On top: Billionaire bachelor romance (The Playgirls Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: On top: Billionaire bachelor romance (The Playgirls Book 1)
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Chapter 11


The distraction totally worked. Telling Mara that she knew three poor schmucks who didn’t have their mommy bear to cook them Christmas dinner was like throwing a baby at Rumpelstiltskin. Katie was too busy checking out the hunks to be a bitch, Shane wasn’t certain which one she shagged, so he didn’t hack into anyone’s personal files, and talking about hiking did sway her dad.

What sucked were the sleeping arrangements. Her parent’s suburban four bedroom wasn’t likely to comfortably house them all, so the Colburn were about to check into a hotel, when unexpectedly, Shane offered three of his five spare bedrooms. 

Wow. That was new.

Alice had to wonder if there were darker motives behind the generous offer; was it to drill them, get a clearer picture of the mechanism?

She didn’t want a clear picture – she and Colt had an arrangement; she could do without having to explain things to her family when it stopped. So, they really didn’t need to know anything more than the truth: the Colburn were her friends.

Needless to say, Mama Vaughan didn’t see things her way.


Always the perfect hostess, Mara let it go while they were in company, but she cleverly cornered her in the kitchen under the presence of needing her girls to help with dessert.

“I wasn’t born yesterday, young lady,” she told her, a hand on her curvaceous hips. “These three boys are real gentlemen. Don’t you think I didn’t see them opening the doors, pushing our chairs... And they sure don’t make them like them around here! All these muscles…”

And to say that she thought hearing her parents having sex ten years ago had been traumatizing; it was nothing compared to the image of her damn milf of a mother licking sweat off a tanned, chiseled six pack.

Brain bleach needed.

“Mama, swear to me you’ll
ever mention the physical attributes of any of my friends.”

“You shouldn’t have brought back three actual GQ models, then, should you?” Katie intervened.

From anyone else, it might have seemed a teasing jest, but Alice heard the venom underneath it all; she all but spat it out at her face. There was an accusation here, somehow.

As per usual, she let it go, deciding to ignore the jab. Someone had to pretend being an adult here.

“Exactly,” Mara agreed. “So cut the crappy cake and tell us which one we will see at Easter.”

Oh, for Christ’s sake.

“Remember you’ve made me spill this out; we’re just friends who fuck, Mama.”

This wasn’t met with so much as a raised eyebrow.

“Of course, dear; your father and I are, and will always be friends who fuck, too.”


Agreed and emphasized; Katie and Alice might not agree on much, but for once, they were on the exact same radio station: this was TMI, big time.

“Shut it, Katie; I’m winning,” she warned, before turning to Alice, eyes narrowed. “Let me spill it out for you, dear. I will become your nightmare. I’ll get the childhood pictures out, speak about your exes, mention my sex life
grope one of their delightfully toned derrieres after getting drunk, if you don’t tell me which one you’re seeing. Now.”

Fuck. Her mother was plain evil.



Meeting the Vaughan had been enlightening; over the course of the last five hours, he’d come to understand a lot more about Alice than he’d managed to in the whole of their acquaintance.

Might have something to do with the fact that he’d avoided her for a good two months and had spent the following three weeks fucking her; somehow, they hadn’t really had time to talk on about stuff that mattered.

The holiday dinner was exactly what he’d needed to get stuff out of her. Families had a way of saying, repeating and arguing the same matter over and over each time they gathered; football, politics, movies, music – everything was mentioned.

Turns out, she liked sports, didn’t mind the president and had seen every single blockbusters out in 2015; more importantly, he came to understand a lot about her character through her role in her nest.

She was the mediator.

Her sister, a pretty damn gorgeous, voluptuous blond with a massive rack and an ass Kellan had yet to stop staring at was a bit of a bitch, and her mother seemed sad each time she dug into anyone; Alice diligently redirected the discussion towards something else, effortlessly throwing a random comment which somehow interested every present party. Words were her weapon; her career choice seemed completely logical, now he saw her in action.

Her father was uptight, and a little bit scary – the kind of men who
owned a rifle – but her smile completely transfixed his entire aura. He chilled out each time her lips curled up; she stuck her tongue at him at some point, making him actually chuckle.

Her brother seemed cool, but he occasionally left the room; not physically, perhaps, but his mind was completely elsewhere half the time. Her mom had called him a couple of time without getting a reaction; she’d sighed and let it go, but Alice kicked his chair.

“Dud, wakey wakey, mother wants the mustard.”

In short, Alice was pretty damn amazing and came from good people.

Everything went great, expect for the fact that he hadn’t touched her since they’d been out of the car. She didn’t want her family to know about them; he wasn’t overly surprised, but the development was still unpleasant.

Then, unexpectedly, after the most orgasmingly amazing lemon drizzle he’d ever tasted, their gorgeous, elegant host turned to him and asked if he was staying with Alice.

The entire table shut up; Colt could feel the two Vaughan male’s eyes on him and they weren’t friendly right now.

He glanced towards Alice, who was glaring at her mother while her sister smiled like a Cheshire Cat.

“We’re aware our baby is twenty-six,” Mara added. “You’re very welcome to stay in her room, dear.”

“Mother,” Alice started and Colt almost heard the refusal, so he cut her off. The cat was out of the bag; no need to try and stuff it back in.

“Thanks Mara, that would be great. Alice and I work different hours; I don’t think we’ve ever spent a whole night together.”

“Perfect. You can start working on some grandbabies for us, can’t you?”

That’s when the battle started.


Alice jumped – actually jumped to her feet, and ran out of room; confused, Colt and his two brothers stayed on their seats as the Vaughan all suddenly followed, heading in different directions.

Within a few seconds, Alice was back, armed with a bright green water-pistol.

She threw reached inside a humongous red stocking and distributed the goods – fully loaded pistols; blue, pink and yellow. 

“What’s the shape under your name tag?”

Colt was in the world of What The Fuck by then, but Kellan woke up pretty quickly, and reached out for his name tag on the table, finding a big triangle underneath; Kane had a round and Colt, a square.

“You’re in my team,” she told Kane. “Follow me.”

Kane was the one who wasn’t really taking part in family stuff; he liked them well enough, but he only joined them when his presence was required, normally – he’d probably only tagged along because it was Christmas, and well, it sucks to be alone this time of the year.

But he wasn’t sociable; which was why Colt was baffled when he jumped to his feet and ran after Alice, laughing on his way.

At the door, she stopped for one moment and said:

“You’d better find your partners, as you don’t know the rules. Just so you know, though: if one of you is with my mother? You’re toast.”


Square team was Shane’s; when he’d worked that out, he’d already been shot at by every member of the crazy family. Shane gave him the rules: apparently, there weren’t any. They were just supposed to carry on fighting until they’d found their Christmas presents; the team which found their gifts first had control over the Christmas brownies.

Although they were perfect strangers, he and his brothers had been given presents, too – winter socks, handknitted scarves. It was a pretty damn awesome game; he couldn’t remember enjoying himself as much since he’d been a kid.


Close to two in the morning, completely soaked, armed with a thick hot chocolate laced with rum, Colt snuggled close to a sleepy Alice.

“Why isn’t that game a thing?” Kellan wondered out loud, accepting a tenth brownie from Paul, with whom he’d totally bonded over their partnership.

“It is a thing in this house. The girls used to argue a lot. We told them to sort it out constructively and dropped them at a paintball park a while back. They haven’t stopped shooting at each other since; we just joined in.”

“You should write a parenting guide.”

They really should: even the bitch had somehow mellowed out.

They spent the next hour chatting, and Colt felt Alice drifting off against his shirt.

“Where do I need to go?” he asked Shane, gesturing to the woman curled up on his laps.

Her brother got up to show him the way; Colt took her in his arms – not as effortlessly as romance books make it sound. Size four or not, a grown woman wasn’t a freaking feather.

Shane hesitated at the door, so Colt decided to make things easy for him:

“That’s where you’re telling me you’ll ruin me if I hurt your sister? Don’t bother. I won’t.”

She was the one able to hurt him.

“Actually, that’s where I’m warning you. Every guy who screwed up tried to get her back. She didn’t even bother listening. Alice never repeats her mistakes.”



Alice generally slept like the dead; she’d trained her body to take no notice of sounds, sunshine, and pretty much anything that could possibly interrupt her slumber until ten, at the earliest – repetitive doorbells and fire alarms were the only things she couldn’t quite ignore.

But one word – her name, whispered with some urgency – and she was wide awake.

She opened her eyes and blushed; not a lot embarrassed her, but then again, she didn’t often wake up with her fingers clasped around someone’s dick.

Somehow, she’d slid her hand inside Colt’s PJs, and she was now wanking him; if she believed his expression, the way he breathed, hard and fast, she’d been at it for a while.

“Shit. Alice, your mom has called her for breakfast; you need to stop…”

The way she saw it, she didn’t actually – she needed to get it finished quicker.

She rolled over, giggling like the minx he’d turned her into, and dived under the cover to take him in his mouth.

He let her to her fun for all of one minute, before pushing the comforter asides, grabbing her under the armpits and sitting her on his erection; she greedily moved her hips, more than ready to enjoy a ride, but he had other ideas. He stilled her hips and thrust up, fucking her hard and deep from underneath.

They weren’t that quick, but her mother didn’t come up to see if they were up to; the bed squeaking on the floor was eloquent enough.

Colt sat up and took one of her nipples in his mouth while caressing the other one; his rhythm changed, slowing down, but aiming deeper, to a very precise location.

Fuck. Target located; missile engaged. Hit. Hit. Hit again. Her G-Spot had never received as much attention.

“Calm down, sweetheart. Breathe out. There’s no hurry. No reason to rush; just enjoy it…”

Fuck. By the tenth hit, she was ready to bulk; yes, he managed to make her cum each time he tried, but his method was cruel. The few instant preceding her orgasms were always so intense she wanted to cry, bite, scratch. This time, she did, clawing at his naked back.

She pushed against his chest, trying to get off, but instead of releasing her, he shifted his hips and hit harder, faster, until she screamed out loud. 

Fuck. She felt like punching him and kissing him; she did both.

“Is sex with you always so freaking intense?”

He laughed.

“Hardly. I’ve had my fair share of meaningless encounters. Sex is intense between the two of us because we click. Here,” he said, his thumb pushing against her clit. “And here, too.”

He pointed her forehead out, this time.

Alice remained silent; he had a point, they did click; but what was she supposed to say?

I don’t want you for a sextoy; I want you to become my boyfriend
was what she wanted to say, but it was Colt freaking Colburn. He dated models and celebrities – even those never retained his attention for long.



Colt meditated on how to break it to her; after a while, he decided on casually dropping it there.

“By the way, your mother might just get her wish. I haven’t used a condom. You’re taking contraception?”

It sounded so callous; probably because he didn’t care either way. Actually, that was a lie. If he was sincere, only to himself, he wanted to response to be no.

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