Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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"I was just making sure Josie had recovered," Sofia muttered.  She flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder and crossed her arms defensively.
"As you can see, Josephine is fine.  Leave us," I commanded stiffly.  “Unless you would like to continue where we left off.”
Sofia sniffed and turned on her heel, leaving the room in a blur and slamming the door behind her.
"We are alone for the moment.  I missed you, vackra."
I took the glass from her hands and placed it on the small table beside of the couch.  Deeply buried desire tore through me, inciting me to mark her.  My hands gingerly held her face in my hands and my lips covered hers much more roughly that I intended, my tongue spearing into her mouth to entangle with hers.  I no longer could control my own body; I was a slave to my own encompassing craving for her.  Her body instantly recognized my need and responded as I pressed her back into the cushions.
My hands were everywhere, one slipping underneath her blouse while the other cupped her ass, squeezing and kneading it tightly in my hand.  My thigh slipped between her endless legs, my fingers brushing across her nipples through the lacy fabric of her bra.
She must have regained some bit of propriety and pulled her mouth away from mine, half-heartedly pushing against the solid wall of my chest.  “We can't do this here.  Stefan...”
My lips recaptured hers before she could say another word and she gave into the desperation of my kiss.  My cock pressed against the tines of my jeans, urging me to fuck her.  Quickly, my fingers unbuttoned my jeans and I pulled the zipper down.  Our eyes locked as I took one of her hands and rubbed it against the front of the soft denim, letting her hand feel the rock hard cock that begged for release and strained against the zipper.  I simply stared at her, silently begging for her understanding.
“I need you.  Do not make me beg.”
The tortured cry that fell from her lips was all the answer I needed.  Working swiftly, I slipped my hands into her panties.  My fingers rubbed urgently across her wet folds, letting two of them slip inside of her slick heat.  Eager for her release, I began stroking and curling my fingers as she jutted her hips against my hand.
I was nowhere close to being finished.  My mouth was demanding and eager, my cock rubbing against her for friction as I deepened the kiss.  One of my hands threaded in her hair, holding her lips to mine while the other kept up the rapid rhythm inside of her, lost in the bliss of her tight pussy.  She had let go of her inhibitions and was now tugging on my zipper when my cell phone chirped loudly, effectively ending the frantic sensuality of the moment.
Soon, we would pick up where we left off.  I would have her in every way possible…her changing body was not as fragile and the things I could do to her…I would no longer be forced to be as gentle.
With a growl of frustration, I pulled away from her and fished my phone from my pocket.  My face tensed and my eyes narrowed as I read the message.
“What?”  Josephine asked, attempting to peek at the phone.   She noticed the immediate change in my body language and knew I was not happy with my instructions.
“It appears that your father is eager to talk to you.”
True to form, she snorted and folded her arms across her chest.  “My
?  He’ll never be my father.  He watched me struggle with my abilities for years and did nothing to help me.  I have nothing to say to him.  I just want to leave.”
“Josephine,” I had just begun to speak when my cell phone twittered again, signaling another incoming text alert.  I glanced at the screen, saying nothing and simply handing her my phone.
Kian: Please bring my daughter to the fourth floor.
“Vackra, if you wish to leave, you must talk to him.  He will not let us leave unless you meet with him,” I advised.  As much as I wanted to whisk her away, this would not happen until she met with Kian. 
She passed my phone back to me and frowned.  “So we’re unofficial captives until I give him what he wants? This is such medieval bullshit.  Let’s get this over with.”
“Josephine, this is the way this has to work.” I sounded frustrated, even to myself. “There is no other way.”
Scowling, she exhaled loudly.  “I get it.  It doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“I know.” We adjusted our disheveled clothes and joined hands, heading towards the elevator.  I pressed the up arrow on the panel and we waited as the doors slowly opened.  We stepped inside and I reached across to press the button for the fourth floor, watching in silence as the doors closed and the elevator began its ascent.
The doors parted and we walked into a dark, wood paneled room that was a living and office space.  On one side, two large couches faced each other in the living room.  The walls were lined with impressive artwork, most of which were probably priceless, one-of-a-kind masterpieces.  The other end of the room was centered around a large mahogany desk with two chairs at each corner.  Her father sat behind the desk, silently observing us and rising to his feet to greet us.
“Stefan and Josephine.  Thank you for joining me.” Kian inclined his head in greeting.  He walked around the desk with outstretched hands as if to embrace her.  She shrank back, huddling against my side.  Kian dropped his hands and a wounded expression briefly darkened his face before a small, forced smile took its place.
“Stefan, thank you for bringing my daughter to see me before you left.  I would like to speak to her alone,” Kian said as he glanced between us both.  By his tone this was an order and not a request.
“Vackra, I have no choice.  I will be close by, I promise,”
My mental voice had a nervous edge to it.
Straightening her back, she drew away from my side to face her father.  She stared at him for a moment with her probing green eyes that flickered over him before she spoke.  Her throaty voice was demanding.  “I would prefer for him to stay with me, Kian.”
He clasped his hands together in front of him before sitting down in one of the chairs that was in front of the massive desk.  “I would like to speak to you alone.  I understand your fear, Josephine.  I am your father and I assure you no harm will come to you.  Stefan, please leave us.”
I inclined my head to her father and leaned to press a kiss to the top of her head. 
“I can hear you from the other floors.  If you need me, call for me.”
The last thing I wanted to do was leave her with her birth father, but I had no choice in the matter.  I went off in search of the only vampire on the Council I knew I could trust:  Nigel Ryan.
He was easy to find, hidden away in the study on the lower floor.  He had a stack of books in front of him that he was paging through, marking pages with scraps of paper.  He did not look up from his work.
“Stefan Lifsten.  It has been a while, my friend.”
Lowering my large frame into the chair opposite him, I watched as he flipped through old journals.  His mind was intent on finding something; he was simply unsure of what that something would be.
“Yes, it has been some time.  I come to you requesting a favor.”
“Of course.  What can I do to help?” His hazel eyes left his book and he nodded, grabbing a legal pad and began scrawling across the page.  He handed it to me with a pointed stare and my eyes scanned over his words.
This is not the place or time to talk.  The walls have ears
He offered me his pen and I wrote back. 
Name the time and place.  If you have information for my mate that will answer her questions…you know she will not obtain the truth from Kian.
Carrying on our double-sided conversation, I spoke aloud and handed him back his pad and pen.  “I am in need of a car for the next few days.  I would like to show Josephine a bit of New York.”
Nigel nodded and began to write again, easily keeping up our charade.  “That is no problem, Stefan.  Will you be staying long?”  He passed the paper back to me, and I read it twice before meeting his penetrating stare. 
She will receive no truth from him.  I have come to suspect he may have had something to do with the disappearance of her mother.  There is a family member that would be beneficial for her to meet, one that has searched for her as well.
Swallowing, I grabbed the pen and scribbled out my reply.  “It depends on Josephine.  She may be anxious to return to Indonesia.”  My written note was very different. 
You suspect her mother was killed by Kian?  And who is this relative?
“I’ll have the car ready for you in the next 20 minutes.  It was good to see you again, Stefan.  Do not be a stranger.”
I had gestured for the pad back when my cell phone buzzed.  Looking down at the message, I could see Kian was ready for me to rejoin them.  I would have to continue my discussion with Nigel later.
Skipping the elevator, I took the steps three at a time.  I was walking into the paneled study just as he was finishing his conversation with her.  “You have many things to consider, Josephine.  Do not worry yourself with the fine print.  Look at all you have gained.”  Kian’s eyes flickered to the doorway at me, and nodded.  “Come in, Stefan.  My daughter is ready to leave.  I assume you have accommodations?”
“Yes, Kian.  I have quite a few properties in the city.”  Refusing to elaborate, I blurred to her side, kneeling at her feet.   Her relief was obvious and was calmed by my presence, her fingers combing through my hair and caressing my stubbly cheek, finally rubbing her soft thumb across my lower lip.  Her touch also settled me, and I was anxious to flee this house and have her to myself again.
“Good.”  His eyes flickered from me to focus back on Josephine.  “We will talk soon.  It was a pleasure to speak with you, my dear.”
We were being dismissed.  She stood and reached for my hand, deliberately linking our fingers together.  We had only taken a few steps when she turned to face her father again.  He sat motionless, his eyes somberly watching us.
BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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