One Hot Desert Night (9 page)

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Authors: Kristi Gold

BOOK: One Hot Desert Night
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He released her and cleared his throat. “That would probably be advisable.”

“Probably so.”

Taking her by the hand, he led her to an area illuminated by a lone torch set into the ground. A multicolored blanket held various platters with cheeses and meats and fruit, along with a basket of bread.

Sunny’s returning appetite caused her to let him go and drop down onto one of the pillows flanking the food.

After Rayad joined her on the opposing cushion, he handed her a plate. “As they would say in America, dig in.”

She laughed. “Yes, that’s what they would say. And yes, I gladly will.”

Every bite Sunny took was pure bliss, though she couldn’t say if she was driven by hunger or simply the atmosphere. They barely said two words during the meal, and before long, they’d made quite a dent in the food.

She wiped her mouth with a napkin and moved her empty plate to the middle of the blanket. “That was the best meal I’ve had in years.”

Rayad pushed the pillow away and stretched out on his side, using his palm to support his jaw. “Do not become too accustomed to this luxury. What I have brought from the market is simple.”

She briefly studied the night sky and relished the warm breeze blowing across her face. “I don’t care what we eat as long as we eat it here.” When she brought her attention back to him, she found him staring at her intently. “What? Do I have something on my mouth?”

“You have a beautiful mouth,” he said. “And I see nothing obstructing my view of it.”

She set her pillow aside and stretched out to face him, leaving little space between them. “Considering how busy our day has been, you’d think I’d be tired, even after my nap. But remarkably I’m not. And that reminds me, I have something to ask you about our trip to the village.”

“I will answer to the best of my ability.”

Time to play the name game. “When we were in the village, I thought I heard people calling you Basil. Did I misunderstand?”

“No, you did not. That is how they know me.”

“Then they don’t realize you’re a prince?”

“They do not, and that is how I wish it to be.”


“One never knows where enemies might be lurking. It is best to blend in with the masses and conceal your true identity.”

Now it made sense. “Ah, it’s that whole ‘spy guy’ thing. And by the way, you never have told me your code name.”

“If I did, I would have to—”

“Kill me?”

A strange, almost wary look passed over his expression before he quickly replaced it with a smile. “I would prefer to kiss you.” And he did, soft and slow and much too short, before he asked, “What do you wish to do now?”

A very loaded question. “What do you wish to do?”

“I cannot tell you what I wish to do for fear you might leave.”

She scooted closer. “Try me.”

“I would rather show you. Lie back.”

After Sunny complied, Rayad rose above her and studied her face for a long moment. The next kiss he delivered was tempered at first, then deeper, and grew predictably hotter.

He broke away long enough to remove his shirt, then quickly divested her of the caftan. When he took her back into his arms and kissed her again, the feel of his bare chest pressed against her breasts caused her to shift restlessly against the dampness between her thighs. She wanted nothing more than to have him relieve the ache, but he’d told her she would have to ask. She could do that. Better still, she could follow his lead and point him in the right direction.

On that thought, Sunny lifted Rayad’s hand from the curve of her hip, placed it on her inner thigh then held her breath while she waited for him to respond. She didn’t have to wait long until he skimmed his palm higher up her leg, pausing to toy with the bottom edge of the unflattering underwear, as if determined to tease her into oblivion. A needy sound slipped out without regard for her effort to stop it, and that involuntary reaction seemed to send Rayad into action.

In one smooth move, he had her muslin pants pushed down to her knees and his hand between her legs. He continued to kiss her, his tongue mimicking the movement of the stroke of his finger, stoking a fire that threatened to sear all her control.

He took his mouth away and whispered, “You are very wet,” without missing a beat with his touch.

If she could find her voice, she’d probably respond with “You think?” but she was too far gone to speak. She couldn’t do anything but give in to the sensations and brace for the impending orgasm. It came swift and hard in a series of strong spasms that caused her to tremble all over.

Sunny gradually returned to reality when Rayad rained kisses on her face, but her respiration still wasn’t quite steady. “Wow,” she managed to say after a time.

“Did you find that satisfactory?” he asked.

“Do politicians play favorites?”

His laugh rumbled low in his chest. “That was only a sample of what I will do for you. There will be more to come, if you so desire.”

You betcha she did. “I’m not sure I can handle much more.”

He ran a fingertip along her jawline. “You can handle more than you realize. You will eventually see that.”

At the moment, all she could see was stars, and not just the ones glimmering above her. “I’m going to take your word for that.” Feeling unexpectedly bold, she rolled to her side to face him. “Take down your pants.”

The demand evidently shocked him momentarily into silence. “Do you wish me to leave on my boots?”

She rose up and nudged him onto his back. “I said take down your pants, not take them off. Then you don’t have to worry about your shoes.”


“No buts,” she said as she wagged a finger at him. “As women say in America, do as you’re told, sit back and enjoy it.”

That unearthed his sexy smile. “Far be it for me to question a determined American woman.”

While Rayad undid his fly, Sunny kicked out of the underpants before turning back to him to see he’d pushed his pants to his knees.

Amazing. The man had been endowed with many physical gifts, and she just discovered another one. He was mighty proud to see her. Very proud. He had every right to be.

After laying her cheek on his chest, she drew a line from his sternum down to his abdomen then lightly raked her nails up his thighs. He remained very still and silent, until she set out to explore him from shaft to tip. His indrawn breath indicated she must be doing something right, so she kept right on doing it. And when she circled her hand around him, he released a groan. That chink in his armor drove her to continue to stroke him, knowing that it wouldn’t take much to send him completely over the edge. But before she could, he clasped her wrists and wrested her hand away.

“Enough,” he said, his voice bordering on a growl.

She raised her head to find his eyes were closed. “Did I do something wrong?”

“On the contrary, you did everything right. That is why I stopped you.”

“I think it’s only fair that I return the favor.”

“I prefer you not.”

She felt suddenly self-conscious, and a tad miffed. “Does it bother you when a woman takes control and causes you to lose control?”

“That is not my concern.”

Here we go again
. “Look, if you’re going to start spewing that stuff about me not knowing my own mind—”

“I was going to say that I want to be inside you.”

Well, that changed everything. “I’d like that a lot.”

“As long as I know you are certain you wish to proceed.”

The last of her patience floated away on the warm desert breeze. “I am completely naked and still riding the pleasure train after having one of the best orgasms of my life. That pretty much speaks to my certainty.”

Finally, he looked at her. “It was that good for you?”

She couldn’t contain her smile. “On a scale from one to ten, I’d give it a twenty. But that doesn’t mean you should puff out your chest and tell the world what a master lover you are. Not until you give me everything.”

“I will give you all you need, and more.”

“Then do it.”

“I prefer we retire to my bed.”

“I prefer we not waste that much time.”

“It is not about time or convenience,” he said. “It is about protection.”

Aha. The condom conversation. “I’m protected against pregnancy, and I have no communicable diseases.”

“Nor do I. I receive a thorough physical every six months. Therefore, you do not have to concern yourself over that. If you trust me.”

Darned if she didn’t on this count, too. “I trust you.”

“Good. You must know I would never do anything to put you in jeopardy.”

But would he understand if she couldn’t go through with it? Only one way to find out. “Then what are we waiting for?”

This time he took control, nudging her onto her back and centering his dark gaze on her. “Rest assured, I am weary of waiting. Are you certain you would not rather be lying on a proper mattress?”

“I’m only sure of one thing. If you don’t make love to me now, I’m going to start pouting.”

He kissed her softly before presenting her with one heck of a smoldering look. “I certainly do not wish to prolong your agony.”

Then he kissed her again, touched her again, bringing her to the brink of another climax and a place where the past no longer existed. But when he parted her legs and moved atop her, that past came back to roost. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t divorce herself from the memories of another cruel man, no matter how hard she tried. And regardless of the consequences, she jerked from beneath him and practically shouted, “Stop!”

Shaking and ashamed, Sunny sat up and hugged her knees to her chest. She waited for a few moments of silence to pass before explaining. “The same thing happened the one and only time Cameron tried to make love to me after the abduction. He left the next morning, and I never saw him again. I wouldn’t blame you if you did the same thing.”

“I am not your former lover, Sunny,” he said. “I would not abandon you in your time of need, nor do I expect you to do something you are not able to do.”

She shifted slightly to see his forearm draped over his eyes. “But I want to make love with you, Rayad. I’ve thought about nothing else since you said we’d be spending time outdoors. You were answering my greatest fantasy. I can’t imagine going through the rest of my life not being a whole woman again. I just don’t know how to get past this.”

He rolled to his side and centered his gaze on her. “With my help, if you are willing. Yet you must be aware that if we never consummate our relationship, I will always respect you and fondly remember our time together.”

Her heart executed a little leap in her chest. “I really want to try, but it could take time and a whole lot of patience.”

“We have nothing better to do for the next few days.”


He pushed off the blanket, came to his feet and offered his hand. “Now we will retire to bed where I will expect nothing more than to hold you while you sleep. Perhaps this one night I will chase away the nightmares.”

He had a knack for saying all the right things. “That sounds like a good plan. I’d suggest we sleep here, but I don’t want to wake up covered in sand with a sunburn.”

When she tried to gather her clothes, he said, “Leave them here, and we will retrieve them tomorrow. I want you lying next to me naked.”

She smiled at his demanding tone. “All right. As long as you’re naked, too.”

“I have no intention of wearing clothes this evening.”

Sunny followed Rayad down the dimly lit stairs and into his private quarters. After they were securely settled into bed, he brought her into his arms, where she laid her cheek on his chest and listened to the beat of his strong heart. He rubbed her arm in a steady, soothing rhythm, bringing about a welcome sense of peace.

She felt the need to express her appreciation for his patience and understanding, yet the right words escaped her. She found that odd considering her occupation revolved around proper vocabulary. But that terminology dealt with facts, not emotions. Right then her emotions were running the gamut between gratitude and much deeper feelings.

Rather than tell him exactly what was in her heart, she chose something much less heavy. “You are a wonderful man, Rayad.”

He softly kissed her forehead. “You are a remarkable woman, Sunny.”

He made her feel remarkable. He made her trust she could finally conquer her fears and forget the terrible ordeal. Most important, he made her believe she could finally love a man the way she should. That she could truly love him.


e had never seen any woman look quite so innocent in sleep. He could not recall feeling such a fierce need to protect someone he had known such a limited amount of time. He found the unfamiliar emotions unwelcome and inadvisable. He must show restraint and be patient. He must allow her to signal him when she was ready to proceed with their intimacy. Above all, he had to accept that she could possibly reconsider.

Needing to leave her before he forgot his vow of restraint, Rayad moved his arm from beneath Sunny to gather what he needed to bathe, and afterward, swim. He sought an activity to expend energy and allow his body to calm.

After he retrieved the soap safe enough to use in the reservoir, he set the bar on the edge then dove into the pool. The water was much colder than usual, probably due to the current mountain storms that replenished the spring. Cold would serve him well, or so he thought as he returned to the ledge to begin his morning bath. No amount of frigid water would rid him of his need, he realized, when he glanced up to see Sunny standing on the stone bank, completely nude. The shape of her breasts, the curve of her hip and the slight shading between her thighs brought about another strong erection that he suspected would not disappear in the immediate future without tending.

She removed the band securing the now-misshapen braid, shook out her hair, stepped down into the water and walked toward him. “Good morning, kind sir,” she said when she reached him.

He kept his hands fisted at his sides, though he longed to touch her. Everywhere. “Did you sleep well?”

“Better than I have in a long time.” She looked up at the opening in the cave’s ceiling before returning her gaze to his. “It’s barely light outside. You must be an early riser.”

She had no idea the accuracy in her assessment, yet she would if she came any closer. “I do not wish to waste the day by sleeping too long.”

“I feel the same way, but I really have to take a shower to help me wake up.”

“No need. I have everything here to accommodate your bath.”

She tapped her chin with a fingertip. “That’s right. This is your own personal tub.”

“It is.”

“You use soap?”

He nodded toward the bar on the bank. “I do. It is all natural and biodegradable. A woman in the village makes it especially for me.”

She raised a thin brow. “Is that all she does for you?”

“She’s almost eighty years of age.”

“Oh. Mind if I inspect this soap?”

He would rather she inspect him. “Be my guest.”

After she retrieved the bar, she came back to him and held it to her nose. “This smells fantastic, and it explains why you smelled so good last night.”

“Do you wish to try it?”

“Unless you’d like to go first.”

“I will wait until you are finished.”

She took a few steps back and paused on the incline to where her torso was completely exposed. While he watched, she ran the soap over her arms, then her neck and finally her breasts, where she lingered longer than necessary. He decided she was bent on enticing him, and her ploy happened to be working. By the time she moved the bar down her abdomen, then beneath the water, he perched precariously on the edge of losing control.

“Mind washing my back?” she asked as she offered him the soap.

He did not mind, but he was not certain he would want to stop there. “As you wish.”

After she turned away from him, he complied with her request, taking his time lathering her silky flesh while keeping a safe berth between them. Yet carnal urges began to commandeer his common sense as he traveled down to her well-shaped buttocks. And when she moved back and positioned herself flush against him, contacting the evidence of his lack of control, all his determination to resist her floated away with the bar of soap.

Without warning, he turned her around and kissed her with all the passion he experienced at that moment. He wanted to make her yearn more than any man she had ever yearned before. He desired to make her body weep for him with the highest form of intimacy possible, and he would—if she granted him permission. “I want to bring you to climax.”

“I’m almost already there,” she said, her voice a breathy whisper. “But I need you to finish me.”

With that goal in mind, Rayad swept Sunny into his arms, set her on the edge of the bank and took his place between her parted legs. He pressed a line of kisses on her belly, careful to watch her face for any signs of distress before moving lower. Instead of issuing a protest, she leaned back using her elbows for support, closed her eyes and spread her legs wider. That was all the permission he needed to proceed.

He began by divining her flesh with his tongue then used strokes to bring her to completion, softer yet insistent. Even when he heard the increase in her respiration and sensed her impending orgasm, he did not let up. He tried to urge every sensation from her, and give her an experience that she would not soon forget.

After a few more moments, Sunny released a low moan and then bowed over his head, her entire body trembling. “That was incredible,” she muttered before straightening to level her gaze on his. “And this is totally unfair to you.”

He left the water to sit beside her. “I will manage.”

She sent a pointed look at his groin. “All signs to the contrary.”

“I have been without relief for extended periods of time.”

She rose to her feet. “That ends now. Find me a towel and meet me in bed. And please don’t argue. I want this to happen.”

He wanted her more than she could ever know. Yet he must remember she might not be able to see their lovemaking through. “We do not need a towel,” he said as he stood. “The sheets will dry.”

She climbed into bed with a smile then beckoned him with open arms. They kissed for some time before she broke the contact and straightened, hovering above him. “I’ve decided I need to be on top,” she announced, taking him by surprise.

“That would possibly be favorable for you.” And undeniable pleasure for him.

“You have to promise me something first, Rayad.”

“Anything you ask.”

“Keep your eyes open and look at me the whole time. I need to see your face and know it’s you.”

“That will be my pleasure.”

And it was, he determined, the moment she straddled his thighs and guided him inside her. He gritted his teeth against the need for immediate release when she began to move her hips, slowly at first then faster, taking him deeper and deeper. All the while, he kept focused on her eyes though he found that task difficult in light of his imminent climax. He mustered all his strength to hold back yet could no longer when she leaned down and whispered, “I want to feel you let go.”

The orgasm arrived with the force of a grenade, binding every muscle in his body. The pulsation went on for longer than he had expected, or experienced to this point in his checkered sexual history. In the time it took for him to catch his breath, Sunny eased off him and curled close to his side.

“You have to feel better.”

He frowned. “Better does not appropriately describe how I feel. The question is, how do you feel?”

She rolled onto her back and laughed. “Exhilarated. Free. Like I just won a Pulitzer.”

Her joy was contagious, bringing about his smile. “I am glad. I have always been convinced you have the strength of character to overcome this.”

She turned her face toward him and formed her hand around his jaw. “I’m not sure I would have, had it not been for you. There is just one more thing I need from you.”

He hoped it had nothing to do with his dying devotion or a declaration of love. He was too broken to give her that. “I am listening.”

“If at all possible, I want to use the radio.”

He experienced a strong sense of relief. “To confirm that I am not holding you here without good cause?”

She whisked a kiss across his chin. “I know you haven’t been lying about the storms. I just need to check in with my sister.”

He needed to take her features to memory for in a very short time, memories of this special woman would be all he had left. As it had been with the other remarkable woman who had once graced his life. “I will be glad to honor your request to speak with Piper. Perhaps it would be best if you do not tell her too much about our time here. I do not wish to explain to her husband.”

Sunny favored him with a smile. “Don’t worry. I’ll pretend I’m having a terribly boring time.”

* * *

“Having fun, Sunshine?”

She was speaking into a shortwave radio with a gorgeous man’s-man standing behind her, running his hands up her T-shirt. She defined that as great fun. “So-so. Not much to do here.”

“Where exactly is here?”

“South of Bajul.”

“Adan said you were staying in a village.”

“Not far from a village,” she said, trying hard not to gasp as Rayad cupped her breasts. “Is it still raining there?”

“Unfortunately, yes, and it’s not going to let up for at least another two days. What’s the weather like there?”

“Hot.” Extremely hot, and growing hotter by the minute. “How is Maysa?”

“Still pregnant, but she said she’s been having some twinges, whatever that means. I hope you make it back before the big event.”

She hoped her legs would hold her when Rayad unbuttoned her shorts. “Well, I just wanted to check in and see...” Her voice betrayed her when he slid the zipper down. “I just need...” To stop talking altogether.

“Sunny, are you there?”

Two more minutes and she would be. “Gotta go, sis. Bad connection. See you soon. Take care.”

After she flipped the radio off, she turned into Rayad’s arms and groaned. “You’re determined to be a bad boy, aren’t you?”

He nuzzled her neck then kissed her quick. “I know what I want, and I want you. Now.”

She glanced behind her and realized the long table holding the communication equipment happened to be the only surface available. “You’re not serious.”

“Not here.”

That gave her some relief. “Then where?”

“A place where I can finally fulfill one of your fantasies.”

Her mental lightbulb snapped on. “Where we dined last night?”


“But it’s still daylight.”

He clasped her hand and brought it to his lips. “There is an erotic quality to spontaneity. Making love in the open and the possibility of detection only heightens that eroticism. However, it is highly unlikely anyone will come upon us since the perimeter is secure, if that is your concern.”

She thought of one particular disconcerting scenario. “What about airplanes overhead?”

“Unless we are visited by Adan, that will not be an issue.”

Great. Just what she needed—getting caught with her pants down by her brother-in-law. Time to put on the big-girl panties and get with the program. Or take them off as the case might be. “Well, no risk, no reward. Let’s go.”

Rayad led her back up the narrow steps and to the place where their journey to intimacy had begun. Once they arrived, Sunny discovered a different blanket spread out on the sand, and realized her new lover had planned this all along.

“Spontaneity, huh?” she said as she dropped down onto the makeshift bed.

He joined her and smiled—a sly one. “Perhaps not completely spontaneous, yet I did not know if you would agree.”

He had a point. “I’ll hand you that. What now?”

“Stand and take off your clothes.”

“You don’t want to do it?”

“I wish to watch.”

His words generated more heat than the afternoon sun beating down on them. “I suppose I can do that since you’ve basically seen every part of me.”

After returning to her feet, she crossed her arms and quickly pulled the T-shirt over her head, exposing her bare breasts. She tackled the rest of her clothing a bit slower in an effort to draw out the tension. Rayad visually followed her every move as she unfastened her shorts and let them fall to her feet, leaving her wearing the white muslin underwear.

“Satisfied?” she asked, even knowing what he would say.

“Everything, Sunny,” he replied, confirming her prediction.

She shimmied out of the final garment and remained planted in the same spot, letting him look his fill. “Better?”

“Much better. Now come here.”

“Not until you get naked, too.”

Without hesitating, or standing, he began to strip but much faster than she had. Once he was down to his birthday suit, she reclaimed her place next to him. “You’re leading this parade, so tell me what you want.” And hopefully, she could deliver.

“Roll to your side away from me.”

She threaded her lip between her bottom teeth. “I guess I could, but—”

“Do you trust me, Sunny?” he asked.

“Yes, I do.”

“Then you must trust I will treat you with the greatest care. Now turn over and allow me to give you great pleasure.”

Sunny complied and waited for what would come next, all the while thinking a month ago, she would never even consider doing this in the great outdoors. A month ago, she didn’t know him. She was dizzy with anticipation. High on adrenaline and heated from head to toe.

He moved against her back, brushed her hair aside and whispered, “You will feel me better this way.” Then he slid his leg between her legs, placed one hand between her thighs, and eased inside her.

Rayad had been right. The position allowed her to feel every nuance as he moved deep inside her. He began to stroke her with a fingertip, coaxing a climax that wouldn’t take long at all. And it didn’t.

Before she knew it—before she was ready—Sunny experienced an incredible orgasm made more powerful by Rayad’s thrusts. She had truly found a paradise with him, and in turn rediscovered her natural sensuality.

Not long after, Rayad tensed against her, moved deeper inside her and released a low groan. He shuddered and when he climaxed, Sunny enjoyed every pleasant pulse of his body, knowing she’d given him as much pleasure as he had given her.

After a time, he loosened his hold on her and brought his lips to her ear. “Do you have any regrets?”

Only one. She turned into his arms and stroked his cheeks. “No regrets at all other than I hate this will all have to come to an end in the not-so-distant future. Unless you invite me to stay here indefinitely.” When his expression went somber, she added, “Don’t look so worried. I’m not serious, and I’m not going to start spewing sonnets and propose marriage. I know this is only temporary. When we leave here, you’ll go back to your life, and I’ll go back to mine.”

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