Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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She whimpered when my mouth covered hers fiercely, with a need like never before.  My tongue probed deep, exploring the recesses of her mouth.  We shared long feverish kisses, with teasing tongues and nibbling teeth.  Neither of us could get enough…we were both desperate; our days apart had only made our desire stronger.
“I thought I had lost you, Josephine.  Seeing you that night...” My mind trailed off in dangerous directions as I raised my mouth from hers, looking deeply into her eyes.  I could never bear to see that sort of anger and pain in those emerald depths.
But now…now all I could see was love in her eyes.  The tenderness residing there humbled me. I had known all along she had loved me…it took this bizarre set of events for her to fully realize it.
“But you didn't, Stefan.  I'm here and you're here.  Now shut up and kiss me.”
I did not argue.  My lips moved to explore her silky neck, my tongue tracing down her throat to plant kiss after kiss against the crook of her neck.  Her scent, jasmine and honey, filled my nose.  I could feel her pulse racing against my lips; taste the blood underneath her skin.  Her entire body trembled and she pulled away from me, scooting farther back on my legs, her graceful fingers making short work of unbuttoning my jeans and pulling the zipper down.  Grunting, she tugged on the denim impatiently.
“These have to go, Romeo.”
A notch of my control slipped.  Pure desire washed over me like liquid flames, threatening to consume me completely.  My eyes narrowed dangerously as I lifted my hips for her.  She slid from my lap and tugged them down over my legs.  When she pushed my thighs apart and kneeled between my legs, I ripped the t-shirt from my body.  Her eyes lazily traced over every inch of my naked body, her eyes growing darker with each passing second.
Her pink tongue snaked out to lick her lips and her eyes never left mine as she lowered her mouth to lazily circle down my stomach. They tightened from her soft, yet demanding touch and when her hands grasped my cock, my eyes rolled back and my fangs extended.  She was a goddess at my feet, willing to pleasure me.  I wanted nothing more than to feel her mouth slide over my shaft, her warm tongue wrapping around every inch of me.
She made no effort to move; she paused for a moment to slowly rub her thumb over the liquid that had escaped from the head.  She ran a fingernail on the sensitive skin underneath my cock.  Her eyes were unashamed and glowing as they bore into me with an intensity I had never seen from her before.
“I'm not stopping this time.  I want to feel you inside of my mouth, Stefan.  I want to taste you.”
“Fuck, Josephine.  Jag vill känna din mun på min kuk.” 
I could not speak even if I wanted to.  I released a guttural groan and nodded. “
Put your dirty little mouth on my cock.”
She let out a hiss and her mouth sank over me.  The enveloping heat was glorious and all conscious thought left me from the sheer gratification of feeling every plunge of her mouth.  She hollowed her cheeks, the suction of her mouth unreal.  The head of my cock hit the back of her throat and she pulled her head back slowly, using her teeth to lightly scrape along the top of my hard shaft, which unleashed an entirely new set of sensations.  My hand buried into the tangle of her hair and I let out a tortured moan as she teased me, twirling her hot tongue over the head, moaning softly as she laved it sensually. I was holding back, wanting nothing more than to explode in her mouth.

I want to come in your hot mouth, vackra.  Fuck!”
Driven by my urgent request, she began moving her lips faster over my cock in a steady rhythm.  I could no longer restrain myself; my hips bucked up to go deeper inside of her mouth.
“Josephine…please.”  The plea sounded strange as they left my lips.  She had brought me to my knees, completely at her mercy.
And she knew she had me exactly where she wanted me.
Her fingers lightly stroked my balls, squeezing them gently in her hand.  She hummed softly, her lips vibrating around me as she continued to suck and lick me, her head bobbing lightly.  And finally…finally she tightened her lips around me and let out a deep groan.  That sensation was my undoing and I shook violently, my cock twitching repeatedly until I spilled down her throat in my powerful release.
Every muscle in my body was tense as I rode out the throes of my orgasm.  Her fingernails dug into my thighs as she swallowed all I had to offer greedily, letting her tongue lazily swirl against me as I slumped against the couch.
It took me a moment to recover, and when I regained my senses, I only wanted to feel her.  My throat was thick with emotion as my hands reached for her, lifting her from the floor. She straddled my hips and leaned forward to press feather-light, wet kisses against my neck.  Pleased with herself, she sat back and her fingers traced the outline of my lips with her finger.  Her lips were swollen and her cheeks flushed, but she had never looked more stunning than she did in that moment.  Her fingertips pushed my lips apart, exposing my fangs to her.  She lightly followed the curve of each fang, her breathing hitching as she admired them.
Despite the fact that I had just come, the arousing site of her innocently stroking my fangs caused me to harden underneath her again.  My hands traced lazy patterns down her spine and she shivered in response.
Neither of us could deny the truth any longer.  Our days apart proved that we had both only existed prior to meeting each other. We were the missing pieces to each of our broken souls.
“I missed you, Stefan.  All of you,” she whispered softly.  Tears filled her green eyes, threatening to spill down her cheeks.  I knew how much this admission was costing her.  She was exposing her fragile emotions to me…so soon after I had hurt her.  I promised myself at that moment, I would guard them and never, ever cause her that sort of pain again.  I would rather meet a thousand deaths than to see her cry.
“As I missed you.  Enough talking.”  Both of my hands buried themselves in her tank top.  Bunching it into my hands, I tore it straight down the middle, shoving the fabric over her shoulders.  It was my chance to please her and my fingertips roamed intimately over the fullness of her breasts, watching in wonder as her nipples tightened into firm peaks.  It was as if I was truly seeing her body for the first time, and I could not get enough of her as they traveled over the expanse of her satiny skin.
“You are fucking perfection, Josephine.”
She was wet.  I could feel the moist heat soaking through her panties, flooding against my cock.  My eyes drifted to her hips that were stretched across me.  Eager to feel more, I repeated the process with her shorts and panties, shoving the torn material away without another thought.
Once we were skin to skin, a crackle of energy passed between us, hot and raw…and completely carnal in nature.  We would be making love, but it would not be gentle.  Another time…I would gently take her, lavish her with love.  But now...now we needed to reconnect.
“Stefan, fuck me.  Please.”
  She had given up on talking, relying only on mental speak.
“Ah, vackra.  I told you that you never have to beg for me to fuck you.  It would be my pleasure.”
With heavy lidded eyes, my hand slipped between us, my fingers gliding over her slick folds. 
“Still so wet for me.”
Her back arched and her head tilted back, the tip of her hair tickling my thighs when my fingers rubbed through her wetness.  I had to fight to not simply fuck her into oblivion when a wanton moan escaped from her lips as I brushed against her swollen clit.  Her soft, smoky voice was like an aphrodisiac…it made me forget reason.
“So you do want me to fuck you?” 
I mused.  I wanted no answer and I simply lifted her up by her hips and impaled her on my cock, letting out a deep growl as she surrounded me completely and our hips fused together.  She was so very, very tight and once again, the sensation almost made me come. 
“I want you to fuck me instead.”
Josephine gripped my shoulders for support, tilted her hips and plunged over me again and again, her inner walls gripping me so tightly it was delectably painful.  She was relentless and my hands possessively cupped her ass as she continued her blissful assault on my willing body.  Her mouth crashed against mine and our tongues met to twist together frantically.
“It's never enough, Stefan.  I can't get enough of you.”
Her inner voice sounded desperate as she ruthlessly moved against me, her lithe body writhing languidly.
One of my hands moved up her back to lace in the silk of her hair, pulling her face back so our lips almost touched.  My other hand gripped her ass harder, opening her wider as she thrust against me.
I agreed; my lips were tender as they brushed against hers
. “Never enough of you.”
Our bodies moved in exquisite harmony. She matched my urgency with her own lusty, unsated movements.  Her hands left my shoulders and tangled in my hair, resting her forehead against mine.  It was then she contacted around me, her pussy clenching my cock like a glove.  She trembled out a powerful release and cried out my name hoarsely.
Only moving my head slightly, my mouth lowered to her neck and my fangs pierced her tender skin.  Her delicious blood flooded my mouth and I fell apart.  It was my turn to shatter, shuddering against her as my hips slowed their rapid pace and my hands loosened their hold on her.
My fangs retracted from her neck and I laved the tiny punctures, healing her.  I met her tender stare and my voice was soft and filled with honesty as I spoke. “You are my everything.  Without you, I am nothing.”
“Stefan...” Our lips met again lazily, our kiss filled with love and affection.  I sighed happily and wrapped her in my arms, her nearness almost devastating me.  There was a tangible bond between us, overwhelming and almost electric in nature.
“You are mine, as I am yours,” I whispered, dropping a kiss to the top of her rumpled hair.  “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she mumbled against my chest, pressing her lips in a kiss over my silent heart.
If I could, I would revive the long-dead organ if only for her to feel it beat for her.
Her thoughts floated through my mind. 
“Please don't leave me like that again.  My heart can't take it.”
BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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