Officer Wolf (Sizzling Shifter BBW Romance) (With Bonus Book) (10 page)

BOOK: Officer Wolf (Sizzling Shifter BBW Romance) (With Bonus Book)
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Chapter 6


After Laura left it was around three and Brad sat down on his back patio and opened up his laptop. He tried to write, but couldn’t even manage a sentence. His mind kept drifting back to what Laura had said to him about wanting it rough, and he wondered why she’d ever want that. Brad tried to repress his primal instincts in bed, he’d been rough with women before and they loved it, but he thought Laura would like it more gently and passionately. Not that she didn’t, that much had been obvious to Brad judging by the big grin on her face, but when he got rough… He got pretty dominant.

Brad didn’t like to seem like the cocky asshole he kept hidden deep within him, but he figured the next time they fucked he’d have to bring him out. Besides, he liked it better rough himself.

The phone rang. Brad made a funny face as he walked back inside and stretched out, taking his time to get to the phone which he’d left on the kitchen counter. He rarely got phone calls and he wondered who it would be. As he saw Laura’s name flashing on the screen his heart warmed up and he wondered if she was calling to tell him about what a good time she’d had.

She wasn’t.

“Hey cutie.” He rasped, smirking to himself.

“Brad, some men started following me when I left your house. They have guns and knives, and they took me back to the hiking trail. I’m afraid they’re going to hurt me.”

Brad’s face reddened and he instantly ran out the door after grabbing his keys, his mouth moving a million miles a second, “What do they want?”

“Here is one of them.” Her voice shook as she apparently handed the phone over to one of the kidnappers.

A raspy, drugged out voice appeared on the other end, “Hello, Brad. It’s the guy you tried to kill last night. Me and my buddy. We’ve got your bitch and we’re gonna hurt her real bad if you don’t come meet us and give us twenty grand a piece. Then, we’re gonna have our way with you.”

“You’ve got to let her go.”

A scream, “Did you hear a word I just fucking said? We’ve got your bitch and we’re gonna kill her unless you give us fifty grand,” His voice shook and then calmed suddenly, “Now, you’re going to meet us in the parking lot of the trail you two were just at. Didn’t you two look
so cute
hiking together, holding hands like lovebirds. We were watching you the entire time.”

Brad began to shake and almost shifted from the sheer amount of anger he felt. Then he spoke, calmly and professionally, although his voice still trembled with a subtle rage, “You son of a bitch. If you lay a finger on her, I’ll kill you both. I’ll rip your throats out.”

His comment was ignored by a quick chuckle, then the man replied, “By the way Brad, if you call the police you’re fucked – she’ll be dead by the time we hear the first siren. You better hurry son, if you want the girl to live.”

“Hand the phone over to her one more time, then I’ll be on my way. Do it or else.”

“Fine,” He sounded annoyed. Brad heard him mumble, “Here, bitch. The tiger wants to talk to you.” Then he chuckled.

, I’m so scared.” Laura gasped.

“I’ll be right there, Laura. Baby, don’t do anything crazy. Just do what they say, okay? I’m in my car right now and I’m driving towards you.”

It was true; Brad was already in his car and peeling off down the driveway back towards the Pacific Coast Highway. Once he got on the road it was a mere half of a mile before he turned right onto the narrow hillside road, and then two miles up that road before he took the turn onto the gravel road that ended at the hiking trail’s parking lot.

He made it in two minutes flat. He paused for a moment before opening the door. He could see the kidnapper’s vehicle, a total piece of shit twenty something year old van, parked in the corner. There were of course no other vehicles. Brad wondered if this would be his death, and he didn’t care. As long as he could save Laura, he would be fine with dying. The only thing he would regret would be the fact that he wouldn’t have been able to get to know her, to smell her perfume, to make love to her, to hear her laugh; to possibly grow old with her if things continued going the way they had been - which was incredible.

He took a deep breath and stepped out of the car without closing the door.
Control yourself, Brad, control yourself.
His skin was drenched with sweat that rolled out of his pours in big droplets, staining through his tank top as he clenched his fists and walked to the car which grew closer and closer. The windows were tinted and it was a shitty job considering they were bubbled and flaky, and once Brad got within five feet of the car the driver’s side door swung open and the man Brad had mauled out the bar’s window lunged out holding a shotgun. He pressed it firmly against Brad’s chest and Brad didn’t move.

His eyes darted towards the car where he could see Laura being held with a gun pressed to her temple and a dirty hand clamped over her mouth, muffling her screams.

“You’re gonna die today, son.” The man muttered.

“Did he bring the money?” The man in the car bellowed.

“Well did you, dick?”

“It’s in my car. You don’t get it until you hand over Laura.” Brad said.

.” The man in the car mocked him in a high pitched squeal. His hands loosened over Laura’s mouth and he pushed her out of the back seat, sending her crashing onto her hands and knees on the dirt pavement.

.” She cried.

“It’s okay, honey. I’m going to handle this.”

The man began to crawl out of the backseat, and as he did so he laughed loud and heartily. He took a big step out and that was when Laura clomped down on him with the sole of her hiking boot square in the balls. His face turned an odd shade of purple and his eyes bulged out of his sockets as he let out a tremendously painful groan, and then he toppled forward and fell on top of her as he clutched his crotch with both hands, his teeth barred together in pain.

Fuckin’ bitch
.” He squealed.

This all happened in a matter of three seconds. The man holding the gun at Brad’s chest took a split second glance back as his eyes widened with curiosity. In that split second Brad used his super reflexes to smack the shotgun out of his grip and sent it flying to the ground. It clanked against the dirt and the man swiftly turned his face back to Brad, but it was too late.

Brad head butted him and sent him flying backwards into the corner of the car’s tail end. The man let out a guttural groan of dismay and confusion, and then the other man who was still clenching his crotch with both hands began to reach for a gun out of his belt. Laura kicked him again, this time in the face, and blood spurted out of his lip in a beautiful way. Brad lunged forward and gripped him by the collar; crashing his forehead into the man’s nose and making him bleed even more.

It ran down his chin and stained his already filthy white tee shirt, and Brad slung him angrily to the ground. The other man fell to his knees and then quickly tried to stand up, though it was obvious that he was dizzy as could be from the head butt Brad had so adequately given him. He toppled forward and fell face first smack dab on the dirt, his nose crushing from the impact.

Brad stared at Laura and smiled, and she smiled back and began to breathe slower. Turning his attention back to the men on the ground, he made sure to give each of them a swift and forceful kick in the stomachs before picking Laura up into his arms and cradling her lovingly as he kissed her.

“Everything’s going to be okay, babe.” He said, “You kicked their asses just as much as I did.”



Two hours later Brad and Laura still sat with the police. The sun was lowering in the sky and it cast an orange glow upon the parking lot which was now filled with flashing blue lights. The two attackers sat in the backseat of a cruiser, handcuffed and stoned faced, dried blood smeared across their lower jaws.

“Thank you officer.” Brad said politely to one of the cops as he held Laura’s hand.

“I understand you’re the man who got into a little brawl last night,” The cop grinned, “Heard about it through the grapevine. Those two look like they deserve a good ass kicking on the regular. Want to know a secret?” He winked at Brad.

“Uh, sure.”

The police officer quickly began to shift into what looked like was going to be a large brown bear, but didn’t shift all the way. Instead he quickly reverted back to the form of a human cop and smiled at Brad, and then patted him on the back.

“Just letting you know you’re not alone buddy, even though you’re a different animal altogether. We’re all here to help one another.” He tipped his hat to Laura and then walked away, clipboard in hand.

“Can we go home now, Brad?” Laura asked.

“Yes, babe. I want you to stay with me tonight.”

Her eyes lit up like the fourth of July, “Of course.”



The sun had almost fully set by the time they arrived at Brad’s beach house. They sat on the back patio and drank wine, and Brad said he would make a steak if that sounded good to her. It did, but the truth was she was horny, and Brad had something that sounded much better than a steak.

Laura laughed and felt the buzz surging through her. She wanted it rough this time, she wanted him to show her what he really fucked like. Her tongue slithered out from between her pursed lips and she let it slide across his chiseled jawline.

Brad shuddered and closed his eyes. His cock was getting hard and his adrenaline had started to pump rapidly. He turned his face and locked eyes with Laura.
, she looked hot. Their lips locked with one another’s and they tongued each other for a few moments before his hand slid down her torso and down past her crotch. He started with one finger, gently caressing her clit before moving into her pussy, shifting her weight further down on the chair until she was almost lying flat in it. Then he thrust another finger deep inside of her and she squealed. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she began to moan as he finger fucked her.

“Another.” She rasped breathlessly.

Brad added another and then muttered, “You like that?”

“Fuck yeah, baby.” She groaned. His fingers were so nice and long, and all three of them together made it feel almost like a cock, but she knew it was
compared to Brad’s actual cock size. He was so long and thick and she could almost visualize it in her head as he finger fucked her, but not quite. She knew she didn’t have to worry about visualizing it because she had it in the flesh right next to her. As if on cue, she reached down and began to stroke it.

Brad stood to his feet and pulled off his tank top. His muscles rippled in the light of the moon which had begun to shine down on them, and then he grabbed Laura aggressively and pulled her towards him. He lay down flat on his back and positioned her sexy voluptuous body over top of his with her cunt straddling his face. She smelled musky and delicious, and his tongue swirled around the outer layers of her pussy before gently entering it and lapping at it hungrily.

“You taste so fucking good.” He rasped and thrust his cock upwards into her throat. She began to gag on his length and the thickness of him spread her lips wide apart.

.” Her voice was muffled through his girth and she couldn’t speak. She began to suck him quickly and hungrily, bobbing her head up and down on his massive shaft at a quick steady pace. She felt like a whore but remembered she wasn’t one, but she was gladly going to be Brad’s.

Brad moaned and let his lay back on the hard wood patio as he relished the moment. Then he pulled himself upwards slightly and spread Laura’s big pillowed ass cheeks apart as he dug his tongue back into her pussy. A finger slid across her puckered asshole and she squealed slightly from the light touch.

“Put it inside me,” She gasped, “Put your finger in my ass.”

Brad smirked and lubed his index finger up with his tongue, and then slid it teasingly around her puckered virgin asshole. His tongue lapped at her pussy as he did this, and then suddenly he rammed it inside of her.

Oh fuck
.” She moaned.

Brad’s finger worked its way back and forth in Laura’s tight pink asshole as his lips clamped down on her clit. He sucked her and then slid his tongue up her dripping pussy, up and down and left and right. It drove her wild and her body began to shake and convulse as his finger continued to plow in and out of her asshole.

“I’m going to
you now,” He said in a deep voice, and then pushed her off of his muscular body, “Are you ready for me, Laura?”

She trembled slightly below him, holding herself up with her dainty hand, “Yes.”

He reached down suddenly and pulled her to her feet and then spun her around and pushed her against the railing. Her big tits rested against the railing as she gripped onto the edged and felt his hands spreading her cheeks apart from behind. Brad slipped a condom on quickly and then his cock slid eagerly into her cunt as she moaned loudly into the night.

“Oh yes.” Brad grunted as he rammed himself balls deep into her tight pussy which had become even wetter than before. He slammed himself into her repeatedly, pummeling the tight shaved cunt as he spread her big bouncing ass cheeks wide apart and occasionally spanked them.

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