Off Limits (Sparks in Texas Book 4) (10 page)

BOOK: Off Limits (Sparks in Texas Book 4)
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Lacy needed to be filled. Needed him to fuck

“Please,” she gasped after several minutes.
“God. I need you, Logan.”

He lifted his head, letting her see the pain
etched on his face. He was suffering too. Strangely that idea
comforted her. She wasn’t alone in this.

She was so distracted by his expression, she
never saw him pick up the nipple clamp. She didn’t realize he had
it in his hand until the sharp teeth of the wicked contraption
snapped down.

“Ahh,” she cried. “Shit. That hurts.”

Logan didn’t remove it, but he didn’t put the
other on either. Instead, he studied her expression. “Focus on your
breathing, Lace.”

She did as he said, sucking in as much air as
she could muster, which wasn’t much.

He shook his head. “No. Like this.”

She followed his lead, her chest rising and
falling in time with his, in slow inhalations followed by long
exhalations. Lacy had just adjusted to the sting of the clamp when
he snapped the second one on.


He waited again, leading her through the
breathing exercises. This time, it took fewer seconds to regulate,
to adapt. Mainly because Logan had distracted her. Two fingers
slammed inside her pussy and Lacy jerked roughly.

God. She was going to come. Like…right

She screamed and thrashed her head on the
pillow as every nerve ending in her body exploded. What the fuck
was happening?

It was several minutes before she realized
Logan’s fingers were no longer inside her. Instead, he was hovering
over her, caging her beneath him as his elbows rested by her
shoulders. He kissed her gently, the touch in direct opposition to
the pleasurable pain he’d just produced.

“Okay?” he asked quietly when she finally
managed to gather her wits.

She nodded. “I don’t understand how…”

“You’re submissive.”

Lacy would have argued that point. She’d chop
off any guy’s dick if he tried to control her life, tell her what
to wear or how to behave. The Sparks women had more than their fair
share of independent and authoritative streaks.

But that wasn’t what he meant. She understood

And whether he realized it or not, Logan had
molded her desires when she was seventeen, unwittingly revealing a
part of her that she might never have known existed.

“I want you, Logan.”

The moment she uttered the words, she wished
she could take them back. They seemed to break whatever spell had
settled over them.

He pushed himself up and glanced at the pile
of toys that still rested next to her on the bed. “We’re not
finished with the lessons yet.”

The affection she’d just seen in his eyes was
shuttered away. Logan would play with her, broaden her horizons,
indulge her curiosity about BDSM. But he wouldn’t give her what she
truly wanted. Him. All of him. Heart, soul and body.

Unfortunately he didn’t give her the chance
to mourn that fact. Instead, he uncapped the lube and threw her
back into a maelstrom of sensation.

Logan squeezed some of the lubrication onto
his finger, and then slowly worked it inside her ass. She struggled
to adapt to the pinch. It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t entirely
comfortable. She recalled his declaration about fucking her there.
The masochist in her wanted that, even knowing it was likely to
hurt like hell.

She had to hand it to him. Logan seemed to
have the patience of Job. One finger eventually became two, and two
became three. Hours could have passed for all Lacy knew as he took
his time to stretch her. All the while he added even more

Finally, seventy-two years later, she felt
the tip of the plug against her ass.

“Shit,” she breathed out on a whisper as he
pressed the wicked toy deeper. She really should have picked a
smaller size.

“Logan,” she gasped as he continued to breach
the tight portal.

He captured her gaze and then, with a wink,
he pushed the fat end completely inside as her anus clenched around
the base.

“Ohmigod.” Once again, he led her through the
breathing exercises and then, just like before, he distracted her.
This time with the dildo.

He grinned as he rimmed the opening of her
body with the toy. “We won’t need lube for this one. You’re soaking

“You can’t put…”

That was as far as she got before Logan
shoved the dildo in to the hilt.

Her back arched off the bed as her second
orgasm rumbled along her spine, ravaging her. That orgasm was
followed immediately by a third, more powerful one when Logan
removed one of the nipple clamps and then the other.

Her cries were hoarse as her body trembled in
the aftermath. Logan laved her sensitive nipples with hot, wet,
soothing kisses. He’d done no more than push the dildo inside. He
hadn’t even fucked her with it. She had come three times tonight
and it had only taken him one little thrust to do so.

A trickle of sweat tickled her cheek as it
slid along her damp skin. The room had been chilly when they’d
first walked in. Now, it was like a sauna, the air thick and

Logan untied her wrists, slowly drawing her
arms down as he massaged her shoulders. He had just given her three
earth-shattering orgasms. It felt as if she should be the one
worshiping at his feet, taking care of him and giving him the moon
on a silver platter.

However, it was Logan who gave as she lay
there with no more strength than a newborn kitten. He ran his
fingers along the valley between her breasts, over her stomach and
back to her pussy. Her inner muscles fluttered against the thick
plastic as he pulled the dildo out.

When his fingers drifted lower, to the plug,
she sucked in a deep breath and held it.


It was the first time he’d asked permission
to do anything tonight. The fact that, ready or not, the damn big
thing needed to come out, wasn’t lost on her.

Logan placed a quick kiss on her cheek as he
gripped the base of the plug and pulled it free. She closed her
eyes tightly as the thickest part passed, sighing in relief—and
disappointment—as he dropped it to the floor by the bed.

She felt…empty.

“That was…” Lacy couldn’t find the words.

Logan simply nodded, looking at her so
intently she had to fight the urge to glance away. He could see too
much and she didn’t have the strength to hide, to shelter her

“You’re incredible, Lacy.”

She closed her eyes and pretended there
wasn’t going to be a “but” added to the end of that statement. She
could read him too. Whatever he’d just seen in her face—and she was
pretty sure it was pure, unadulterated, undying love—had helped him
batten down his hatches.

He was going to break her heart.

“We can’t do this again.”

She tried to push herself upright, but her
arms were still weak so it took some effort. “Why not?”

“You’ve had a crush on me since you were a

She blushed and glanced down. “I wasn’t sure
you knew that.”

He cupped her cheek, forcing her gaze to meet
his. “It was pretty hard to miss. I didn’t know you knew about
Yvette, that you’d followed us. God, Lacy. How much of what you’re
feeling right now is based on what you know about me and my needs?
How do you know this is really what you want?”

She scowled. “Um…maybe because I’m a fucking
adult and I know what I like.”

“Jane pretended she liked BDSM at first too.
We fell in love with each other and when those emotions were new it
was easy for her to go along with my desires because she wanted to
make me happy. In the end, she wound up resenting me for what I

“I’m not pretending.”

“How can you be sure?”

She snapped. Her temper flaring red-hot. “I

“I don’t want to hurt you. You’re the last
person on earth I’d
want to hurt.”

The anger that had flashed dissolved into
heartbreak. “You’re hurting me now.”

“And that’s why I need to leave.”


* * *


Fourteen years earlier…


“I think it’s on the back porch,” Evan yelled
from the kitchen.

Lacy glanced up, surprised when Logan stepped
outside. She turned her head away from him quickly, not wanting him
to see her cry. She’d had a crush on Logan her entire life, so it
was just her luck he’d show up and catch her ugly crying.

“Hey, Lace.” He walked over to retrieve a
cooler. Logan and Evan were going camping with a bunch of their
friends for the weekend. Needless to say, once again, she had been
deemed too young to tag along.

“Hey,” she said, not looking his

She was used to being invisible to her
brother’s friends. They were eight years older and there was
precious little a gang of twenty-somethings had in common with a
thirteen-year-old. So she hadn’t expected Logan to walk over to
where she was slowly rocking on her mom’s loveseat glider.

“You crying?”

She shook her head, refusing to face him. Of
course, she didn’t help her lie by reaching up to wipe away her

“What’s wrong?”

“Missy Martin kissed Bucky Largent.”

“Oh. And you like Bucky?”

Lacy crinkled her nose in disgust as she
looked at Logan. “Eww. No. Gross.”

“You like Missy?”

She rolled her eyes. “No. But now I’m the
only girl in my class who hasn’t kissed a boy.”

Logan chuckled. She expected him to walk
away, as he clearly didn’t find her reason for crying very

Once again, he did the unexpected. He put the
cooler down and sat next to her on the loveseat. “I wouldn’t worry
about that too much. You’re going to kiss lots of guys in your
life. Doesn’t matter if you’re last or not.”

“Nobody likes me like that.”

“They will.”

Lacy had her doubts. The boys in her class
tended to flock toward the girls with the big boobs. Hers had yet
to make an appearance. “Pretty sure I’m going to die alone.”

Logan laughed and stood up. “Tell you what.
If nobody’s kissed you by the time you’re eighteen, I’ll kiss you.”
With that, he picked up the cooler and headed back into the house,
while Lacy did some math.

In five years, Logan Grady was going to kiss
her. Lacy had waited this long. She could wait five more years.


Chapter Six


Macie stood with her hands on her hips.
“Alright. Let’s have it.”

Lacy looked at her cousin, wondering what
she’d forgotten. “Have what?”

“Who is he?”

Lacy bit her lower lip, especially when
Evan’s head popped up as he dipped one of his fries in ketchup.

“He?” Evan asked.

Lacy shook her head and fought like the devil
not to cry. “There is no he.”

She was able to say the words with confidence
because they were true. Logan hadn’t returned a single one of her
calls in five days and, despite her efforts to get him alone, the
man somehow always managed to have customers in his shop.

She’d stopped by his place after hours the
last two nights, but he either wasn’t in or he wasn’t answering the

He had told her when he left Friday that it
was over. He’d blown her world away with his clamps, plug and
dildo. Given her the greatest sexual experience of her life and
then, at the end, he’d simply walked away.

Once he said he was leaving, she hadn’t
bothered to beg or plead. One look at his determined face told her
all she needed to know. He wouldn’t be swayed.

As a result, he’d left her with a big
freaking hole in her chest where he had ripped her heart out.

“There’s no one.”

Her cousin studied her face too closely for
Lacy’s comfort, so she worked hard to keep her expression

“Only guy troubles would explain your
behavior the last few weeks.”

Lacy rolled her eyes. “I’m behaving like I
always do.”

Macie made an annoying buzzer sound, as if
Lacy had given the wrong answer on a game show. “Nope. You’ve been
all over the charts. Testy as hell one day, then the next you’re
walking on air. Spent the better part of a week yelling your name
until you finally managed to pull your head out of your daydreaming
ass long enough to answer me. During that phase, I had to brush my
teeth twelve times a day while trying not to get a toothache
looking at that sappy, sweet, can’t-wipe-the-grin-off-your-face
look. Now you’ve spent the last few days moping around here like
you lost your best friend. If that’s not some man fucking with your
head, then I don’t know what else it could be. You’ve got all the
classic symptoms.”

“Lace?” Evan asked. She hated seeing the
worry in his eyes.

“No one is jerking me around, Evan.” Logan
had been a straight shooter from the start, telling her they could
only have a short-lived affair. She was the one who’d pushed for
more than he was willing to give.

Her brother nodded and she was relieved that
he appeared to accept her words. “Maybe what you have is

“What do you mean?”

“Logan’s down in the dumps too.”

Lacy was very careful not to look too
interested in that tidbit, but Macie picked it up like it was a
hundred dollar bill on the ground. “Really?”

Though she was responding to Evan’s comment,
Macie’s gaze had zoomed in on Lacy—big time. The last thing she
needed was for Macie to put two and two together. That wouldn’t be
good for anyone.

Lacy needed to get out of here. Her head was
pounding, her throat closing and she was in serious danger of
falling apart in the middle of the restaurant.

“Listen, Mace. Things are slow around here
tonight. Do you mind covering for me? I’ve got a wicked

Macie nodded slowly, still studying her face
too intently. “Sure. If things get busy, I’ll call Gia or Adele to
come in and help out.”

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