Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1) (33 page)

BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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“Pad Thai with Shrimp or Pad Sew with Chicken?  I was unsure of which you would prefer so I ordered both.”
I did not look up from my laptop as I heard Josephine approach.  Still seated at the breakfast bar, I had made numerous phone calls and fielded two deliveries.  When she moved into the kitchen, I looked up and noticed she was wearing one of my dress shirts as a nightgown.  She looked delectable, her endless legs on display and her wild hair rumpled from sleep.
“Pad Thai.”  She opened the takeout container and unwrapped the wooden chopsticks.  Walking around the island, she sat down beside of me on a matching stool.  “Thanks.”
“Anything for you, vackra.”  I swiveled in my seat to face her.  I had also showered and was still shirtless, only wearing black silk sleep pants.  Her eyes had a mind of their own as they traveled across my chest, following along the expanse of my arms.  She attempted to be discreet, but I caught her staring many times.  It was likely she caught me as well.  It seemed both of us had one-track minds.
“What are you working on, my sexy man of intrigue?” Josephine asked as she popped a shrimp into her mouth.  As she chewed, I watched her with amusement.  Even though I had access to her mind, I never knew what going to come out of her mouth.  I raised an eyebrow at her and closed the laptop.
“Business e-mails.”  I wanted to change the subject before she began to question me further.  “How are you feeling, Josephine?”
She stretched and turned her neck from side to side.  “Physically, I feel much better.  I’m clean, rested and not hungry thanks to you.”  She tipped the carton and picked at her Pad Thai with her chopsticks.  Sighing, she stuck them in the container and dropped her chin in her hand.  A myriad of emotions crossed her face.  “Mentally, I’m still trying to come to terms with feeling like my entire life has been a lie.  I find out that my birth parents abandoned me, I’m some weird vampire hybrid and my father is one of the most powerful vampires in existence.  The only bonus is that you’re still here and decided I’m worth the trouble.”
Her honest words equally frustrated and pulled at my silent heart.  How could she think I would be anywhere else except at her side?  “And you are here with me.  As far as what happened with your father, I can only sympathize with you.  If I am to be completely honest, I am happy you are some ‘weird, vampire hybrid’.  That means I get to keep you for an eternity.”
She pushed her Thai food back on the granite countertop, scooting closer and resting her head against my shoulder.  Her thoughts drifted and she wrapped her soft hands around my bicep.  Unable to resist such a tender moment, I rested my head over hers and she sighed with contentment at our connection.
When she spoke, her question floored me and left me scrambling for the correct answer.  “Do you have any idea what Nigel knows about my mother?”
I had had an extensive conversation with Nigel.  He wanted to speak with Josephine, but he had shared with me that she had a full-blooded brother that was much older than Josephine and had been searching for her for some time.  I was waiting for the right moment to tell her.  She had dealt with quite a few revelations, and I figured another day or two would not matter.
Some would consider my actions lying or dishonest.  I was simply telling her what she needed to know…to protect her the best I could.
“Nigel is an honest vampire.  He is undecided on what he wants to tell you about her.  I would believe in whatever he chooses to tell you.” My breath fanned over her scalp.  “If you have no reservations, I would like to stay in New York for a few days.  I have business matters to attend to and we can meet with Nigel.”
I was greeted with brief silence and hesitation.  “That’s fine with me.  Do you have Council business?”
Releasing a deep breath, I shook my head.  This was the part I was dreading.  “No.”
Her eyes narrowed and she picked up on my reluctance to elaborate. “Is this some sort of top secret business you can’t tell me about?  If we’re going to be together you need to tell me what’s going on.  No secrets.”
Licking my lips, my fingers tunneled through my hair.  “I know.  I only worry about how you will react to this information.”
She gave me an affectionate shove and rolled my eyes.  “Is it worse than finding out you were a vampire?  I think I took that information in stride.”
It was my turn to roll my eyes.  I leaned over to nip at her neck with my teeth.  “No, it is not worse than the night you discovered I was an immortal creature that longed for your blood.  It is about my business holdings and what that means for us.”
Her confusion was immediate.  I dipped into her mind and she wondered why my business dealings would have anything to do with her.
“You are my mate, vackra.  Everything I have is yours now.”  I pushed the stool away and walked down the hallway and disappeared into my office.  Taking an unnecessary breath, I ran my fingers over the manila envelope my attorney had dropped off only hours ago.  Knowing Josephine, her reaction to this information would not be good.
Tapping my fingers on the desk, I grabbed the package and ambled back into the kitchen.  I placed the thick envelope in front of her and patted it with my hand.
“What’s this?”  She stared up at me suspiciously.  I knew she would fight me on this.
“Open it,” I commanded as I sat back down beside of her.  “Then we will talk.”
Shooting me a look of exasperation, she ran her finger under the seam and opened the wrapper, pulling out another shiny portfolio with LM Holdings Incorporated embossed across the front in bold script.  As she opened the folder, I watched as she flipped through the stack of papers.  Page after page listed my assets: the building in which I was currently residing and two other properties in SOHO and TriBeCa.  Business properties in the Financial District.  Assets in Los Angeles, Chicago, Paris, London, Milan, Indonesia and Stockholm.  She scanned the papers quickly, completely bypassing the bank statements.  Once she finally reached the end of the stack, she stared at the three credit cards with her name on them: a Black American Express, a Platinum Visa and a bank debit card.  She closed the file and folded her hands on top of it, her eyes burning like green fire.
“What the hell, Stefan?  I don’t need your money,” she snapped, slapping the cards down on the counter.  She jumped from her stool and wandered to the windows, taking in the sunset as it dropped behind the New York skyline.
Ah.  Here was the Josephine I loved.  Filled with pride, she was outraged at what I wanted to share with her. “I know you do not need my money.  You have already given me your love and commitment.  The least I can do is share what I have with you.  Is that not the way a relationship works?”
Angrily spinning around to face me, she must have recognized the honesty in my words and the innocence in my expression.  I could see the irritation and fight draining from her.  Had she truly given up so easily?
“Fine.  I don’t like it, but I’m not going to argue about this.  But I only agree if it works the same for you.  Whatever I have is yours as well.” 
“Josephine, if it makes you happy, then I will agree on one condition.”  I had moved from my stool to stand behind her at the windows, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and pulling her against me
She tensed in my arms.  “And what is your condition?”
Her heat soaked into my flesh, instantly warming me.  Her delicious scent filled my nose and suddenly I did not want to talk anymore.  “Live with me.”
“That’s all you want?  For me to live with you?” Josephine stammered.  I suppose she had expected more from me.  I usually had an agenda.  I had surprised myself with how little I wanted from her.  I only wanted her love and devotion.  The rest could wait.
“That would be a good beginning point.  There are many benefits to us living together, Josephine.”  Even though she looked stunning in my shirt, she had on too many clothes and my fingers worked open each button.  I made my voice sensual and smooth as I leaned in to whisper against her ear.  “We can do this.  Whenever we want… wherever we want.”
I shoved the shirt over her shoulders and tossed it on the couch, leaving her blissfully naked for my perusal.  My cool skin came into contact with her overheated flesh, sending a charge of energy between us.  I wound her long hair around one of my hands, pulling her head back to rest against my collarbone.  My lips lowered to her neck and I ran my tongue slowly up the length of her fragrant skin, simply tasting her.  I did stop until I licked over the shell of her ear.  She shivered and a low moan slipped from her dusky pink lips, a sultry, sexy sound that never failed to arouse me.  My hard cock pressed against the small of her back and I groaned when she unconsciously pushed back, rubbing against me.
“De saker du gör för mig och vacker,” I murmured softly in my native tongue.  I still had the presence of mind to translate for her.  “The things you do to me, beautiful one.”
I released her hair, spinning her around to face me and she craned her neck to meet my eyes.  I marveled at the pure magnificence of her.  Her green irises had darkened like the deepest emeralds and her pouty lips were slightly open, catching her lower lip in her teeth.  Her copper hair had fallen back from her upturned face, and I could not resist the urge to kiss her any longer.  My lips crashed into hers, demanding and more insistent than ever before.  Perhaps it was the fact I had her alone with no worry of interruptions.  Or perhaps it was that I knew this enchanting creature was mine forever.   Her mouth opened against mine and her tongue boldly swept in, effectively making me forget reason.  My enthusiastic response made her more confident, and I was dazed when she pushed me back against the wall with strength I did not know she possessed, yanking her luscious lips from mine.
“You’re overdressed for the party, älskling.”  Her use of my native language made my cock twitch, and the monster inside of me rattled his cage.  The room grew hazy, and my hands clenched as I sized up my prey.   She gripped the drawstring to my pants, untying them and sliding them over my hips.  And if that was not enough to push me over the edge, her hot little hands slid up over the muscles of my stomach to lightly pinch my nipples.  She had only just begun her torture; she leaned in to capture one in her teeth and then moved to the other, laving it with her tongue.  I was swallowing a muffled moan when she closed her mouth over it, biting me with much more force.
“Fuck!  I want more of that.  Harder,” I growled.  I wanted to feel her teeth all over my body, ripping my skin open and drinking from me until she was completely my equal in every way. I simply wanted all of her and her affection; all of the agony and ecstasy that loving her triggered in me.
BOOK: Odyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)
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