Omega's Unexpected: MM Werewolf MPREG Romance (Lucky Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Omega's Unexpected: MM Werewolf MPREG Romance (Lucky Book 1)
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Adam takes a breath, as though readying himself, and Noah grows concerned about what it is exactly the alpha has in mind.


"How would you feel about going to live in an omega commune?"


Noah's going to protest, before Adam even finishes, he's going to reject this idea, because it's a ridiculous one. He doesn't want to sacrifice his independence and career—as unfulfilling as it is—and his inconspicuous presence amongst the humans. Noah's worked
hard to create his uncomplicated, safe life and now Adam is suggesting he surrender that to go and live with a gaggle of omegas that will scorn him for being promiscuous and unfaithful


"I would, and
feel completely against that," Noah answers. "You realize they won't want to take in an expectant, unmated omega without a pack? How do you propose we resolve that?"


"The commune is associated with
pack," Adam explains, as though being patient with Noah. "If I go with you—… If we just say we're
, no one's going to stop and think about it too hard. They'll just assume your pack gave you over to me like how things usually are."


"You're a
, Adam," Noah balks. "You can't mean you're just going to give that up? You said yourself that we hardly know each other and that's true. I
accept this. You must realize that?"


The alpha smiles a bit. "I am a firefighter, yeah. And fires don't change, you know. If I ever come back to the city they'll just be the same as I left them, smoking hot, just like me."


Noah stares at the man for a long moment wondering how on earth he could have possibly thought such a line would go over. And then he drops his head into his hands, mumbling, "You're a complete and utter


"Look," Adam says seriously, to which the omega raises his head, "male omegas—
male omegas—need support. You can't go out around humans when you get far enough along that they'll notice. And I don't know if you're aware, but if it gets out that you're packless a lot of alphas will do whatever they can to get you in theirs, baby or not."


Gaze lowering back down to his hands, Noah concedes that, yes, this is true. It's the main reason why he's kept himself hidden since moving to this city in the middle of nowhere. It's a large, bustling place where he's ignored and he loves that, but one wrong move and a glaring spotlight can easily shift to him.


Emotion rises up, thick and overwhelming, and he feels them—tears—and as the first one slides down his cheek, fat and unwelcome, Noah rubs at it clumsily and scents the way the aroma of alpha spice turns concerned and protective.


"Why can't— Why can't things just be
" Noah gasps scrubbing at his eyes as more tears pool and overflow. "I'm p- pregnant and my sister— and now you're stuck with me a- and… I just…"


He hears the alpha's chair scrape against linoleum as Adam gets up and walks over, and the larger werewolf pulls him out of his chair as though he weighs nothing and
him. Noah opens his mouth to protest but can't, a sob bubbles up, and then he's burying his face in the alpha's shirt and clinging to him as though he'll slip away into an icy ocean if he slackens his grip.


This is all wrong and he hates it. He wasn't supposed to become pregnant, he wasn't supposed to ensnare this perfect specimen of selfless alpha, he wasn't supposed to be found, he wasn't supposed to have to give up everything he has just to pursue a life he doesn't want.


But this is where he is. And he feels lost.


It's just not fair.


He isn't supporting his own weight; Adam is holding him completely, not allowing him to fall. Noah doesn't cry for long, but he doesn't dash his tears away, he waits until they subside, until his chest feels heavy and achy but he's relieved too, and being tightly encased in Adam's arms is a cathartic balm to Noah's shredded nerves. He finds himself reluctant to bear his own weight again, but even when his sobbing has settled to sniffles and hiccups, Adam doesn't release him.


It almost seems as though nothing exists outside of the embrace, Noah has everything he needs here and can pretend there isn't a cruel world nipping at his heels outside of Adam's overwhelmingly calming presence.


Whoever the alpha mates with will surely be a lucky omega.


Adam chuckles, breaking the gentle moment between them, and Noah peers up at him, gaze questioning.


The alpha explains, "You know you're the best thing that's happened to me, right? We barely know each other, yeah, but you've given something to me I thought I'd never have." Adam presses a hand to Noah's belly, indicating as to what he means, and the point of contact channels the omega's focus, he's strangely moved by Adam's words and the heat of his hand on Noah's stomach. "I'm going to make sure
both of you
are okay. I'll be right beside you for when you need me."


Perhaps it's naïve of him, or even too hopeful—which is a trait Noah's never possessed in the past—but he believes Adam. If the alpha says everything's going to be okay, then everything's going to be okay.






BOOK: Omega's Unexpected: MM Werewolf MPREG Romance (Lucky Book 1)
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