Read Offside Online

Authors: Bianca Sommerland

Tags: #Erotica, #Romance, #Hockey

Offside (39 page)

BOOK: Offside
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She shifted in her seat, whimpering as the engine got louder, the sound reverberating right into the small, sleek glass balls in her core. The bigger, weighted plastic balls she’d tried at first had filled her up more, but didn’t engage her inner muscles as much as the glass ones. And they wouldn’t have left much room for what Zach had planned.

Her cheeks heated at the thought. She clasped her hands in her lap, trying very, very hard to stop wiggling as moisture pooled down low. Then tensed as a bump whipped pleasure deep inside her.

Scott hissed in a breath, dropping his head back on to the back of his seat as Zach pulled over. He made a not-so-subtle effort to adjust himself in his shorts. “Jesus, Zach. I should have walked.”

“I disagree.” Zach parked the car, then got out. He helped Scott bring his bags to the sidewalk. “I was generous last night, but that changes nothing.”

Becky bit the inside of her cheek. She wouldn’t assume anything. Not yet.

“I didn’t expect it to.” Scott latched on to the handle of his bag. Becky turned in her seat to watch him glare at Zach. Something passed between the men that she couldn’t quite get a read on. “A little leniency for good behavior.”

“First of all, getting fucking drunk and hitting on one of your best friends isn’t good behavior.” Zach grabbed Scott’s shoulder, stopping him before he could storm off. “Second, you know there was more to it. I meant what I said.”

Their exchange cooled Becky’s blood and cleared her mind. She finally had her answer.

She’d needed to know if Zach could put her and Casey first. She knew he would try, but whatever was between him and Scott couldn’t be dismissed. It wasn’t a passing thing, an itch he needed to scratch once in a while. She truly believed she could have handled them together if that’s all it was.

But it was so much more. Too much.

She knew what she should do, but when Zach came back to the car, she couldn’t make herself say the words. One look from him and all that mattered was the passion in his eyes and the way he made her feel. She’d pretended Scott didn’t matter for this long.

One more night. One more night and she’d do what she knew was right for both of them.

“Are you okay?” Zach asked, taking her hand in his and kissing her knuckles. “Maybe we should talk about the cruise before—”

“No. What happened on the cruise isn’t important.” She brought his hand to her cheek and smiled at him. Lying to him hurt, but the truth would ruin the last bit of time they had together. And anyway, what he’d done
important. She didn’t want to hear about it. She wanted the last bit of time they had together to be about the two of them. “To be honest, I’m not sure I’d remember anything you tell me by tomorrow. You’ve had me waiting so long that . . .”

He didn’t make her finish the sentence. “I understand. Tomorrow there are things I need to tell you. But you’re right. I’ve kept you waiting long enough. And there’s nothing I want more than to have you all to myself.”

“You have me, Sir,” Becky said softly.

For one more night.

Chapter Nineteen

he humidity in the condo after a week without the air conditioning and the sun glaring through the huge windows was almost unbearable. Dust sparkled in the still air, and the faint scent of lemon lingered from the floor polish. Zach threw a few windows open while Becky waited for him in the gym. In his bedroom, he went to his closet for his toy bag and some supplies, pausing to admire the chrome-like gleam of the chains he’d added to his collection just last week. Something about the weight of them, the noise they made when a sub struggled against their cold, impersonal grip on leather restraints, appealed to him more that the pliant caress of ropes. Not to mention how quickly they could be adjusted to manipulate a body into the perfect position.

He’d learned the ropes—literally—with Sue while the two of them had first started exploring the lifestyle, but hadn’t tried chains until he’d played with his first “boy” years later. But he couldn’t even recall how the wiry man had looked all bound up and exposed to him. All he could see was the erotic image of Becky’s body spread out. He could almost hear her sweet cries accentuated by the sharp music of the steel links as he took her . . .

Rein it in, Pearce.
He was already hard, with precum a cool smear at the tip of his dick. His jaw tensed as he forced his mind back to the task at hand.

He removed his shirt, tossing it in his hamper before joining Becky in the gym. Naked, on her knees in the center of the room, back straight with her hands palms up on her thighs, she was the vision of a sub patiently waiting for her Master’s pleasure. Which brought him into the headspace where he could be the Master she needed. From the color of her skin to the ebb and flow of her breath, nothing about her would escape his notice. If she hadn’t been in the right place to begin, he knew many little ways to help her reach it, but she’d put herself there with the same absolute trust a tiny kitten would give before curling up in his big hand to sleep.

He ran his hand over the velvety smooth strands of hair resting on her shoulder, smiling at the way she moved into his touch without shifting position. Her neck curved slightly when he caressed her cheek with his knuckles, but she kept her eyes forward, simply letting him do as he pleased.

Absolutely perfect.
“You would make any Master very proud, little doe. Lovely poise. Nice and calm. If I asked you to, you would stay here, like this, all day without a word of complaint.”

A tiny twitch at the corner of her lips was the only hint that she wasn’t crazy about the idea. Her tone was soft and composed when she replied, “Yes, Sir.”

“As always, you will tell me if you’re uncomfortable. If anything becomes too much for you to handle.” He circled her, drawing out the anticipation while he took his time drinking in how beautiful she was, with her heavy breasts thrust out, her wide hips and the generous swell of her ass a luscious temptation—he could push her forward on to her hands and knees and just worship her body for hours. But he wanted more than her body. This scene would expose all the parts of her she kept hidden. All her desires, all her fears, would be laid out to him. Bringing her to that level would take more than sex. It would require all his experience, would force him to expose own fears.

Which meant he had to trust her as much as she was trusting him. “We’ve discussed your limits, but I would like to clarify a few things. Anal sex is a limit, but I may choose to touch your ass, use my hands, or toys, to stimulate you. You will use yellow if anything I do comes too close to that limit. Pain is also an issue for you, but I will use a certain amount to increase your pleasure. Yellow if I reach the edge of what you can take. Red at any point when you cannot take any more. Do you understand?”

She nodded. He stopped by her side, not speaking again until she looked up at him.

“You will always vocalize your answers, pet. We’ve discussed this.”

“I’m sorry, Sir.” A light shade of pink spread over her cheeks. “I understand, Sir.”

“Very good. Is there anything I should know about? Joint issues? Any discomfort in your muscles that would make certain positions uncomfortable?”

“No, Sir. I think I’ll be fine in any position.” Her tongue flicked over her bottom lip. “But . . . the balls I put in are small. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold them in.”

His lips quirked. “I believe I can help you with that. Stand up.”

She rose gracefully, the small lines in her forehead and tension in her jaw the only evidence of her struggle to keep the balls inside her. When he patted her thighs for her to spread her legs, she let out a whisper of protest.

“Open.” He nodded as she parted her thighs, then he cupped her pussy and covered her mouth with his to swallow her gasp. “Give them to me.”

Blushing, she held her breath and went perfectly still. He could sense her trying to relax, but she couldn’t seem to bring herself to push the balls out of her body. He kissed her cheek as he pushed two fingers into her, pulling out one ball, then the other. His fingers and the balls were slick with her juices. Erotic to him, enough to make his dick throb and his balls tighten.

But Becky evaded his gaze as though she was embarrassed.

“Everything about you is so fucking sexy,” he whispered, his lips close to her ear. “You have no idea how much it turns me on to have you this wet for me.”

She gave him a hesitant smile. “Thank you, Sir.”

“You’re very welcome, pet. I don’t ever want you to feel ashamed or embarrassed when you’re with me.” He left her standing there and went to his toy bag to pull out some cleaning wipes. Leaving the balls wrapped up in one, he took out four leather cuffs and a plain leather collar, then returned to her. “The collar is new, but we’ll only use it this one time. From this point on, whenever we play, you will wear my collar. We’ll find one together that’s a little more personal, but what it means won’t change. Once it’s on your throat, you are completely under my control. Every worry, everything beyond the scene, is gone.”

“But what if—”

“No what ifs. Your phone is in the other room. I’ll hear it if anyone calls, and I will tell you if there’s an emergency.” When she nodded, he continued. “Let it all go. Let me take care of you.”

“But only while the collar is on, right, Sir?”

“Right. I think the distinction will make things easier for you. You can say or do whatever you want after I take it off.”

Her lips curved into a wry smile. “Within reason.”

He chuckled. The collar wasn’t on yet, so he was fine with her playfully throwing his words back at him. “Exactly.”

As he wrapped the supple black leather around her neck, she held her breath. But then let it out with what he could only describe as relief when he locked it in place. The faraway look in her eyes told him she’d sunk even deeper into her submission.

That she’d let herself go.

This was what he’d wanted from her. And yet, it meant that he had to be even more aware of her body language, of her reactions, her pulse, even the way she blinked. Before long, she’d be too immersed in the sensations to really care about her limits. Or much else besides what she was feeling. Which meant he had to do it for her.

Small beads of sweat covered his chest, which didn’t bother him, but the way Becky’s hair clung to her temples and her throat made the temperature a problem. He returned to his bag to fetch the Ben Wa balls, then went to adjust the AC. He grabbed a bottle of water from the small fridge at the back of the gym while putting the glass Ben Wa balls, still wrapped up in the cleansing tissue, on a shelf inside. He brought the bottle of water to Becky, let her have a few sips, then set the bottle aside. After putting the wrist and ankle cuffs on her, he brought her over to the steel framed multi-station. Weights filled two sides of the huge cubical structure, and there was a padded bench stretching out from one side, but this area was cleared for chin-ups. And ideal for bondage. The chains wrapped around the top and bottom corners looked a little out of place, but he could tell by the way Becky’s eyes widened that she knew exactly what they were for.

He clipped the steel fasteners at the end of the chains to the Drings on her wrist cuffs, then knelt to do the same to her ankle cuffs. A few adjustments and her entire body was spread open, the chains clinking softly as she covertly tested her restraints. He fit his body against hers, pressing his lips to her throat, smiling against the rapid pulse beating under her soft flesh. The subtle aroma of her sweet, floral perfume, mixed with the heady musk of her arousal, made his nostrils flare.

“Close your eyes.” He backed away enough to make sure she obeyed, then brought his hands up to hers, lacing their fingers together. He kissed her closed lids, her cheeks, her lips, drawing his fingers down over her palms, along her inner arms. He traced the pulse of her throat with his fingertips, so very slowly, absorbing her heartbeat through his touch. The texture of her smooth, damp skin. He let her feel the scuff on his cheek against hers as he caught her ear between his teeth with just enough pressure to make her breath catch. Then he tasted her skin, salty and sweet all at once, like some kind of decadent candy he could suck on for hours.

His chest swelled with pride as she shivered and dropped her head, her features softening as she relaxed. He could sense her letting the restraints hold her, feel her sinking deeper into that special zone where there was no resistance, nothing left to hold her back. He knew it wasn’t easy for a sub to go there with a Dom, and it would be even harder for Becky because she’d been hurt so badly in the past. That she would do it for him was precious.

There were no words to tell her what it meant to him. But he did his best, wrapping her hair around his fist and letting his tone convey all that what he said would lack. “You’re safe with me. I can see you know that, and it means more than I can say. What you’re giving me is a wonderful gift. One more valuable than anything I’ve ever been given. I accept it. And I will keep it. Always.”

A single tear spilled down her cheek. “I love you so much, Sir.”

He dried the tear with his thumb and kissed her. “I love you too. Now be still. I’ll be right back.”

She hissed in a breath through her teeth as he moved away from her. He listened to her letting it out slowly as he went to his toy bag. He hadn’t taken out everything he would need because, while anticipation was good, the element of surprise added an edge to pleasure. An edge the fear a sub felt when they set eyes on certain toys wouldn’t always serve. He brought the toys over to lay them at Becky’s feet. Curved his hand around her hip to let her feel his presence. Then brought her heavy breast up to his mouth to suck a hard, thick nipple between his lips.

“Deep breath, baby.” He dried her nipple while rolling it between his finger and thumb. Opened the small, metal tweezer clamps and closed the rubber padded tips on the rosy nipple. Becky’s whole body jerked, and she shuddered as the clamps pinched her flesh. “Give me a color, little doe.”

BOOK: Offside
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