Of Yesterday (10 page)

Read Of Yesterday Online

Authors: Alta Hensley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Western, #Westerns, #Romance

BOOK: Of Yesterday
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"You’re lucky to be alive and not have any injuries.
You could have been burned."

Jason parted her legs further, opening her crevice
completely to his view. What started as a blush had no doubt reached a level of
fiery red against her heated face. Never had Taylor laid across a man’s lap,
with her ass in the air, legs spread wide, and everything private in full sight.
With only a breathless gasp and a slight tense of the body, Taylor allowed
Jason to do as he pleased. Resistance never entered her mind.

His fingertip dipped into the natural contours of her
bottom, sliding seductively along her puckered opening. "But after
tonight, you’ll definitely be feeling a
." Jason’s finger
rubbed over her anus in small, measured circles.

Taylor’s breath caught, trapped in her throat by the desire
for him to press past her opening. Jason removed his hand and reached for
something beside him. Taylor kept her eyes shut, clinching her fists in nervous
anticipation. Was she going to be spanked with a paddle, a brush, or the belt
he had removed before placing her over his lap?

Moments later, Jason applied smooth cream to her puckered
rosebud that desperately craved to be invaded. "I like this," she
confessed. "I want you there. I want you to take me where I’ve never been
taken before."

He continued to rub and tease by pressing the tip of his
finger past the tight skin. "I want you, too. And I plan on making this
tight ass mine. But right now, you’re about to get a punishment that will make
you think twice before putting your life at risk."

Taylor had expected to be spanked by now, had expected to
feel the sting of his hand. The anticipation was excruciating. She looked over
her shoulder, brushing the curls from her eyes so she could see what Jason had
in store. In his hand was a root of some sort, carved into a shape like the tip
of a penis.

"What is that?" she asked.

"This is a ginger root I carved into a shape that will
fit into your bottom." A mischievous smile washed across his face. "And
very soon, you’ll find out why this is a punishment you won’t forget."

Jason placed his hand between Taylor’s shoulder blades and
pressed her all the way down again. The only thing she could see was the wooden
floor boards below her. She could not help but buck against the root as it made
contact with her skin. The fear of the unknown and the pressure on her entrance
caused all her nerves spring to life.

He spread her buttocks and pressed the root past the tight
hole. She jerked.

"Hold still," he ordered.

She whimpered at the sharp bite of the intrusion.

"Relax, sweetheart." He continued to press the
root further, demanding the access. "I want you to close your eyes and
concentrate on the sensations. Focus on the discipline."

Her hands flailed until they found his calves and dug in.
Her breath hitched with every movement of the root. Inch by inch, the ginger
made its passage to her depths. "Oh, God."

The root was almost all the way in, spreading her hole to its
limits. Her anus continued to stretch, but her pussy pulsated in desire. The
tight muscles gave as she took the thickest part of the root.

Taylor shook her head, her voice strained. "Jason, I
can’t. It stings."

Jason paused until Taylor gave him the hint to continue on,
by seductively pressing her ass to his hand.

"Take a deep breath and relax. You can do this."
He leaned down and kissed the top of her bottom. "Do you need me to stop?
If it's too much -"

Taylor shook her head to interrupt. "No, don't stop. I want

With a final push that had her crying out, Jason shoved the
ginger root all the way to the carved base.

Jason leaned down and placed soft kisses on her lower back,
working his way to each cheek of her butt. He moved his hand to her clit and
pinched. She pressed against his touch, desperate for the tender reward for her

He continued to rub and stroke her bud, driving her passion
to a whole new level. "Now the punishment is just about to begin."

"What? The root isn’t it?"

He snickered. "Oh, it is. Wait a few more seconds and
see just how much of a punishment it is."

As if on cue, a slow burn began to build in the depths of
her canal. A burning that rippled its way through her entire bottom hole.

Pressing down on her back when she tried to struggle, Jason
whispered, "It’s all right. It’s supposed to burn. It’s going to light
your ass on fire. But it will also make you crave me buried deep inside of you."
He tapped the base of the root. "This will teach you to never go near a
fire ever again."

The burning in her bottom melted any sense of control. She
panted against the sensation as the heat grew in intensity. A scorching fire
set her insides ablaze, yet her pussy throbbed for more.

Jason adjusted her bottom with his knee so her ass was
higher up and on better display. As if the root wasn’t enough, Jason began to
spank her inferno of a butt.

Taylor desperately tried to wriggle loose from his grasp. "Jason,
please! I’m sorry!"

He continued to spank. Every time Taylor clenched her ass,
tensing from the spanking, it made the burning from the root build.

Taylor could not breathe, could not move. All she could do
was clinch her fist and close her eyes and commit herself to the punishment.
Jason was right. She would not be forgetting or repeating this one for sure.

"Who’s in charge, Taylor?"


"You are."


"Will you ever do something like running into a burning
building again?"


"God, no! No, I won’t ever again. Please, Jason, it


"Just a little bit longer. But if you ever do something
like that again, I’ll double the length of time. Are we clear?"


"Yes. Yes!"

The spanking continued on until she could not tell where the
fire in her ass started and where it ended. She burned, she stung, but more
importantly she submitted. She knew she wanted this, just as bad as she wanted
Jason. She knew that when this God-awful punishment was over, she would be
completely surrendered to Jason and his way of life. She did not want a repeat
of tonight, but would allow Jason to discipline her however and whenever he
chose. She wanted to give him that power. She wanted to hand over the trust to
him. She was completely his.

Chapter Thirteen



Intimacy was the only way to explain it. Jason had never
spanked a woman before. Although with Taylor, it seemed natural and right. He
planned on having a traditional marriage, with traditional roles, but never
concreted the idea of spanking his wife into the equation. With Taylor, it was
clear she needed to be taken in hand and therefore it was never a question. What
Jason did find shocking was how his cock hardened each time he spanked her, or
even when he thought of doing so. Taylor was a bundle of passion bent over his
knee, giving herself and her submission to him. He had no idea the power and
intensity that act of discipline could give.

Her hands, which were caught behind her back in his, were
now relaxed. She no longer fought the punishment. The spanking had served its
purpose and he recognized when he had reached her limits. He removed the ginger
root, pulled her up and sat her on his lap, pressed hard against his chest.

"Jason, I’m sorry." Her voice cracked as she
nuzzled her face into his neck.

"I know, sweetheart. Just don’t ever let me catch you
putting your life at risk again." The possession he felt for this woman,
curled up in his lap, was overpowering. "It’s done. It’s over."

He stood her up and covered her red bottom with his hand.
She shifted uneasily, but then settled into his touch. His cock hardened
further in response to her softness.

"I like feeling the heat of your ass against my hand,"
Jason admitted.

"It stings." She pouted.

He pulled her face away from the crook in his neck so he
could look into her tear-glistened eyes."And well-deserved."

The blush that overtook her face was almost as pink as her recently-spanked
behind. Jason did everything he could not to chuckle. He turned her around and
pressed her over the edge of the bed before she could even put up a fight.

Taylor propped herself on her elbows and looked over her
shoulder. Blowing at the loose curl dancing in front of her eye. "Are you
going to punish me some more? I really am sorry."

"After what you did…I should. But, no. I’m going to
take care of the soreness." He placed his palm in the middle of her back
to keep her still. He pulled out a tube of salve from his pocket and dipped his
finger in it. "Stick your bottom up for me and hold still."

Taylor did as he asked, giving him pleasure knowing he had
full compliance. Her ass was stunning. Gorgeous in its sleek, delicate, heart
shaped perfection. He smoothed the salve onto her pink skin, no doubt giving a much-needed
cooling effect. She flinched against his touch, but followed each one with a
sigh of relief.

"This should make you feel better." He massaged
the salve onto her buttocks with long, smooth glides, careful not to inflict
anymore pain.

With each caress of his hand, Taylor began to relax into the
bed. A soft moan escaped her lips. "You make it
getting a spanking for this."

Jason smiled. Everything about this woman screamed
femininity. She was sexy but pure. She was strong, yet needed the protection of
a man. And Jason Winters was going to make sure he did everything within his
power to be that man.

"This salve should help get your rear back in sitting

"I don't think that's possible." She moaned again,
causing Jason's cock to grow even harder. "We could skip this whole step,
if you just didn't spank me anymore, you know."

Jason paused. "Is that what you want? For me to not
spank you?"

Taylor looked over her shoulder again. "No. As odd as
it sounds, I like it. I love this dynamic between us. I might hate the actual
spanking, but I enjoy the feeling afterwards more."

Jason lowered his stomach onto Taylor's back, kissing where
her neck met her shoulder. "I'm glad you feel that way. Just know that I
don't take this lightly. I would never abuse the power that you give me. If I
ever felt that this was truly against your will, I would never allow it. I
promise you that I will always be calm, and give every punishment out of love."

He palmed her ass and began to massage, using his thumb to
dip into the crease. Ever so gently, he traced his finger along the womanly
contours between her legs and rested against the tight entrance beckoning him
with the forbidden. Moist from the salve, his finger slid over the puckered
opening, teasing with the threat of entrance.

Taylor's gasp had him pausing, lingering around the tight
skin. He tapped the tightly closed entrance a few times, while watching Taylor
grasp the sheets of the bed between her whitened knuckles.

"Relax, Taylor," he whispered.

Doing as he asked, without hesitation, Taylor released the
tension in her muscles and surrendered to his touch. Her submission had his
lust boiling over. He wanted to thrust his cock past the tight ring and
dominate her completely, but knew he had to be patient. She was not ready for

Jason's blood burned and his cock began to throb with the
need for release. He slid his finger between Taylor's buttocks, pausing at the
puckered opening of her anus. Tracing his finger around it, he heard her catch
her breath.

Jason's arm gripped her around the waist, holding her still
as he pushed a finger past the tightly clenched opening and eased it past the
first ring of resistance. Her body shuddered, and her breathing hitched. Jason
continued to move his finger in and out of her anus in a rhythmic motion,
working her, preparing her for what was to come.

Whimpers began to escape from her throat, rising in
intensity as her hips pumped up and down, meeting his probing digit. Moisture
from her pussy dripped on his other fingers as they stroked softly along her
folds. The heat from her sex sent raw hunger to every part of his being.

Adding another finger to join the first, Taylor barely
squeaked, "Jason?"

"I want you. All of you. I want you completely as mine."

Taylor nodded. "Yes, Jason. Take me fully. I want you
in all ways possible."

"Later." He continued to move his fingers in and
out with the most gentle of touch. "I need to make sure you're ready for

Although, he did not know if he could make it until later.
Watching the stretched flesh wrapped tightly around him, brought out every
animalistic thought possible. If he did not stop now, there would be no control
in how he took her.

He pulled out his fingers and leaned down to kiss her cheek.
"I'm going to help you with a bath."

Lifting her into his arms, he cradled her against his chest
and carried her to her bathroom, enjoying the feel as she nuzzled her head into
his neck.

Jason knew she still needed rest as he lowered her into the
tub he prepared for her, but he still was not done showing his tender side. He did
not want her to ever think he was all about domination, control, and
discipline. He kneeled down beside her, his muscles knotted with tension, his
body enflamed by desire. His gaze swept over her, his hands clinching into
fists in order to keep from touching her, taking her.

Jason watched the gentle sway of her breasts just beneath
the warm water. As if reading his mind, Taylor took one of his hands, brought
it to her breasts, and tangled their fingers together in a loose clasp.

He welcomed her gentle touch, even though his conscience
urged him to stand up and leave her to bathe alone, before he lost all self-control.
She skimmed her fingertips over the back of his hand, successfully heightening
his arousal. His inner tension ratcheted higher and higher, testing every ounce
of control he had. He needed to focus on his goal of nurturing, and loving,

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