One for Three [Elite Dragons 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: One for Three [Elite Dragons 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Brooke squealed when arms wrapped around her waist from behind. Her world went topsy-turvy, and she was slung over a hard, muscular shoulder. She knew who had her by his scent. She breathed in the fragrance of sandalwood and clean male. She placed her hand on his back and tried to push herself up.

“What are you doing?”

“Helping you to the bedroom,” Coulter replied.

“I don’t need any help. I was doing just fine by myself,” she snapped.

Brooke heard a door slam and looked up to see that Corbin and Trace were leaning against the now-closed door. Coulter lifted her from his shoulder and slid her down the length of his body. It would have been impossible to miss the bulge in his crotch. Her feet landed on the end of the bed, and she glared at Coulter, her eyes level with his.

“You are very fine, baby. Do you want a bath or shower?” he asked her.

“What?” Brooke asked and gulped when she saw the fire in his eyes. She glanced over to Corbin and Trace to see them looking at her the same way as Coulter.

“I asked if you wanted to bathe,” Coulter repeated.

“Um, do I smell?”

“Oh yeah. You smell so good, baby,” Coulter replied, and then he shocked her by leaning in and smelling the skin at her neck. “I want to eat you all up.”

Brooke couldn’t believe he had just said that. Her breathing escalated, and her blood heated. Corbin and Trace moved toward her. She wanted to look away but couldn’t. She felt as if she were drowning in the depths of their heated stares. Hands were at the hem of her sweater. She looked at Coulter again.

“What are you doing?” she asked in a whisper.

“We are going to make love with you, baby. If you don’t want this, you’d better tell us now.”

Brooke didn’t answer and didn’t stop him when he pulled her sweater up over her head. She lowered her arms and held them still at her sides. It was one of the hardest things she had ever done. She wanted to stay mad at him because he had been so unreasonable. But at the same time, she wanted to reach up and pull his sweater off and rip his shirt open and then run her hands over the skin of his chest.

She held her breath when he moved in closer to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. He slowly lowered his head. He didn’t move, just stared into her eyes with such an aching need that she felt her body going up in flames. She sighed as she released her held breath and her eyes slid closed. She leaned into him with acquiescence, her body going soft with desire and acceptance.

Coulter opened his mouth over hers and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him, opening up when his tongue slid along the seam of her flesh and groaning as he slipped inside. His tongue slid along hers and curled around it, moaning and responding. She shifted slightly when she felt two sets of hands on her. They began to remove her clothes. She didn’t know whose hands were where, and she didn’t care as long as they divested her of her clothing. Brooke needed to feel their palms on her flesh with nothing in between to hamper the sensations. She whimpered with frustrated desire when Coulter lifted his head and looked at her. Fire burned in his eyes and she tried to cling to him when he moved her slightly away from his body.

Her long-sleeved shirt was whisked up over her head, and her jeans were pulled from her hips. She stood before them clad in her own underwear and hoped they liked what they saw. She had never thought she was anything special, but from the way the three men were looking at her, they liked her body.

Coulter moved and picked her up into his arms. He carried her a few steps and lowered her onto the middle of the bed. He kept her eyes locked to his as he removed his clothes. She let her eyes wander up and down his length of his body, taking in his muscular frame. He was built and was so strong. She could see his muscles rippling under his skin as he moved. He shoulders were wide, his pecs bulging, and his abs ripped. He had long legs and solid thighs, and he was very aroused. Her eyes snapped back up to his cock, and she bit her lip when she saw his size. His cock stood straight up, close to his belly, reaching to his navel, and he was very thick.

At the sound of rustling at the end of the bed, Brooke looked over to Trace and Corbin just as they dropped the last of their clothes. When he was nude, Corbin’s wide, brawny shoulders were on full display. As her gaze traveled down the most muscular Thornell, she gasped at the superlative length of his throbbing erection. The sight of another impressive erection caught her eye, and she slid her gaze to Trace. Her breath caught at the sight of the widest cock she’d ever seen, a formidable weapon for any man. She lifted her eyes and bit her lip as all three brothers moved toward her.

These three men had been blessed in the penis department. Even though she was sexually inexperienced, she had seen photos and heard other women talk
. Oh goodness. What have I gotten myself into?

Chapter Seven


Coulter got onto the bed at Brooke’s side and kissed her. He couldn’t get enough of her sweet mouth and her delectable little body. Since earlier that afternoon when he and his brothers had brought her pleasure, he had yearned to get his mouth and hands back on her and wanted to bury his cock into her wet cunt. He explored every inch of her mouth with his tongue until he had to break the kiss to breathe. He was satisfied by her passion-glazed, lust-filled eyes and heavy breathing. She wanted them just as much as they wanted her.

He kissed his way down her neck, licked his way over her breasts and between them, and then slid his tongue down her torso and belly. Nudging her thighs apart with one of his, he moved between her legs, as Corbin and Trace climbed on the bed at her sides. He watched Brooke’s face as he lowered his head. He flicked his tongue out over the top of her clit and grasped her hips as she bucked, holding her still, gliding his tongue through her folds and thrusting it in and out of her pussy. Her head pushed deeper into the pillow, and she moaned out her pleasure.

Coulter swapped places with Trace because his brother looked at Brooke’s mound like a starving man. He thought it only fair since he had already tasted her juices earlier today. Palming one of her breasts, he suckled on her nipple while Corbin kissed her and Trace began to lick her.

Trace sounded like an animal in heat as he growled and lapped up Brooke’s juices. Coulter’s cock jerked at the sight of his brother licking their woman’s pussy, and he couldn’t wait until they could all fuck her together. They were going to have to prepare her ass before they could make love with her at the same time. Brooke whimpered when Trace began to push a finger into her cunt. Coulter laved over her nipple and grazed it with his teeth as he watched his brother. He had never felt so connected with his brothers or a woman before and knew without a shadow of a doubt that this was the one woman meant for them. He didn’t want her leaving. The thought sent stabs of pain piercing his heart. Trace looked up at that moment, and as he gazed intently at Brooke, Coulter knew his brother felt the same. His body language and the look on his face screamed of possessiveness and love. His fingers traced up and down Brooke’s spread thighs, lightly dancing over the creamy flesh, and his jaw dropped in awe as his gaze traveled up her body and connected with her sparkling eyes.

Coulter moved his eyes to Corbin to see the same enthralled look of love on his younger brother’s face.

“Why did you stop?” Brooke cried.

“Easy, baby, we’re just beginning. We’ll give you what you want,” Coulter replied as his brothers traded places.

Corbin dove for Brooke’s cunt and devoured her. She must have liked what he was doing to her because her hips arched up and she cried out. Corbin moved a hand from her pelvis, and then he pushed into her sheath. He thrust in and out of her wet pussy, the slurping of her cunt reaching Coulter’s ears as his brother finger-fucked her. Coulter leaned on his arm and caressed her breast with the other hand. He pinched her nipple and smiled when she whimpered.

“Send her over, Corb,” Coulter said and placed his hand on Brooke’s belly, just above her mound. Corbin would have pushed Brooke to the edge of reason if he hadn’t stepped in. And as much as he would love to hear their woman beg, he didn’t want to push Brooke too hard just yet. Her stomach quivered and tautened, and he knew she was about to climax. He moved his hand in soothing circles on her lower abs, but also added gentle pressure and sucked her nipple back into his mouth. He looked at Brooke’s face just as she went over. Her mouth gaped open, and the muscles in her face went from tight to slack. Her whole body quivered and shook, and he could feel her womb contracting beneath his hand. He released her nipple with a pop, and as Corbin moved away, he shifted to kneel between her splayed thighs.

Coulter drew in close to Brooke and groaned when his dick connected with her wet cunt. Bracing himself over her on his arms, he began to push in. He clenched his jaw at the sensation of the soft, wet, delicate skin of her pussy stretching and separating when the head of his cock penetrated her. He held still a moment, making sure he gave her enough time to adjust to his intrusion. He gripped her hips when she thrust up against him, trying to get him in deeper. He held her hips more securely so she couldn’t move too far and hurt herself as he eased in another inch, and then another.

Sweat beaded on his body as he held himself on a tight leash. The urge to plunge forward until he was inside her depths was nearly more than he could stand, and he had to grind his teeth as he forged his way into her pussy. He held still when he was halfway inside her and groaned as her cunt gripped and released his erection.

“Are you okay, baby?” Coulter asked, and moisture pricked at the back of his eyes as he fully realized the sheer magnitude of this moment. “I want this to be perfect for you.”

Through gasping breaths, she said, “It is. It’s perfect, and I want nothing more than to be with you. I just…”

“What, baby?”

“It’s too much. You’re too big. You won’t fit.”

He smiled at her innocence and pushed forward a bit. “I will, but you’re so fucking tight. Try and relax for me. The last thing I want do is hurt you.”

“Shh, darlin’. Just relax. It will fit. Your body was made for us, Brooke. Take deep breaths. Good girl,” Trace said, and Coulter was thankful his brother was trying to keep their woman calm.

Coulter growled when she relaxed even more and he slid in the rest of the way. “Oh damn, baby. You are so hot and wet. You’re tighter than a fist,” Coulter groaned out.

He drew his hips back, his cock sliding almost all the way out, and then he surged forward until his balls touched her ass. He repeated the action over and over, increasing the speed of his pumping hips. Coulter had never felt such bliss before. He wanted to make love with Brooke until neither of them could walk. He loved the sounds she made as he slid in and out of her tight, wet cunt. Her pussy gripped him so tightly he was in danger of exploding before she did, and that he just couldn’t allow.

Pushing himself up with his arms and kneeling between her thighs, he gripped her hips and pulled her tightly against his crotch. She clenched around him, and he growled, feeling his balls draw up. He moved one of his hands from her pelvis and touched her clit with a finger. She arched up, and he gained more depth. He wasn’t going to last. He hadn’t had so little restraint since he was a green, wet-behind-the-ears teenager. Massaging her little clit and pulling back, Coulter thrust forward again. He advanced and retreated, his cock heating as the walls of her pussy increased the friction on his dick.

Coulter could feel her internal walls rippling around his erection constantly now and knew Brooke was close to climax. He surged forward again, harder, faster, deeper, and she keened in the back of her throat. His own groan came as she screamed. Her pussy clamped down on him hard.

He didn’t let up on the bundle of nerves at the top of her slit, but continued to massage her little button as she contracted around his cock, again and again. The tingle at the base of his spine spread, heating his blood further. It spread around to his cock and balls. He growled just before his balls crawled right up into his body, and then he roared, jerking inside her. He spilled his load and held still as her cunt milked his balls, continuing to ripple and flex around his cock.

Coulter knew in that moment that he never wanted to let her go. She was theirs, and he intended to keep her. She had crawled her way into his heart without him even being aware she was doing it. He looked at her as the last shudder left her body and knew he was irrevocably in love for the first time in his life. He carefully withdrew his softening cock from her body, leaned over, and kissed her. She was so sexy. Her body was relaxed with satiation, and her eyes were still slightly glazed over with passion. Her hair was a wild halo around her head, and her skin was flushed. He lifted his head and moved off the bed.

Coulter was back in moments with a warm, damp cloth. He wiped Brooke’s pussy of their combined juices. He cursed when he saw slight pink tinges on the washcloth.

“How are you feeling, baby? Are you all right? Are you sore?” Coulter asked.

“Umm, I’m okay,” Brooke practically whispered, and he had to lean forward to hear her.

“You didn’t answer me, Brooke. Are you sore?” he repeated.

“A little,” she replied.

“Corbin, go run a bath,” Coulter commanded. He leaned over and took Brooke’s chin in between his thumb and index finger so she had to look him in the eye and couldn’t look away. “If I ask you how you feel, Brooke, it’s because I want to know the truth. You don’t have to hide anything from me. Understood?”

BOOK: One for Three [Elite Dragons 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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