Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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How long had I been lost in my memory?  When I looked away from my laptop, her green eyes were watching me curiously.
“What exactly were you thinking about?” she asked innocently.  Her devilish smile was anything but naïve.  She knew exactly where my mind had been.
“You, me and the shower,” I answered softly.  I attempted to refocus back on answering e-mails from my attorney and business associates, but my mind was now preoccupied with ways to get her naked and back in that very shower.
She let out a deep, wistful sigh. “That was a good day.”
Calling the day good was an understatement.  I smiled and leaned to kiss her forehead.  “It was.  Now finish what you are working on.” 
It was late and Josephine was tucked onto the couch next to me with one of her journals, scribbling away as I daydreamed under the guise of working.  She was exquisite…her hair was almost dry, loose and untouched around her. She was clad in only her silk robe, engrossed and intent on whatever she was writing.  Every now and again, she would pause to look out the window and then refocus, putting the pen back to paper.
Instead of finishing up my work, I was caught in the snare of her beauty when I found her jade eyes upon my face.  I was lost to her, a fool for her love.  She had managed to force herself into every facet of my mind.  Something as simple as her smile turned me inside out and it was only getting worse… or better depending on how one looked at it.
Her voice was smooth and slightly smoky.  The timbre alone sent chills down my spine. "Josephine?"
She bit her lip.  Then a sinful little grin spread across her lips, turning her expression quite feline in nature.  When she looked at me like that, the oddest feeling of familiarity rushed over me.  Those eyes, that look…I had seen it before.
"Now I can't concentrate…" she started, trying to act coy but failing miserably.  She ran the tip of the pen over her plump lower lip.
"Ah.  And why would that be?" I was mesmerized at the elegant flip of her wrist as she dragged the pen down her chin and tapped it gently.
"It’s you.  Your memory was so strong…and now I can't write. You're too much of a distraction," she admitted, a slight flush tinting her cheeks.  The pen cap began tracing a torturous path across her lip again.
As much as I enjoyed seeing her act so brazen, I loved to see her skin redden more.  It meant that we would both be unclothed soon.  "A distraction?" I questioned as I closed the laptop lid and moved from my side of the couch to sit at her feet. "Should I leave?"
"No!"  Josephine tossed the journal and pen aside and sat up, toying with the stands of my hair.  Her emerald eyes gleamed as her hands dropped lower to my shoulders. "When you're here, all I can think about is you.  And I'm...I'm not used to...to feeling like this."
She struggled with her emotions.  She was skittish, frightened.  Had someone damaged this part of her? 
"If it is any help, I have never felt this either, vackra." I longed to close the small distance between us, to crush her mouth with mine.  Instead, I gave her space and slowly began to unbutton my shirt.  It was enough of a distraction for us both.
"Never?  I find that hard to believe," she whispered.  She was perfectly in sync with me.  Already, she was sitting up onto her knees as she watched my fingers move with expectation.
"Why would you find it difficult to believe?"  I questioned, my eyebrow inclining sharply as I took my shirt off and let it drop from my fingers.  I was losing my urge to speak.  My body surged with its need to take her.
"You've seen so much," she explained as she untied the sash around her robe.  "And how can I compare to that?  Or to anyone else?"
And there it was.  She had voiced one of her biggest fears just as the robe opened slightly…just enough to see a sliver of her luscious flesh.  She was pure temptation; the space between her breasts, her flat stomach, and her blessedly exposed pussy waited for me.  It was all mine for the taking.
I shifted closer to her and parted her robe more, giving me full access to her plump breasts.  Cupping them with my hands, the heaviness of them was delightful.  My cool skin caused goosebumps to rise on her flesh, her nipples pebbling slightly.
"Would you like to know what I think?" I whispered before I dipped my head down and kissed her left nipple. "You think more than what is necessary." I switched sides, laving her right nipple with my tongue and bringing my head level to hers.  My eyes scanned her worried face.  I wanted to erase the uneasiness away from her mind.  "And there is no need to worry about trivial things.  There is no other woman that matters.  They are nothing to me….and you….you are everything I never knew I wanted.”
Releasing her breasts, I pushed the robe over her shoulders and kissed her waiting lips before the silk fell at her knees.
I reached down to touch her naked slit and ran my finger along the slippery wetness. She groaned softly and her head rolled to the side, her long throat exposed to me.  As I admired her silky skin, I let my thumb find her clit and rubbed gently, relishing the arousal that coated my hand.  Her breasts rose and fell with every deep shuddering breath she took. I could hear the exhale of air pushing through her parted lips and it was spellbinding.
Her hands moved across my bare chest, taking their time when they crossed my nipples.  She dragged her fingers down my chest and stomach until she found the button on my jeans.  She slipped the brass through the hole and slowly pulled down the zipper.
I gathered both of her hands in mine, stopping her advances.  There would be no removal of my pants.  If I did, all of my feeble control would be lost.  "Not until you fall apart for me."
"Mmm," she said breathily.  She leaned closer for a second and her tongue licked up my neck, stopping only to place a kiss at the corner of my mouth.  I was amazed at how quickly she turned from ingénue to seductress.  She knew exactly how to please me like no other woman before.
If I had my way, there would be no woman after her.  She was my fated, my mate.
She closed her eyes as she let my fingers explore her.  While one hand was happily thumbing and rubbing at her clit, the other slipped inside of her and was engulfed by her raging heat.  Her breathing became more erratic the faster my fingers plunged inside of her.  She moaned and thrashed as both of my relentless hands worked her over.  As she grew more inflamed, my cock pressed up against the tines of my zipper and I hissed out in pain… yet it was worth it to see her lost in bliss like this.
Josephine steadied herself on my shoulders, the pads of her fingertips digging into my skin.  I could feel her beginning to shake and quiver, the queue that her orgasm would be coming soon. Her walls grew tighter around me, her wetness soaking my hand.  Soon enough, her breathing hitched as her walls sucked my fingers further into her depths.
She tossed her head wildly and let out a long moan before releasing onto my waiting fingers.  She dropped her forehead onto my shoulder as I slowly withdrew my slick fingers.  Unable to resist, I licked them clean.  Her taste was unlike anything else, intoxicating and tantalizing.
She shuddered equally at the loss of my touch and at the brashness of my actions.  That unguarded reaction unhinged me.  She had inadvertently shown me more than she had intended.  She may be unable to admit it, but she loved me.
Those thoughts were quickly pushed to the side as my aching cock was screaming to be set free.  Just when I thought I would crumble before I had even buried myself inside of her, a pair of small nimble hands were carefully pulling down my jeans, until the fabric was around my knees. I growled deeply when she reached down the front of my pants and wrapped her fingers timidly around my cock.  It throbbed in the warmth of her hand and the electricity of her touch.
This woman would be the death of me, one way or the other.
Josephine looked up at me through her thick fringe of eyelashes.  With a quirk of her lips, she released me and the boxers were tugged down as well.  I groaned when the much cooler air finally hit me and her hands encircled me again; rubbing my length and her wet, pink tongue snaking across her swollen lips in anticipation.
She quickly rid me of my remaining clothing and bounded back on my lap.  It was then that I took a look at the woman before me waiting to be fucked.  She was naked and straddling me, her wet pussy hovering above my shaft.  Her beautiful, wavy copper hair tickled her shoulders and traced the tops of her exquisite breasts.
She was a goddess reincarnated.  That had to explain my infatuation with her…it was more than fate and destiny.
A surge of possessiveness stabbed at my long-dead heart.  She was female sensuality personified, and she was mine.  She smiled as she read my inner thoughts and slowly, teasingly she lowered herself over me, swallowing me whole inch by agonizing inch.  The sweet torture had only just begun, and I responded by savagely grabbing her ass and pulling her to me, capturing her lips and kissing her deeply.  My tongue explored her mouth until hers twisted lazily with mine.  When she let out a lustful moan, my hips rose and until they met hers.
She began to move over me, grinding and plunging herself over me repeatedly.  Her back arched erotically and her hair spilled down her back.  Her movements were gracefully sensual and I decided it would not matter how many times I had her.   Each time would be bliss.  It had taken me nearly 1,000 years to find it…to find this, but I was finally here and was unwilling to leave.
Her wet warm walls begged me to push further, and I did not deny her.  My hands moved her at an inhuman speed over me and she cried out, clawing at my shoulders.
I was not finished with her yet. "Touch yourself, Josephine," I snarled.  It was a struggle to not lose myself completely every time we made love.  I wanted to own her, to make her mine for an eternity.  One day…I would turn her.  We could be like this forever, spending centuries simply exploring one another.
Her ebony eyes met mine, and there was no hesitation as her finger dropped between the valley of her breasts.  Feeling every bit the voyeur, her stimulating display ended when her hands fell below her stomach and two fingers toyed with her clit.  Her lips parted slightly as her they picked up speed.  She constricted tightly around me and drove me to the edge of insanity.  "Ah, that is beautiful.  Now come for me.  Come all over my cock, my goddess."
BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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