Of Love and Deception

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Authors: Melisa Hamling

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Of Love & Deception

Melisa Hamling



Of Love and Deception

By Melisa Hamling

Copyright © 2012 by Melisa Hamling

Cover design by: Robin Ludwig of Robin Ludwig Designs Inc.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Hamling, Melisa

Of Love and Deception / by Melisa Hamling

p. cm


Summary: Wooed and seduced by Mr. Perfect, a young woman suspects deception when she conceives a long awaited child.



A special thanks to one of the best buddies ever, my “Besty” Clare Ayala. You push me to strain my brain and work out all of those not so wonderful ‘bumps’ along the way. All of your awesome suggestions have creatively enhanced my story. Give it to me girl! Straight up. That’s what you do and I love you for that. To Brandi Pletcher for always being there to read whatever I throw at you. To Kaci Presnell for pushing through all of my underdeveloped chapters and still loving it. And just for you, one handsome character’s life has been saved. He thanks you very kindly and tells me he might have a story of his own. To my lovely bloggers and reviewers: Rachelle Ayala at Rachelle’s Window, Laurie Carlson at Laurie Here – Contemporary Fiction and More, Wanda at Good Choice Reading, Jean at JeanzBookReadNReview and all those bloggers and reviewers who promote Indie.


And to some very important people, Lori Wendt and Jill Deupree, for letting me borrow bits and pieces of your characters. From those crazy days and too many laugh-out-loud moments: Paparazzi birthdays, horns, the unforgettable granny panties with yard deco, and all the crazy fun we’ve had throughout the years. Best memories ever!


To my family for always standing by me and allowing me to do what I love most. Love you. Mwaaaaahhh.


And to my readers, who make this possible, thank you for your support.


You’re a slave to your fear, to your past until you can travel down that road, the one that takes you to the places where love, lies, jealousy, pain, laughter, delusions, and yes, deception, split your paths until everything collides and comes crashing back together.



Blake Sheldon was the hot topic of every girl on campus, and Daniella had to admit he was pretty darn sexy. Black hair, blue eyes, and a chiseled body had Daniella doing a double take when he brushed past her, bumping his shoulder against hers in the hallway. Then he smiled, a sexy, sweet smile. Word had it that his eyes were on her, but she hadn’t believed it—not until he showed up at one of her classes several months before they would graduate from college.

He stood, his left arm stretched along the doorframe, the same side of his body flush against it. Daniella tried to maneuver her way around him to take her seat in her last class of the day, but he threw out his right arm to block her. She glanced up at him, his blue eyes mesmerizing, but dark somehow. That was the beginning of their relationship. Blake refused to let her enter class without getting her number and a date. Stupidly, she gave in.

She spent every night after their first date with him. Oh, that first date. He’d charmed the hell out of her. Took her to the Golden Gate Bridge. He calmed her fear of heights when his warm arms enveloped her, and he spoke soothing words into her ear. She felt safe…

His sweet demeanor slowly changed into something unrecognizable, someone different

“Where have you been? You promised you’d be here hours ago. It’s after midnight and you reek… of smoke? And why are your lips pasty? Is that… you have white matter lining your nostrils! Blake, are high on cocaine?”

“Stop being a sourpuss! It’s just a little pick-me-up. Don’t worry your pretty little head off, sweetheart.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and clung to her.

Daniella vowed not to marry him if he continued to use. He stopped for a time, but once the date had been set and the wedding plans began, he started spending less time at her apartment, claiming he was working on selling his home and searching for a new one for them to occupy once they were married. His excuse for not including her seemed believable. It was all supposed to be a surprise, the new house. He also said it was good not to spend all of their time together because they’d be that much more excited to be in each other’s arms once they were married. It made sense.


Returning a day earlier than expected from a business trip, she entered her apartment to discover the voice of another woman calling out, 
”Oh, baby! Don’t stop. Harder!”

That was the demise of their relationship, or so she had thought. The man she planned on marrying didn’t like getting caught screwing another woman. He’d turned ugly and physical, expecting her to forget about it and marry him anyway. He used his lawyer daddy and his own status as a criminal defense lawyer against her, threatening her by telling her if she pressed charges, he’d make sure to reverse the situation and she’d be the one sitting in jail.

His threat kept her from pressing charges, but she refused to continue any relationship with him, let alone marry him!

He tormented her.

A bouquet of black roses with DIE BITCH written in bold letters on the card sat in front of the door of her apartment. That was the first sign he was crazy.

Slashing her tires was the second and had her rushing to the courthouse to obtain a restraining order.

Setting the interior of her car on fire was the third and final sign.

That was it. Her car was destroyed. Daniella laughed as she crumbled the restraining order in her fist. “To serve and protect. Ha, freaking ha.” She cried for hours.

Her cell phone rang, startling her out of self-pity.

“Lori! Oh my gosh, Lori!” She wanted to cry again. She missed her best friend.

“Sista, D. How the heck are you? Been hooching much? How’s that boyfriend of yours?”

“So bad. So bad, Lori. I… I…”

“Oh, girl, are you crying? Shit! That little fuck. I’m coming out there right the hell now.”

Daniella couldn’t help but laugh. Lori could always do that to her. Bring out a laugh in the darkest moments.

“Tell, me. What happened?”

Daniella gave Lori the run down, and Lori naturally voiced her opinion. Daniella expected nothing less.

A decision was made that night. She was moving back to Florida, per Lori, away from the chaos of Blake Sheldon.

Less than a month later, she made one last sweep of the apartment and revealed she’d left nothing behind. 

“I did tell you my boss is looking for a manager, and that it’s right up your alley?” Lori asked.

“Like a hundred times.”

“And I did tell you there’s a lot of hot male clients?”

“About two hundred and ten times.”

“Inward moans and sticky panties hot?”

“You’re so nasty, Lori! Is that all you think about?” 

“Sticky panties?”

Daniella shook her head. “No! Men, men, men.”

“What can I say. I love em. And there’s no way in hell I’m gonna let you sit around and mope over LOSER boy. You’re gonna get right back into hello-I’m-available mode. Yep.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not jumping at the idea. Getting over Blake… trusting another man might be difficult. I’ll never understand why he went all violent when he’d never been that way before.”

“You busted his ass in your bed. He flipped out because he got caught and stupidly thought you’d take him back. Like he’s entitled.”

“You’re probably right. But… I’m leaving all memories of Blake behind me, right here, right now,” Daniella said as she handed over her keys to the apartment manager.

At that moment, all ties between Daniella and Blake were severed.

She dated a few times but never allowed for anything serious to become of those dates.


Two years later, something unexpected happened.

That something was someone.

That someone was Cruz Canton.


Mr. Perfect

~Florida. Two years later~


Daniella had no remorse or regrets after leaving California.
And Blake Sheldon!
She had a great job… make it two great jobs. Her primary love, Designers, Inc. Her second job working at Jammerz, a night club known for hosting imposters of some pretty big names in the music industry, proved to be a great part time job. It was also a way to use some of the other talents she never dared to share with anyone. Not even her best friend.

And no, I’m not a stripper!

Daniella skirted toward her office past a huge bouquet of roses at the front desk. Her gang of coworkers idled there, giggling and poking fun. She was already late for a client meeting.
Someone’s getting lucky tonight and it’s not me.
She patted down her face and reapplied her lip- gloss.

A round of giggles emanated from the gossip girls at the front desk.
Sheesh, what’s with these gals? Haven’t they seen flowers before?
Her boss, Parker, wasn’t going to like this dawdling. Already ten past one. She walked over. “Lunch’s over. Don’t you have work to do?”

She couldn’t help but lean over to inhale the heavenly scent of fresh flowers.

“Who’s the lucky one?” Daniella scanned all five faces. Each pair of eyes, every grin, gave away their guilt. “Well, if you’re not going to tell me, scram.”

They gawped at one another, burst into a round of giggles, and scattered toward their offices.

Danielle moseyed toward her office. A hunk of a man stood just inside the door, a cup of water in his hand.

How did he get past the front desk without being seen by the fabulous five?

“You must be Daniella?”

She stared, her mouth agape.

A single eyebrow arched, he stared at her quizzically. “I’m sorry. Am I in the wrong office?”

 When Daniella didn’t respond, he flashed a dazzling smile. His alluring blue eyes sparkled the same color as pool water glistening in the sun.

Talk about an idiot.
Only me. Only I could ruin a perfect opportunity—piss away my intelligent demeanor.

The man craned his neck, stretched a finger toward the glass wall with her name etched in bold letters. “By the name on the wall, I guess I’m in the right office.”

He leaned against the counter, dropped his elbows onto the surface and cradled his chin in his hands. A grin stretched across his lips. “Does the name Cruz... Cruz Canton, ring a bell?”

“I’m... I’m sorry. The girls. They just... well one of them—oh never mind all of that.” Daniella stretched out her right hand. “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Canton.” She attempted a composed smile, but her lips twitched.

“Cruz. Just call me Cruz.” He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. His grip was strong, warm and tender. But he didn’t release until she shook free.

Daniella lifted her eyes to meet his gaze and flushed. “Let’s get started, shall we?”

“Great idea,” he said.

Daniella stood silent. She’d have to invite him to step behind the counter where she was. She had her portfolios spread along the desk, taking up all available space on its circular shape.

Holy crap! He’s dreamy.

“Something wrong?” Cruz asked.

“No. Why do you ask?”

He tilted his head. “You’re blushing.”

“Oh.” Embarrassed, Daniella busied herself by shuffling some of the loose papers and slipped them into a folder. “Come on around and have a seat.” She retrieved another file marked ‘Cruz Canton-multiple interior designs by request.’ She shifted in her seat, inhaled a deep, quiet breath and slowly released it.

He’s sitting too close!

His thigh brushed against hers.
Was that intentional?
She spread out some textured color swatches, her hand still on a taupe colored swatch when he slid his hand over hers, curling his fingers, and then tapped on the swatch. He leaned closer, almost cheek-to-cheek closer and said, “I like this one.”

The warmth of his hand and the way he slid it over hers shot a red-hot ache right between her thighs. She squeezed her legs together at the thought of what else he could do with those fingers. Her heart skittered at the thought.

She had to collect herself, get her mind out of the Cruz Canton gutter. She wouldn’t let his debonair qualities consume her thoughts any longer, not such an easy task. He continued to slide his hands over hers, but acted as if he were reaching for a sample, or pattern. Daniella was no fool and
to ignore his gestures, but she happened to notice he wasn’t wearing a ring.

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