Omega's Run (20 page)

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Authors: A. J. Downey,Ryan Kells

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #werewolves, #Romance

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“Having fun?” I asked her and she lowered the bottle, that same sexy smirk twisting her lips.

“Maybe a little,” she admitted and I laughed quietly.

“Are you going to come over here, or am I going to have to drag you, kicking and screaming?” I growled and she shivered. With a quiet sigh she cupped one breast in her hand, kneading it gently and tugging at her already hard nipple.

“No dragging or kicking required,” she sighed. “There
most likely, be screaming.” She stood and made her way over to the bed, hips swaying hypnotically for the few steps required to reach me. I was sitting up with my back against the headboard, still in my jeans but divested of the rest of my clothing and she quickly climbed on, straddling me once again. It really was beginning to become one of my favorite places to be.

Without a word she grabbed my head, taking a double fistful of hair and pulled my mouth against her breasts. My hands slid up her back, pulling her tighter against me and she moaned quietly when I flicked one hard nipple with my tongue. I’d noticed her nipples were sensitive before so I paid rather careful attention to them, and each time my tongue flicked over that hardened nub she would moan quietly and grind herself down against me.

I’d been with a fair number of women in my life; I am over two centuries old, but honestly, there wasn’t a woman I could ever remember that got me as hard as Ava did without even trying. The feel of her skin and the scent of her, surrounding me. It was absolutely intoxicating.

I don’t know when I raised my head to kiss her but our mouths were locked together, tongues dancing around each other, her breasts crushed against my chest. Reaching between us I undid the button on her pants and she yelped, surprised when I suddenly pushed her back and off to the side so that she fell onto the bed beside me.

Before she had a chance to react I slid down the bed and grabbed the cuffs of her pant legs and tugged, yanking her pants off in one pull. With her completely naked I tossed the pants aside and laid back down, rolling so I was on top of her.

We both paused and I could feel the nervous energy in her. The fighter, the
in Ava, didn’t like someone covering her like that. She wasn’t immediately thrilled about being pinned to the bed, helpless against my weight and superior strength. I held myself up on my elbows, keeping as much of my weight off of her as possible, but still. She knew the potential threat this position represented to her.

After a few moments where neither of us moved I started to move aside, to lay down next to her, but her arms came up and wrapped around my neck, pulling urgently at me. There was no way she could have made me meet her kiss but I didn’t see any reason not to, so I went with it.

Her kiss was urgent, desperate almost, a low moan coming up from deep in her throat. I supported my weight on one arm, letting my other hand come up to cup a breast. A tweak of her nipple and another moan escaped her. I loved that. Every sound I could force out of her was just further evidence that her rock solid control could be shaken. To hear her cries of pleasure was damn near making me drunk with the power I could hold over her.

I grinned and started kissing my way down her body, letting my lips glide along her skin until I had settled between her thighs. “Fucking shit,” she gasped when I first let my tongue flick across her clit. If her nipples were sensitive, they were nothing compared to that tight little bundle of nerves.

Her moans came longer and louder as I sealed my mouth over her, sucking gently and flicking my tongue while I slowly worked two fingers inside her. Her legs tensed and flexed, thighs alternately clamping down on my head and spreading wider to give me better access.

“God dammit.” She grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled my head up and away from her. “You’re going to fucking kill me if you keep doing that,” she groaned and I grinned and twisted my fingers inside her.

“You mean, that?” I asked and she squeaked, her eyes widening slightly.

“No, not that. Get your pants off and get your cock inside me,
” She really
demanding, but who was I to disappoint? I had my pants off in record time, and without tearing them; something I was inordinately proud of. By the time I turned back to her she was sitting up, a condom in hand and reached for my cock.

And of course, as things will go, it was at that moment that there came a loud pounding at the door to our hotel room.

They seriously couldn’t have waited till morning?

“Go away,” I yelled, biting back a groan as she took me in hand and stroked the condom down over me. I prayed that it was someone from the hotel and they would just leave.

“Remus Reese, open the fucking door before I’m forced to break it down and kick your damn ass, Pup. I ain’t playing with you.”

“Fuck me,” I groaned and flopped down on the bed next to Ava. Even through a door I would recognize that voice anywhere. The Arbiter, Markus.

“Who the fuck is that?” Ava hissed. Calm and collected as she was, she had already dived for her pants and was wriggling her way into them, an action that did some very enjoyable things to her anatomy from my view. When she saw I was just staring at her she reached out and slapped my shoulder. “What the fuck is going on Remus?” she snapped, eyes flashing angrily and I winced, sure that I wasn’t going to hear the end of this one for a while.

“Remember back at the cabin when I said some of the pack would have to take us to see William?” I whispered and she nodded silently.

“Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that. I don’t agree with giving up the tactical advantage by letting them drag us in. Who knows what could go wrong?”

“Well that’s them outside the door right now.” The look on her face is one I’ll never forget. Somewhere between dumbfounded shock and monumental anger. She was pissed at me, no doubt.

“How the fuck did they find us so damn fast?” she hissed as she jumped out of the bed and grabbed for her shirt. Forgoing a bra she pulled the black shirt over her head and yanked it down, eyes flashing dangerously at me.

“This hotel is run by a couple of members of the pack. I knew word would get back to them but I figured they would have waited until morning.”

“I can hear you two, you know that right?” Markus called through the door.

I sighed and pulled the condom off, tossing it into a waste bin before I went over and opened the door. Behind me I heard a strange noise from Ava, probably in reaction to my answering the door completely naked, but I didn’t really care. Nothing the old man hadn’t already seen before anyway. Nudity wasn’t as frowned upon amongst wolf-kind, as it was among humans.

When the door swung open Markus simply glared at me, steely gaze locked onto my eyes for a moment before dropping to take in the brand burned into my chest. Despite my insistence that it still burned, it had healed well over the months and was nothing but a scar. A scar that would probably never truly fade, but a scar all the same. It matched the new scar on the side of my face, a pale white line caused by the silver bullet that had first fired from Ava’s gun the night her team caught me. Silver always left a scar, even when it healed up. Scars that took ages to vanish, if they ever did.

“You’ve got a huge hairy pair, coming back here like this Remus,” Markus growled. It was strange to me, that in that moment, I realized I had kind of missed the old man’s voice. He had one of those deep, gruff voices that you hear described all the time as belonging to those strong, upstanding types, salt of the earth and all that; he looked the part, too. His hair was a little grayer than it’d been the last time I’d seen him but he still appeared to be a man in his mid to late forties. Military style haircut and in good physical shape, the sort of muscular that his jeans and loose flannel shirt did little to hide. His stern expression was almost permanently etched onto his face as if it had been carved from marble. Yeah, I’d missed Markus.
Imagine that.

He stepped forward and I stepped back so he wouldn’t walk into me. He kept walking, so I kept backing up until he was all the way in the room and was able to close the door behind him.

As soon as it was closed, he growled.

Not like how Ava would growl at me, not even how I had growled at Ava in the past, that throaty kind of growl people do when they’re pissed off. No, this growl came from somewhere deep, seeming to bypass his throat entirely. His entire torso vibrated with the bass tones of it and it was a sound no human vocal cords would
be able to make. This was a growl that would send all lesser creatures scurrying for their dens in terror and it had the effect of sending an immediate shiver of fear up and down my spine.

Behind me Ava grunted again and I heard a slapping sound. I was reasonably sure she had just tried to pull her guns from her thigh holsters. The very holsters that she wasn’t currently wearing, so her hands must have just slapped against her thighs instead. Markus didn’t even glance her way, his focus centered entirely on me.

“Well?” he barked, suddenly. “You got a good explanation for this, Pup?”

“Mind if I get dressed?” I made a point of keeping my voice calm and even. No sense getting him worked up when he was already pissed. As Arbiter of the pack, Markus handled a lot of the ins and outs involved in maintaining a pack and a territory of the size that we had.
had, I corrected myself. The entire state of Washington belonged to the Pacific Northwest Pack, and that was by no means a small parcel of land. So issues were always dealt with swiftly and decisively whenever Markus could manage it.

“Make it quick.”

I did. I practically jumped into my jeans, careful not to catch myself on the zipper and threw on the sleeveless hoodie. I ignored my boots for the moment and turned, sitting down on the end of the bed, keeping my hands in plain view and remaining as still as I possibly could.

“Markus, this is Ava Martine. Ava, this is Markus, the Arbiter of the Pacific Northwest Pack of wolf-kind. He’s sort of William’s right-hand man in dealing with pack issues.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Ava said as calmly as she could manage. I could hear her heart pounding and smell the fear rolling off of her, but she didn’t let any of it show in her face or in her tone. Gotta say I was pretty damn impressed.

Markus nodded but still never took his eyes away from me. “You’re an Omega, Remus,” he snapped. “You were never supposed to return to your former pack’s territory.”

“Unless I had a very compelling reason to do so,” I said. “I think those were the words that William used when he made me an Omega in the first place.” I’d been thinking about it for a while now. William had to have had a reason for not ordering my death, as pack law dictated. He had to have had a reason, other than making me suffer with the knowledge of what I did; what I lost. He’s not a vindictive kind of person. He wouldn’t torture me without good reason, and I think I finally figured out what that reason was.

“And you have a reason that you think will stop William from ordering your death this time?” he asked, one grey brow arched questioningly at me. I nodded.

“We need William’s help. We need the pack’s help. And I needed to warn you, warn
…” I took a deep breath. “Salt the earth protocol needs to go into effect, immediately.”

Both steely brows rose at that one but his face didn’t change in the slightest otherwise. “Why in the hell do you think William would ever help you? After what you did?” he asked, ignoring my statement for the moment.

I took a deep breath and stood slowly, looking Markus directly in the eye as I sensed him subtly tensing in case I attacked. Without looking away for even a moment I spoke calmly and clearly. “We need the pack’s help to kill Mathias Young.”

Chapter 20



I was pissed, but I didn’t let it show. Instead I schooled my face into a calm, neutral blank and waited to see how things would play out.

The older man looked Remus up and down, eyes narrowed in calculation, chewing his bottom lip. Finally, he nodded.

“Get her weapons and get down to the trucks. You two are coming with me.”

“I’m not leaving my brother’s rig behind; we’ll follow you.” I said curtly and he looked me over, raising an eyebrow.

“And who might you be to Remus?”

I gave him a nasty little smile and Remus sighed out, “Ava…” he intoned, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Remus…” I imitated him and hoped it was fucking irritating. Yeah, petty, but I was seriously annoyed. The old guy, Markus looks like he was waiting for my answer so I gave him one.

“I’m the chick that shot him. I’m also the chick he’s currently fucking; does that satisfy your curiosity?”

The older man’s eyebrows shot up the same time mine crushed down. I had weapons at my disposal, the only trick was getting to them – I was
going to kick Remus’ ass for this later down the line.

“Right then, you can stay with Remus – I’ll ride with you two. Craig!” He called back over his shoulder.

“Yeah?” A voice called up from outside.

“You ride with us, have Grayson and Rory take my truck and follow us up.”

“You got it, Markus!”

“You might want to get dressed and leave them guns right where they’re at.”

“I’ve got ‘em,” Remus grumbled when I set to pop off. He collected my guns and handed them over to Markus, holding out my empty holsters to me. I pressed my lips flat and shook my head at him, taking the holsters and strapping them on. I would need a place to put my guns when I got them back, or a new pair later. At this point, I would be hard pressed not to shoot his ass again.

“Ava, just get dressed and let’s finish this drive.”

“Eager to die?” I asked.

“Tired is more like it, and eager to get the Pack on the move, to safety.”

“Uh huh.” Well it looked like those cross roads of cross purposes had come up much faster than I would have liked. Damn. Oh well, nothing lasted forever. I was surprised to find that it hurt more than I’d expected it to.

Remus caught my arm as I bent to grab my boots, “Chill out, Babycakes, it ain’t over yet. Not by a long shot.”

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