Read On The Floor (Second Story) Online

Authors: Jennifer LaCross

On The Floor (Second Story) (36 page)

BOOK: On The Floor (Second Story)
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“So... I mean...
is lying. Either Rachel didn't see Natalie leaving his room and she is lying, or you went out and picked up someone for Jake to
," she says sharply, making me cringe, "and you are lying. And since Rachel looks completely destroyed about what happened, I'm guessing that
are the fucking liar." That breeziness that was in her voice before is now totally gone. She sounds seriously pissed. And hurt. "And you
how I feel about liars, Nate."

He sighs and looks at the ground before shaking his head. "Rachel
see Natalie leaving Jake's room, but it wasn't Jake that was in there," he says before pausing and taking a big breath. "It was me."

"What!" Jenna and I both say, before Jenna shakes her head. "What the fuck, Nate?! Was all that shit about not sleeping around bullshit?! Why the fuck would you bang that sleazy slutbag and not me?! Do you like dirty fucking cunts?!" she starts yelling.

"Whoa! Wait a minute, Jenna. I didn't sleep with her. Let me explain..." he starts to move towards her on the bed.

"Stop. You can explain yourself from right over there!" she yells at him.

"I didn't sleep with her. I didn't do anything with her but shut the door in her face. Rachel must have had the craziest timing in the whole world. When we left Toby's that night, Jake was completely loaded. I haven't seen him that drunk. Ever. He was so drunk that he threw up in my car. The dorm hall is on the way from Toby's place to mine, so I stopped here for some towels and shit and new clothes to change Jake into.

“I ran up to his room really quick to grab some stuff and Natalie knocked on his door. I guess she texted him and he responded with some sort of message. Just letter and numbers and shit. He didn't even have his phone. I did. I took it from him so he wouldn't go call Rachel when he was wasted. I knew they had ended on a bad note that day, so I wanted to make sure he was in his right frame of mind before he talked to her." He pauses for a second to take a breath. He is talking really fast, I think mostly because he doesn't think Jenna is going to let him finish.

"Anyways, I
he didn't text her. So I told her I accidentally responded to her because I had Jake's phone. It must have turned on while it was in my pocket. But I told her to stay the fuck away because he was happy with Rachel. Happier than he ever was with her.

“And as soon as she walked out of the room, I closed the door. I finished grabbing all the stuff and then I went back down to the car, cleaned Jake up, and drove the rest of the way to my place," he says before intently looking at Jenna and moving closer. "That's all. I didn't lie to you.
to you..." he says.

He starts to move closer to her, their eyes never breaking the connection. Jenna's defensive walls are down, and I can see how hurt she was when she thought he lied to her. And now how relieved she is that this was all just a big misunderstanding. I see a connection between them. I see... something I shouldn't be witness to. So I clear my throat to remind them that I'm here.

This seems to shake them both out of whatever was going between them. Nate turns to me. "He didn't sleep with her. He would
do that to you. Even if I wouldn't have been watching over him. He loves you so much. All he was talking about was how he fucked up. He felt like shit for the way he treated you, so I took him to my place and let him crash. He's been going crazy not being able to get in touch with you. He thought something happened..." he goes to explain, but I interrupt him.

"I know. He talked to me last night. I just didn't know what to believe. I mean, I
her. Now it makes sense. But before... He said some very mean things..." I start to get a little teary eyed remembering everything.

"But you believe me don't you. I
it was me in that room. Jake was covered in vomit down in my car," he says cringing at the visual. "I'll show you the car cleaning bill if you don't believe me," he says reaching for his wallet.

"No, no. I believe you. I need to talk to Jake," I say getting up out of the chair. I move toward Jenna and give her a hug whispering in her ear, "Do
believe Nate?"

I feel her nod against my head. "I do."

I pull back and smile at her. "Thanks. Love you, Jen."

"Love you too, Rach. Go get your man!" she says smiling at me.

I laugh. And it feels good because it's real.

Chapter 27




I'm ready to talk. Are you in your room?

No... I'm just leaving my grandparent's house. I'll be there in thirty.

Just come to my room when you get back.

I love you

And I want to tell him I love him too, but I want to do it in person. I feel like this is the type of conversation to have in person, not over text.

So I wait. Impatiently.

I pace my room. I open my door whenever I hear someone come out of the stairwell. I constantly check my phone. I sit and bounce on my bed.

I feel like I have so much energy. I can't sit still. I can't wait to see Jake. To tell him I'm sorry. To tell him I love him. Make-up with him. Kiss him. And... um... other stuff him. And with that thought, a different type of energy spikes inside of me. I just start to smile at the thought, when I hear the stairwell open again. I make an audible gasp before running to my door and throwing it open.

And finally, Jake is standing there, already in front of my door, breathing heavily and looking nervous. He looks amazing in his jeans and T-shirt. I think he looks even more amazing because he is the man that I love. A smile starts to grow on my face. With him standing in front of me, I'm filled with relief that he didn't cheat on me, forgiveness of what he said, love for the man, and lust for his body.

He must see the smile on my face and all of those emotions in my eyes because the nervousness slowly starts to leave his face, his expression replaced by one filled with the same emotions that I am feeling.

But his smile starts to drop a little as he starts to looks confused and conflicted. Now I'm confused. "Can I come in?" he asks me.

"Uh, yeah..." I say, my smile starting to fall at the look in his eyes. I can't read what he is feeling. I expected to jump in his arms and make mad passionate we-are-reunited love after I told him that we weren't over. And that I love him.

We sit on my bed facing each other, a small bit of distance between us. We are close enough where he can reach and grab my hands, but he doesn't. "So..." I start awkwardly.

Smiling and looking in my eyes he says, "It looks like you’ve forgiven me, but I still want to talk about everything that happened between us on Thursday and over the weekend." He takes a breath, looking down at his hands that are fidgeting in his lap before he looks back up into my eyes. "I'm so sorry for everything I said to you on Thursday. I knew what you were going through this weekend and I was an insensitive asshole. I could have asked you to stay and go the hospital with me without throwing insults and being a dick. I'm so sorry for that."

"It's okay," I start to say before he interrupts me.

"No. It's not. I had a lot of time to think this weekend and I talked to Grams about everything. Rachel, the way I acted was shitty. There are better ways to talk to you. To express how I'm feeling and I'll try to get better at it. I love you so much and I said some terrible things. I shouldn't ever treat you that way. You had enough going on as it is and then I just piled all that shit on top of it," he finishes shaking his head.

"Jake. You had stuff going on too. I guess what I meant to say wasn't that it was
, it was that I forgive you. We will have more fights in the future and we should learn how to fight without hurting each other and running away." He nods his head, finally reaching for my hand and holding it in his own.

"And now it's my turn to apologize," I continue. "I'm sorry for running away this weekend and making you worry. Especially when you already had something serious to worry about. I should have talked to you about it immediately. And I'll try to get better at telling you what is going on and how I am feeling. I know the start of our relationship was filled with hiding our feelings, but we can't do that anymore."

He squeezes my hand. "It's okay."

"But it's not," I say, a small smile on my face.

He chuckles. "Okay. What I meant to say was I forgive you. But just so you know, I finally listened to all my voicemails this morning. The last one from you was pretty rough to hear. I guess it must have been when you saw Natalie coming out of my room. I heard everything she said to you and I'm sorry. I understand why you thought that I cheated on you."

"I talked to Nate. He told me about what happened and I'm sorry I didn't give
a chance to explain," I respond.

"Yeah. But it wasn't crazy for you to believe what you saw with your own eyes." He pauses, the happiness that was in his eyes is now filled with seriousness. "Rachel, just know that I would never, ever, do that to you. I only want
. I will only
want you. Even if we fight and we are hurting, or we want to kill each other, or we say things we don't mean. It will only ever be you for me. You're it, babe. I love you so much. I was destroyed when I thought we were actually over. I love you."

"I love you too, Jake."

That happy make-up sex I thought we were going to have earlier? Yeah. I was wrong.

This is going to be intense. Passionate. Powerful. I can see it in his eyes.

I feel like he is going to fuck me and make love to me, all at the same time.

And then he's moving towards me. Lying me back. Covering me with his body. Devouring my soul with his eyes.

There are no words left to say. It's time to express how we feel with our bodies.

The conversation between us is made of moans. Gasps. Sighs. Screams.

Jake's whispered dirty words are filled with moans and heavy breaths as he kisses, nips, and licks my body. He strips me naked as I writhe beneath him, begging for him. Pleading with him to take me. I'm lost in his eyes, in his hands, I don't even notice that he has rid himself of his clothes until I feel his hard erection pressed between my thighs.

He kisses me, his tongue moving with mine as he devours my mouth.

His touches me, his fingers entering my core and stoking the fire that is about to envelop my entire body.

He moves me, his love for me filling my heart.

Jake rolls away briefly to put on a condom before he lies back on top of me, aligning our bodies. He looks me in the eyes as he enters me, his thick length sliding inside of me and filling me with one hard thrust. He pulls out slowly, hitting the spot inside of me that he was working with his fingers. He fills me again, moving fast and pulling out slowly. He continues this rhythm, our breathing growing faster as we move together. His pace quickens as we both reach our climax. His cock pumping into me faster and harder as my inner muscles start to spasm around him.

He pushes into me moaning and circling his hips as I come apart, gasping his name. His movements speed through my orgasm until he stills and groans my name, his body over mine, his cock deep inside me, our eyes still locked in each other's gaze.

Jake leans down and kisses me softly. Tenderly.

He rolls us so I am on top of him, our bodies still connected, our mouths still touching.

I pull away and move to lie next to him, wrapping my arm and leg over his body and snuggling into his side with my head on his chest. Wrapping both of his arms around me, he touches his lips to my head in a soft kiss.

No words left to say. We speak with our hands on each other’s bodies. His hands smoothing over my hair and down my back. Mine tracing the lines of his body as I kiss his chest lightly.

And this is how we fall asleep.

Wrapped in each other.

In love.




We've decided to skip our classes for the day and spend the time reconnecting. I know it sounds silly since we were only apart for a few days, but it feels like a lot longer. All the things that happened, all the misunderstandings, all the emotions that went into this weekend have exhausted us both.

I wake tangled up in Jake and blankets, a smile instantly growing on my face. I lay with him for a few minutes, reveling in the feel of his body wrapped around me. Eventually, nature calls and I gently move Jake's limbs off of me and head to the bathroom. I throw on some clothes and check the clock. It's around lunch time, so I decide to go grab lunch for us. I'd like to talk to him more about what happened this weekend, not with us, but with everyone else. My family, Grams, and Jenna and Nate. I leave him a note letting him know that I'm running down to get sandwiches, then I grab my wallet and head out.

When I get back to the room Jake is still sleeping soundly, but he is wrapped around my pillow instead of me. I put the sandwiches in the fridge and divest myself of my clothing before climbing back into bed with him, ready to wake Jake up in the best way. With sex.

Slowly rolling him until he is laying on his back, I start to kiss down his body making my way down towards his erection. His cock is already hard and growing harder with each pump of my hand. My trail of kisses finally meets my hand and I take his length into my mouth while I watch his reaction.

The second my warm mouth wraps around the plush head, I see a small smile grow on his face as he moans. I pull my mouth off of him smiling as I say, "You were already awake?"

He nods his head, his eyes opening slowly adjusting to the light. "I woke up when you rolled me over," he says, his voice deep and rough with sleep. "But I didn't want to interrupt. Please. Do continue."

I laugh lightly. And I do continue.

And he
. Waking my body up the way only he knows how.

BOOK: On The Floor (Second Story)
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