Of Yesterday (7 page)

Read Of Yesterday Online

Authors: Alta Hensley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Western, #Westerns, #Romance

BOOK: Of Yesterday
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He tucked her close, caressing her stomach. "There's a
lot to take in lately. The move, the project, building our lives...you and me."

Taylor snuggled closer, playing lightly with his chest hair.
"You and me?"

"I'm not an easy man, Taylor."

"I'm not an easy woman."

He chuckled. "Yes, I've figured that much out." He
kissed the top of her head. "I want things a certain way in a
relationship. I expect to be in charge. A lot of women wouldn't be willing to
accept that."

"I'm not most women."

He laughed again. "Yes, I know this, too. I can tell
you one thing, though. I may be demanding, bossy, stubborn and overprotective,
but I counter it by making sure my woman is forever cared for."

His woman?
She could not muster up the courage to ask
what he meant by that. "And I make sure
my man
is cared for as

With a mischievous smile, Taylor managed to roll Jason onto
his back so she could trace a hungry trail down his body. She kissed, she
licked, she tasted her way down to his hardened shaft. She moved her way lower
and lower until the tip of her tongue touched the tip of his cock.

With his hips rising to meet her seduction, he moaned, "Put
your mouth around me."

She followed his command and took his hardness deep within.
Swirling her tongue in small circles as she relaxed the back of her throat to
allow his size to be engulfed completely. His gasp, his shudder, and the way
his hands grabbed at her hair, only drove her need to please even higher. She
worked her lips up the base, and drove them back down in a rhythmic motion. She
drove herself to meet his demands. Tightening her lips, and licking lightly,
Taylor worked his cock, intensifying his pleasure. Slowly up, then plunging
back down, she worked until his control snapped. His breath hitched and his
moan reverberated through his entire body as he climaxed in her mouth.

The moment ebbed, satisfaction blanketing them both. Jason
pulled her in close as Taylor wrapped her arms around him and clung. She was
his. She would always be his.




They both stood on the porch staring into each other's eyes.
Jason did not want the day to end or reality to slip back in. The last few
hours had been a dream that he did not want to wake from.

Taylor leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Thank you
for today. It was beyond anything I could have imagined." The kiss seared
his skin.

He stared for several long moments before running his finger
along the edge of her jaw. "I need to tell you that for the first time I—"

The front door suddenly opened and Mandy was standing there
beaming from ear to ear. "Hi guys! Guess what? The O'Keefe brothers are
here to talk to you, Jason. I made them some coffee." She spun around and
skipped her way back to the kitchen.

Jason quickly followed Mandy into the kitchen, his boots
loud as they rapped on the wooden floor. He saw the two brothers sitting with
their mugs of coffee at the table.

"Afternoon, gentlemen." He turned to Mandy and
Taylor and said, "Why don't you ladies go check on the animals?"
After the girls left the kitchen, he took an empty seat and stretched out his
long legs casually. "What can I help you fellas with?"

"Well, Jason, we're here to offer a dowry for Mandy and
Taylor and their hands in marriage. We know you ain't their Pa or nothin' but
they are your wards."

Jason knew the O'Keefe brothers well. They were part of the
original team, and had worked just as hard as he in building the community and
turning this land into the success it was becoming. Their ranch was large and
already turning a profit. In theory, they would make fine husbands and sound

Jason sat there a few minutes and studied the two men before
him. "So you each want one of the ladies. Am I correct?"

"Yes, sir. They’re both fine women and we’d be proud to
add them to our family ranch."

The second brother spoke up for the first time. "You
know we're all doing what we can to build this community, and we feel having
some internal marriages would be a great start."

Jason rubbed his chin. "You boys are definitely
following our bylaws. I appreciate you taking the time to come and do this the
proper way, but I'm going to have to decline your offer."

The brother's looked at each other in surprise. The first
one spoke up. "Can I ask why? Has someone else already shown interest?"

The idea of anyone showing any interest in Taylor sent fire
to the depths of Jason’s belly. His jaw tightened, teeth clinched, as jealously
ached through his bones.

Jason stood up and began to pace, his boots beating against the
wooden floor once again. "No, nothing like that. My sister
is...complicated. She isn't the type to get married. The best place for her is
here on my land."

"And Taylor?" the second brother asked.

Anxiety pulsed through Jason's body. "Well, Taylor
is...well, she's..."

The brothers looked at each other and smiled. The second one
asked, "Yours? You've taken a liking to her, I see."

Defensive, Jason shot back, "What goes on between
Taylor and I is none of your concern."

The first O'Keefe brother spoke up. "But it is, Jason.
We're building this land around the morals of yesterday. Living in sin under
one roof with a woman is not what we want our society to be. You, being a Founding
Father, should know that. And Mandy's a fine woman. We know she's not like
most, but she has a big heart. She's good with children, has a special touch
with the animals. Adding Mandy to our homestead would be an honor."

"You've got to figure out this thing with Taylor. This territory
is no place for a single woman, and you know damn well that having her under
your roof is bad for her reputation and could destroy yours. You can't lead an
old fashioned society if you don't follow the same moral code as the rest of
us," the second brother added.

Jason made his way to the kitchen door, signaling that it
was time for them to go. "Thank you, gentlemen. You've given me some
things to think about and consider. You two have a nice evening."

After the brothers left, Taylor made her way into the
kitchen. She walked over to the table and grabbed the mugs and brought them
over to the sink. "What were they here for? You haven't had any guests
before. If I knew, I would have made a pie or something."

"It was a surprise visit. They came to offer a dowry
for your and Mandy's hand in marriage."

Taylor spun around so fast that curls escaped the tie
holding them in a loose ponytail. Her green eyes flared with fury. "You
can't be serious! We aren't for sale! How dare you!"

Jason walked calmly toward Taylor. "First of all, you
need to calm down. Second—"

"Don't tell me what I
to do! You don't own me!
You don't control me!"

"Taylor, stop," he sternly commanded, without raising
his voice.

"And just when I thought...well, just when I thought
that maybe things between us..." She put up both of her hands to stop
Jason from getting any closer. "Forget it! Just forget it!" She
stormed past him and ran upstairs.

Jason followed her close behind, only to have the door
slammed in his face. Hearing the click of the lock, he boomed. "Taylor,
you open this door right now! Get out here so we can talk."


"Taylor, I'm not asking. I'm telling!"


"Taylor, God damnit, get out here now!"


"Fine. You stay in there. Just know that when you come
out, your ass is going to be sorry. You won't be sitting for a week!"

He stormed down the stairs, with rage wanting to explode
from his chest. How dare that woman accuse him of trying to sell her off. She
was so damn fiery that she would not even give him a second to explain. Too
damn stubborn to open the door.

He paused at the bottom step for a moment, contemplating
going back to her door to explain through the wood. She needed to hear the
truth. But on the other hand, how could she think he would do something like
that in the first place?

"Why are you and Taylor fighting?" Mandy startled
him. She was standing in the doorway with her eyes wide and her lip quivering.

Jason walked over and pulled her into a hug. "Just a
misunderstanding. Nothing to worry about."

"Are you going to sell us?"

Jason wanted to laugh at the way it sounded, but bit his
tongue. "No, not at all. That's where the misunderstanding part comes in.
The O'Keefe brothers wanted to marry you both. But I said no, and Taylor didn't
give me time to explain." He pulled away and gave Mandy a kiss on the
forehead. "I love you, and I would never sell you off." He tousled
her hair. "So stop worrying, all right?"

"Why did you say no?"

Jason paused, unsure of what to say. "Well...because
you're my sister and you belong with me. This is your home."

Mandy frowned and bit her lip. "What if I want to get
married? What if I want to have babies?"

"Well, then you can. I just want to make sure it's
want to. And only when
want it. I love you, and
I'm going to always make sure you're safe and protected. I only want the best
for you."

"And Taylor?" she asked.

"What about Taylor?"

"Do you
her? Do you only want the best for
her?" Mandy smiled.

"Of course I want the best for her."

"But do you loooove her?"

Jason smirked. "Mandy..."

"Are you and Taylor boyfriend and girlfriend?"


"Then what are you guys?"

Jason shrugged. "I don't know. Can we change the
subject please?" Having this conversation with his sister was about the
last thing he wanted to do. Torture would be a better option.

Mandy giggled. "I would make a pretty bride. I could
wear a huge princess gown, and..." her voice trailed off as she bounced
her way up the stairs, leaving him to sulk alone.

Jason walked into the kitchen and sat at the table alone.
His head spinning, he tried to come to terms with his emotions. What were he
and Taylor? The brothers were right when they said things had to change. This
relationship between Taylor and him was not proper. Having sex with no
commitment went against everything he believed, and against everything he was
trying to change with this new society. He was guilty of falling into ways of
modern times.

Disappointment racked through him. Taylor deserved better.
Taylor deserved to be treated like a lady. Letting his sexual desire get in the
way of his better judgment made him conduct himself like he would have in the
past. Things were supposed to change with this move. He was supposed to change.
And by damn...he was going to make sure he did.

Chapter Ten



There was a light knock on the door, followed by Mandy's
voice, "Taylor, can I come in?"

Taylor quickly opened the door to let her enter, sorry if Mandy
had heard any of the shouting. She knew how something like that could really
upset Mandy. "I apologize if you heard your brother and me fighting."

Mandy shrugged and then smiled like only she could. "I know
why. But he wasn't going to sell us. He said no." Her smile got even
bigger. "So no need to be angry anymore."

"He told you that?" Taylor realized that she was
so furious that it was quite possible she jumped to the wrong conclusion. She
never gave him a chance to talk.

"Yup. He loves us, and wouldn't do that." Mandy
leaned forward and whispered, "But I do want to get married someday. Don't

Taylor nodded. "Yes, I guess I do." She smiled at
the innocence before her. "You said he loves
? What do you mean?"

Mandy giggled. "I think he wants you to be his
girlfriend. K-I-S-S-I-N-G." She laughed out loud and bounced on the corner
of the bed.

"I don't think so. He hasn't mentioned anything like
that to me."

Mandy stopped bouncing and stared at Taylor. "Have you
that you love him?"

"I...uh...love is a really strong word."

Mandy nodded and her smile conquered her tiny face. "Yes,
it is. And for some reason, people are scared to admit when they feel it. You
shouldn't be scared to love my brother. You shouldn't feel it's something to
fight against."

"Well, we're just getting to know each other,"
Taylor defended.

"There's no timeline on love. You can feel it as fast
as you want. It's just that most people are too scared to allow the feeling."
Mandy stood up and made her way to the door. "It's not a bad thing to

Taylor nodded. Amazed at how clear and simple Mandy could
make things.

"Don't be sad anymore, Taylor. Go downstairs and talk
to him. I'm going to bed." Mandy turned around and walked out the door,
leaving a surprising trail of wisdom behind her.




Jason found Taylor in the parlor. Moonlight spilled across
her nightgown-clad body, highlighting her as she sat curled up on the couch.
With her head rested on her knees, her shoulders slumped, and her arms wrapped tightly
around her body, her posture told a story of sadness and doubt. He silently
cursed himself when he heard the soft sigh that escaped her.

She did not move as he walked in the room, approaching her.
Dropping to his knees before her, Jason took her hands and felt her chilled
skin. He rubbed her hands between his, sharing his warmth, and calmly waited
for her to respond to his presence. She finally raised her head and looked at
him. The tears glistening in her eyes broke his heart.

 "Your hands feel like ice. You need to take better
care of yourself. You aren’t used to an older, drafty house." Jason
grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her.

"I’m not used to a lot of things, I guess." She
freed one of her hands and pressed her palm to the side of his face. "I...I
owe you an apology." Taylor swallowed the lump in the back of her throat. "Can
we talk?" Jason nodded and stood. "Yes, I’m going to go make us some
coffee to warm you up. I’ll be right back." Taylor sat alone in the room for
a moment before deciding to follow him, not wanting to be away for even a
moment. She leaned her body against the door jamb of the kitchen, staring at
Jason making the coffee. "So do I have a spanking coming?" She tried
to smile through her nervousness.

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