One in a Million (19 page)

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Authors: Susan Mallery

Tags: #Hometown Heartbreakers, #Category

BOOK: One in a Million
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He returned his mouth to hers and kissed her. As
he teased her tongue, he unfastened her bra and
pulled the straps down her arms.

Her already taut nipples brushed against the hair on his chest. The contact both tickled and aroused.
Every part of her was so hyper-sensitized that she
desperately wanted more of everything. She clung
to his shoulders and turned her torso back and forth so her nipples slid against his bare skin. At the same
time she sucked hard on his tongue and pressed her
belly to his arousal.

Nash groaned low in his throat, brought his hands
up to cup her breasts and rubbed her nipples with
his thumbs. Pleasure spiraled through her chest, then
dove deep and landed between her thighs. Heat in
creased, as did the swelling. She was so ready, she
thought desperately. They were both still half-
dressed and she was shaking with need.

She dropped her hands to her waistband and unfastened her slacks. He followed her actions, which
moved them closer to naked, but left her breasts
wanting more.

In a matter of seconds, she'd pulled off the rest
of her clothes. Nash pushed down his jeans and
briefs, tugged off his socks, then gave her a brief
kiss, followed by the command "Don't move."
He disappeared into the bathroom. She heard
fumbling, three swear words, then something hard
fell on the floor. He reappeared holding a box of

The sight of birth control should have been so
bering, but Stephanie was too far gone for rational
thought. She didn't want to know how or why he'd
been prepared, but she was grateful.

When he rejoined her, he tossed the condoms onto
the nightstand, then urged her to sit on the bed. From
there he eased her onto her back and knelt next to her. One leg slipped between hers. As he bent low
and took her right nipple in his mouth, he pushed
his rock-hard thigh up against her waiting dampness.

The combination of the pulling, sucking kiss and
the pressure against her pulsing need nearly sent her
over the edge. She gasped wordlessly and dug her
fingers into his hair.

Don't stop," she breathed, not wanting either
point of contact to end. She pulsed her hips shame
lessly, rubbing herself against him, squirming to get closer, to get the pressure higher, faster, harder.

He switched his attention to her other breast and
shifted so he knelt between her legs. He moved his
leg, then replaced it with his hand.

Strong, sure fingers slipped between her curls into
slick flesh. He explored all of her, brushing against that single point of pleasure in a way that made her
suck in her breath in anticipation. Then he shifted
slightly and slid two fingers inside her.

She felt words leave her lips, but couldn't say
what they were. She couldn't do anything but feel
the way he moved in and out of her. Hot need -
pooled, then grew, then spilled over into every cell
of her body. She barely noticed when he stopped kissing her breasts and instead pressed his mouth
against her belly. He moved lower and lower, shift
ing back with each kiss, yet continuing to move his fingers inside her.

With his free hand, he parted her curls, then
placed his mouth directly over that one most-
sensitive spot and gently licked her.

Air spilled from her lungs. Before she could catch
her breath, he closed his lips around her and gently
sucked. At the same time he flicked his tongue back
and forth, and moved his fingers and then she was

Her orgasm was as powerful as it was unexpected.
She shook and gasped and moaned and dug her
heels into the mattress. Spasms rippled through her
as pleasure eased the tension that had been plaguing
her for what felt like a century. He continued to
touch her, softening his kiss, moving his fingers
more slowly, but still filling her, taking her on and
on until it seemed that she'd been climaxing for

At last her body relaxed and he stilled. Stephanie
felt as if her bones had melted. She might never be able to walk again, but did it matter? Did anything
matter but the delightful lethargy stealing over her?
Nash pressed a kiss to her inner thigh, then shifted
so he was lying next to her. He was smiling.

I don't have to ask if that worked for you," he

Probably not. If there's a story on the news
about an earthquake in the area, I guess, I'm going
to have to take responsibility. Or maybe it's your

“I like it being my fault."
She touched his face, then brushed her thumb
across his mouth. "That was amazing."

“I'm glad."
She turned toward him and put her hand on his
hip, then slid it down to his large erection. "Ready
for act two?" Instead of answering, he reached for the box of
condoms. While he opened the package, she leaned
over him and kissed him. At the first brush of his
tongue on hers, tension returned to her body. She
deepened the kiss, then pulled back to lightly bite
her way along his jaw.

You're distracting me," he grumbled.
"Really?" She glanced down to watch as he fum
bled with the protection. "Want help?”

“Sure. I was never good with these."
She took the condom from him and gently slid it
down his arousal. "Does the unopened package
mean you haven't been practicing much?" she

His dark gaze settled on her face. "I haven't been
with anyone since my wife passed away. I met
someone a few months ago and thought maybe..."
His voice trailed off. "I bought the condoms be
cause of that, but things ended long before we got
to the naked stage." She supposed that her friends would tell her it was
dangerous to be a man's first time after the death of
his wife. Of course, Nash was her first time, too.
Besides, they'd agreed on a no-commitment sexual
attachment. She liked him, she wanted him, and
glory be if he didn't feel exactly the same. It was
the perfect relationship.

Ready to take that latex for a test-drive?" she

She started to slip onto her back, but he put his
hands on her hips and urged her to get on top. After
swinging her leg over his hips, she settled above him. He brought both his hands up to her breasts
and cupped her curves. The second his thumbs
brushed against her nipples, she felt her insides
clench. Apparently he wasn't the only one ready for round two.

She reached between her legs and grasped his
hardness, then pressed the tip of him against her wetness. As she pulled her hand away, she eased
down onto him.

Her body had to stretch slightly to accommodate
his thickness. Nerve endings quivered as he filled
every bit of her. She braced herself and began to

The feeling was too good, she thought as her mus
cles clenched hard around him. Each time she slid
down over him, she felt herself tensing more and
more. His hands on her breasts only pushed her
closer to the edge.

You're holding back," he said, his voice sound
ing strained.

She opened her eyes and saw the tension on his
face. He was watching her.

Just give in," he told her.

I want to." She sucked in a breath as a ripple
of pleasure cascaded through her. "It's just..."

You think I'm going to complain if you come
She smiled. "Good point."
He stared at her. "Come on. I want to feel you.
Just let go."
With each thrust of him filling her, she found her
self getting closer and closer. Soon there wasn't go
ing to be anything to talk about.

Do it."
He accompanied his command with a rapid pulse
of his hips. The hands on her breasts moved more
quickly. He filled her again and again until the need
grew to an unbearable pitch. She sat up and put her
hands on her thighs, then raised and lowered herself faster and faster.

Nash figured this was one of life's most perfect
moments. He was seconds from his own release, but
he was damn sure going to hold back until Stephanie climaxed. Unfortunately his good intentions were severely tested by the sight of her riding him up and
down like some X-rated cowgirl. With each shift of
her body, her breasts bounced up and down, drawing
his gaze and making his mouth water with desire.
She had her head back, her eyes closed and she was
lost in the pleasure of the moment. It was about the
most erotic situation he'd ever experienced.

He could feel pressure building deep and low,
which only meant trouble. He tried to think of some
thing else, but how could he with her naked and
bouncing, with her mouth parting slightly and her
tongue sweeping across her lower lip as she— --
He groaned as his release exploded from him.
White-hot pleasure swept through him in a fury of
rushing pleasure. He remained conscious enough to
notice that she'd cried out at the exact moment he'd
lost it. Even through the waves of his orgasm, he
felt her body contracting around him, pulling every
drop from him, making him come longer than he'd thought possible.

When they'd recovered enough for her to crawl
off him and him to clean up, they slipped under the covers and lay on their sides looking at each other.

Stephanie smiled at him. Nash liked how con
tentment showed itself in the lines of her face and the way her knee nestled casually between his. He
liked the scent of her body mingling with the fra
grance of their lovemaking, and he liked how, even
though they'd just finished, he wanted to make love
with her again.

It had been a long time, he thought. Too long.
After Tina had died, he hadn't set out to avoid
women and sex. Somehow it had just happened.

He'd buried himself in work and had never found
his way out.

“What are you thinking?" she asked.

That I never meant to live as a monk after my
wife died."

I'm surprised the single women in the office
didn't make a play for you."

“How do you know they didn't?"
Her smile widened. "Do you have to beat them
off with a stick?"

“Only a couple of times a year."
She looked away and the smile faded. "You must
still love her very much."
The transition confused him for about a minute,
then he figured out what she wanted to know.

Hey." He touched her chin, forcing her gaze
back to his face. "You and I were the only ones in
this bed. At least on my side."
The smile returned. "On my side, too. I haven't
been with anyone since Marty, but that's not about
being brokenhearted. As I was trying to explain be
fore, things were complicated."
He slid his hand under the sheet and cupped the
curve of her bare hip. Her skin was like warm silk.
"Is this easy?" he asked.

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