One Good Earl Deserves a Lover (22 page)

BOOK: One Good Earl Deserves a Lover
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Why wouldn’t he touch her?

She swallowed back the question, hating the way it whispered through her, making her cold and hot all at once, and said, “What next?”

The words came out sharper than she’d intended, but they served their purpose, bringing his attention instantly to her face. He stared at her for a long moment, and she was distracted by his eyes—more pewter than grey, with little black flecks, framed by long, auburn lashes.

As she watched, his gaze flickered to the large chair several feet to her right, then back to her, slow and languid. “Sit.”

It was not what she’d expected. “Thank you, I prefer to stand.”

“Do you want your lesson or not, Pippa?”

Her heart leapt at the words. “Yes.”

The half smile came again, and he inclined his head toward the chair. “Then sit.”

She moved. Sat as primly as possible, back straight, hands clenched tightly on her lap, legs pressed together, as though she were not alone in a casino with one of London’s most notorious rogues, wearing nothing but a corset and pantalettes. And her spectacles.

She closed her eyes at the thought.
There was nothing tempting about spectacles. She reached up to remove them.


She stilled, her hand halfway to her face. “But—”

“Leave them.”

“They’re not—” she began.
They’re not smoldering. They’re not seductive.

“They’re perfect.” He did not move toward her, instead leaning against the heavy ebony desk, extending one long leg in front of him and raising the other knee, propping his arm on it as he watched her through heavy-lidded eyes. “Lean back.”

“I’m quite comfortable,” she said quickly.

One ginger brow rose. “Lean back anyway.”

She retreated on the chair until she felt the soft leather back against her skin. He hadn’t stopped watching her, eyes narrowed, taking in every bit of her, every movement.

“Relax,” he said

She took a deep breath and exhaled, attempting to follow instructions. “It isn’t easy.”

The smile again. “I know.” There was a long moment of silence, and he said, “You’re very beautiful.”

She flushed. “I’m not.” He did not reply. She filled the silence with, “These underclothes are quite old. They were not meant to be . . .” She trailed off as his gaze flickered to the edge of her corset, suddenly tighter. “ . . . seen.”

“I’m not talking about the clothes,” he said, low and dark. “I’m talking about you. All that skin you want me to touch.”

She closed her eyes at the words, mortification and something much more dangerous coursing through her.

He didn’t stop talking. “I’m talking about your lovely long arms and your perfectly shaped legs . . . I find I am quite jealous of those stockings for knowing the feel of you, the warmth of you.” She shifted, unable to keep still beneath the onslaught of his words. “I’m talking about that corset that hugs you where you are lovely and soft . . . is it uncomfortable?”

She hesitated. “Not usually.”

“And now?” She heard the knowledge in the question.

She nodded once. “It’s rather—constricting.”

He tutted once, and she opened her eyes, instantly meeting his, hot and focused on her. “Poor Pippa. Tell me, with your knowledge of the human body, why do you think that is?”

She swallowed, tried for a deep breath. Failed. “It’s because my heart is threatening to beat out of my chest.”

The smile again. “Have you overexerted yourself?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“What, then?”

She was not a fool. He was pushing her. Attempting to see how far she would go. She told the truth. “I think it is you.”

He closed his eyes then, hands fisting again, and pressed his head back against the side of the desk, exposing the long column of his neck and his tightly clenched jaw. Her mouth went dry at the movement, at the way the tendons there bunched and rippled, and she was quite desperate to touch him.

When he returned his gaze to hers, there was something wild in those pewter depths . . . something she was at once consumed and terrified by. “You shouldn’t be so quick with the truth,” he said.


“It gives me too much control.”

“I trust you.”

“You shouldn’t.” He leaned forward, bracing his arm against his raised knee. “You are not safe with me.”

She had never once felt unsafe with him. “I don’t think that’s correct.”

He laughed, low and dark, and the sound rippled through her, a wave of pleasure and temptation. “You have no idea what I could do to you, Philippa Marbury. The ways I could touch you. The wonders I could show you. I could ruin you without thought, sink with you into the depths of sin and not once regret it. I could lead you right into temptation and never ever look back.”

The words stole her breath. She wanted it. Every bit of it. She opened her mouth to tell him so, but no sound would come.

“You see? I’ve shocked you.”

She shook her head. “I have shocked myself.” His gaze turned curious, and she added, “Because I find that I would like to experience those things.”

There was a long moment of silence, in which she willed him to move, to come to her. To touch her. To show her.

“Show me,” he said, the words seeming to come from her thoughts.

Startled, she said, “I—I beg your pardon?”

“Before, you told me that you wished I would touch you. Show me where.”

She couldn’t. But her hand was already moving, already trailing up the bones of her corset to the place where silk met skin. The edge of the stays was lower than the line of the dress had been, mere centimeters from—

“Your breasts?”

She flushed at the words. “Yes.”

“Tell me how they feel.”

She closed her eyes, focused on the question. On the answer. “Full. Tight.”

“Do they ache?”

So much.

“Touch them.” Her eyes flew open, captured instantly by his. “Show me how you wish I would touch you.”

She shook her head. “I can’t.”

“You can.”

“But why not you? Your hands are here . . . you are here.”

His gaze darkened, and a muscle leapt in his jaw. “This is all there is, Pippa. I won’t touch you. I won’t ruin you.”

Obstinate man. She was aching and frustrated, could he not see that? “I’m ruined, whether you touch me or not.”

“No. If I don’t touch you, you’re safe.”

“And if I don’t wish to be safe?”

“I’m afraid you haven’t a choice.” He flexed one large hand, as though it ached him. “Shall I tell you what I would do if I could touch you?”

The words were soft and dark and all irresistible temptation. “Yes, please.”

“I would lift them from that prison in which you keep them, and I would worship them in the manner they deserve.”

Oh, my.
Her hands froze, rendered unusable by his beautiful, liquid voice.

“And then, when they’d forgotten how it felt to be caged by silk and bone, I would teach you about kissing, just as you asked.” Her lips parted, and she met his gaze, filled with dark promise. “But not on your mouth—on your beautiful breasts. On the soft pale skin of them, on the places that have never seen light, that have never felt a man’s touch. You would learn about the tongue, my little scientist . . . there on those pretty, aching tips.”

The image he painted was graphic and groundbreaking, and she was instantly entranced by the idea of his tongue on her—too entranced to be embarrassed, her hands following his words, teasing, touching, and for a moment she could almost believe it was him touching her. Making her ache. She sighed, and he shifted, straightening, but coming no closer, damn him.

“Would you like me to tell you where else I would touch you?”

“Yes, please.” The words were a whisper.

“So polite.” He leaned forward. “There’s no place for politeness here, my bespectacled beauty. Here, you ask and I give. You offer and I take. No please. No thank you.”

She waited for him to continue, every inch of her humming with excitement, with anticipation.

“Hook one leg over the arm of that chair.” Her eyes went wide at the order. She’d never in her life sat in such a way. She hesitated. He pressed on. “You asked.”

So she had. She moved, opening to him, her thighs widening, the cool air of the room rushing through the slit in her pantalettes. Her cheeks burned and she moved her hands to block his view.

He was watching them, and he made a low sound of approval. “That’s where my hands would be as well. Can you feel why? Can you feel the heat? The temptation?”

Her eyes were closed now. She couldn’t look at him. But she nodded.

“Of course you can . . . I can almost feel it myself.” The words were hypnotic, all temptation, soft and lyric and wonderful. “And tell me, my little anatomist, have you explored that particular location, before?”

Her cheeks burned.

“Don’t start lying now, Pippa. We’ve come so far.”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes, I’ve explored it before.” The confession was barely sound, but he heard it. When he groaned, she opened her eyes to find him pressed back against the desk once more. “Did I say the wrong thing?”

He shook his head, his hand rising to his mouth once more, stroking across firm lips. “Only in that you made me burn with jealousy.”

Her brows furrowed. “Of whom?”

“Of you, lovely.” His grey gaze flickered to the place she hid from him. “Of your perfect hands. Tell me what you found.”

She couldn’t. While she might know the clinical words for all the things she had touched and discovered, she could not speak them to him. She shook her head. “I cannot.”

“Did you find pleasure?”

She closed her eyes, pressed her lips together.

“Did you?” he whispered, the sound loud as a gunshot in this dark, wicked room.

She shook her head. Once, so small it was barely a movement.

He exhaled, the sound long and lush in the room, as though he’d been holding his breath . . . and he moved. “What a tragedy.”

Her eyes snapped open at the sound of him—of trouser against carpet as he crawled toward her, eyes narrow and filled with wicked, wonderful promise.

He was coming for her. Predator stalking prey.

And she could not wait to be caught.

She exhaled, the breath coming out on a low, shaking sigh that could have become a moan if she weren’t careful and, God help her, she moved her hands, opening to his touch and sight, ready to thank God and Lucifer and anyone else who might have had a hand in this moment for finally, finally bringing him to her.

Except, he didn’t touch her.

“Shall I show you how to find it, lovely?” he asked, and she could have sworn she felt his breath against her hands, hot and tempting. “Where to find it?”

She’d never know where the courage came from—how she pushed past the embarrassment and the shame that should have been there. “Please,” she fairly begged, and he did, in soft, devastating words.

She did as he told her, parting folds of fabric, then folds of a more secret kind, following his whispered instructions, answering his wicked questions.

“So pretty and pink . . . does it feel good, love?”

She whimpered her reply.

“Of course it does. I can smell the pleasure on you . . . sweet and soft and very very wet.” The words brought sensation, a thundering pleasure that she’d never felt before, not even in the dark nights when she’d quietly explored on her own.

“Oh, Pippa . . .” he whispered, turning his head, breathing against the curve of her knee, but not touching—never touching. He was destroying her. “If I were there . . . if my fingers were yours, I would spread you wide and show you how much more pleasurable it can be when the experience is shared. I would use my mouth to give you your second lesson in kissing . . . I would teach you everything I know about the act.”

Her eyes went wide at the raw confession, for she could see it. She could see
on his knees before her, brushing her hands from her and replacing them with his beautiful, firm mouth, stroking, touching . . .
She had no reference for the act—she’d never even imagined it before now—but she knew, without question, that it would be magnificent.

“I would feast on you . . . yes . . . right there, lovely,” he urged her on, rewarding the bold, little movements of her fingers with a growl of pleasure, knowing, even before she did, that she was on the edge of something stunning. “Would you like my mouth there, my sweet?”

Did that happen? Dear heaven. Yes. She wanted it.

“I would stay for hours . . .” he promised. “My tongue would show you pleasure you’ve never known. Over and over. Again and again until you were weak from it. Until you couldn’t bear it, and you begged me to stop. Would you like that, love?”

Her body answered him, rocking against the chair and her hand, giving her everything he promised . . . and somehow none of it. She cried out for him, reaching toward him, desperate for the feel of him, for his strength and sinew.

In that moment, she was his, open and raw, racked with pleasure and somehow, still aching with desire.

Desire only he could slake.

She whispered his name, unable to keep the wonder from her voice, and her fingers grazed his hair, gleaming red silk.

He moved like lightning at the touch, rolling to his feet with a grace that defied six and a half feet of man. He crossed the office, turning his lovely lean back to her, one long arm reaching out to brace himself on a pile of ledgers stacked a dozen high in the corner of the room.

The loss of him was like a blow, stripping her of fleeting pleasure. Leaving her wanting. Empty. Unfulfilled.

His head bowed, candlelight highlighting the ginger strands she itched to touch. She did not move as his shoulders rose and fell once, twice, a third time—his breath coming as harshly as hers did.

“That’s enough research for tonight,” he said to the books in front of him, the words firmer, louder than any of the others he’d spoken that evening. “I promised to teach you about temptation, and I believe I’ve accomplished the task. Dress. I’ll have someone take you home.”

BOOK: One Good Earl Deserves a Lover
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