Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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I had caused this mess by not communicating with her.  Our time together had been brief, and it would take more than an apology to win back her affection.  I would give her time, even though it killed me inside.  I would allow her to come to me…to give her the space to realize she loved and needed me.
It was after sunset when I emerged from my room, clutching my new cell phone.  The house was unusually quiet.  Lukas had given me my space since his heated outburst earlier in the day.  As much as I hated to admit it, he had given me only truthful advice, and I could not fault him for his honesty.  It was one of the reasons I chose to turn him all those years ago.
Powering on the phone, I fell to the sofa and stretched my legs across the coffee table.  The tiny white apple appeared on the black screen until finally, a generic wallpaper greeted me.  I was ready to toss it aside when the phone chimed, alerting me to unheard voice mails.
They were all from either Josephine or Lukas, each one increasing in urgency.  I cringed when I heard the growing tension in her voice.
I was ready to delete them all when I heard the time and date stamp on the final message.  She had left it only two hours earlier.
“Stefan.  It's Josie.  Please call me.  I'm sorry.  Please...call...” her tear-filled words choked into the phone. “Oh god.  I…I just found your note.  I...I didn't know.  I'm so stupid.  So very fucking stupid.”
My lifeless heart leapt.  She had found the note. 


I would be lying if I said I was not apprehensive about our reunion.  I had hurt her, and she had said things that had wounded my pride.  However, was I unwilling to let a misunderstanding ruin how I felt about her.  This woman had been the first—and would be the only—to ever make me know what it was to feel love.
No one ever claimed that being in love was easy.
It was late when I came upon her house, my headlights illuminating the long gravel drive as I made the turn.  I drove slowly, with hope and anticipation burning through me.
I switched off the engine and unfolded myself from the seat.  Even though I wanted to run to her, I had to wait for her to come to me.  If this was to be worked out, she had to be the one that would make the first move.  I had tried it my way and had failed miserably.  I leaned against the side of my car and waited, staring off into the darkness.
I heard the creak of the door as she flung it open.  She stood motionless in the doorway, the light from her villa illuminating her from behind.  She looked like an angel in the soft glow that surrounded her.
I shoved my hands into my pockets and held her penetrating gaze.  It hurt to see her like this, so unsure of herself.  Just when I thought she would never move, she launched herself through the doorway and ran barefoot across the gravel, her long hair flying out behind her.  She collapsed against me, wrapping her arms around me and fisting her hands in the back of my t-shirt.  Her face burrowed into my chest and she released a gut-wrenching sob.  Without thinking, my arms automatically surrounded her, our bodies reconnecting and molding together as if we had never been apart.
“Josephine…” I whispered brokenly.  “Ah, Josephine.”
“I'm sorry, Stefan.  I didn't know.  I didn't find your note.  I…” her voice was muffled as she spoke against my chest.
“Shhh.  No more talking right now.  We would not want Georgia to come over, would we?” I whispered mischievously in her ear.
She laughed weakly, remembering when she was the one telling me not to talk.  It seemed like a lifetime ago to me.
Perhaps it was another lifetime.  Perhaps we could start again, on equal ground.
“I'm sorry.  I should have let you explain,” she admitted, looking up into my eyes. She took a deep breath.  “I love you.  I don't want another minute to pass without telling you.”
“As I love you, vackra.  It is a misunderstanding.  This is the part where I forgive you and we move on.  I think I read that is what one does in a situation like this.  It was good advice from a cheesy romance novel, yes?”
She pulled her head away from mine to look at me with disbelief.  Her mind was open to me again, and she was amazed that I was willing to forget all the horrible things she had said to me and act as if nothing had happened.  She wondered why it was so easy for me to love and absolve her…and if the power of forgiveness was one of my superpowers.
Gazing into her eyes, a wry smile pulled at the corner of my lips.  In one fluid motion, I cradled her face in my hands and covered her lips with mine.  And in that moment, it was like the first time I kissed her.  The world could have ended around us and it would not have mattered.  A low moan slipped past her lips, a husky helpless sound that unleashed a throbbing desire inside of me as we embraced.
I grudgingly pulled away, pressing my forehead against hers lightly.  My voice was soft when I began to speak. “There is much we need to discuss, Josephine.  And if I do not stop now, there will be no talking.”
“When did you become the serious, level headed one, Romeo?”
Her sharp mental retort amused me.  Long buried laughter resounded in my chest as I swept her into my arms and carried her into the villa.  I sat down on the couch and held her in my arms, unwilling to release her.  She made no attempt to move, simply nestling closer and resting her head upon my shoulder.
“It is not a super power, Josephine.  I love you and I want no one else but you.  For me, it is simple. There is nothing to forgive; it was a misunderstanding. 
should have told you that I was being forced to go instead of leaving you a note. 
could have called you to explain.”  I exhaled a slow breath, my eyes narrowing dangerously as I thought of Derek and the Council.  “Fucking vampire bullshit.”
“I could have listened to you that night at Anna's house.  I didn’t even let you explain.  I was so angry and hurt, Stefan. My greatest fear came true when I woke up alone and had no idea what happened to you.  I thought you left me...” Josephine said, her voice lowering an octave.  The memories of our time apart flashed through her mind.  Her feeling of abandonment was still fresh and was painful for her to think about.  I could feel her anguish as if it were my own.
My hand smoothed up and down her arm softly.  It was time I told her the truth about who I was.  I had not decided how much I was going to disclose.  “I had to leave, Josephine.  I had no choice in the matter.  It is part of my obligation.”
She lifted her head from my shoulder and her brow was furrowed.  “Your obligation?”
“Let me explain to you what happened the morning I left.  You were sleeping and I received a text message from the Board.  One of the Council members was acting carelessly and his behavior was threatening to expose our existence.  That is what you would call a 'no-no' for us,” I explained.  I paused as I gathered my thoughts and chose to vaguely describe my position.  “As an Enforcer, I had to convince Derek it was in his best interest to not continue his actions.  We finally reached an agreement.”
“An Enforcer?” Josephine questioned.  Her internal musings were on the mark.  She wondered if I simply pulled an offender’s arms off if they did not agree to my way of thinking.  Even stranger, she found herself becoming aroused thinking of me in various states of undress as I performed my duties.
“It does not usually get that severe.  It requires persuasion and at times a nudge in the right direction.  It helps to be able to see their true intentions.” I smirked and tapped the side of my temple dryly.  “This is my life, Josephine.  Until the night I found you, it was extremely dark. You must understand that at any time I might have to leave again.  When the Administrative Board places you in a position, you do not get to choose.  It is considered to be an honor by most and you serve until you are removed or you meet your final death.”
She settled closer against me, pressing her lips against my neck in a gentle kiss.  She ran her nose over my skin and inhaled deeply. “I take it you don't like what you do.”
“No. I do not.” A strained smile broke over my face that didn't reach my eyes.  “I briefly considered not coming back to you while I was away.  I am selfish and could not stay away from you.  You are my fated, Josephine.  Your soul pulled me back to you like a moth to a flame.”
Her green eyes went wide and her eyebrows rose in surprise.  She sat up straight and anger flashed across her face.  Both of her hands gripped my face as her eyes searched mine, green to blue.  “Hold on for a second.  You considered not coming back?”
I sighed and my shoulders sagged when she questioned me.  My admission made me feel weak and unworthy of her affection.  “I love you more than I can possibly explain to you.  If I could spare you any pain, I would gladly do it to see you happy.  I considered the possibility that you might be happier without me in your life.  Yet here I am.”
“I'm happy with
.  When you were gone, I felt like part of myself was missing.” Her eyes glittered tenderly.  She smoothed her thumbs over my cheekbones and down the side of my face. “No more doing what you think is best for me, Stefan.  My feelings should at least be considered.  If we're going to do this, we have to communicate.  And that means me too.”
I nodded in agreement, but my mind was still riddled with uncertainty.  My mind focused on the night when she angrily told me to leave, her voice bitter and spiteful.  Her words were on a constant loop in my thoughts. '
Save it for someone who cares.  Just fucking leave.'
Her face blanched and she made an attempt to move. Wrapping my arm tightly around her waist, I held her and forced her to stay.
“I know now that is not true, Josephine.  Do not do this to yourself.  Not when there are so many things I would rather do to you right now,” I murmured seductively, giving her a sexy smile that I knew would send her pulse racing.  My fingertip traced lightly along her bottom lip. “I missed this, vackra. Jag har saknat att vara med dig, din jävla.”
“Your Swedish is sexy, Stefan.  Translation please,” she whispered.  I could feel the damp heat from her panties through the denim of my jeans.  Obviously our time apart had not lessened her desire of me.
I chuckled and my fingers splayed across the nape of her neck, bringing our faces inches apart.  My lips moved against hers as I spoke to her. “I simply said I missed being with you, fucking you.  When I call you vackra, it means beautiful.  And you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen in my long life.”

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