But no, that wasn't

happening with her, she felt invisible.

She thought it rude, but with no other choice, she pushed her way

through and headed back into the other club. Rosa noticed her come

through the doorway and raised her long slender arm to get Paige's

attention. She had moved to the other side of the room and stood

sipping her drink with a group of men. When she raised her arm, the

men all turned expectantly. Paige could almost read their sighs of

disappointment when they saw who Rosa waved at.

Looking down at her feet, Paige wished she had taken the time to at

least have changed out of her work clothes. The jeans, button up shirt

and hiking boots were fine for running all over base chasing down

inventory parts, but not for the bar scene. How did she expect to

dance if anyone asked with her wearing hiking boots? Well, not like

that was gonna happen anyway.

She had only brought sensible work clothes on the trip. She hadn't

thought to pack party clothes like Rosa had. She didn't have high

heels; she never wore them, not even when she was home. The base

store sold clothing, but nothing Paige would have worn. The girls

who wore the type sold at the BX were in their twenties. There was

no way she would be caught dead in some of the stuff they wore, plus

she didn't think it was appropriate wear for her. Over forty, she felt

like their mother. Rosa was closer to their age at thirty and could get

away with wearing those kinds of clothes. But not Paige or she didn't


think she could anyway. Her mood quickly moved towards the dark


The men in the bar were young military guys, mostly in their

twenties, with a few older men who were apparently out for an

evening away from their families. This base allowed dependents to

live onsite, and from what she had seen, most of the older men wore

wedding rings. Those who didn't had more than likely slipped them

into their pockets hoping to get lucky, which didn't make sense to

Paige. The women who were in the bar were married to the men

stationed there, or were in the military themselves. So, they were

risking their marriage and possibly their career if they cheated.

Paige couldn't completely let her guard down. If she screwed up it

would affect her job. She was not going to be the cause of an

incident. She was on base representing her company and her own

pride wouldn't allow her to make a fool of herself or have anyone

think badly of her.

Rosa didn't have that problem. Her husband didn't care what she

did as long as it didn't affect his career and she wasn't responsible for

reporting to any of the upper staff on the contract or to the bases

commanding officers. She could relax and go play.

Again, a bit of envy slipped through her mind. Paige watched Rosa

with her arm slung across the shoulders of the men she flirted with.

Laughing and smiling while they talked, she reveled at being the

center of attention.

Pushing her way once again through the men and women who

surrounded the dance floor, Paige headed over to Rosa. One of the

men stood and offered her his bar stool.

She smiled her thanks. Stepping onto the bottom ring, she raised

her butt and sat graceful, but rigidly on the edge of the seat as her feet

dangled; another one of the irritations of being short.

Like she expected, Rosa didn't introduce her. She wasn't being

rude, Rosa just tended to be a little scatter brained at times since all

the attention was immediately diverted back to her. Two of the men

were pushing one another, arguing playfully over who was going to

dance with her next.


One of the men sitting at the table leaned over, his hand held out

and in front of Paige. "Hi, I'm Ben." His big hand enveloped hers in a

warm and surprisingly strong grip.

"Hi, Ben, I'm Paige, nice to meet you." She smiled, speaking

loudly to be heard over the music. He introduced her to everyone at

the table. They all lifted their beers in a mock salute and smiled while

continuing their own conversations.

"Where are you from?" Ben scooted his chair over and leaned


Paige wanted to laugh. He was barely old enough to be enlisted, let

alone be drinking. He reminded her of her youngest son with his baby

smooth face and scattering of pimples. "Texas, you?"

"I thought I detected a hint of an accent there." Ben smiled.

"Houston actually."

"Ahhhh no." Paige shook her head in mock disappointment.

"Dallas here."

He leaned back shaking his head too. "That's too bad."

The running rivalry between Houston and Dallas was funny. No

apparent reason, but it made for some fun jabs back and forth at one

another. Rosa had disappeared once again, Paige assumed out on the

floor, but instead, she spotted her on the other side talking with the

blonde guy she had danced with first, Mr. Dimples.

The kid beside her was doing his best to try to keep up an

intelligent conversation, but with little to no life experience, there

wasn't much he could talk about except boot camp and his job in

training as a mechanic on the flight line.

Paige smiled and held up her end of the conversation politely. She

had been around military bases enough that she had a good handle on

what he was talking about. But she was ready to go. The night was

boring and she should be studying. She really didn't know what she

had expected. This, she glanced around the club, was not her cup of

tea. It was either extremely young men or the way over the hill men

who came to talk to her in settings like this. Not that she was looking

for some hot middle aged guy to come sweep her away. After all, she

was married and loved her husband. She had transferred to a


temporary position in Korea six months early, and then when her

bosses had promoted her, they moved her to a temporary assignment

in Japan. Six months of not seeing her husband was beginning to take

its toll, making her feel a bit lonely.

The affair her husband had a couple years earlier weighed heavily

on her mind. She had forgiven his indiscretion and they had moved

on. Giving herself a mental shake, she had to let her stray thoughts

go. Just because she was lonely didn't mean she had any intentions of

cheating, she knew just wanted some mature companionship.

Ben said something, but she didn't hear since she was lost in her

own thoughts. Without another word, he got up and walked away.

The other men, she had already forgotten their names closed ranks,

but still talked to one another instead of acknowledging her. Not one

to butt into a conversation, or really start one on her own; she sat and

listened to their stories and jabs at one another. Smiling or frowning

at whatever they were saying, she remained quiet.

After a while, her beer was gone and she wanted another one.

Slipping off the seat, completely unnoticed, she once again stood in

line and paid for her drink. The bartender winked at her.

She smiled back. He was good looking she admitted to herself.

With the way his hair was spiked on top, the small goatee growing on

his chin, and the spacers in his ears, he was definitely not military.

Although she had to admit, his body was cut with muscles in all the

right spots. She watched him moving around behind the bar. A few

of his mannerisms made her wonder if he swung for the other team.

Not that it mattered to her. She took her beer and stood by the corner

of the bar and watched the dance floor with a grin at her wayward


Rosa was dancing with a group of women now, the men on and

around the polished wooden floor nudged others, all motioning in the

women's direction. One of the girls scooted around and came up

behind Rosa, running her hands along her arms and down her sides.

Rosa looked over her shoulder and smiled, backed up to the shorter

girl. Then to Paige's surprise, Rosa turned around and wrapped her

arms around the girl and they danced, rubbing the front of their bodies


against one another to the beat of the music. Their hands were all

over each other. The other girls in the group laughed and began

imitating them. But they couldn't compare to the sexuality Rosa


Paige could not take her eyes off the two women, and neither could

the bar full of men. The girl turned in Rosa's arms, her back to her.

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