One Night Stand: One Night Stand: Book One (16 page)

BOOK: One Night Stand: One Night Stand: Book One
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John finished tying the necktie to the leg of the bed, then grasped hold of Robin's other ankle and set about securing it to the other corner. When he had finished, Robin's hands were tied to the center of the headboard and her legs were spread eagle to each corner of the foot of the bed. A large wet spot stained Robin's panties.

"You know how I know this, Robin?"

She shook her head.

"I can't hear you."

"No, John, I don't know."

"I hurt you out there, Robin. I think I even scared you a little. But you never held back. You wanted me to take control. Isn't that right, Robin?"


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

He had her completely aroused now. Blood engorged more than just her nipples and pussy. Even the skin on her arms and legs stood up in goose flesh.

"Yes, John, I want you to tell me what to do."


John stroked Robin's thighs, enjoying the feel of the silky flesh. "Have you ever been with a woman, Robin?"


John had surprised her. The idea had come out of left field and genuinely surprised her. This might be even more fun than he had thought. "A woman, Robin, have you ever made love to a woman?"


The small word was almost inaudible as she too began to consider the possibilities.

"But you want to!"



Her breaths were coming short and fast now, and she gyrated her hips to push her pussy closer to John's fingers. "If you want me to, John."

Of course she would. John could see her pussy quivering beneath her panties in anticipation.

"You'll suck her nipples?"


"Her pussy?"


"You'll grind your pussy in her face while she makes love to you?"


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower


Damn, the thought really excited Robin and the heat she generated affected John as well. He left the bedroom without further comment, hoping his own erection would calm itself.

He'd need his dick later and there was so much still to do to get ready.

John picked his phone up off the table, checked the caller ID, and dialed Lisa's number.

She answered on the second ring.

"Hi there, enjoy the show?"

"John!" Her pleasure at hearing his voice vibrated over the phone lines.

"It's good to hear you too! Did you enjoy the show?"

"It was great until I got interrupted."


"The doorbell kept ringing."

John laughed. He felt good right now. He liked to be the one in control. "We have bad luck with those. Perhaps we should get rid of them."

Lisa laughed. John found the sound arousing. Everything about Lisa Madison stimulated him. There would be no relief for his erection with her on the phone. At least nothing short of his hand and John had better uses for his semen than that.

"So when did you skip out?"

Lisa's voice took on that dangerous edge. "It sounded like you were going to orgasm."

Matters could not be working better if John had written a script. "So you don't know what happened?"

"Not...all of it."


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

John walked into the bedroom. Robin lay right where he had left her—tied with her legs spread open on the bed.

"Good," John told Lisa, "because now I've got a surprise for you."

John crouched down next to Robin. "Say hello, Lisa," he told the phone. Then he held the receiver to Robin's ear, leaning close himself so he could hear their conversation.


John smiled. Robin quivered with excitement, wondering if this was the woman John wanted her to sleep with and Lisa was intrigued enough to play along with him. "Tell Lisa your name," he directed his captive.

Robin licked her lips. "This is Robin."

John pulled the phone back to his ear. "Surprised?"

Lisa's voice became breathy. "John, you are a

"I had a feeling you would like this," he told her. "And you still don't know the half of it."

He put the phone back against Robin's ear. "Tell Lisa where you are."

Robin hesitated, then blurted, "In John's bed."

John lay a hand flat on Robin's belly and began sliding it about in large sensuous circles. "Tell all of it!"

Robin's body trembled beneath his hand. "I'm tied up on John's bed."

"Ohhh..." Lisa purred the word. "Have you been a
girl, Robin?"

Robin looked at John for guidance, and he nodded. Her voice came out faint and small. "Yes, I've been bad."

"What did you do, Robin?"


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

Robin met John's eyes again, then let her gaze drop to his rigid organ. "I kept frustrating John."

Lisa laughed. "And now he's tied you up? Is he frustrating you or gaining some release?"

John interrupted. He wasn't ready for Lisa to go there yet, not until he finished laying out his plan. "Tell Lisa what you're tied with." His hand on Robin's stomach slipped under her panties and caressed the bald flesh of her pussy. Robin's trembling visibly increased.

"Ties," Robin panted. "Three old ties."

John brought the phone to his own ear. "A green tie and a black tie on her ankles, and a badly stained red tie securing her wrists," John told Lisa. "Do you want to tell Robin how the tie got stained?"

"Ohhh..." moaned Lisa. "Are you sure you want me too?"

John lowered the phone to his captive again. "Robin, do you know who Lisa is?" His fingers still lightly caressed Robin's pussy, mostly avoiding her clit.

Robin shook her head, apparently unable to speak.

"Answer me!"

"No, John, I don't know."

"Ask her!" John commanded. His fingers hovered over Robin, touching her clit now with feather-light caresses.

"Who are you?" Robin shouted.

Lisa jumped at the opportunity to tell. "I'm the woman who bit John."

John bore down furiously on Robin's clitoris as Lisa identified herself. Robin moaned in response. "Tell her the rest, Lisa!" John shouted.


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

"I'm the one who made him erupt all over that tie he's bound your wrists with."

Robin thrashed desperately under John's fingers, but Lisa didn't stop taunting her.

"I'm the one who sent him to you!"

Robin came hard, tugging futilely at her restraints. She rocked, she bucked, she screamed and wiggled, but ultimately she could not escape John's fingers. He rubbed her without mercy, not letting her body recover. The sheets pulled up on the bed underneath her gyrations until he began to worry that the neckties would tear free.

Without warning, John stopped rubbing, grabbed hold of Robin's pussy, and squeezed. Robin continued to buck against him, but the strong pressure bearing down on her cunt slowed the stimulation, helping her catch her breath and regain control of herself again. Slowly her hips stopped gyrating, and her back settled flat again on the bed.

John picked up the phone. "Are you still there?"

Thankfully, Lisa still sounded amused and not angry.

"Interesting playmate you've got there."

"I thought you'd like her. Problem is, she needs...guidance. Would you like to come down and help me break her in?"

"Would I!" Excitement reverberated in Lisa's voice.

"Good! Hurry and catch the next train." John started to hang up the phone, but reconsidered.



"One more thing."


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

He walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen and fetched a long pair of stainless steel scissors. Returning to the bedroom, John placed the phone by Robin's head and then showed her the scissors.

"Tell Lisa what you see."

Genuine concern tainted Robin's tone. "He's got a pair of scissors."

John discarded any notions of rubbing the cold metal across Robin's breasts or belly. He didn't want to frighten Robin but to motivate Lisa.

John crouched between Robin's legs and pulled the crotch of her panties away from her flesh. He carefully inserted the scissors and began cutting through the fabric.

Robin did not wait to be told what to say. "He's cutting through my panties, Lisa." All fear disappeared from her voice, replaced by restless excitement.

John finished cutting through the crotch and then turned the scissors on the fabric at Robin's hip. "You hear that, Lisa?

Now there's nothing between Robin's pussy and my dick."

He picked up the phone. "You'd better hurry. I want you!

But I'm only human."

"Oh, I'll hurry, baby," Lisa assured him. "I can't wait to see what else you've planned for me."

* * * *

[Back to Table of Contents]


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

Chapter Fourteen

Lisa hung up the phone and considered the situation. Her whole body tingled with excitement. John had really gotten to her despite her fears. She simply couldn't wait to go down to see him and start riding his dick again, but that didn't mean she had to make everything easy for him. She could still throw a few monkey wrenches into his plans. He didn't get to be the only one to pull the strings.

"Doug," she called. He'd been waiting patiently on his knees while Lisa took John's call. His pants sat around his ankles, where they'd been since he disobeyed her and made himself come.

"Mistress Lisa?" His enthusiasm remained sweet, if a bit pathetic.

"Get your pants on, then go out and wait in your truck. I'm taking a shower and then we're driving to New York."

"New York?"

"Just do as you're told!"

Doug apparently loved doing just that. He scampered to his feet, secured his jeans, and ran off to the front door. Lisa watched him go without stirring. She did not want Doug to see yet how much John moved her. He might see later, but damned if she would let her guard down now.

Once Doug had departed, Lisa sprang to her feet and sprinted up the stairs. She didn't really think John would waste any more semen in that subservient bimbo, but she didn't want to take any chances either.


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

Lisa turned the shower on hot and pulled off her t-shirt.

Her shorts were still lying on the floor downstairs. Next she stuck her hair up under a shower cap because while there might be time to wash it, there wouldn't be time for it to dry before she reached John's apartment. Once ready, she plunged into the spray and began cleaning herself of all trace of Doug's ejaculation and of her masturbation.

The water felt so good, hot rivulets beating against her light brown skin, but she didn't allow herself to relax and enjoy it. Instead, she scrubbed hard with Dove and then leapt out to towel dry and to apply just a trace of makeup: base, eyeliner, a tinge of color on her cheeks, a hint of Passion on her neck and breasts. She went with contacts rather than her glasses. She wanted to be able to clearly see John and his little present, no matter what happened before they reached the bedroom.

Lisa dressed in sleek black fishnet stockings, garters, and a slight black bra which pushed up her breasts to maximize her cleavage. She didn't bother with panties. Next came a tiny black
dress, which barely covered Lisa from breasts to ass. Finally, sharp black heals and her favorite silver jewelry: necklace, bracelet, and anklet. She was ready to hit the road.

* * * *

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* * * *


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower


Robin's voice called from the bedroom and John peaked through the doorway at her. He'd left her alone because he wanted to wait for Lisa and truth be told, a naked woman tied to his bed might just succeed in distracting him despite his best intentions. He'd already orgasmed once today and he wanted to save every smidgen of remaining performance left in his dick for after Lisa arrived.

Robin had lifted her head from the pillow so she could catch sight of John as he entered. She really looked hot, tied to the bed completely naked, legs spread in invitation, helpless to resist any whim which might occur to him. A rush of power coursed right through John, surging straight to his dick. Exactly the reaction he'd been hoping to avoid. "What's wrong?"

"I- I've been wondering," Robin said.

Those were not words that boded well for the rest of the afternoon and evening. Perhaps he'd made a mistake in giving Robin time to think. He finished entering the room and sat down beside her on the bed, just in case he needed to start a distraction.

"What's on your mind?"

"Did you really make love to me because Lisa told you to?"

John definitely did not want to explore that issue with Robin. Lisa should be on the road by now and John selfishly wanted a repeat of the most exciting night of his life. Robin was his bait—an important part of the excitement—and he definitely didn't want to risk spoiling her cooperation with a frank discussion of his twisted motivations. At the same time, 149

One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

John had to make some effort to answer her question and in order for it to be convincing, it needed to be as honest as possible.

"No, Robin, our four years of friendship and my intense lust for your body weren't suddenly invented last night."

John reached out playfully and rolled one bare nipple back and forth between his fingers. "I've been trying to find a way into your pants for a long time."

That answer didn't satisfy Robin. "But she said—"

"And in a sense she's right," John interrupted. "Lisa asked me why you and I weren't together and that got me to thinking."

The serious expression on Robin's face made it clear that she didn't buy his explanation. He had to find a way to divert her thoughts into more amenable directions. He just hadn't adequately considered what impact a three-hour delay in the action might have on Robin's state of mind.

BOOK: One Night Stand: One Night Stand: Book One
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