Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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“Stefan, take off your clothes.  Please,” she whispered eagerly.  “I want…”
I leered at her for a moment and raised an eyebrow in response to her brazen request.  I had her exactly where I wanted her: she was nearly naked on her bed and writhing in need for me.
Yes, this was all for me.  It would be my reward for my perseverance and persistence.
“As you wish.”  My voice was deep as I tugged my shirt over my head swiftly and let it drop carelessly from my fingers.  I unbuttoned my jeans and my fingers moved slowly as they lowered the zipper tine by tine…enjoying every moment of her eager anticipation.  Not wanting to draw out the torture for too long, I pushed them over my hips and let the denim fall around my feet.  I stood unashamedly naked for her approval, watching as the bright jade darkened to a deep emerald green, her pupils dilating in response.  Her eyes shamelessly moved over my chest, widening as they finally came to rest on my cock.
It was then I grinned and quipped playfully, “Do you like what you see, Josephine?”
Chapter Six- Reality Check
She did not answer me.  Instead, she crawled across the bed and rose up on her knees to rest her shaking hands against my chest.  Her eyes were sparkling as she pressed her palms against me, her nails dragging around my nipples and further down to trace over the muscles of my stomach.  Her fingers began the same journey upwards, only this time her mouth and tongue alternately licked and kissed across my flesh, leaving a blazing trail behind every touch.  Her eyes met mine again and she descended again, her teeth nipping playfully along my jaw.  She stopped and her nose grazed the length of my neck, laving my earlobe and running the tip of her tongue over the shell of my ear.
Her touch was so incredibly gentle.  I had not felt this much tenderness in nearly a millennia.  I needed more, craved to feel it again.
She was playing with fire and I could take no more.  I longed to lose myself in all of the pleasures her body had to offer.  I had waited so long for this…
My hands snaked into her hair and drew her lips back to mine.  Our mouths met once again and she playfully bit on my bottom lip before I aggressively took control.  My tongue darted into her mouth, curling around hers.  It was an all-consuming kiss, fueled by pure, raw want and her unbridled passion.  I could have spent hours simply kissing her until I felt her hands grasp my cock, stroking me from base to tip with a flick of her wrist.  Now simply a kiss would not be enough.  I wanted more.
Her bold touch unhinged me and my uncontrollable need forced my lips from hers.  Without thinking, I pushed her to the bed, her hair spilling around her wildly.  I only regretted my forcefulness for a moment until I saw her face… her eyes blazed darkly; they were wild and feral as they watched me inch my way onto the bed.  It was my turn to play…and it was my mouth and hands that explored the planes of her flat stomach and caress the curve of her full breasts.  I lowered against her at the same time my mouth covered one of her nipples.  The heat of her body warmed me instantly and her taste was like honey, cloying and addictive.
Driven by pure instinct, my mouth continued its sensual assault until her nipple pebbled under my tongue.  My ministrations did not stop.  My human teeth nibbled across her shoulder and against her throat until our lips met again in a deep, wet kiss that was as tender as it was desperate.
Josephine pulled away and her lips were swollen and moist, her cheeks flushed.  Her entire body was trembling below me.  “Stefan…please.”
Her simple words made everything slow down.  Yes, I was eager to take her, yet I wanted to savor her, cherish every moment the first time we made love.  I had never truly seduced a woman.  There had never been a reason.  My conquests were either with other vampires who simply fucked to fuck, or the coupling with humans had been simply to satisfy my need and hunger.  This experience was new and profound.  I discovered I wanted to please her, to enjoy every bit of indulgence I could bestow on her.
  My fingers drifted over the front of her panties, feeling the wetness that had soaked the thin satin.  As I teased her, she bucked against my hand impatiently.  Her head arched back against the bed, exposing the entire column of her elegant neck.  It took every bit of willpower I possessed not to sink my fangs there, to drink the sweet elixir of her blood…to taste her in every way.
“So impatient.”  I continued to brush my mouth over her throat and neck, inhaling the perfumed scent of her skin.  She tasted strongly of blood here, her paper-thin skin barely concealing the pulse point that throbbed underneath my tongue.  It was that moment her warm hand wrapped around me again, squeezing my entire shaft sensuously.  The combination of the heat and her soft grip shattered the last of my crumbling control.
Overcome with my pure need of her, a low growl reverberated in my chest.  My hand was trembling as it grasped her face, holding it reverently.  Our eyes met and my thumb gently stroked across her cheekbone before I kissed her with more force than I had before.  I pulled her tongue deeper into my mouth as my other hand inched down her stomach to roughly grip her hip.  My fingers snaked around the side of her panties and I impatiently ripped the fabric away with a quick snap of my wrist, my hands stroking the outside of her wet pussy.  She was completely aroused, breathing in pants and gasps.  Her legs shuddered each time my fingers caressed her swollen clit.
For the first time in my life, I relished each soft moan and moment of her ardent desire.  I lifted my lips from hers to kiss my way back down to her breasts, rolling my tongue around each nipple until they hardened into tight peaks.
“You have no idea how desirable you are.  Or how long I have waited to see you like this,” I whispered.  It was the truth.  I had spent countless nights imagining this moment, but nothing could have prepared me for the emotion building within me.  She was an intoxicating mixture of innocence and seductress…and even though my control was shattered, I was not ready to surrender just yet.  The pads of my fingers resumed their path down her luscious body at a remarkably slow pace until they met her hipbones.  My hands grasped the inside of her thighs, pressing them open as wide as possible.
My tongue darted out when I saw her wet sex completely open and ready for me.  Her thighs were slick with her mouthwatering juices, her pussy swollen and begging for me.
In my long life, I had never been so aroused.  My cock throbbed, aching to bury myself in her depths…but first, first I had to taste her.
“Fucking beautiful,” I mumbled, placing an open-mouthed kiss against her clit, letting my tongue simply taste her.  There was nothing I could compare the flavor of her to; she was sweet and spicy, more delectable than her blood ever would be.  It was if I was starving for her taste; my lips moved to kiss the inside of each thigh all the way to the crease on the side of her folds, tracing my tongue along her wetness.  Finally, I took one long lick from her entrance to return to her clit, twirling my tongue hungrily around it.
“Josephine,” I murmured against her tenderly.  Her eyes flickered to focus on me and they were nearly black, hooded with desire.  She arched against me, moaning from the combination of my eyes watching her and my mouth and fingers pleasuring her.  Her hands frantically grasped at the covers and her head thrashed against the pillows.
She was wild and uncontrollable, uttering incoherent words as I took her with my mouth.  She writhed against me, her hips bucking against my face as my tongue delved deep within her.  I was merciless with her, using my thumbs to hold her folds open and to tease her clit.  She was close to reaching orgasm and I backed off, replacing my tongue with two of my fingers, slowly sliding them into the tight sheath that hugged me like a second skin.
“I do not know if I can stop,” I moaned against her, my fingers rhythmically curling up against her slick walls.  She was fantastically tight and wet…and ready for more.
“Don't stop,” she replied desperately.  “Ever.  Please….please.”
Her words floored me, causing a moment of hesitation.  I had loved this creature for 200 years, and it was her heartfelt, broken words that tore into my very soul.
I was no longer driven by desire alone.  For me, this was a culmination of everything I had anticipated and my movements became sensual as I pressed my body against her, slipping one of my hands between us to guide my hard cock into her at an almost agonizingly slow pace, giving not only her time to adjust to my size, but also allowing me a moment to gather myself from the ecstasy of the moment.
When I was fully sheathed inside of her, I stilled above her.  My body yearned for release simply by being enveloped in such tight, blazing heat.  I pressed a kiss to her lips before I withdrew and plunged back in, my thrusts shallow and slow.
It was sensory overload.  Her engulfing warmth, her slick, tight pussy gripping and tugging me deeper…if I met my final death at this moment, I would have no regrets.  I was finally complete.
“Stefan, I need you to fuck me… I can't…I need you…I need this,” Josephine implored hoarsely and clutched at my arms, her nails digging into my flesh.  Her growing desire fueled my own and I could no longer be gentle.
I snapped and forgot everything except the woman in my arms.  My movements became precise and systematic.  I shackled her wrists in my hands.  I withdrew my cock completely, only to slam back inside of her as I growled with desperation.  I repeated the motion until she boldly begged me for more.  When I refused, she dragged her legs back and slightly tilted her hips, drawing me closer and giving her the friction she needed.
We were wild, lost in this moment and one another.  Grabbing her ankle and throwing it over my shoulder, I groaned at the new sensation of fully burying myself inside of her wet sex.
“You will be the death of me,” I muttered as I maintained my slow, powerful strokes inside of her.  Her walls fluttered around me and I could feel myself slowly coming apart at the seams, one thread at a time.
“Stefan...I need to come,” she cried.  The voice coming out of her mouth was raw, brazen, and demanding.  It only increased the fire that was burning through me like wildfire, threatening to consume me completely.
Releasing her wrists, her hands shot up to fist in my hair, dragging my face down to reclaim my lips with her own, her tongue pushing forcefully inside of my mouth.  She had no idea what her wanton need brought out in me, and I responded by driving faster inside of her.  Her skin was covered with a slick sheen of sweat, her body flushed from exertion.  She responded eagerly with breathless pleas and her raspy voice chanting my name.  It was when her back rose off the bed and she began to rhythmically clench around my cock that waves of ecstasy flowed through me.
“Come for me, Josephine,” I murmured against her lips.  My hand slipped between us to circle her clit, watching in pleasure as her eyes lost focus and she tumbled over the edge.  Her nails dug into the skin on my back, leaving long, painful scratches in their wake.
BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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