Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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It was likely his screams could be heard for a minimum of a city block.  Hour after hour, I methodically fractured every bone in his body, piece by piece.  He would heal of course, but without a steady influx of blood, even the healing would be excruciating.
Once he was completely defenseless and shattered, I pounded my fists into his face, inflicting blow after agonizing blow.  His skin split open…and I kept up his punishment until he was nothing more than a bloody pulp.  I felt no shame when I heard his cheekbones shatter and felt the bridge of his nose snap under my fist.
I had channeled my frustration at being tied to the Council into my punishments.  My life was no more my own now than when I was with Solveig.  Instead of being tied to her, I was at this group of immortals’ beck and call.  I had sold my soul to a lesser evil.  How would I explain this part of my life to a human?  What words could explain the atrocities I inflicted on others?
My train of thinking drained my anger and I had my fill.  Wiping my bloodied hands on my jeans, I received a nod of approval from Sofia. 
“You are finished, Stefan.”
Nodding, I simply stepped over the crumpled man I had tortured without a second look.  I offered him no apology.  He had broken the rules and this was his penance.
“Fine.  My job is complete?” I questioned sharply.  Stalking past Sofia, I had intended on making a quick exit.
Sofia had other things in mind.  She hurried after me and grabbed my arm.  “Stefan?”
I turned on my heel to face her.  It had been nearly ten years since she had called me in on a punishment and she looked no different than she had seven centuries before.  She was classically beautiful with her pale olive skin and dark chocolate eyes.  Her chestnut hair hung in loose waves and her bright scarlet lips were curved in a hesitant smile.
“I have other matters to attend to, Sofia.  I took care of the problem.”  My eyes flickered to the doorway where Derek lay.  “I have a flight to catch.”
She sidled up to me with catlike grace.  At one time, she had entranced me.  Now…now she simply stood in my way.  She observed me critically, turning her head from side to side. “You look different.  What has happened to you?”
My face held no expression as I stared down at her.  “It is physically impossible for me to look different.  And nothing has happened.  I simply have other matters that require my attention.  I do have a life outside of this job.”
She nodded and stretched her arm up to stoke my face with her perfectly manicured fingers.  “I see.  Are you sure you can’t be swayed?”
Grabbing her offending hand, I squeezed it tightly and graced her with her a cruel smile.  “Do not touch me again.  You lost that right the moment you betrayed me to the Council and made me into this.”
I dropped her hand and stalked away from her.  Her softly accented voice floated after me.  “You’ll have to forgive me, Stefan.  700 years is a long time to hold on to so much hatred.”
I came to an abrupt halt at her dismissive words.  My jaw tightened in anger and my lips twisted in a snarl.  “If I choose to, I will despise you for an eternity.  I will never forgive you, Sofia.  Remember this when you choose to call me in on one of your missions.  If your plan was to seduce me, you once again failed.”
With that parting barb, I left the bar and headed into the night.  My mind was already focused on the long flight ahead…and the reward that would be waiting for me.  Unfortunately, my reunion with Josephine would be spoiled when I was forced to explain my absence.  I would find a way to make her understand.  I had no other choice…
If I was honest, perhaps this mission had been a sign.  I was dragging Josephine into a world she was not prepared for.  My life was dangerous, filled with creatures that would sooner kill first and ask questions later.  Would it be better for her if I simply stayed away?
The mere thought of severing ties with her made me cringe in pain.  I had to return to her.  I had no choice.
“Sir, can I get you a blanket or a pillow?"
The flight attendant's voice broke through my thoughts, pulling me back to the present.  He was nervous as he stood over me.  Like most humans, he recognized that I was a threat and attempted to avoid contact.  It did not stop their stares, however it kept them at bay.
I shook my head and attempted a smile.  "I am fine.  How long until we land?"
He squinted at his watch and shifted uncomfortably.  "Less than an hour, sir."
"Thank you.  That will be all, yes?"
He nodded and hurried to the back of the plane.  I could hear the frantic beating of his heart.
One hour.  In one hour I would be reunited with Josephine.
There was no way I could stay away from her.  She was the one thing I needed most in this life…and I was too selfish to let her go, even if it was for her own safety.
No, she belonged with me.
Chapter Eight-Where Do We Go From Here?
By the time I cleared customs and had picked up my car from storage, nearly two hours had passed.  I had no intention of heading to my beach house…my home was with her now.
As I turned into her driveway, her villa was dark.  Her jeep was parked in the driveway, but there was no sign of Josephine anywhere.  Letting the engine idle, I sped from the car and headed up the steps to her front door.  Cocking my head to the side, I listened intently for any noise.  Only the sounds of insects and chatter from Georgia’s nearby house filled the night air.
Her scent was still fairly strong.  Perhaps she was out with Anna.
Pushing down my building panic, I crept around the side of her villa.  I removed a screen and jiggled a window open, silently climbing inside.
The air was stale and stuffy.  Her bed was left unmade, her closet door open and in disarray.  Hangers stuck from the rack haphazardly, as if the clothes had been yanked from them in a rush.
Walking slowly down the hallway, I peeked into the bathroom.  Her toiletries were gone, but otherwise this room was untouched.
I continued my exploration of her home, looking for any clues as to her disappearance.  The kitchen was spotless, but when I entered the living room I could smell her here the strongest, mixed with my own scent.  She had spent time recently in this room.  The aroma was so powerful my throat burned.
Moving the pillows aside, I found the source.  It was one of my discarded t-shirts, wrinkled and stuffed between the cushions.  As I brought it to my nose, I could smell Josephine’s heady scent on the fabric.
I could also smell her tears.
Sinking to the couch, I buried my head in my hands.  I was trying to make sense of what had happened.  A strange emotion coursed through my veins like ice-cold water.  Fear.
Something had gone terribly wrong.  She had resorted to her old methods.  She had fled when it was too much for her to bear.
Lukas was waiting for me outside and I quickly put the room back in order, arranging the cushions back on the couch.  I left the same way I entered, through the window that I had left ajar.  Replacing the screen, I rounded the corner and came face to face with my child.  He had parked behind me, his arms folded across his chest as he watched my silent approach.
“Breaking and entering?  I thought you gave that up years ago?”
Normally I would snap at him, yet I was so relieved to see him I hurried to his side.  “What has happened?  She is gone?”
He snorted and perched on the hood of his car.  His lips pursed as his eyes swept over me.  “Where in the fuck have you been?”
“I was called away on Council business.”  I cracked my neck from side to side.  “Why are you here?”
“I could sense you were close and I could feel your distress.  You are my maker, Stefan,” Lukas reminded me.  He slid from the hood and glanced at Josephine’s villa.  “She thinks you left her, you know?  Did you hear me?  Josephine thinks that you abandoned her.  She’s a mess.”
The gravel crunched under my feet as I stepped closer to my child.  “Explain.”
He sighed heavily and studied his nails.  “She woke up and you were gone.  Your bag was missing and you weren’t answering your phone.  Where is your phone, by the way?”
“It was damaged during my meeting.  Continue.”  I made a rolling motion with my fingers for him to continue.  Not only was he was wasting valuable time; he was blocking his mind from me.
“Josie called up Anna a few days ago.  She’s at her house and is apparently in quite the funk.  Why didn’t you tell her you were leaving for your obligation?  Maybe instead of fucking you should be explaining things to her.  She’ll be one of us and she needs to understand.”
My hands yanked at my hair.  “I left her a note.  And it has not come up in conversation, Lukas.  How does one explain that I am a glorified bouncer appointed to either maim or kill rogue vampires?”
Lukas was silent.  He grimaced and nodded.  “You do have a point.” 
“Enough of this.  Where is Anna’s house?” I demanded gruffly.  I was close to the breaking point, fear and anger eating away at my calm, outward demeanor.  Few would notice, but not only did Lukas see it, he could feel it.  I had to find her…to explain.
He motioned for me to follow.  “C’mon, you pussy whipped fool.  Follow me.”
Lukas headed to his car and drove down the driveway.  I trailed close behind as we headed towards Anna’s home.  I barely registered anything except his taillights and attempting to figure out how I was going to fix this rift between us. 
BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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