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Authors: Monica Belle

Office Perks (13 page)

BOOK: Office Perks
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‘She sat in your face? What, properly?'

‘What do you mean properly?'

‘With her bum in your face.'


She gave a little shiver. I knew I couldn't lie, because she was sure to make Bobbie retell the story, but that was no reason not to milk Sophie's surprise and delight in my behaviour. She blew her breath out and swallowed about half her drink in one go.

‘Gorgeous! One up you with Bobbie's bum in your face, you dirty bitch! You didn't mind, yeah?'

‘No . . . it was, you know, no big deal.'

She nodded, accepting what I was saying, but I could tell she was impressed. I wondered if I could add any further details and get away with it, but held back. She spoke again.

‘And it was your first time, with a girl?'

I just shrugged.

‘You can really handle it. Most people get freaked.
Richard Drake too. I mean, I knew you could handle him, or I would have suggested you take my place, but I never thought you'd fuck him. And not in a storeroom at an exhibition!'

Again I shrugged.

‘So what were you doing, better than Richard Drake?'

‘Hilary Chalmers, who owns . . .'

She stopped, looking over my shoulder.

‘Talk of the devil.'

I turned, expecting to see Richard. I didn't, but in the doorway was Niall, looking out over the heads of the crowd. Our eyes met and he began to push towards us. Sophie gave me an arch look, to which I returned a puzzled one, then addressed Niall.

‘What are you doing here?'

‘That's a great way for a girl to address her boyfriend when he comes to take her out for a surprise lunch. You're Sophie, yes? Hi.'

Sophie gave him an appraising look as I answered.

‘That's very sweet, Niall, but we're supposed to be back in eighteen minutes. How did you find me anyway?'

‘It didn't take a detective. Your Siobhan told me where you were working, and when you weren't there I tried the nearest pub. So what's with the long hours? I thought you were just a temp?'

‘I am a temp, but I still have to work. What about you, anyway?'

‘It's a quiet day, and I'm the boss.'

‘Lazy bastard. I should be finished by two, half-two at the latest, if you want to hang around?'

‘I can do that.'

He went for drinks, leaving me feeling ever so slightly irritated and Sophie looking amused.

‘Getting serious, is he?'

‘I don't know.'

‘All the way down here to take you to lunch and no chance of a shag? That's serious.'

I shrugged, trying to put my annoyance aside. It was a nice thing to do, and I knew I should have felt grateful. I didn't. Instead I felt as if by coming to my work place he was being possessive. He'd called me his girlfriend too.

It took so long for Niall to get served that Sophie and I had to go back almost immediately, after draining our drinks in one. We were still a couple of minutes late after waiting to have the double security gates at the back of the theatre opened for us, and earned a sharp look from the supervisor. I got back to work as fast as I could, but I was preoccupied with Niall.

I thought I should possibly say something – perhaps point out that he shouldn't be possessive if he was up for three-in-a-bed romps. After all, I could just see his reaction if I suggested bringing one of his friends in to share me. He might like them to know he was shagging me, maybe even catch a peak, but touching would be a very different matter, let alone full-on sex like we'd had with Bobbie. As for the idea of him getting in a sixty-nine with another guy to help me get off . . .

It was so outrageous, so impossible, that it made me laugh aloud. I could just imagine his reaction – disbelief, then fury, then hurt at the implication that he might be anything other than one hundred per cent straight, that I could even think such a thing. Yet he expected me to lick Bobbie's pussy and fuck me while she sat her bare arse in my face.

My amusement turned to an irritation when I could almost hear his word by word aggrieved explanation of how it was different for girls. It was completely unreasonable, and yet it was hard to imagine the sort of
man I liked taking a different attitude. Frazer had been far from amused at the idea of Luke being made to suck his cock in return for Bobbie and my favours, and with Todd Byrne the idea was more ridiculous than with Niall.

I was still mulling over the situation when we finished. As we'd anticipated, we were allowed to go, if only because the supervisor evidently didn't think us competent to do anything else, and seemed to regard our very presence in the theatre as somehow inappropriate. It was actually quite funny, and Sophie was imitating her pompous manner as we were let out.

Niall was still in the Cross Keys, pint of Guinness in hand. Sophie stuck with me and I didn't complain, keen not to stress a strong bond between Niall and myself. He didn't protest either, and we ordered food then and there. I wanted to relax, to enjoy my afternoon, but I couldn't help scheming. Niall was great, and I wanted him, but on my terms. Sophie would flirt, because she was Sophie. Maybe I could let it happen, encourage them a little, steer things so that he might become a plaything for Sophie and Bobbie and myself, impartially. It was worth a try.

At three o'clock we'd eaten and put back another couple of drinks apiece, leaving us laughing and swapping rude stories.

By four o'clock we were drunk, well drunk, with Niall describing in detail how it had felt to do Bobbie and I side by side.

Five o'clock and we'd been thrown out of the Cross Keys, leaving us staggering up Endell Street with Niall's arms around Sophie and me.

Something was going to happen, it had to. It did.

Niall didn't need to be asked. His hands were on our bums as he steered us along and neither I nor Sophie were protesting. Her flat was in an estate at the top of
the Hampstead Road, high up in a tower block. We'd barely closed the door before Niall was kissing me and fumbling at my clothes. My jacket came off, my blouse was tugged open, my bra lifted and his hands were on my breasts. I let him grope, still kissing as my desire rose. Sophie had her arms around him, working on his trousers. They came open, and down, briefs and all.

He was tugging my skirt up as she began to play with his cock, and as my knickers were pushed rudely down she'd taken him in her mouth. I wanted it, then and there, my schemes forgotten except in that I needed sex and didn't care if Sophie joined in or not. I broke away, to quickly pull Niall's top off. She had his trousers right down, then off and we quickly had him stripped. I went down beside her, to take his balls in my mouth, sharing him just as I had with Bobbie even as I shrugged my blouse and bra away.

Sophie was being greedy, and I pulled her off him by her hair, eager for my share of his erection in my mouth. She stood back and began to strip, not dancing, not a tease, just rude. He was watching, his eyes fixed on her body. First she bared her breasts, cupping them in her hands with her blouse open and her bra pulled up, holding them out in open invitation and playing with her nipples to get them hard.

I was watching from the corner of my eye, and licking Niall's cock like an oversized lollipop as she turned to slowly lift her skirt and ease her knickers down over her pushed-out bum like a lap dancer. The pose left her pussy lips peeping out behind, moist and ready. He gave a lustful grunt at the sight and I pulled back.

‘Go on, Niall, fuck her, and me.'

He didn't need telling any further. Sophie gave a squeak of surprise and delight as she was grabbed by the waist and pushed down over the back of her sofa. His
hand went to his cock, guiding it between her bum cheeks, to rub quickly in her crease before sliding into her. She was panting immediately as he began to get into a rhythmn. I stood up, kicking my knickers off and bending over the sofa next to her, putting my bottom on offer in the same rude pose as she was in. Niall's hand found my bum and a thick finger slid into me.

‘Gorgeous. But aren't I the lucky bastard?'

Sophie gave a disappointed sigh as he pulled out to come behind me, replacing his finger with the full thick length of his erection. I was instantly dizzy with pleasure and panting out my ecstasy just as she had been. It was good, wonderful, in fact, but it lasted just seconds before he'd gone back to her. A few hard shoves and he was in me again, pushing slowly in so I could feel the mouth of my pussy spread to his helmet, then back to her, entering us turn and turn about, until I felt I would go crazy if I didn't get a proper seeing-to.

I was going to come anyway, one way or another. I had to. As he eased himself up Sophie one more time, I cocked my leg up to spread myself onto the smooth firm plastic of the sofa. Niall gave a soft grunt at the sight and pulled out, to grab my thighs and stuff my open sex as I began to rub myself. I closed my eyes, my feelings building towards orgasm, thinking of how I was spread open to his cock, totally uninhibited, with Sophie watching.

It stopped, and he pulled free to leave me on the brink of orgasm. I heard my own groan of disappointment, but I was still squirming myself on the sofa top, too close to orgasm to care. So was Sophie, up on tiptoe, rubbing herself as Niall entered her one more time. I saw her face change as her pussy filled and her pleasure tipped over into orgasm. As Niall began to push into her she was babbling.

‘Harder, Niall . . . do it in me . . . please, Niall . . . now.'

His mouth was set in a hard line, his teeth gritted with his won ecstasy, but he answered her.

‘Not that one, doll, that's for Lucy, that's for the girl.'

Sophie didn't answer, coming on his cock, which he held in until she'd finished, his face set in pleasure, and in satisfaction for the state he'd got her into; got us both into. I was ready, rubbing my pussy on the smooth, firm plastic, too close to orgasm to care for anything but having him inside me as I came. He obliged, slipping himself free of Sophie's body as she went limp, twisting around to slide himself easily into me.

I went frantic, bucking my body on the sofa top the instant I was full. He was fucking me, and my head was full of images of the way I was, spread bare for entry, rubbing myself in wild abandon as he fucked me, deep and hard, and side by side with a friend who he'd fucked too.

Sophie was watching, and giggling, as I came, which made it all the better, long and tight and high, with Niall's cock moving fast inside me all the time. He'd said he was going to keep his come for me, and he obliged. He shot his load deep inside me at the perfect moment, the very peak of my ecstasy, so that we came together. Sophie saw, and gave a little mew, maybe excitement, maybe disappointment. Niall responded only when he had pulled himself free of my body.

‘Sorry, love, but you see how it is. If I was to get you pregnant there'd be hell to pay, but if it's Lucy, well, it just brings things forward a little bit, and no harm done.'

‘You cheeky bastard,' was all I could manage, and he just laughed and slapped my bum for me. I was safe, but that wasn't the point. He'd come in me, happy to leave me pregnant, maybe even intending to. So one thing was very clear. I was Niall's girlfriend. He had decided.


19 August, 7.30 p.m. – Lucy Doyle wakes up in the arms of Niall Flynn.

19 August – 7.30 a.m. + 1 second – Lucy Doyle realises her head hurts.

19 August – 7.30 a.m. + 2 seconds – Lucy Doyle realises that she is in Sophie's bed, at Sophie's flat, but that Sophie is on the sofa.


I wanted Niall Flynn. I did not want to be his wife, fiancée, little woman, whatever. I mean, at my age? Sod that!

He had a cheek, for one thing – happily shagging my friends and expecting me to be his girlfriend, and his alone. It was not going to happen. He still turned me on, and I'm a stubborn little cow when I want to be. I wasn't giving in, and I wasn't going to chuck him either. There had to be some way of working it so that I got my way.

Mrs Maryam Smith rang just before eight to give Sophie her assignment, and by good luck I was on the same one. Niall had left by then, needing to get the garage open and make sure his lads had done what they were supposed to the day before. Sophie and I went together, by tube, to a mail room in Wandsworth where we and several other temps were supposed to process a huge pile of responses to some big competition. It was
simply tedious work, opening envelopes and sorting the enclosed forms into piles. We had a table to ourselves, and once the supervisors had decided we'd got the hang of it we were left alone. Sophie picked up the conversation where we'd left it on our way in, with me pondering how to bend Niall to my will.

‘So, what are you going to do?'

‘I haven't decided. There's no point in trying to explain how I feel. He'll either laugh at me and make me go down on his cock or get angry about it.'

‘What if you tell him you've been going with other guys and that he's got the wrong end of the stick?'

‘I don't know. He'll probably tell me it's time I stopped. He might lose it completely.'

‘Yeah, but he's been with Bobbie, and me. He can hardly complain if you . . . no, forget I said that.'

I gave her a wry smile. She spoke again.

‘How about a bit of reverse psychology? Start going on about the wedding, and how many kids you want, and how you'll need a big house. Tell him he needs to start saving, and to cut down on drink and see a mortgage advisor. Anything. like that. I bet he'll be back-peddling in seconds.'

‘That's a thought. But what if it backfires?'

‘You could even tell him he has to commit, and that means no more bonking your friends. Pity, but . . .'

‘Maybe you're right. I could give him a choice – full commitment or an open relationship.'

‘Go for it, girl.'

BOOK: Office Perks
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