Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1) (25 page)

BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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With a low moan, she melted against me and her mouth opened under mine, spurring me to kiss her longer, harder.  And even though her thoughts were silent, her body told me everything I needed to know. She just wanted more…and she was tired of waiting.  She was already hot and wet for me; every flick of my tongue in her mouth seemed to incite her further.  Finally managing to wrap her arms around me, she tugged me closer, gasping in pleasure as the solid, muscled wall of my chest came into contact with the hard, throbbing points of her nipples.  Wrapping one leg around my thigh and tilting her pelvis, we both shuddered as her pussy skimmed my shaft.  I suddenly felt as if I were holding on to a live wire, every fiber of my body tingling from the contact.
With a ferocious moan against my mouth, her fingers combed through my thick wet hair and she angled her hips to lower herself onto my cock.  My breath caught as I stretched and filled her until I was entirely sheathed inside of her.
It was complete and utter sensory overload: the buoyancy of the water, her warm flesh, her tight, wet pussy…my hips rocked against her on their own volition and my hands palmed her firm ass for more friction.
Playtime was over.
I slowly turned us in the water and walked us out of the pool, our bodies still joined intimately.  Water fell from our naked bodies in sheets to the deck below my feet.
Raising my mouth from hers, I gently eased her down on one of the cushioned lounge chairs.  My eyes swept over her naked flesh, taking in her stunning body.  Every single part of her was made for me; from her firm, taut breasts, to her tiny waist that tapered to her toned abdomen…ending in her long legs that stretched across the cushion, glinting in the setting sun.
Licking my lips, I reveled in her loveliness.  Her body was like a drug to me, lulling me into the sweetest oblivion.  The beast inside wanted out…and wanted to own her completely.
Swallowing tightly, my fingers traced lightly down the length of her legs to grab her ankles, spreading them wide.  I hooked her knees over my forearms and loomed over her, lowering myself so my hands were braced on both sides of her head like concrete pillars.  The savage part of me wanted to pound her into the chair, yet I kept my movements slow and deliberate as I slipped deeply inside of her slick pussy, our wet bodies gliding effortlessly against each other.
Yet in this moment of bliss, anger surged through me.  I could make love to her a million times, fuck her savagely…yet it only made my desire for her increase.  What would it take to quench my need?  Was this my penance for loving her?
“Why can I not get enough of you?”
My mental voice was ragged and demanding.  My teeth gritted in a mixture of agony and ecstasy.
“No matter how many times I have you, I only want more.”
I did not wait for a reply; I simply unleashed the monster that yearned to be set free.  The chair creaked in disapproval as I pounded into her.  Soft, ragged moans slipped from her as she welcomed each thrust.  In utter amazement, her head arched back against the chair and one of her hands slid between her thighs to slowly rub her swollen clit.  Her cries and moans increased, filling the humid air with the sounds of her satisfaction.
It was only when she felt the heat of my stare that our eyes locked, and my lips parted slightly in response to the sensual desire that shadowed her eyes.  “Stefan....”
I snarled and began to move my hips faster in response to hearing my name fall from her lips.  In my long life, hearing her throaty voice call for me wrecked me, destroyed my sense of reason.  I reached between us to capture the hand that was slipping over her clit and placed her wet fingers inside of my mouth, wanting to taste the sweet juices that coated her hand.  My fangs scraped against her skin as I pulled them slowly from my mouth with a violent groan.
“Delicious, vackra.  You are fucking magnificent.”
I sat back on my heels and her trembling legs slipped down the length of my arms to rest on top of my thighs.  Gripping her hips, I pulled her roughly against me as our bodies met with an explosion of raw passion.
“Don't stop...don't you dare stop...” She begged for release, slowly coming unraveled beneath me.  I was as far gone as she was.  She had ruined me with her love, shattered me with her perfection.
“I have no plans to stop.  This is right,” I begrudgingly admitted, pulled her upright until her breasts smashed against my chest and her legs encircled my waist.  It was then she offered herself to me totally, her head falling to the side, exposing her neck to my eager lips.  Her pulse point throbbed, her skin throbbing from the rush of blood in her veins.
“Fuck, Stefan. I want to come!  I can't stop...”
Her words faded away and everything lost focus.  The last thing I can recall with any real clarity is my head blurring to her neck and my fangs descending into her flesh. The rest was a blur; with only flashes of cognizance.  Her pussy clenching around me as I drank from her, her body shaking uncontrollably in my arms as I battled not to drain her completely.
It was that thought…the image of her dead in my arms that pulled me back to reality.  Still delirious from the ambrosia of her blood, I withdrew my fangs from her neck and leered at her.
“We are not finished yet, Josephine.”
In one smooth movement, I turned her back to me and slipped into her from behind.  She was even tighter in this position.  She moaned shamelessly, turning her head to place wet kisses against my throat as I continued to ravage her supple body.
“Stefan...” she murmured as my hands roughly caressed her breasts. “Why do you always feel this good?”
  Why was it this beautiful, maddening woman knew how to push every button? She made me forget reason, made me struggle for self-control.  Her words provoked me, triggering something deep and primal unlike anything I had even known.  With a final plunge, I coaxed another orgasm from her and ignited my own.  She trembled around my cock, screaming and writhing wildly.  She was almost uncontrollable to restrain.  Her complete abandon made my answering roar of completion that much more satisfying.
I fell back into the chair in exhaustion, embracing her trembling body gingerly.  Her heart still hammered in her chest as she collapsed against me.  The curtain in her mind lifted and her thoughts came flooding out in a rush.
Her tender feelings of love and devotion nearly shattered me.  It was what I had craved to hear for two centuries.  She thought she could no longer live without me, that her home was with me now.  Somehow, I had made this creature mine.
Little did she know I had felt the same since the moment I saw her in my vision.  I had loved her from that very second without reservation.
“You are my home, vackra.  You own my heart and soul.”
As I toyed with a strand of her hair, I thought back to the moment I lost clarity.  She had seen a glimpse of the darkness I kept tucked away, hidden below the surface of my calm demeanor.  That fear diminished the elation I felt…she would always remember that pivotal moment where I lost control…the moment I could have killed her just to completely possess her.  The thought nearly crushed me.
“I love you, Josephine,” I murmured.  My eyes closed and I lowered my forehead to rest against hers.  She lightly stroked the side of my face and the pads of her fingertips traced the curve of my lips in understanding.
“I love you.”  She snuggled closer to me; our bodies fitting together perfectly like two pieces of a puzzle.  “Stefan, look at me and tell me what’s wrong.”
I obediently raised my head, my eyes boring into hers. “I am angry at myself, Josephine.  I lost control and I could have injured you.  All I could think of was fucking you and your…”
“Blood.”  She finished for me.  Her arms came to rest on the small of my back, her hand brushing against my ass. “I'm not going to lie, Stefan.  For a moment I was scared, but I knew even when I'd lost you for a moment that you wouldn't hurt me.  You're a vampire and you're going to be focused on blood.  I don't think I helped things out by offering my neck to you either...”
Her neck…I froze as her words sank in.  I had been savage and had not healed her.  In a flash I sat up, grabbing her head and turning it to the left to find the marks from my fangs.  There was not as much as a scratch marring her skin.
This made no sense.  I had not healed her bite.  My hand fell away and I stared at her in a stupor.  It was impossible.
“Stefan.  What's wrong?  You need to start talking.”
I did not fully register the worry in her voice.  I sat motionless, the air between us growing heavy as my mind continued to race.
"Stefan, please talk to me."
She pled with me mentally.  Her tension was rising the longer I did not reply. 
My fingers reached up again to stroke the skin on her neck.  My jaw clenched and my eyes slightly narrowed as my mind ran over the possibilities.  There truly were only three options.
“There are no bite marks, Josephine.  They are gone.”  My voice was thick with anxiety.  Every muscle in my body was coiled as tight as a spring.
“What do you mean they're gone?  You bit me.  Believe me, I felt it in a good way,” she said, my hand absently rubbing her neck.  Her face paled when she felt nothing but smooth skin under her fingers.  “Where did they go?  Bite marks just don't disappear, right?”
I hesitated before I answered.  Bite marks only disappear if you are healed with a vampires saliva, if you are turned…was it possible…was it our forming bond?  “No.  Bites do not just disappear.  I do not have an explanation, only an opinion.”
She nodded and blinked nervously.  "What's your opinion?"
“I am going to make the assumption that you healed from the blood you have taken from me. You have bitten me twice and taken my blood.  It possesses healing properties, Josephine.  It could be as simple as that.”
I buried the twinge of guilt at my small omission about the issue of our bond.  She could easily read my thoughts and feel my emotions.  She was feeling the effects of the bond without understanding.  I observed her as she glanced over her body, obviously too occupied with taking inventory of her body to focus on me.  I was glad for that fact…how do you explain something as sacred as a blood bond to a human.  And if I did explain it to her as a mortal, she would misunderstand its true depth.  With her independence and skittish nature, she would feel enslaved to it, unable to understand the benefits.  No, this must wait until another time.
BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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