Of Love and Deception (8 page)

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Authors: Melisa Hamling

BOOK: Of Love and Deception
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“Let me see if I understand exactly what you are saying.” Cruz reached a hand underneath Daniella’s chin and lifted upward, forcing her to look at him. “You think if you let me have all of you, that it ends there. I get what I want and bye-bye to you. Is that what you think?”

Daniella nodded.


Again, Daniella nodded.

“Go into the bathroom and finish dressing properly.” He pointed her toward the steps and she went without argument.

“Great. I probably blew it,” Daniella said in an undertone. She examined the bathroom, which was nearly the size of her bedroom. Cruz had great taste as far as the bathroom deco. The brighter colors decorating the bathroom went well with the tan surrounding the jacuzzi.  If she had to redesign the bathroom, the only thing she might do; add additional colors and some out-of-the-ordinary deco. Candles surrounding the jacuzzi would be a must.

What the heck is wrong with me? I've probably just ruined it with Mr. Perfect, and I'm redecorating his bathroom? Seriously!

After dressing properly, she leaned over on the counter, turned the faucet on, and splashed her face with cold water.

Okay. He's probably pissed, but there's no way around this. Deal with it. Face him like a woman! Yeah. Right.
She gently turned the handle and opened the door. Slipping out quietly, she moved forward and down the steps, scoping out the living room for Cruz's whereabouts.

Cruz was sitting on the new couch, hands clasped between his legs. He didn’t glance in her direction until she stood behind the empty sofa, uncertain of what to do.

“Come sit.” He patted the couch. She approached and sat a few feet away from him. He turned, shifted his legs and scooted up against her. Snaking his hand around her back, he gave a slight squeeze, purposely fell back into the couch, pulling her on top of him, and said nothing. 

The silence drove Daniella nuts. She pushed herself up on his chest, and stared down at him. “Are you mad at me?”

Placing his lips against her ear, he whispered, “No, I'm not mad at you, but you could have told me you weren't ready instead of handling it the way you did.”

“I know and I'm sorry. I… um, I—”

Cruz pressed his lips against Daniella's and mumbled, “Shush. Want to watch a movie?”

“Um, okay,” she replied.

He handed her the remote. “You choose.”

While she flipped through the premium channels, he pulled her down next to him on the sofa. Daniella relaxed into his arms and rested her head on his chest.

Butt Emergency

Daniella, Lori, and Jill walked leisurely down the street to one of their favorite café's for lunch. They sat at their usual table under the patio awning and placed their orders.

Lori rambled on about this and that, but Daniella hadn't heard a word she'd said. She was thankful that Jill listened intently so her own inattention went without notice. She was high with excitement over her new relationship, and the thought of what they had
done over the weekend.

Daniella had just finished her lunch when her cell phone buzzed. She glanced at Lori and Jill. They shook their heads, obviously aware of who was calling. She shot them a smile, pushed her chair back, and stood.

“I'll be right back. I've got to take this call.” Daniella excused herself. “Hello?”

“Well, hello there. What is the most beautiful woman in the world up to right now? She sounds somewhat breathless.” Cruz's deep voice made her smile.

“I'm at a café with my friends, my coworkers. I had to excuse myself and rush outside to answer your call.”

“I'm flattered. Does that mean you like me, maybe just a little bit?”

Daniella chuckled. “I suppose I do, Mr. Canton. Are you calling for something specific or are you missing my voice already?”


There was a long pause. Daniella hadn't thought he was finished with his statement, but apparently, he was.

“Well? You've heard my voice already, so out with the specifics, Mr. Canton.”

He gave a short laugh then cleared his throat. “Stop with the Mr. Canton line. I've already told you it makes me feel old. Okay, now on to the specifics. Ms. Kurtz, I'm calling because I love your voice, but more specifically, I'd like to invite you to my parents beach home this weekend. They throw a big party every year at this time, and a lot of friends show up for water sports, volleyball and grilled food.”

“Water sports. Would that be boating?”

“Of course. Boating, skiing, boogie boarding, jet skis—you name it, we can do it. So, how 'bout it? Will you accompany me, Ms. Kurtz?”

  “You can stop with the Ms. Kurtz business, Mr. Canton, if you want me to
you.” Daniella teased. “When do we leave and when do we come back?”

“Friday after work and return sometime Sunday?”

“Hm. I suppose that will work.”

“Great! I'll inform my parents and I'll call you later.” As usual, Cruz hung up without saying goodbye.

  Daniella strolled back into the café.

  “Well?” Lori asked.

“Well, what?"

“Oh, pa-lease, Daniella.” Jill waggled a finger. “Don't act like you didn't just walk out of here with your phone glued to your ear. And like your head hasn't been in the clouds.”

“More like the gutter.” Lori grinned. “Do tell us about your weekend. Did you play hide the cobra?”


“Rumple the foreskin?”

“Can you sh—”

“Musical flute?”

Daniella could kiss Jill for mugging Lori's mouth with her hand when she did, because she was certain they were on the verge of being kicked out of the café for obnoxious behavior.

Daniella held her tongue until they were out of the café before she informed the peanut gallery (Lori and Jill) of Cruz's weekend proposal. Thank God she waited because the x-rated expletives rolled off Lori's tongue all the way back to the office.


Friday was hell at work. Daniella had a hard time concentrating on anything other than the upcoming weekend. Cruz would be by this evening to pick her up. She bought a new bikini, but wearing it in front of Cruz and people she didn't know made her uneasy.

There was a
rap, tap, tap
on her door. Daniella glanced up to find Lori's hands and face pressed against the glass. She had her mouth open with her tongue circling round-and-round.

“You're disgusting! And you get to clean that mess off the glass, Lori!” Daniella shook her head. “Well, come in will you? Not that you need an invite when you normally come and go as you please.”

Lori flung the door open, and breathlessly threw herself against the counter. “I'm imitating you as I see you walking in Monday morning.”

“Breathless? Really, Lori? You're totally demented, perverted, and… and a jackass!”

“But you love me, and I'm so excited for you. This is it, Daniella. I just know it. You're going to marry him and pop out a couple of kids in the next few years.” Lori tapped her lips as if she were deciphering her next move.

“Glad you can read my future, but I think it's too soon to be planning my wedding. It's not as if he's taking me to Paris or anywhere romantic. It's a friggin' beach party, dear friend.” Daniella glanced at the clock. “Oh and look. It's time to leave.”

Lori slowly slid out of the chair and followed Daniella out of the building. “I want details when you get back.”

“Yeah, sure.” Daniella waved her off and slipped into her car.


Unsure of what the plans were for the evening at the cabin, Daniella decided to wear a good pair of light denim shorts and a dark blue halter with a deep v cut in the back that dipped down to the waistband of her shorts. She weaved a white diamond studded belt through the loops of her shorts and slipped on a matching pair of sandals. She paced the floor and jumped at the sudden loud knocking at her front door.

After taking in several calming breaths, Daniella opened the door to greet one amazingly gorgeous man who smelled good enough to eat.

Without a word or a hello, Cruz greeted her with a kiss. It was gentle and teasing at first, and then he sucked in her bottom lip before he stepped in further, slid his hands along her neck and dove in. His tongue thrust far and urgent, sending tingling bubbles through the middle of her abdomen, down south to the junction of her thighs.

Both fought to catch their breath; Daniella stared into his blue eyes filled with lust.

“We'd better go,” he said, his voice husky. “But damn, you look amazing.”

Smiling, she said, “And you look mighty fine yourself, Mr. Canton.”

He crooked an eyebrow in obvious disapproval over her formal use of his name, grabbed her shoulders and turned her toward the door. “You can address my father that way, but don't do it with me or you'll be sorry, sweetheart.”

He leaned down and lifted her bag, giving her a big grin as he came back up.

“I might have to throw it out there a few more times, Mr.—” she chuckled, knowing he'd expected she'd finish his name, “—Canton, just to see what kind of sorry I'd be.”

She hurried down the steps with Cruz tailing right behind her.

Once they reached his car, Daniella rushed into the passenger side while Cruz popped the trunk and dropped her bag inside. She locked the door when he approached her side of the beamer, knowing he would inflict some type of torture on her. She held the lock and laughed at him as he held the unlock pad on the key fob. He leaned down and smiled big and wide with his face pressed against the window.

“Come on, baby, let go of the lock. I just want another kiss, that's all.”

Daniella's eyes went wide and she shook her head as she continued to laugh at him.

“You're going to regret this if you don't release the lock.” He pulled his face back, stood and tapped the window.

The sudden sound of sirens caused Daniella to jump, her heart pounding rapidly. She lurched further when Cruz opened the door and straddled her.

 The brat had set off his own alarm. His fingers dug into her armpits, and she laughed so hard she could hardly plead for mercy. When he finally stopped his torture, he tugged her against his chest and planted one lustful kiss against her lips.

It wasn't enough. She wanted more, but he lifted her legs and swiveled her back into her seat properly. Daniella stared at him as he climbed over to his seat and set the car in motion, never once glancing her way. She didn’t miss his self-satisfied smirk.


“I'm so nervous,” Daniella said as Cruz held her hand and led her toward the cabin.

“No need to be nervous. My parents are harmless. They might ask all kinds of questions, or some silly crap about marriage, but they're harmless.” He squeezed her hand.

Daniella was about to ask him what he meant when he mentioned his parents and marriage, but Meg came rushing toward them. She went straight for Cruz and gave him a big hug. He returned her hug, dropping Daniella’s hand. Her stomach tightened. Something about the way Meg acted around Cruz irritated her. He was clearly with her, so why did Meg feel she had a right to jump into his arms?

“Okay, okay. Jeez, Meg. You act like you haven't seen me in years. Now let go or Daniella's going to get the wrong idea.” Cruz pushed Meg off him, grabbed Daniella's hand and stretched it around his waist. In her head, Daniella sniggered at Meg. She smiled and squeezed his side when he threw his arm across her shoulder, pulling her close to him.

“Oh, oh, oh! Look at you!” A woman came rushing out the back door of the cabin.

Cruz whispered in Daniella's ear, “That'd be my mother. I hope she doesn't annoy you too much.”

Daniella hadn't had a chance to respond when she was suddenly plucked away from Cruz and wrapped in his mother's embrace.

“My gosh, Cruz. She's beautiful.” She turned Daniella around in a circle. “You're perfect. I'm Emma Jean, Cruz's mom.”

Cruz's mother was eye level with Daniella and she continued to examine her. “Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Canton.”

Daniella smiled. She could tell her cheeks were red by the heat they gave off.

“Emma. Call me Emma.” Cruz's mother reached for Daniella's hand and dragged her into the cabin. “There are six bedrooms. Meg and Falcon share a room, but you and Cruz are not married so you'll have to have separate rooms.” Emma paused. “You do understand why?”

“Yes, and I'm totally fine with that. I told Cruz, before I accepted his invitation, I'd come as long as we'd be sleeping in separate quarters.” But she knew it'd be a struggle to be under the same roof, in a different room, separate from Cruz.

Cruz introduced Daniella to his father. After they ate dinner, they took a long walk along the beach. It was dark out, but the moon shed plenty of light and cast a glow across the lake.

Daniella had a hard time focusing on anything other than Cruz's hand sliding along the bare skin of her lower back. He sent tingles rippling along her skin when he'd inch his fingers inside the fabric near her breast.

Meg and Falcon were out walking too, and trailed along not too far behind.

“Will you stop that?” Daniella shivered at his touch.

“I can't help it. This shirt is too damn sexy. Next time, wear a turtleneck if you don't want me touching you,” Cruz said. “Good thing we're not alone or I’d be all over you.”

“Mm. Good thing we have separate rooms 'cause you're driving me nuts.” She squeezed his side.

“Don't be so sure of that. You never know if I'm going to sneak into your room, and there's a great possibility I will.” He stopped walking, sat down, and pulled Daniella onto his lap.

The rest of the evening, they spent chatting with Meg and Falcon. After they all went in for the night and to their assigned rooms, Daniella slipped into white cotton shorts and a matching t-shirt. Cruz had told her to lock her door and so she did. Surprisingly, she fell asleep easily and didn't wake until morning.

The smell of pancakes and bacon brought her out of bed. She slipped into the bathroom for a shower, then brushed her teeth and ran a comb through her hair. Stepping out, she found Cruz leaning against the wall. A big grin spread across his face.

“Good morning, sunshine. You ready for breakfast before we go have some fun?”

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