Officer Wolf (Sizzling Shifter BBW Romance) (With Bonus Book)

BOOK: Officer Wolf (Sizzling Shifter BBW Romance) (With Bonus Book)
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Officer Wolf: A Sizzling Shifter BBW Romance

Sierra Burton

Copyright, 2015, Sierra Burton

All Rights Reserved

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Chapter 1


Chris tore the sheets from his bed and sat there huffing in a cold night sweat. He looked at his alarm clock and saw that it was two in the morning.
Been out for an hour and already having the dreams. Nice
, he thought. The dreams were always the same. Ben would always be in the house screaming and Chris would be trying to crawl through the window he’d shattered but he just couldn’t go inside. If he did, he knew he’d be dead. The smoke was as thick as could be and the flames were fierce, and even the firefighters hesitated before bursting through with their oxygen masks wrapped tightly around their faces.

It was too late, however. Ben was dead.

That’s how it happened in real life, and that’s exactly how Chris always dreamed it. Ben had been his best friend since they were kids, and they became police officers together at the same time. It’d been Ben’s night off and Chris was covering for a rookie on the force who’d called in sick.
Punk isn’t gonna last
, he’d thought to himself at the time.

That next morning the rookie resigned after the immense feeling of guilt he’d had. Chris had been forced to watch his friend die, to scream by his bedside as his knees buckled and then he finally collapsed from smoke inhalation. Chris had seen the whole fucking thing and it was driving him nuts.
Why couldn’t you have just gone in there and saved him you bastard? Why’d you have to be such a pussy

Because it would have killed you too
, another voice in his head reminded him.

He crawled out of bed and poured himself a glass of water, then put a few cubes of ice in it. He liked it cold, always had. After a few minutes of decompressing he went back to sleep and slept soundly. The dreams were gone.



Lana sighed with exhaustion after finally unpacking her last suitcase. She looked around the house and felt fairly pleased, although she still needed to sweep the floors and sterilize all the counter tops. She didn’t know who’d lived there before but they’d obviously moved out in a hurry. The furniture delivery men had set up her new mattress and box springs the night before and just looking at it made her want to plop down and sleep the day away.

She refrained from that, because she’d end up sleeping the day away since she’d been up literally all night. What she really needed was a cup of coffee, something that would keep her up. Maybe three or four cups spread throughout the day. That should do the trick. She stretched her arms out and went into the bedroom to change into something
, and then opened the front door and headed outside into the bright California morning.

It was around eight o’clock and the streets were fairly busy, though not like the big city she’d come from. The town was old and small and the people seemed old as well. Then she noticed the big burly cop walking across the street waving at some passerbys. Jesus, he was good lookin’ as sin.

She shook her head and smiled to herself, feeling like a silly schoolgirl with a crush on a boy she’d just laid eyes on. He was probably a jerk anyway, at least that was the stereotype she’d always heard about cops; especially small town ones. They were corrupt as could be. That one was surely no different, and underneath the good looks and cute smile, and those bulging muscles… Was probably a crooked no-good scumbag.

She walked across the street, waving at an old man in an old car who motioned for her to jaywalk in front of him.
Thank you
, she mouthed as she hurried across to the sidewalk. The coffee shop was fairly empty save for an old timer and…. The handsome cop she’d just seen. She stood behind him at the counter and listened to his husky rasping voice as he ordered a drink. Tall mocha with extra whip. Sounded good.

He turned and suddenly his eyes lit up as he saw her.

“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a woman as pretty as you in these parts?”

Lana blushed, “No?”

“No ma’am.” Chris stuck a hand forward and shook hers firmly, but nowhere near as firmly as he could have. He’d have been a damn fool to do that, considering his super wolf strength.

“Well I just moved here, so you’ll be seeing this pretty face an awful lot.”

His eyes sparkled, “Where from?”

“Los Angeles.”

“Whew. That’s a ways down from here. Long drive?”

“Yes, just got into town yesterday and about ten minutes ago I finally finished unpacking and setting everything up.”

“Where’d you move to?”

Lana pointed across the street at the old brownstone, “Second floor. Two bedrooms. It’s not fancy, but it’s a steal.”

Chris’s eyes turned cold as he looked in the direction of her finger. His voice slightly trembled as he spoke, “
.” He muttered.

“Here ya go, Lieutenant.” The girl at the register handed Chris his drink.

He smiled at Lana and nodded his head, “I’m Chris by the way.”

“Lana. Was nice to meet you.”

He stared at her for longer than he meant to, but couldn’t help it. She was beautiful, no way around that simple fact. Long silky hair, eyes you could get lost in, and curves for days that never seemed to end. Whoever had her was a lucky man, that much Chris was certain of. Then he smiled politely and walked off.

As Chris left the bar he sipped his mocha and gave a hard look at the two bedroom apartment on the second floor. That’s where ol’ Isaac Jones had lived when he set the fire that killed his friend. Nobody had seen him since. He left the place mostly empty but no one ever went in there to clean up all the dust and grime. Hell, Chris even remembered that the refrigerator had been filled with rotten food and he hoped that someone had cleaned that up before that poor beautiful girl had moved in.

He crossed the street and walked the next few blocks to the police station deep in thought.




Lana drank her coffee silently and looked down at the street, then she glanced around her apartment. It was nice spacious place with open flooring, and she liked how as soon as you walked in from the hallway you were in the living room. She felt claustrophobic in her last apartment where everything had been down a long and narrow hallway. The sunshine shone in through the  front windows and made everything beautiful and illuminated.

It also made the dust extremely obvious on the hardwood floors. That would have to be fixed within the hour – she couldn’t hold off from sweeping and mopping any longer.

Her thoughts turned to the lieutenant she’d spoken with in the bar. Gosh, he was quite handsome – dashing, really. She wondered why he’d made such an odd expression and seemed distant once she mentioned where she was living. Then her thoughts turned to the worse, and she wondered if someone had maybe died in this place. Of a natural death, perhaps? She could live with that, although she’d still get the heebie jeebies. However, if it was murder, she’d be gone in a heartbeat. That would just be too disturbing. She wasn’t much of one for having supernatural beliefs, but she was still superstitious and easily creeped out.

For example, she’d seen reports on television earlier in the week when she was still in Los Angeles about how a man was filmed shifting into a wolf in Pennsylvania. The video footage was doctored, of course. And it was done
convincingly. Whoever had made it had some real talent with editing and manipulating footage. The special effects showed a big muscular hunk of a man getting in a fight at a bar with another drunken fool. Suddenly as the man was hit right in the face he fell to the ground, began trembling, and then quickly transformed into a

Lana had burst out laughing when she saw it. It looked like viral marketing for some new werewolf flick. She’d check it out when it came out. They’d done a damn good job sparking her interest. That said she didn’t like how the news report had been making it out to be “true”… If there’s one thing she couldn’t stand, it was when the news fabricated stories for ratings.

Nonetheless, the idea of a murder taking place in this old apartment in the old town she’d just moved to freaked her out like crazy. She’d have to go talk to the lieutenant some more later, maybe when she’d had a nap and found some energy.
Only twenty minutes. Sleep any longer and you’ll be out until seven o’clock tonight
, she told herself quietly.

She lay down on her new mattress and dozed off. The alarm clock went off but she never heard it, at least not consciously. Her hand beat down on it and her finger quickly flipped it off. Go to sleep, her body told her. And she did, for the next seven hours.

Chapter 2


She woke up around four and yawned loudly.
Damn, slept a lot longer than I’d planned
. She checked the time and shook her head, feeling disappointed in herself. She felt so exhausted still and knew she could sleep longer, and she was surprised that she’d actually woken up on her own. Then she heard another series of long, slow knocks at the door, and realized that must’ve been what woke her up.

She crawled off the bed, still wearing her clothes from earlier, and walked to the door. She opened it and felt her face flush when she saw that it was the lieutenant. Lieutenant Chris, to be exact. She smiled at her politely and looked slightly taken off guard; obviously embarrassed that he’d just woken her.

“Sorry, did I…?” He paused.

“No, I mean yes. But it’s okay, I’m very glad you did.” She said soothingly, “Come in, I meant to nap shortly after you saw me in the coffee shop but it turned into a full night’s sleep. Or a full day’s sleep, in my case.” She walked to the coffee maker and started to make a pot.

Chris walked in with his hands on his hips, pressed against his belt where there was a large gun, a taser, and a billy club. He looked around the apartment with a mixture of emotions; mostly disgust. But at least a pretty young girl had rented it, she’d change it around in no time and it would become her own. In fact, the place already looked virtually unrecognizable from when Isaac Jones had been there. It had been so dark and closed off before… So filthy (the floors still were, he noticed), and so sparsely furnished.

“Have a cup, Lieutenant.” Lana’s voice shook him back to reality as she handed him a hot cup of coffee.

“Thank you, ma’am.” He smiled and stood there.

“Sit down.” She laughed at how taken aback she seemed and she wished she’d been prepared for this. For one thing, she probably looked exhausted, and she wished she’d had time to put on a little foundation. For another, she could feel her hair poking out in all directions of her head. She probably looked like quite a sight.

Chris sat down across from her in a big loveseat covered in floral decoration. He took a sip of his coffee and pursed his lips together, and then set it down on the glass table between them and placed his hands together.

“I just wanted to tell you a little about the town, and tell you why I acted funny this morning. You probably noticed.”

“Yeah, when I told you where I’d moved. Just tell me – did someone die here?”

His eyes looked at her coldly and then he suddenly laughed, “No, no. Not in that sense. Not
in this apartment, and not the owner. But someone did die, Lana, right here in this town. And the killer has never been caught.”

“What does that have to do with my new place?” She asked worriedly.

“Well, nothing really. But the killer lived here before he set the fire.”

Lana’s eyes widened with shock, “The killer lived here? Fire? What? I have so many questions.” She babbled.

Chris took a deep breath and kept his hands clasped together in an attempt at professionalism. He smiled at her softly and began to speak, “His name was Isaac Jones. He was always a real weirdo. Backstabber, slime ball, thief, you name it. Caught him shoplifting so many times, I don’t know why they’d never sentence him to some real jail time. Anyway one night he seemed to get a strange idea to set my friend’s house on fire. My friend was my coworker at the police station. Best friend; we’d grown up together and became cops together. This happened a while ago, but it’s still vivid in everyone’s minds. Mainly because there’s been no closure. Isaac Jones’ prints were all over everything and he even left a letter of confession here in the apartment. He taped it to the fridge. He was never caught after that night, let alone even seen again.”

“Maybe he killed himself off in the woods.” Lana said.

“I doubt it. He was too egocentric for that. Too much of a control freak who thought he was god. Anyway, if we could just get some damn closure on it that’d be nice.”

Lana felt her heart thumping in her chest. She felt guilty because his story had been heartfelt, but all she could really focus on was how handsome and alpha he was. Long thick arms and a barrel chest beneath his navy blue collared shirt, and his jawline was so tight and tanned. She never knew that she liked a man in uniform until then.

“Well, I appreciate you telling me…” She said slowly.

“Of course. I just thought you should know. I don’t want to worry you at all, he’s long gone and it’s not like he’d come back here to this apartment for anything if he came back to town… But, uh….” He paused, “Keep your deadbolt locked when you’re here, okay?” He stood to his feet and tipped his hat at her.

“Won’t you stay for a while?” She asked suddenly, and then felt silly.

Chris turned and looked at her, and then smiled.


“I just thought… I don’t know, you’re interesting.”

“So are you.” He said quickly.

“Well sit back down, lieutenant.” She smiled and waved for him to sit.

“Alright, alright… I guess I could do that.”

Lana laughed, “It seems to be a pretty peaceful town anyway, other than what you’ve just told me. Right now I don’t hear a peep out there.”

“It’s a small town. Every once in a while something happens, but that was the biggest of them all.”

Lana paused and sipped her coffee. She realized that she didn’t know what else to say to him, but she definitely didn’t want him to leave. For some reason she liked being in the same room as him… He was
, what could she say? And there was something else about him… Something that surprised her. He didn’t seem like the stereotypical man in uniform she’d always seen on television. He seemed like he had an edge to him, but she couldn’t pinpoint what it was.

“So you’re from here?” She asked finally.

“Born and raised, never left. I mean, I’ve travelled, but…”

“Not for long.”

“No. I don’t know what keeps me here anymore.”

“You’re very handsome,” She smiled, “You could always move to LA and become an actor.”


This sent him into a laughing fit and his laughs were deep and from the heart. He wiped his brow and smirked as he reached forward for his drink.

“What the hell brought
here? You look like one of those LA girls yourself. City chick. Good looking, high class, money. Why are you
?” He grinned.

“I got a job as a park ranger, but that was just a random choice. I could’ve got that anywhere,” She paused, “I don’t know, maybe I was
for something… Or some

“That so?”

Chris bit his lip teasingly. She was turning him on and he couldn’t let that happen while he was on the job, but damn it was just too tempting.

“Maybe.” Lana said. She didn’t know why she was suddenly feeling so confident and…
. But she couldn’t help it. He was driving her wild.

“Like who, in particular?” Chris asked.

“Someone tall… Dark, handsome. Someone with a perfectly masculine jawline and thick muscular arms. Somebody with a chest so muscular and powerful that it looks like they could protect me from anyone. Somebody like….” She paused.

“Me?” He asked, knowing damn well it was.


“You’re flirtatious, aren’t you?”

“You probably think so, and I don’t blame you, but I never am like this. You’re making me feel, uh, different.” She laughed.

“I believe you.”

“I bet you’ve had women in the past do this, haven’t you?” She asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe. Maybe not.”

“I barely know you but I already like you a lot.”

Brad hesitated and then waved his hand, “Come here.”

Come to him? Was he serious?
Lana stood anxiously and felt her knees begin to buckle. She walked towards him and felt how wet she’d become just from the mild flirtation they’d shared. She stood before him and he motioned for her to sit on his lap. Still, she paused hesitantly.

“Sit down. Right here.” He smiled smoothly.

She sat down slowly on his lap and felt her pussy begin to moisten even more. He was hard underneath her weight, she could feel his big cock poking against her ass through his uniform. And boy oh boy, did he ever feel big.

“You’re cute when you’re nervous.” He rasped, “Why don’t you give me a kiss?”

His long fingers ran across her forehead which had broken out in a cold sweat. They wafted through her silky hair and she shivered at his magnetic touch. Gosh, he was ever so handsome. She craned her neck downwards slightly and felt his lips lock with hers, and the tongue action came soon after.


“You like that?” He pulled away and licked his lips seductively.

“Yes. Do it again.” She whispered.

His hand wrapped around her neck and pulled her towards him. Their lips locked and his tongue slid into her mouth and swirled against hers. Lana’s body began to warm up and her heart was pounding harder than ever, and she reached down and felt his big hard cock through his uniform. It felt so sexy and it was throbbing so hard. She couldn’t resist giving it a try.

“Go ahead.” He said as if reading her mind.

She unzipped his pants and pulled it out. Big, thick, and long as could be. She stroked him softly as he let out a guttural moan of pleasure and began to thrust upwards in her grip. Then she crouched down onto her knees and wrapped her lips around its head and began to suck. Her lips tightened around his thick shaft as she went down deeper, and then she felt the throbbing head of his cock press against her throat and she pulled up quickly so she wouldn’t gag.

Giggling to herself as her face flushed, she looked at Chris bashfully.

“Let me taste
, now.” He muttered lustfully, and then stood to his feet and crouched down behind her.

She felt his fingertips clutch eagerly onto her belt which he unfastened, and then he pulled her blue jeans down to her ankles and his hot breath wafted against her ass cheeks excitedly. He clamped down on them with all ten fingers and squeezed, then spread them wide apart. She was only wearing a thong and the outskirts of her wet pussy showed excitedly through the skimp lace. He pulled it to the side and then she shuddered with bliss as she felt his warm tongue penetrate her slowly.

.” She moaned.

His tongue slid back and forth, up and down, and then seemingly began to write the alphabet on her aching pussy. He lapped at her clit and then slid his tongue upwards until it rested on her sacred hole. Sliding in slowly, Chris used the tip of his tongue to lightly tongue-fuck her pussy and it sent Lana over the edge. She gripped down onto the arm rests of the loveseat and dug her nails into the fabric as she tossed her head back and moaned. Her body began to tremble and convulse and her tongue flopped madly out of her mouth as she began to come.

“I’m… I’m… Oh,
.” She moaned.

She came hard and fast, and Chris continued to stroke her pussy up and down with his tongue as she did. He pulled away after her body relaxed, and stood shakily to his feet. He wondered if he’d just fucked up big time, but he didn’t care. God, she was sexy. He pulled up his pants, fastened his belt, and ran his fingers across his sweaty brow.

Lana stood to her feet and turned to him before smiling at him. She looked slightly embarrassed but also mesmerized by him.

“I’m sorry if that was abrupt.” She laughed softly.

“It was, but in the best possible way… I feel kind of speechless now.” Chris thought about something troubling him, and wondered if he should even bring it up. She didn’t even know he was a shifter, and he didn’t know whether or not that would bother her.

“What’s on your mind?” She asked.

“Normally I wouldn’t bring it up, because I wouldn’t think this would go any further… But I feel different about you.”

“Almost like I was brought here for a reason?”


“Me too. I mean, I picked a random place and as soon as I saw you this morning I wanted to

“We still haven’t done that.”

“I’d say we wait a while if we plan on taking this any further… Not that I think it would ruin things, I just don’t know you yet.”

“I feel like I’ve known you for longer than a day, but I haven’t, so I agree.”

“So what was on your mind? You said normally you wouldn’t bring it up.”

Chris paused and stood there as he straightened his shoulders. He wondered how he should word it, how he should tell her. Then he just came right out and said it.

“I’m a werewolf. A shifter.”

“A what?” She cocked her head to the side and then suddenly the images of the drunken man shifting into a wolf popped into her head.

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