Olivia’s Luck (2000) (35 page)

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Authors: Catherine Alliot

BOOK: Olivia’s Luck (2000)
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“What?” he demanded.

I looked up. “Sorry?”

“What were you thinking?”

I grinned. “I was just thinking how different you are from that night when I first met you at Nanette’s. I don’t think you said more than two words to anyone, just stared fixedly at the curtains as if you were contemplating eating them or something.”

He wiped his mouth on his napkin. “Ah yes, the dinner party from hell, with the used-car salesman, the couple who wanted to talk us through all eighteen of their home births, and the strange woman beside me, keen to hear about my macrame classes.” He grinned and I smiled back at him over the table. The kitchen clock ticked on in the silence. Suddenly I glanced up.

“Sebastian, I must go. It’s way past twelve, Nanette will be pacing up and down.”

“Is it?” He looked up. “God, and I’ve got to do some work tomorrow. Come on, let’s get you out of here otherwise I’ll be too wide awake to sleep and start tinkering with that wretched piano, composing whatever springs to mind well into the small hours, and then tomorrow I’ll feel like death, when I should be wide awake and concentrating hard on doing some proper, paid, commissioned work.”

I laughed. “Is that what you’re like?”

“Oh, totally. It’s compulsive, this music lark, I’m afraid, but only when I’m doing what I want. I’m surprised Nanette hasn’t observed me tearing my hair out at four in the morning, mouthing obscenities at passers-by, called the police, even.”

We got up and he walked me to the door, opening it on to the warm, dark night, at which point, the first awkward moment of the evening arose. I turned, smiled.

“Good night then, and thanks, Sebastian.”

He scratched his head, which I’d noticed he did occasionally. “Night, Olivia.”

We hesitated, and then I sort of lunged cheekwards, whilst he, unfortunately, lunged the other way. We laughed as we crashed noses, tried again, and finally accomplished a dignified social peck on the cheek.

“I should walk you back,” he called as I tripped down the steps into the street.

“Don’t be ridiculous, you can
me back from there.”

He laughed. “True.”

As I walked across the cobbles in the warm, still air, a crescent moon was rising over the tower of the Abbey, and I was aware and pleased that he was indeed watching me. As I got to my gate, I turned and waved, smiling. He raised his hand back in salute, and then the red front door closed as he went in. My smile faded and I stared at the door for a moment. Swallowed. Yes, that’s what I miss, I reflected. Having a laugh. A giggle. Having – well, the companionship of a man. Oh sure, I had masses of girlfriends but I missed – yes, I missed maleness. I sighed, looked up at the stars. It wasn’t the same as being with Johnny, of course. Nobody could make me roar like he could, make me literally throw back my head and hoot with laughter, and nobody could make me come alive as he did too, make me want to dive impulsively into bed with him, stay there all day. I absently dead-headed a day lily beside me. In a way, then, I realised sadly, this evening had been something of a poisoned chalice. It had made me realise what I missed: being the female part of a team, moving around the kitchen with a man, getting his perspective on things, laughing at his jokes – but it had also made me realise that nice as Sebastian was, he could never be Johnny. That no one could ever be Johnny. And up to now, that had never been so glaringly apparent, because up to now, I’d only met pretty second-rate men. But this one was first rate, and still he couldn’t match up. I stared up at the stars finding the plough, its handle, the pan. Where did that leave me then? Sad and alone for twenty years, as Claudia kept doggedly reminding me, finally tottering into some dentist’s waiting room with my gardening mags and seeing the light in a white-coated, middle-aged man’s eye as he prepared to repair my molars, as time, finally, did its repair work, too?

I sighed and crunched up the empty drive to the front door. Mac’s lorry was missing, so no doubt the curry evening had turned into eight pints and some sampling of the local nightlife, too. There’d be hangovers in the morning.

I put my key in the lock and heard the television quietly humming.

“Nanette? I’m back,” I whispered, shutting the door softly behind me.

I went into the sitting room, but the sofa was empty – no Nanette. She must be in the kitchen then. I turned the television off and went in to look. Apparently not. I tried the loo.

“Nanette?” I called quietly, knocking softly. I pushed open the door. Nothing.

Where was she? Slightly panicky now I dashed upstairs, first into Claudia’s bedroom where to my relief, she was fast asleep, breathing peacefully, and still hugging her old blue rabbit. I smiled, pulled up her duvet and tucked her in. Then I frowned. Bloody hell, where on earth was Nanette? Crashed out on my bed? I went next door. No. In the spare room then, having decided it was so late she’d stay the night? I opened that door. Empty. Well, how very peculiar. I stood on the landing, frowning. Had she gone home? I’d told her I’d be late, for crying out loud. Surely she wouldn’t do a thing like that? Leave Claudia here on her own? But then again, if Roger had suddenly rung up, announced he was back, been panting to see her…there was no knowing with Nanette. I stared out of the landing window. Suddenly it came to me: of course, the garden! It was a warm night – a sultry one, in fact – so she’d be down there, by the river, where we’d all gathered the other evening, sitting under the cedar tree armed with a drink and a magazine and gazing periodically at the stars. I know that’s where I’d be.

I ran downstairs and went out, walking confidently down to the river. There I stopped, bewildered. The seats under the tree were deserted, as was – I swung back – the terrace. I turned around, biting my thumbnail. The caravan was in darkness across the stream, but on an impulse, I went across the little bridge towards it anyway. Perhaps Lance hadn’t gone for a curry, after all; perhaps he’d know where she was. As I approached, though, I stopped dead in my tracks. Well, how odd…I peered. How very extraordinary. That really was the weirdest thing. The caravan was moving. Rocking, and bouncing up and down of its own accord, as if it had a momentum all of its own, as if it was, well, as if it was possessed! I ran up and flung open the door.


“Shit!” came a voice from the shadows. Lance’s voice.

Instinctively I flicked on the light.

At the other end of the caravan, where the beds pulled down from the wall, two naked bodies were caught, mid-writhe, on a lower bunk. Frantic bare arms scrabbled for the duvet on the floor, and as they hiked it up over their heads, naked legs and buttocks were still glaringly apparent below. Two tousled heads shot out from under it, and two pairs of startled eyes blinked at me in the brightness, like rabbits caught in headlamps. Lance’s eyes, and Nanette’s.



We stared at each other for a second, then I quickly slammed the caravan door.

“Oh, for God’s
!” I shrieked furiously at it.

Two seconds later she was out, hair standing on end, and hurriedly tying up a white nylon dressing gown with the legend ‘Plasterers Do It Plastered’ emblazoned on the front.

“Oh Lord, Olivia, what must you think?” she gasped, raking a hand through dishevelled hair. “I’m so sorry, can’t think
came over me!”

“Rampant hormones, I should think. Christ Almighty, Nanette, you’re supposed to be baby-sitting my daughter, not shagging my builder!”

“Cabinet-maker,” she correctly quickly.

“And what if Claudia had come downstairs? What if she’d come outside and found you! Talk me through
charming little scenario, if you will!”

“Oh no,” she assured me earnestly, clutching my arm, “I made absolutely sure she was fast asleep. I wouldn’t have
of doing anything untoward if there’d been the slightest chance she’d come down, really.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I scoffed, “you were probably so revved up it wouldn’t have mattered if she’d been sitting right beside you on the sofa! Taking notes!”

“Well, at least we made it to the caravan,” she said peevishly, pulling the dressing gown around her. “That was Lance’s idea. He was being frightfully responsible, you know; you really mustn’t blame him.”


“Well, I don’t know why you’re so upset, Liwy. It’s not as if you wanted him, did you, so why shouldn’t I?”

I gaped at her, speechless. “What the hell has
got to do with anything!” I spluttered finally. “The reason I’m upset, Nanette, is because I’m concerned for my daughter’s welfare, and
were supposed to be looking after her! I couldn’t give two hoots what you do with Lance in the privacy of your own home!”

“Oh no, I couldn’t do it there.” She shook her head vehemently. “It wouldn’t be fair on Roger.”

“Roger! You’re still planning on being fair to Roger, are you? Jesus! Well, what would he think about all – all this!” I flicked my hand despairingly at the caravan behind us.

“Oh, I think best not to tell him, don’t you?” she said, glancing about nervously. “I think we’ll just keep it between ourselves and put it down to premarriage nerves, eh?”

“You didn’t look very nervous in there!” I jerked my head back.

“No, no, I wasn’t actually,” she agreed guilelessly, eyes wide. She lowered her voice and glanced back at the door. “If you must know, Olivia,” she whispered, “I was absolutely
! Had him positively
for more, and we did it four times, and the fourth time his teeth nearly went through the duvet like a tatty old sandwich!”

“Nanette, I really don’t – ”

“And as for him!” She rolled her eyes dramatically. “Boy, is he
. I swear to God, Olivia, you don’t know
you’re missing, and listen – ” she clutched my arm as I tried to interrupt – “I’m really happy to share, honestly. It’s frightfully greedy of me, what with Roger as well, and as far as I’m concerned Lance is just a delightful diversion with a cute little backside, but you could really
with him, darling. Make you feel
better, I swear, and I’d hate to think I was hogging the lion’s share or anything.”

“Ah,” I said folding my arms grimly as Lance appeared, doing up his jeans. “The lion himself.”

“Oh er, hi, Liwy,” he said rather sheepishly. I must say he looked all in, utterly exhausted as he staggered down the steps.

“Lance, I was just explaining to Nanette here, that with an impressionable ten-year-old about I’d rather you didn’t enliven her sex education with practical demonstrations in my back garden, OK?”

Lance shrugged. “Your back garden, but our caravan, surely?”

“Then move it,” I hissed. “Tow it to Waitrose car park next time you feel the urge, but
don’t do it in my back yard

He regarded me with a quizzical smile. “I really don’t know why you’re so upset. Claudia was fast asleep.”

“Yes, and alone! Anyone could have walked in!”

“Oh, come on, being in the back garden doesn’t exactly constitute leaving her – ”

“Ello ‘ello ‘ello! I feel like PC Plod breaking up this happy gathering. Wha’s going on then?” Mac elbowed his way roughly into our heated little circle and flung a drunken arm round my shoulder. “What’s up, luv? Wha’s occurring?”

“Ah, good, Mac, you’re back,” I said, relieved. “I was just explaining the house rules,
sexual activity, to Lance and Nanette here, hoping to keep it off the premises, as it were. I’m sure you’ll back me up.” I folded my arms grimly.

Mac looked from Lance to Nanette. He blinked in astonishment, then a slow, beery grin developed. He took a deep breath, raised a finger, and seemed on the point of making a profound statement, when round the corner Spiro and Alf suddenly lurched into view, arms round each other’s shoulders, singing their respective national anthems in their respective tongues, at the top of their voices. As they approached, they stopped singing, slowed down, and came to a halt in front of Nanette. They swayed a bit, and looked her up and down with considerable interest. Nervously clutching the neck of the dressing gown, Nanette turned and scuttled back into the caravan. Alf turned to me and raised startled eyebrows.

“Orraaghff?” It was half belch and half interrogative, and roughly translated from troglodyte, I imagine it meant – Good evening, Mrs McFarllen, so what the devil’s your neighbour doing in my dressing gown then? I shuddered. Christ! And to think I’d thought I’d

“You bin a naughty boy, then, Lance?” grinned Mac with road-map eyes, wagging a crooked finger at him. “You bin a bit of a lad? You dirty devil, you! You see?” he hissed alcoholically in my ear, “I told you he was a one wiv the birds. Can’t keep ‘em off him, like flies round a pile of shite they are. Looks like you’ve missed yer chance there, though, luv. Looks like No No Nanette has turned into Yes Yes Nanette and got in there first!”

I noticed Lance watching me carefully.

“Oh, you conceited idiot!” I hissed. “You actually think I mind, don’t you? You actually think that I’m gnashing my teeth here, cursing my bad luck, because instead of having a delightful supper down the road with an eminent musician, I could have been getting my leg over your ‘cute little backside’ in your SQUALID LITTLE CARAVAN!”


I froze for a second – then swung round in horror to see Claudia, hanging out of her bedroom window in her nightie.

“Mum, what’s going on?” she called sleepily. “Why are you shouting like that? You woke me up!”

“Sorry, darling, sorry!” I called back in a hoarse whisper. “Go back to bed, I’m coming!” I made to go towards her, then stopped in my tracks, turned. I took a step towards Lance. “This is never,
to happen again, got it?” I breathed. He gazed at me with strange, heavy eyes, but didn’t answer.

“Oh, for God’s sake!” I spluttered impatiently, before beetling back up the garden path towards the house, towards my daughter.

I raced in through the back door, through the kitchen, and took the stairs two at her time, arriving to find her kneeling up in bed in her nightie, rubbing her eyes.

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