One Night Rodeo (30 page)

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Authors: Lorelei James

BOOK: One Night Rodeo
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The heated water kept their bodies below the surface warm but the air temp, after the sun went down, turned frigid. After lavishing attention on that wet skin, he realized his face was icy, as was hers. Kyle snared her mouth
in a blistering kiss. Which increased the frenetic pace of her movements.

“More. Harder.” Celia changed the angle of her pelvis and rode him faster, rubbing the top of her mound and that sweet little clit against his pubic hair. “So close.”

“What will get you there?” he murmured in her ear.

“That. Oh God. Just like that. I swear I can come just from your voice whispering in my ear.”

“Fuckin’ sexy as hell when you tell me what’ll get you off. I’m addicted to that sound you make just before you come.”

Celia’s nails scored the back of his neck and then she was gasping, her body rigid as her pussy spasmed around his cock.

He was nowhere near close to coming; he greedily watched her face as the orgasm consumed her. She was so beautiful lost in passion. Until she winced.

“What’s wrong?”

“Cramp in my right side. Oh shit. That hurts.”

He eased out of her and unwrapped her legs from his body. “Lay back in the water. Relax and let me rub it.”

She rested her neck against the edge. Her chest came up, her nipples constricted the instant the air hit them. Then she was floating, eyes closed, entrusting herself to him completely.

Kyle found the knotted muscle. Celia groaned when he began to work the spot. He couldn’t take his eyes off this complex woman he’d married. There were times when she looked at him that he swore she felt the same way he did. Should he be the first one to take a chance and tell her he loved her?

Right after she said, “That’s good, it’s gone,” he refocused on the physical pull between them. He suckled an icy nipple into the heat of his mouth, rubbed his cheek between her breasts. Then he climbed out and lifted her into his arms.

“You c-c-an’t c-c-carry me.”

“I am carrying you. No need for you to walk through the snow.”

“But our c-c-clothes—”

“Will be fine.”

He carried her into the bathroom. After drying them both off, he led her to their bedroom. He stretched her out on her belly with a stern, “Don’t move,” as he grabbed the lube from the nightstand.

Celia was shivering when he pulled the covers over them.

He layered his body over hers to warm her, nestling his erection in the crack of her ass as he kissed her nape. Then his tongue inched down her spine one vertebra at a time. His fingers slid beneath her hip and stroked her slit with the same teasing motion his tongue used on her back.

She shifted and Kyle gave her a stinging slap on her ass that made her gasp.

“Stay still.” His mouth returned to teasing her ear. “I will touch you however I want, whenever I want, wherever I want, remember?” He slapped her other butt cheek. And then dragged her onto her knees, leaving her chest on the bed, stretching her arms above her head. Kissing the edges of her shoulder blades. Her skin had retained the warmth from the hot tub. Every section was so soft. Had he ever been obsessed with any woman’s body the way he was obsessed with hers?

No. Celia was an absolute feast for his senses and he wanted to gorge himself on her. Two, three, ten times a day. Every day. For the rest of his life.

Grabbing the bottle of lube, he poured a generous amount on his fingers and gently inserted them into her pussy. His needs teetered between tenderness and roughness—wanting to spread her and impale her, but the thought of hurting her in a moment of lust-fueled haste made him slow down.

He slicked up his cock, circled the tip around her opening and slid home.

Celia sighed.

Kyle watched his cock tunneling into her pussy. Felt the intimate kiss when those inner muscles tightened around his dick. He layered his body over hers, absorbing her every reaction. His chest against her back made her arch closer. His face nestled in her nape sent gooseflesh cascading across her skin. His hands slid up her arms until he threaded his fingers through hers. “Hold on.” He eased out and slammed in.

Celia groaned. “Kyle. That feels…”

“For me too.” They both loved the quick pace, but he wanted something else for them this time. “I can’t hold off any longer,” he panted, stopping completely.

“Don’t stop. Please.”

“I wanna come like this. Us touching from head to toe.” Kyle barely pumped his hips. Everything slowed down, but that somehow increased the intensity of their connection.

She turned her head toward his mouth. Their kisses were as languid as the movement of his body on hers, and just as hot. Celia came in a series of strong pulses that left her gasping his name.

That pushed him over the brink and he spiraled into bliss. His orgasm triggered something inside him besides a burst of physical pleasure. And he mumbled, “Christ. I love you.”

A beat of silence passed. “Kyle? What was that noise you just made?”

Afraid she might attribute his declaration of love to hot sex, he lied. “Crap. I have a butt cramp.”

She laughed. “We’re gonna wear out our body parts if we keep this up, Kyle.”

“That’s a chance I’m willing to take.”

Chapter Fifteen

here are a lot of people here for this baby shower,” Celia said to Kyle as they pulled into the nearly full parking area at the Split Rock.

“You sure there’s not a ball game goin’ on in the lounge?”

“You wish. But there will be plenty of games to keep you entertained.” She gave him a smug smile.

“I don’t like that look, Celia.”

Baby-shower virgin Kyle was in for an interesting afternoon.

Lainie burst outside as soon as they cleared the front steps. “Oh, good, you’re here. Let me take that.” She snatched the baby gift bag from Celia’s hand. “We’re running a little behind.” She pushed open the massive doors and paused in the slate-floored foyer. “Hand me your coats. Stay right here. I’ll be right back to show you to the dining room.” She disappeared around the corner.

Celia and Kyle exchanged a look. “Did she forget we know where the dining room is?”

He shrugged. “You’re the baby shower expert.” He invaded her space and stole a kiss. “How long will this shindig last?”

“A couple of hours probably. Why?”

“Because I’ve got plans for you.” He tipped her head back to nibble on her throat. “Naked plans.”

A wave of want washed over her.

“Goddamn, I love that sexy little noise you make when you’re turned on.”

“I make it a lot around you.”

“I know. Means I’m doin’ a great job with my husbandly duties.”

“Oh, for chrissake, you two. Get a room.”

Celia broke away from Kyle at the sound of Abe’s voice.

But Kyle merely chuckled, tucking her more firmly against his side. “Great idea. We are at a fancy resort. Wanna check out the hourly rates?”

She elbowed him and faced her brother. Both of her brothers. “Hey, guys. What’s up?”

“Lainie sent us to fetch you,” Hank said.

“Personal escorts? Is Renner afraid we’ll run off with the art or something?”

“You know…at Bran and Harper’s wedding you were eyeballing Braxton’s sculpture like it might fit in your purse,” Kyle said slyly.


He smooched her indignant mouth. “You’re still so damn fun to tease.”

Abe sighed. “I actually preferred you two flinging insults at each other rather than making goo-goo eyes and cooing like demented doves.”

Celia resisted whapping him on the head.

Hank and Abe took the lead as they wandered through the main room of the lodge. They paused outside the opening to the dining room and stepped off to the side.

She’d barely registered the room full of people when they all yelled, “Surprise!”

Both she and Kyle jumped.

Abe said, “Allow me to present…Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Gilchrist.”

Applause and whistles echoed in the room.

Then Harper, Lainie, Janie, Tierney, Bernice, and Vivien rushed forward.

“What’s all this?” Celia managed.

“Your wedding shower!” Harper exclaimed.

“But…” She looked at Janie.

“My baby shower was last month. Since none of us were at your wedding ceremony, nor was there a wild and crazy wedding dance afterward, we decided to throw you a party.”

“We figured you could use some household items, since you’ve both been on the road for the last few years,” Lainie added.

“When folks in Muddy Gap heard you guys had gotten hitched? I had dozens of people calling and asking when we were gonna throw you a proper reception,” Harper said.

“Except we know improper suits you better,” Bernice said with a snicker. “Since me and Viv were friends of your mom’s, we asked to be involved.”

“Asked?” Tierney snorted. “Demanded is more like it.”

Vivien hip-checked her. “Hush, newlywed. When you’ve been married as long as I was, or as long as Bernice has been, you get to bull your way into whatever party you want.”

Bernice, one of the least sentimental women Celia knew, took Celia’s hand. “When I heard the news about you and Kyle, it reminded me of something your mama said years ago. Something I’d forgotten because it’d come out of left field. Back in the day, before I started my shop, I was at your folks’ place, giving your mom a haircut. Kyle had ridden the bus home with Hank. You and Kyle were sniping at each other. Somehow you ended up chasing each other outside, right in front of the sliding glass door. Your mom said, in that soft-spoken way of hers, ‘They fight because there’s more between them than they understand at their age.’ So I know your mom would be happy for both of you.”

Stunned, Celia choked out, “Thank you, Bernice, that’s…” and turned toward Kyle because she couldn’t finish.

He said, “Ladies, can you give me and my bride a moment?”


He blocked her from the room, holding her face in his hands. “What?”

“How is that even possible? What Bernice said about my mom?”

“Can’t we just chalk it up to your mother being a perceptive woman?”

“I guess. Perceptiveness sure isn’t something I inherited—I didn’t have a clue about this shower.” Her gaze hooked his. “Did you know about this?”

“Hell no.”

“Good.” She inhaled deeply. “Because I’d hate to start a fight with you in front of all these people.”

“They’re used to it from us. So let’s defy their expectations.” Kyle placed a soft kiss between her eyebrows. “Now buck up and face the music.”

When they turned around, another cheer went up.

“Let’s get this party started! For the bride…” Harper settled a lace veil on Celia’s head.

“And for the groom…” Bran clipped a plastic ball and chain around Kyle’s ankle.

Laughter erupted.

Tierney clapped her hands after the hilarity died down. “Okay, people, listen up. We’re doing this old school. Men, take Kyle to the bar. Ladies, you know what to do.”

Celia tried not to panic when Kyle was ripped away from her without so much as a good-bye kiss.

You’re getting too dependent on him, Celia.

“I remember the days when menfolk weren’t invited,” Garnet said behind her. “Then we could talk about all sorts of raunchy sex stuff.”

“Like having men in the next room over is going to stop you from whatever you wanted to say anyway,” Maybelle said with a sniff.

“Age does have certain honesty benefits.”

Garnet and Maybelle each hooked an arm through Celia’s. “We’re your official escorts,” Garnet confided. “Which I hope means we’re either getting booze first or cake first.”

Maybelle sighed. “Brace yourself, Celia. It’s going to be a long afternoon.”

She was hugged about a hundred times. But one person was missing from the crowd. She wondered if Kyle had noticed.

“Why the frown?” Lainie murmured.

“Did you invite Kyle’s mom?”

“Yes. But she opted not to come. Evidently Sherry talked to Susan. Susan said Sherry didn’t want to spend all afternoon fielding questions about Marshall Townsend being Kyle’s father. She said it’s supposed to be focused on your marriage. But she did send a gift. So did Tanna.”

Women of all ages, some Celia hadn’t seen in years, started to fill in the circle of chairs.

Janie sat on Celia’s right side and patted her thigh. “Toughen up, cowgirl. This is gonna be some fun.”

“You couldn’t have warned me? So I had the chance to dress up a little?”

“It doesn’t matter what clothes you have on, dear sister, because you’re wearing the most important thing…the look of a woman in

First time Janie had ever called her sister and it choked her up a little. Which of course Lainie noticed.

Lainie said, “You’ll shed a few tears before the day is over, guaranteed.”

She steeled her spine, refusing to bawl in front of all the people who’d known her—and Kyle—for most of their lives.

Harper and Tierney stood in the center of the circle and tried to get everyone’s attention.

Janie leaned over. “Those two are in their element. I swear the Split Rock should start advertising themed private parties and put them in charge. We could make a mint.”

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