On the Prowl (21 page)

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Authors: T J Michaels

BOOK: On the Prowl
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Time slowed. Even Baker appeared to move in slow motion as he charged her with his makeshift weapon in one hand and the fingers of his free hand tensed and curled like claws. The second his clammy hands wrapped around her neck, she slipped her hands up between his outstretched arms, took a single step in and swept his legs from under him. As he was falling backward, she checked with her hip and he went flying over her back. On his way down to the floor, she slammed his head into the concrete. But the rest of his body continued to fly. In the end, there was an unmistakable crunch when his chest met his face. His neck and every vertebra down to the middle of his back snapped like dry dead twigs.

Sapa roared in her head as Delaine growled low in her throat, breathing heavily. The surge of strength and power slowly subsided as the lioness retreated from the forefront of her mind. Delaine hated taking a life. She’d been raised to always respect life, no matter how rotten or corrupt. She was grateful when Sapa sent peace and pride through the bond. The spirit of the lioness would always fight to protect her loved ones. She was the ultimate hunter and refused to be ashamed of defending those in her care.

Delaine looked down at Baker, his wide green eyes unseeing, and his pale face permanently etched with stunned disbelief. Sapa flashed images to her of what was happening all over the building. Baker’s boys had been rounded up, none escaped. The premises were being searched for more evidence, though the box full of pink tablets in the still unlocked cabinet was more than enough.

Then Justin was at her side, pulling her into a warm embrace before hauling her toward the door.

“Justin, wait. We’ve got to do a mop-up here.”

“Not today, baby. Derrick’s already called in another team to do it. We’ve got to get to the hospital.”

“Hospital? Why?”

“When our boys burst into Baker’s house at Lake Norman, Pam was in the middle of an almost successful escape. One of the bad guys shot her, baby.”


“I said, Pam’s been shot. Let’s go.”

* * * * *

Delaine stepped into the sparsely furnished hospital room. The orange roses in her hand offered the only relief against the sterile white furniture, walls and curtains. She set the glass vase of flowers on the nightstand and Pam’s eyes fluttered open.

“Hey, girl. How are you feeling?” Delaine asked quietly, a slight smile across her lips.

“Like somebody spent the night kicking my ass.”

“Well, I’d like to kick your ass too, ya know.”

Pam smiled weakly, her words a bit slurred by the wonderful morphine drip on her IV. “I know, and I don’t blame you, Del. And I’m so sorry. I was so drunk I didn’t realize what I’d done until later the next evening. After lots of coffee and lots of sleep. Justin didn’t have anything to do with it. It was all me, girl. But we never slept together. As a matter of fact, he practically ran from me while singing your praises, even though you were mad at him.”

Delaine chuckled and said, “I know, Pam, but I wasn’t talking about that. I was talking about you trying to get away from several armed men, you idiot.” She reached out and gently touched her friend’s hand to take the sting out of her words.

“What can I say, Delaine. I wasn’t thinking, I just reacted. I couldn’t let that bastard use me to blackmail you. You’re my girl.”

Delaine was touched. She felt so special. She’d never thought to have a man like Justin, nor reunite with an honest, caring friend like Pam. Her chest clogged with emotion and she almost missed the faint scent of Justin’s cologne amidst the non-smells of the hospital room. He touched her about the waist and hugged her lightly from behind. She turned slowly, her eyes close to spilling over.

“Hi, baby,” he crooned, nuzzling her ear. “How are you holding up, sweetheart?”

“I’m all right, I guess.” In fact, she’d refused to allow the events of last night to sink in yet. She’d been on plenty of dangerous missions, but not once had she ever been compromised. And she’d never been in love with the person watching her back. If Justin hadn’t insisted on covering her, she could have easily been taken out. If even one part of their plan had gone wrong, her children could have been left without a mom. Or she could have lost this wonderful man who’d stood by her side because he cared enough to put himself in danger, even risk his career, to see her safe. It was a humbling realization.

“Hey, Pam,” Justin stepped away from Delaine and moved around the side of Pam’s hospital bed. He placed a chaste kiss on her forehead and set a colorful get-well card on her little tray stand.

“Hey, Jus. I apologized to Delaine for that misunderstanding at your house that night. Now I need to apologize to you.”

Justin returned to Delaine’s side and draped his arm over her shoulder. He looked down at her with a lopsided, boyish grin and said, “It’s all right, Pam. We’re all good.”

The door slid silently open and a short, dark-haired woman called cheerfully from the door. “Hello there, I’m Dr. Lampshire.” She removed a clipboard from the slot, checked over the chart and greeted Pam as she entered the room.

“How are you, Pamela?” she asked, adjusting the IV drip. At Pam’s grumbled “just fine, thanks”, she continued in a friendly tone. “The surgery went well, and there is no sign of infection. If you continue to improve, you can go home in a couple of days. Is there anyone in your family available to take care of you for a few days after you’re released? If not, I’ll give the okay for you to stay past the required amount of time.”

Pam winced as the doctor gently probed the dressing over the gunshot wound high on the left side of her chest.

“Doctor, Pam recently moved here and doesn’t have any family. We go way back. She can come stay with me.”

Delaine looked up at Justin and found his eyes on her. He winked and said, “Pam, you can come stay with us.” Her brows rose, but she didn’t gainsay him.

“Us?” Pam wondered aloud. Her eyes widened as much as they were able considering the amount of pain medicine she was enjoying.

“Yes, us. I’m not letting this woman out of my sight, and whether she’s at my house, or I’m at hers, she’s stuck with me. And you’re stuck with the both of us. Or,” he added dryly, “you can stay here and enjoy an endless supply of Jell-O.”

Pam grimaced and informed the doctor she would indeed be going home with Delaine and Justin.



About the Author



Born into a musically eclectic family, TJ’s first love is music. She sings, even outside of the shower. She also loves to read. You’ll find her with her head buried in a book every day of the week, whether it’s her own creation or something snagged at the bookstore.

So, where does this writing stuff come from? Working for a pretty interesting organization allows her to interact with even more interesting customers. With an imagination expanded beyond belief after the birth of her two (now teenaged) children, spinning life’s experiences into tales is a blast! And now that books have caught up to technology, TJ’s eBook reader is shown no mercy, forced to entertain her at all hours of the day or night. Even in the dark!

Her favorite compositions are multicultural romances in various genres, some naughty, none nice. With several works in the wings, TJ loves to spin, create, and explore whatever world her mind decides to conjure.


Visit T.J. Michaels online at http://www.tjmichaels.com/



Also by Author TJ Michaels



Carinian’s Seeker

Book One in the Vampire Council of Ethics series.

Serati’s Flame

Book Two in the Vampire Council of Ethics series.

Hatsept Heat

Book Three in the Vampire Council of Ethics series.

Wild Winter Anthology

Feral Fascination Anthology

Forever December

Jaguar’s Rule

Spirit of the Pryde


Turn the page for a preview of TJ Michael’s Holiday paranormal romance novella “Forever December”



Forever December



Michael had never before seen Melaniece’s mouth fall open as her skin went pale. It would have been comical if it hadn’t been so important for her to be happy to see him. He strode into the living room in his socks. Though his steps were deliberately slow and easy, he was so eager to wrap the woman in his arms that it still felt like he was practically running.

“Michael? What the hell are you doing here?” Melaniece gasped, still sprawled on the floor in front of the fireplace. Damn she looked sexy. It was just like he’d imagined in his dreams—her lying in front of the fireplace waiting for him to ravish her lush, beautiful body.

Suddenly she sprang up from the floor with a wild-eyed expression like she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. And she didn’t look happy to be caught, at least not by him. But that was just too bad. He’d come all this way only for her, and he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to have her.

“Hi, Mel,” he deliberately crooned, knowing how much she loved his “deep” voice. “Aren’t you glad to see me, babe?” he asked stretching out his arms to her. Arms that had become well acquainted with holding her during her last trip home. And there was nothing like cuddling with Melaniece Matthews. But this time, there was no need to leave it at cuddling. No need for her to assure him he was more than ordinary in spite of his crumbled marriage. Self-confidence restored, he was all man standing in her house with outstretched arms. Hell, screw a cuddle, she looked so deliciously surprised standing there in her skintight tee and comfy sweats, her hair all over her head, nervously nibbling on her bottom lip. He wanted to strip her bare with a smile, right here, right now.

Her tongue seemed stuck to the roof of her mouth. But Michael, being his old self once again, didn’t wait for her to acclimate. Instead he pulled her into his arms and wrapped them around her until his nostrils were full of the scent of delicious, mouthwatering woman. And it was absolutely decadent.

“Mmmm, it feels so good to hold you again, Mel. Merry Christmas, beautiful.”


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