One Night Stand: One Night Stand: Book One (12 page)

BOOK: One Night Stand: One Night Stand: Book One
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He probed deeper, while simultaneously letting his tongue loose on her clitoris. He smothered her, lapping with great force, driving her to squirm even harder.

Robin's fingers clawed at the wall as if she thought she could dig them into the plaster. Her hips heaved her pussy hard against him, and her breasts strained against the buttons of her blouse.

John began to fuck Robin with his hand, driving the fingers in and out of her. His tongue continued to press her clit as he pivoted his mouth back and forth against her. His nose dug into her bare flesh and he brought up his left hand to support her ass, holding her more firmly in place against him.

Robin squirmed ever more frantically. Her hands left the wall to grab John's head. She bucked her pussy repeatedly up against him. "Oh John, oh John, oh John..."

Robin screamed when she came—loud and piercing. John had thought Lisa a screamer, but Robin taught him differently. Lisa was just enthusiastic; Robin's voice could shatter glass.

Crying out loudly enough to bring the police, Robin completely collapsed under John's oral attack. She slid down 100

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by Veronica Tower

the wall to the floor, forcing John to scramble backward, while trying not to let his tongue break contact with her pussy.

Robin continued writhing beneath him, shouting out his name. The top of her back still pressed against the wall, spine curled so that her pussy bucked up against his mouth while her breasts bounced directly above him. John longed to shift his target and pounce upon them, feeling the elusive prizes beneath his hands. He could picture himself tearing at Robin's blouse, yanking the bra down around her waist, and setting his mouth loose upon her swollen nipples.

As John prepared to act on his instinct, Robin's bucking intensified and she clamped him down against her more tightly. Somehow she had managed to get one leg free of her panties and jeans, letting her clasp her thighs tightly around his head, locking his lips in place against her pussy.

John's fingers slipped free of Robin's wet cunt, and he grabbed hold of her ass with both hands and pulled her even more fiercely into his mouth, licking and sucking hard on her bare pussy.

* * * *

INSERT IMAGE "Tower-ONStand-25.jpg" HERE

* * * *

Lisa watched the flow of Doug's semen subside, trying to decide if these last dribbles counted as a second orgasm. She supposed it could be considered flattering that Doug could get himself off just looking at her, but mostly this lack of self-101

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by Veronica Tower

control only added to Lisa's rapidly growing contempt for her friend.

To make matters worse, this story would not make John jealous.
Doug came twice just looking at me
would only cause him to laugh. No, if she wanted to have something to counter Robin, Lisa needed to work with Doug some more. Maybe coming twice with the appetizers would give him some endurance for the main course.

Doug continued staring at her, cum-covered hand still holding himself. For the first time that she could remember, her old friend disconcerted her. She no longer knew what to make of him. He hadn't dated anyone as long as she had known him. Could he still be a virgin? Maybe he hadn't even seen a naked woman in the flesh before. His eyes kept shifting from her nipples to her pussy, and she noticed he started stroking himself again. She needed to reassert some control over this situation before it ran even further out of control.

"Doug, don't you think you should take off your clothes?"

Doug shook himself as if waking from a dream, then jumped suddenly to his feet. Driblets of cum splattered about him and he wiped his dripping hand on his shirt, leaving milky streaks on the cotton. His penis remained three-quarters erect, pointing out of his fly in Lisa's direction. It looked to be about average size, five or so inches at best. That didn't seem so good after feeling John's erection.

Doug yanked his t-shirt over his head, tossing it behind him on the table. His eyes immediately returned to Lisa's tits and pussy. As far as she could tell, Doug hadn't looked at her 102

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face since he had first touched her. She wondered if he saw
or some fantasy blow up doll.

Popping the button on his jeans, Doug shoved them down his legs and began trying to kick them off. He wasn't wearing any underwear. He also hadn't taken the time to remove his boots, and the fabric of his pants got tangled on his feet.

The sight of Doug hopping on one foot, wet dick flapping in front of him stole the last vestiges of excitement that teasing the man had built up in Lisa. She wanted to stand up and leave the room, but Doug tripped when his foot suddenly popped free and he collapsed on top of her sitting form, naked body stretching out across the kitchen floor.

Doug's sticky left palm mauled Lisa's breast and he forced his tongue between her lips. Lisa struggled to push the slobbering bastard off of her, finally ready to end this sick game. Doug ground his new hard on between her legs, fumbling with his right hand to insert himself inside of her.

Lisa pushed Doug's mouth off of hers. "That's enough!"

Doug thrust himself forward. His dick didn't penetrate Lisa's pussy but slid up over it and through her small trimmed patch of pubic hair. He looked down at her in a sort of panic, continuing to thrust futilely at her. "What? What's wrong?"

"Wrong?" Lisa growled, tugging at the hand painfully squeezing her breast. "What isn't wrong? Get off of me!"

"Wait!" Doug pleaded, still fumbling to find her pussy. "I'm almost ready!"


"Please!" he shrieked.


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

Lisa grabbed hold of Doug's ass to shove him to the side, but the feel of her fingers on his cheeks evidently pushed him over the edge again.

"Yes, Lisa! Oh, yes!"

Doug let go of her breast to encircle Lisa in his arms and crush her against him. His mouth covered hers again, and more sticky wetness spread across her groin.

"Oh, Lisa!" Doug panted, mumbling the words into her cheek. "At last, Lisa, at last!"

Lisa lay there in growing disbelief while Doug fell asleep on top of her.

* * * *

INSERT IMAGE "Tower-ONStand-26.jpg" HERE

* * * *

John carried Robin into the bedroom and laid her out on the mattress. Her long blond hair spilled in disarray on the covers. Her breasts still heaved beneath the damned pink blouse and bra. Her sopping pussy glistened in the light from the hallway. John was really ready for his prize, but having been burned so many times, he gave into his lingering sense of caution and decided to continue to pursue an indirect route.

He kicked off his shoes and yanked off his socks. Then he dropped his pants and boxers to the floor before crawling onto the bed with Robin. She looked at him with pointed 104

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by Veronica Tower

interest. Or more specifically, she stared at his dick, which stood at half-mast.

John grabbed hold of himself and held the head of his dick to Robin's lips. She pulled away from him, propping herself upon her elbows, bringing those massive breasts right next to him. John could no longer restrain himself. He rubbed his dick against Robin's silky breasts, leaving a stain of pre-cum on the fabric of her blouse. He had dreamed so often about this moment. They were so smooth and soft.

Robin jerked away from him.

"Jesus, Robin, how long do I have to wait?"

Robin scooted even further up the bed, but something in John's face stopped her. "I'm sorry, John, I ... Will you make love to me instead?"

John looked from Robin's face to her breasts to her glistening bald pussy and back to her face. The truth was that he had fantasized about fucking Robin almost as often as he had thought solely about her tits. He scrambled off the bed to find the wallet in the seat of his pants. He quickly extracted a condom, ripped it open, and rolled it on.

The condom felt tight and restricting. It also substantially reduced the sensitivity of his penis, or so he had learned when he fucked Lisa without it. This wasn't all bad as the side effect of less feeling was vastly increased endurance—as Robin was about to discover.

John loved the way Robin stared at his dick as he crawled back on the bed in front of her. Her expression could only be described as tentative—interested with just a hint of concern or even fear. At John's best, per Lisa he was eight inches long 105

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and thick enough that Robin's small hand might not be big enough to fully encircle him. John knew that that was big, but the look on Robin's face made him feel ten times larger.

John pressed the latex covered head against her lower lips and rubbed it back and forth, feeling incredibly powerful.

Robin adjusted her position making it easier for him to enter her.

John gazed again at the breasts he wanted so badly to explore. Robin's nipples poked out beneath the fabric, but he just couldn't see them well enough. He almost asked her to open her blouse, but pride got between him and the request.

He was damned tired of abasing himself for the chance to see the holy breasts. What kind of a woman says
fuck me
but won't take her shirt or bra off?

With a sudden spurt of genuine anger, John thrust as deep into Robin as his cock would go. Her eyes widened with surprise and probably a little pain, but John scarcely noticed.

Her tight wet warmth focused him and he pulled back and thrust hard into her again.

Why did she keep her breasts hands off? Why couldn't he touch them? What the fuck was he doing here with Robin when it was Lisa he wanted to be fucking?

"Easy, John," Robin gasped. "You're going too fast!"

John thrust even harder, angrier with himself than with Robin. He'd screwed everything up. Fucking the wrong woman; using a friend. Then a new thought occurred to him.

How much worse could things get?


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

With a quick movement of his hand, John reached out and twisted one of Robin's fat nipples. She gasped and pulled at his hand.

"No!" John told her, not slowing the tempo of his hips. "If I get your pussy, I also get your tits! I fuck all of you!"

He lowered his hand to cup the whole breast. For four years he'd dreamed about doing this and his cock grew more rigid as he fondled it.

"Oh God!" Robin moaned, closing her eyes as he fucked her.

John took that as an invitation to squeeze her other breast as well. His balls grew tight with excitement and he began to think that even the condom might not be enough to hold back his ejaculation.

Robin finally synchronized with his excitement. Her hands still covered both of his, but instead of trying to pull John away, she encouraged him to massage her breasts. Her nipples grew ever more swollen and John knew he wanted them bare when he came. If he could get them naked, he would pull out of Robin's pussy, rip off the condom and masturbate on her tits and face.

John's hands left Robin's breasts and flew to the buttons of her blouse. He fumbled to open them while maintaining a hard pumping motion. He didn't want to lose that edge of intense excitement as his penis grew ever more rigid in Robin's pussy.

With the blouse finally clear, John was closer to Robin's breasts than he had ever truly believed he'd get. Sweat glistened on the beautiful globes as they bounced against the 107

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thick bra which covered them. He rubbed her nipples through the pink fabric and felt Robin's hands fumbling with his own shirt.

"Please, John." She had trouble getting the words out. Her chest heaved excitingly. "Let me see you!"

John abandoned the bra to tear his own shirt off. His fantasies lay mere moments away from him. With a quick motion of his arms, he pulled his t-shirt over his head. His hands dropped back immediately to finally expose those mysterious tits to his hungry tongue.

"What the hell is that?"

Robin's voice cracked like a whip, shocking John out of his pumping action. She pushed at his stomach and he slipped out of her.

"What is it?" she yelled.

John looked around in confusion. What the hell could she be talking about?

"Are they bite marks?"

John's shoulder began to ache in the same instant he understood Robin's anger.

Robin's voice contorted with fury. "Were you with another woman last night? Were you?"

Stunned by the turn of events, John answered honestly.

"Thursday night."

"Get out!"


"Get out!"

Later John would recall how beautiful Robin had been in that moment—half naked, quivering with fury, lean body 108

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gleaming with sweat, still-clothed breasts heaving up and down. But at the moment, all that he could think to do was grab his clothes and run.

He snagged his pants and wallet, and caught up both shoes. Then he fled out the bedroom door without bothering to recover his shirt or socks.

Robin kept screaming after him. "Get out, you bastard!"

Heart pounding with a different kind of excitement, John pulled off the condom, pulled on his pants and shoes, and fled.

* * * *

[Back to Table of Contents]


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

Chapter Ten

"So how did you do?" Lisa asked over the phone. She couldn't decide what answer she wanted to hear. If John hadn't gone through with the game she would be angry, especially after what she'd gone through with Doug. But if John
slept with Robin...

"Hi, Lisa, it's good to hear from you. How are you this afternoon?"

"Cut the crap, John! How did you do?"

John didn't answer immediately.


"Are you sure you want to know?"

slept with her, the bastard! "Just tell me!"

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