One Last Sunset (The Long Ranch Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: One Last Sunset (The Long Ranch Series Book 1)
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“Would you like me to swipe the dishes away and you can go at it right here and now?”

Monty sighed, exasperated. “Look, all I know is he crossed a line with Walter. He made the call, not us. This isn’t necessarily a democracy, but dad and Unc both backed his decision. Now let it go.”

“Is there something going on down there?” her mother asked from the end of the table.

“No ma’am,” Monty said as he put his arm around Mel’s shoulders and squeezed. “Mel just loves her big brother.”

“What about me?” Miles asked. “Don’t you love me too?”

“No, no I don’t,” Mel replied and placed a bite of chicken in her mouth.

“I’m crushed.”

The rest of dinner was uneventful as any occasion can be with Kendra. Luckily, tonight Kendra walked the line just enough to keep her mother from questioning what might or might not of happened when they were college roommates. After dinner, Mel routed Kendra to her bedroom.

“Alright, what’s your issue with me and your brother?” Kendra asked as she flopped on Mel’s bed and reached for a little stuffed bear Mel forgot she even had.

“Maybe I just don’t want you to love him and leave him,” Mel replied.

“Well don’t worry, I got a hot piece back in El Paso,” Kendra waved her phone at Mel. “And he’s offering me a warm place to lay my head tonight.”

“Oh,” Mel said, a bit disappointed.

“Unless you want me to stick around.”

“I do need your help with something. You can go back to El Paso, but I need a crash course in being Kendra Brown.”

“In what way?” she laughed as she fluffed her pillow and sat up on the bed.

“Remember Sunny?”

“Hmmm…the man you’ve been in love with since before you knew what hormones were?” Kendra teased while grabbing another pillow and holding it tight to her chest. “Kinda remember him, then again his accent could make me wet even if he was reading from Gray’s Anatomy.”

“Maybe you’re a sociopath.” Mel pulled off her scrub top and tossed it into the hamper then found a camisole to wear.

“Why do you need my help? He seems to like you.”

“I’m the skinny geek with the glasses and book at the end of her nose.”

“Has he seen your ass?”

“What’s wrong with it?” Mel asked, sliding her hands over her ass cheeks.

“Nothing, except you need to be wearing something to show him how nice it is.” Kendra popped up and started digging through Melody’s dresser drawers. Jeans flew through the air, followed by scrubs, and finally some yoga pants. “Give me a scissor,” she demanded.


“You’ve already got the Halle Berry haircut making your eyes pop, that top is perfect, but I need show off those legs. Which pair of jeans hold these tight?” With clawed fingers, she clutched Mel’s ass.

“I knew it,” Monty said, catching the girls off guard. “No wonder she didn’t want you going out with me.”

“Yep, this ass is mine,” Kendra purred and rested her head on Mel’s shoulder.

“That’s right,” Melody said. “Now you know how I got that A in anatomy class.”

“You ready?” Monty asked, and Kendra released her grip.

“Give me ten minutes. I’ve gotta help show Mel how to be as awesome as me.”

“Ready for what?” Mel cut her eyes at her brother.

“Bible study.” Monty smiled.

“Get out,” Mel order with a shove.

“I’ve gotten biblical with boys before, but something tells me your brother would be fun.”

“Kendra, not every guy…” Mel shook her head, then thought of Sunny. “Does every guy?”

“Yes, it’s pretty damn easy to get a guy to want you. Let’s start with the basics.”

Kendra instructed her to block out everything but Sunny. Be in the moment. Go with her instincts. Make him the center of the conversation. And, most importantly, show tits and ass.

After Kendra went to sleep, Mel looked at herself in the full length mirror and tried to push back the wallflower image she had of herself. To channel her inner minx. If anyone could bring it out of her, it was Sunny.


* * * *


Sunshine would like to think he wasn’t raised to go hat in hand to a man, but there’s a difference between pride and stupidity. He was raised by stupidity and arrogance. If he was going to break away from that he’d have to take the first step. Even with the truck fixed, his father wouldn’t let him borrow it. He was sure it was because the trip would have been to the Long Ranch. Instead, Sunny returned to the Hard Root and hoped he would at least get a chance to talk to one of the Longs.

Waiting until close to ten, Sunny hoped he wouldn’t look as big of a loser as he felt. Just because the rodeo said they’d take him back didn’t mean they really would or he’d have the ability to ride again. It was just cracked ribs, but he was pushing thirty.

Pulling up to a stool near the end of the bar, he waved his hand at the bartender and ordered a beer. The music blared as a few patrons danced, but most were drinking and attempting hook-ups. As he scanned the bar, he noticed the crowd had steadily increased. He considered moving because each time the door opened he felt a breeze mixed with the pathetic need to turn his head.

The worst was when his jaw dropped like the loser character in a movie, but what other reaction should he have when Melody Long walked in with cutoffs so short the pockets stuck out of the bottom? The curves he’d been drooling over a few days ago were now on display as she walked toward him with her head held high and a surety that had him praying she was coming his way.

“Well, if it isn’t the man who brings a warm feeling into my life.”

“Me?” he asked like a damn rube trying to not stare at her chest held tight by a hot pink spaghetti strapped shirt.

“It comes with the name, doesn’t it? Light, happiness…” Her finger trailed down the center of his chest, causing his heart to pound. “Warmth.”

Melody stepped closer to Sunny and the heat from her body couldn’t be denied. When she took his hat off and put in on her head, he had the instant gut reaction that happens to every cowboy. But she was Mellie and those reactions weren’t allowed.

“Melody, I don’t think you understand what happens when you take a cowboy’s hat from him.”

“I think you still see me as that little girl sitting cross legged reading in the hayloft.” Her index fingers latched around his two front belt loops and she cut the already close proximity in half. “I know fully well what happens when a girl walks out of a bar wearing a man’s hat.”

Sunny’s heart pounded in his chest as he tried to not rub his hardened cock against her hip.
JT would kill him if he followed his baser instincts and grabbed her up do what every ounce of him said they both wanted. Her breast strained against that tight camisole, calling him to come in closer.

“Mellie,” he growled and curled his hands around her hips. He wished they were somewhere clothing could be optional.

“Sunshine Parker,” she breathed his name as her lips lightly brushed against his. “In about twenty seconds I’m going to turn and walk out that door. Is your hat coming with me?”

The strain in his groin caused an ache and pain to crawl up his spine. “Mel—”

“Sunny, you old piece of shit, is that you?” a man’s voice called.

Melody turned around, dropped his hat to the bar, and bolted for the door.

Sunny was surrounded by black men, all of which he called his friends, and Mel called family. “Clay, is that you?” Sunny asked as he turned back to the bar to retrieve his beer and hide the bulge in his jeans. “Who left the gate open at the Long Ranch?”

“It’s not too open, old Walt couldn’t escape if his life depended on it,” Miles added with a slap to Sunny’s back.

“Now that wasn’t my sister saddled up next you when we came in, was it?” Monty asked, but not in an I’ll-kill-you-if-you-touch-her-way. “Because I know she’s a pain, but mama’s riding her hard lately and, well, you always had a soft spot for her sob stories.”

Soft spot…Sunny wished he could stop thinking about her soft spots. Melody had turned him on so much he feared he’d end up saddled back in Tender Root as a real member of the Long family. “Nah, just someone passing through I guess.”

“For real?” Clay asked as he turned to look around the room. Probably for the mystery woman. Thankfully, he came up empty. “How long are you in town for?”

“I need at least six weeks minimum to get cleared by the doctor.” Sunny ran his hand over his shirt.

“You got hurt? I just thought you wanted a break after JT left.”

“Got tossed ass over tea kettle because my damn bronc got caught in the gate.” Sunny sighed. “I can’t do too much heavy lifting, but if you could find anything…”

“I know Tina wants to plant a garden,” Clay said as he returned and caught Sunny’s eyes. “What? You said anything.”

“Why don’t you let him set up that website Tina wanted?” Mel asked as she approached. The guys instantly made a wall around her, which trapped her next to Sunny. “Seriously guys? I can protect myself. And when I can’t, Sunny will just lay the guy out.”

“Mom let you out in those shorts?” Miles scolded.

Melody acted as if she hadn’t heard him. Her hand landed on Sunny’s chest for just a moment and heat scorched through his shirt. With a slight cut to her eyes, he saw her smirk enough to make the connection he prayed the boys didn’t see.

“There you go.” Monty laughed. “You can be Smelly’s body guard. You wouldn’t believe the assholes that go after her.”

“Yep, they’re all assholes. Might as well send me to the convent.” Melody leaned her back against the bar and snagged the bottle Sunny had set down. Thankfully, the Long boys didn’t notice the beer she was drinking was his. She did know the unwritten rules of flirting with cowboys.

“That would be a waste,” Sunny mumbled, and Mel’s lips curved around the bottle. The guys were caught up in another conversation that Miles, Mel’s oldest brother, had brought up as he talked on a phone.

Mel turned around and lowered her voice. “A waste, huh?”

“Yeah, for someone else,” Sunny assured. “I need to live long enough to heal.”

“Guess you don’t want to live the way you say you do.”

“How is that?”

“Enjoying every moment and not fearing if it’s your last.”

“I also don’t swim in shark infested waters,” he said and waved for another beer.

“What if I was on an island in the middle of them wearing only a bikini and a smile?” Mel queried.

Sunny licked at his lips with the knowledge that vision wouldn’t be far off from what was in front of him now.

“Tell me truthfully, Sunny, aren’t I worth it?”

“I don’t know, Melody,” he said as his finger trailed along her smooth arm with the lightest touch he could manage. “Are you?”

She grabbed his hat and headed out the door.

“Where did Mel go?” Miles asked and all the men looked at Sunny holding a bottle.

“I was getting a beer. I think she said something about going home.”

They all accepted Sunny’s explanation as he took long swig while his foot bounced on the bottom rung of his stool. Melody was probably right outside that door with his hat on and damned if he didn’t want that to be the only thing she was wearing.

“You said you wanted a job, right?” Miles asked.

“Yeah, anything you got.”

“JT wants his horses brought up now that he’s got a stable. You up for a few days drive?”

“I don’t have a vehicle or a trailer.”

“We’ve got that. It wouldn’t pay much, but it would help us out and you could give us an update on JT.”

“What kind of update? I just saw him a week ago.”

“Mellie spilled,” Monty said. “Well, not so much spilled as implied he’s there because of a woman.”

“Oh, well…I’d rather sit behind a wheel than live with my dad,” Sunny said. The money would be nice, but it had been years since he’d been in the same place for more than a few days and the itch to move on was biting at him. Plus, distance from Melody would be a good thing, because he knew JT would smack him back to rights.

“Come out tomorrow and we’ll hammer out the details.”

“About that, I’ll need a ride.”

“I’ll pick you up,” Clay offered.

“Thanks.” A breeze from the door swinging open hit Sunny again and he quickly turned to see Melody resting against the hood of her car with his hat on her head. The jolt to his groin at the vision of the street lamp reflecting a yellow hue off her dark legs made him realize movement was needed sooner rather than later. “You know what, I better head home. You know how it is, grown, but still at home.”

He made his apologizes and bee lined for the door.

The moment he stepped outside, Melody looked at him with purpose in her dark eyes.

Rushing to her, he pulled her to the back of the building and pinned her against the wall. Their eyes locked as blood rushed through his body demanding satisfaction that only a night with a woman could bring. Not any woman, but the one before him.

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