Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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“We apologize for our abrupt invitation.  It was necessary to meet you.” Nigel leaned forward with his forearms against his thighs. “We need to assess if you are a risk and your abilities.”
“Me a risk to you? I
him,” she snapped, looking around the room at each vampire. “I have no intention of telling anyone anything about your existence.”
I tightened my grip on her hand and my mental voice attempted to break through her burst of anger.
“Josephine.  I know you are angry.  Do not let them provoke you.”
She sighed and I felt her anger dissipate.  She was smart enough to comprehend what they were doing by intentionally baiting her.  I needed her to stay calm and answer their questions so we could leave.
“And why should we believe you?” Derek asked coldly.  His voice had a southern drawl that reminded me of Josephine’s annoying friend Georgia, and I did not miss the note of sarcasm in his voice.  “You
just a human after all.”
“You don't have to believe me.  Here's the thing, Derek.  I have no one to tell.  My adoptive parents died four years ago and I have no living family.  Prior to meeting Stefan, I lived a solitary life.  I have my own issues, let alone causing problems for you.” 
I was proud of how she was able to diffuse or divert any of their intrusive questions.  She was effectively shutting them down, one by one.
Derek eyed her for a moment, his gray eyes flat as stone.  He glanced in my direction and his eyes turned harder, a sinister smile breaking across his face. “Stefan, you know the risks of choosing to play with your food.”
Derek's words caused a deep growl to resonate in my chest, my jaw clenching and every muscle in by body preparing for attack.  It was Josephine’s voice that soothed me and brought me back from the edge.
“Stefan, remember what you just told me.  He's trying to piss you off.  Let's get this over with so we can leave
“I do not consider loving someone ‘playing with my food,’ Derek.  In case anyone in attendance has forgotten Derek's indiscretion, let me remind everyone why it was necessary for me to have a discussion with him a week ago,” I retorted, my voice devoid of any inflection as my eyes bored into him.  Derek shifted uncomfortably under the weight of my severe stare. “You threatened to expose our kind when humans started going missing after being seen in your presence.  You had opened a covert business and kept human women there as blood slaves.   Your ignorance and arrogance could have exposed our existence.  Yet you sit before me and have the audacity to warn me of 'playing with my food’?  You are nothing more than an incompetent asshole!”
The room was silent for a moment and my words hung in the air.  Derek rose and walked to the windows, turning his back to the assembled group.
“She's a psychic like you, yet she also has a talent for reading emotions.  Is she able to read you?  Or any vampires?”  Lenora questioned, flipping her pale blond hair over her shoulder.  She turned her head to the side slightly, as if evaluating Josephine’s talent.
“No, I can't read Stefan's future or emotions.  Or any vampire,” she jumped in to answer before I could offer her an answer. The four vampires exchanged looks amongst each other.
“I have one more question.  Stefan, you contacted Adolfo with concerns about changes in Josephine's body and the power of her abilities.  Is this still something you are concerned about?” Nigel inquired.  He was honestly interested in knowing more about Josephine and wanted nothing more.
I nodded, running my free hand through my hair. “Yes, it is still a concern.  Her punctures heal within minutes of me biting her.  I deduced that it may be a side-effect of our blood exchanges.”
A hushed silence fell over the room.  Disbelieving and curious looks were exchanged between the vampires.
“You willingly offered your blood to her and she accepted?  Most vampires would never willingly exchange blood with a human, unless if you were choosing to turn them,” Sofia murmured in a mild, fascinated tone.  She glanced between Josephine and myself and then turned to look at Nigel pointedly.
“I did.  It sort of happened in the heat of the moment,” Josephine muttered hastily, averting her eyes to observe the pattern on the rug.
“Stefan, Josephine.  Please leave us for a few minutes so we can discuss the matter.  We'll send for you when we're ready.” Nigel waved his hand in dismissal.
I inclined my head and stood, leading us out of the large room.  We walked down the hallway and entered a much smaller sitting chamber.
“Come.  We need to sit and wait.” I crossed the room and sat down on the couch, opening my arms for her to join me. I despised the fact that she had to justify her intentions before this group of vampires.
As she curled against me, her head tucked into the crook of my neck.  “I needed this.”
“It is going to be fine, Josephine.  Please do not worry,” I whispered against her hair.  I placed feather-light kisses where my lips had been.
“I know.  I just feel like this isn't over, Stefan,” she whispered, leaning her head back to look into my eyes.
I smiled down at her briefly before lowering my lips to hers.  My kiss was gentle, slow, and consuming.  She responded eagerly despite the situation we were in, her mouth hungry against mine.  Before things could get out of hand I reluctantly lifted my lips from hers, chuckling lightly.
“Let us take care of this business here and we can leave. We can stay here in New York for a day or two.  Just the two of us
She smiled and nodded, dropping her head back on my shoulder.  She was exhausted; her human body not handling the stress of a long flight and the stress of dealing with vampires.  I was immortal myself and understood her plight.
A knock on the door caused her to jerk in my arms and Sofia peeked her dark head in.  “Please come back in.”
Josephine rose first and we followed as Sofia led us back into the main room.  My eyes swept over the Council as I waited for them to announce their decision that would drag Josephine into their clutches.
Nigel spoke; his voice level and filled with authority.  “We see no risk as to you being together.  However, Josephine, we would like to ask for your assistance from time to time.  You have the gift of seeing the futures of humans, which we cannot.  Occasionally, we are faced with the problem of worrying about being exposed by humans.  Your gift would be helpful on how to handle the human aspect of the issue.”
“I'll help.  I just want to go home,” she readily agreed, and inwardly I groaned at her willingness to help.  She was eager to leave and was willing to concur to almost anything if it earned her freedom.  She did not understand she was making a deal with the devil by her bargain to help.
“You both can go.  Stefan, we'll be in touch,” Nigel said, rising to signal the end of the meeting.
“I need to find a bathroom, Stefan.”
I nodded. We headed down a hallway to a spacious bathroom.  She disappeared behind the door and I stood across the hall waiting for her.  Sofia breezed past me in a cloud of perfume.
“Enjoy your human now.  Once she truly sees what you are, she will leave you.  Trust me.”
I was ready to reply when I heard the lock turn on the door and Josephine reappeared, her face freshly washed and her wild waves slightly damp.  Her green eyes were lined with dark circles, but she smiled bravely and approached me expectantly.
“Are you ready to leave?” I asked, letting the back of my fingers smooth down the side of her face tenderly.  She seemed so small and frail, the size of my hand seeming to swallow her face up completely.
“Yes.  Get me the hell out of here,” she growled.  We started down the hallway towards the elevator when a door swung open, blocking our path.
A vampire I had never met stepped into the hall, his dark red hair shining under the bright overhead lights.  His clear green eyes were large and almond shaped; his body compact and small boned.  My eyes darted between Josephine and this vampire.  Surely she noticed the resemblance.  The eyes alone were a dead giveaway.
My arm wrapped protectively around her waist, holding her close to me.  Instinct told me his arrival had been carefully planned and did not bode well for either of us.
“Josephine, I have been waiting for this moment for 28 years.  You are everything I expected and more.” His quiet voice was filled with depth and authority.  He was well dressed in a dark suit and shirt. “And Stefan Lifsten, you have found your mate.  Wonderful!”
Eying him with a calculating expression, I was curious as to the identity of the vampire that looked like Josephine and acted as if he knew her.  And why was he so happy that I had found her?  We were both speechless and could only stare at him in disbelief.
“Have we met before?” I asked.  Searching my memory, I could not place his face.
The man let out a laugh that resonated throughout the entire floor.  He stepped closer to Josephine, his green eyes sparkling as his piercing eyes searched her face.
“Stefan, you are always so pragmatic.  I am Kian Ahearne.  I am on the Administrative Board.”  He paused, a dry smile breaking across his face. “I am who you've been searching for, Josephine.  I am your biological father.”
Her knees buckled and I managed to catch her in my arms as her eyes rolled back into her head and her body crumpled.  Hovering above her, I watched her eyes go dim as I lost her to unconsciousness.
Odyssey: Stefan’s Version of Illusion
Chapter Eleven- Secrets, Lies and Acceptance
I could only stand by helplessly as I watched Josephine collapse in my arms, her fragile mind overloaded with information.  She had not expected to unlock her mysterious past in a house filled with vampires.  I am nearly 1,000 years old and even I was amazed to discover that her father was one of the most formidable vampires in our world.
BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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