One Night Stand: One Night Stand: Book One (17 page)

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Leaning low, John stretched across Robin's body and began licking her fat nipple. It responded immediately to the wet caress of his tongue—swelling and stretching with excitement. Robin made a sound as if she planned to start speaking again.

John bit her nipple.


"And guess what we found out," John told her. "You like a man to take control." He paused to nip at her again. "You like to feel you have no option but to do as I say." He cupped the breast he was teasing and squeezed while he sucked.

Robin moaned with pleasure.


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

John caught the nipple lightly between his teeth and stretched it taut, before allowing it to pop free of his mouth.

Then he did it again.

Robin closed her eyes, apparently enthralled by the sensation. Then she forced her eyes back open to make an accusation. "But you called her!"

John straddled Robin, settling his weight so that his balls rested against the lips of her pussy.

"And you got wet talking to her!"

"I'm not a lesbian," Robin protested.

"Of course you're not, but you still got wet thinking about what Lisa might do to you."

John ground himself against Robin until she closed her eyes again.

He lay forward so that the base of his now hard cock pressed against Robin's lower lips. His chest flattened her breasts and his lips settled next to her left ear. He tenderly nipped the lobe. "She's coming here right now and there's
you can do to stop her. You're all tied up on my bed and in another hour or two, a beautiful black
will arrive to claim you. Tell me that doesn't make you excited."

Robin squirmed beneath his weight. "You didn't tell me Lisa is black."

"Oh, yes, Lisa is a beautiful African-American with the most exquisite light brown skin imaginable."

Robin squirmed harder.

John continued to grind himself against her. She
getting wet. He could feel her sweet moisture against his penis.


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

"Are you sure you've never been attracted to another woman, Robin? Never seen one at a party or on cable and wondered what it would be like to kiss her lips, or feel her breasts, or reach your hand up under her dress? Are you sure the thought doesn't excite you?"

In fact, John seriously doubted if Robin had fantasized about women before. She had been far too shocked when he mentioned the possibility to have played with the idea very much. But that said, the idea obviously excited her now.

Whether it was thoughts of Lisa or Robin's own helplessness turning her on, John really couldn't fathom, but he decided to try to find out.

John reared up over Robin so she could see directly into his face. "She'll be here in another hour or so, deciding how to tease you, how to please you..."

John started sliding down Robin's body, delighted by the way she quivered beneath him. He paused with his mouth hovering over her pussy.

"And the best part is, there is nothing you can do to stop her. Nothing you can do to stop us." His lips brushed the tip of Robin's clitoris as he spoke. "You're tied up and helpless and there is nothing you can do except to come, and come, and come."

John decided to give them both a taste of the action bearing down upon them and sucked her into his mouth.

* * * *

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One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

* * * *

"So who is this John guy?" Doug asked.

They had just pulled onto the Henry Hudson Parkway. It couldn't be that much farther to John's apartment. Lisa would rather Doug have waited a little longer for this question. Then maybe she wouldn't have had to answer it at all.

"You were screaming his name when we were making love and now we're racing off to his apartment. I think I deserve to know who he is."

Lisa sighed. She had known this would happen. Or she should have known. What was she thinking? Why hadn't she kept her hands off of Doug?

"First," she told him, "we did not make love. I was very clear about that. We had a one-night stand. There was no lovemaking involved."


"No buts!" Lisa stayed completely firm with him. "We are not going out! We are not lovers! We will probably never have sex together again!"

Doug pushed his lower lip out like a little kid pouting.

"Then who is this guy, John?"

"John is just a guy I met who I am

"But he's not into you?"

Lisa blinked in surprise. "No, I think he's crazy about me."

Doug exploded! "Then what the hell are you doing fucking me?"



One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

"Jesus, Lisa, if you like this guy and he likes you, then why were you with me last night?"

Lisa didn't have a good answer for that. "I...I didn't want things to move too fast, so I made John agree we'd see other people."

"Jesus, Lisa, I mean, I knew you were screwed up, but this is crazy even for you!"

Lisa shrugged helplessly. "I've had a couple of bad experiences and I don't want to get hurt."

"Jesus!" Doug looked like he wanted to say something else but thought better of it. He drove in silence for a full minute then asked, "So why did you drag me into this?"

Now Lisa did feel bad. "I needed a ride."

"No, I mean, that's low!"

"Maybe," Lisa conceded, "but I'm not being completely self-centered either. There's a surprise for you at John's. If you're patient and you do as you're told, I think you'll be kissing my feet with gratitude tomorrow morning."

Her words only served to raise Doug's suspicions. "What is it? I don't do guys!"

Lisa laughed. "No, John isn't the surprise. In fact, I'm pretty certain you won't like him at all. But I promise that you
like the surprise."

Doug kept driving.

* * * *

[Back to Table of Contents]


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

Chapter Fifteen

The sound of his intercom buzzing surprised John. It had been less than two hours since he'd hung up the phone with Lisa. He didn't know who it could be. Robin lay pleasantly exhausted, half asleep on the bed, and John had just finished washing his face. He really got off on bringing women to orgasm. It was the greatest, most masculine, feeling in the world, short of getting off himself, in a woman's pussy, hands or mouth.

John hurried to the intercom and pushed the speaker button. "Yes?"

"Are you ready for me, baby?" Lisa asked him.

John's flaccid cock responded in the affirmative. "I'll always be ready for you, Lisa," he answered, then quickly buzzed her inside.

* * * *

INSERT IMAGE "Tower-ONStand-29.jpg" HERE

* * * *

Lisa felt surprisingly nervous, even more so than she had on their first date.

She knew she looked hot and had no doubt John would want her, but Doug and Robin really complicated the situation. They offered both far greater potential excitement and a far greater potential disaster.


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

Doug stood beside her now in the elevator, looking both uncertain and out of place. Like Lisa, Doug clearly felt out of control of the situation. Lisa didn't like that feeling, but thoughts of John's powerful cock pumping again in her body gave her some serious motivation. Doug had only vague promises to reassure him.

The elevator doors opened and Lisa and Doug exited.

John's hall was empty, but she remembered the way to his door. Lisa also remembered their hot race to see if he could open the locks before she sucked him off in public. The things that man had led her to do! She got wet again just thinking about it.

Getting wet had been a problem much of the way from Hartford. The thought of seeing John made her

Thank God Doug had gotten her here this quickly. She really would have to see him rewarded.

Lisa paused before the door, pulled down the hem of her dress, and adjusted the fit of her bosom. Doug had been bowled over when she came out to his truck. He'd seen her dolled up before, but she guessed he thought of it differently now that he had twice erupted all over her.

Lisa looked back at Doug, wondering how it must feel to meekly follow the woman you were crazy about up to the apartment of a man she intended to fuck. Doug was truly powerless, but he mostly seemed content with that status.

Lisa could not understand it. All of her life she'd been fighting to be in control. Even now when John summoned her like this.

Lisa knocked on the door and listened intently. Several moments passed before she heard the sounds of John 156

One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

crossing the room to welcome her. Had he been in the bedroom with Robin? Had he been in bed with Robin? The image started to stoke Lisa's temper. Lisa hadn't been in that bed yet, and John had the blond slut tied to it.

Then Lisa's temper eased and she smiled. John
tied Robin to his bed, but he had invited Lisa down to play with her. There was no question in her mind which woman John preferred, and it wasn't some passive white bitch with overly big tits.

The door opened, granting Lisa her first sight of John since Friday morning. He dressed in a short black bathrobe, wide belt loosely tied around his waist. His legs and feet were bare, giving Lisa the hope that he was completely naked underneath.

John stared hard at Lisa, drinking her in with his eyes. She knew she had chosen well. The dress was cut short enough that he'd have absolutely no doubt that she'd worn garters for him. The fact that she didn't have on panties, she would let him discover later.

John took a step forward and took Lisa gently in his arms in an act of carefully calculated restraint. After the frenzy of their first night together, Lisa admired this depth. She turned her face up to John and carefully slid her tongue across her lips. John took the hint and kissed her oh so gently, letting the tip of his tongue flutter back and forth across hers.

Sparks must have burst into the hallway. Lisa's nipples pushed harder against her bra. Her whole body tingled with excitement.


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

John pulled away, his eyes closed, savoring the moment.

When he spoke, his voice sounded hoarser than normal. "I have a present waiting for you in the bedroom."

Lisa trailed a finger down his robe-covered chest. "So you told me over the phone. I came right away to receive it."

Her finger stopped its journey to toy suggestively with his belt. After their first night together, she knew all of this teasing in the hall would be worrying him. John had an unusually strong fear of discovery by his neighbors. But at this moment, he proved up to her challenge.

John pulled Lisa back up against him and kissed her much more deeply. His right hand slid down her back to her ass, paused to squeeze it through her dress and then moved lower. Thus far, John had completely ignored Doug, but his actions gave Lisa's friend an eyeful. His hand dipped below the short hem of her dress and then back up to squeeze the bare flesh of her ass. He broke his mouth away from hers when he found she had no panties.

"Oh, you are a

John squeezed Lisa's ass again, sending another thrill of excitement coursing through her body.

"Who is your friend?" John asked her, still squeezing her deliciously. "Do you know he's rubbing himself looking at your ass?"

Lisa continued to hang onto John, her arms about his neck.

She made her voice firm with the authority of command.

"Hands off, Doug!"

Doug hesitated before answering, "Yes, Mistress Lisa."


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

John's penis poked at Lisa through his robe. "
" he asked her. "I see you have some things to tell me about. Why don't you come inside where we can talk?"

The hand squeezing Lisa's ass steered her into John's apartment. She let him move her, noticing as she did that while the bulge from his hardening cock was visible through his robe, the penis itself did not stick out in the open.

John followed her inside, still cupping the cheek of her ass.

Doug trailed in after them.

"Lock the door, Doug!" Lisa commanded.

Doug hurried to obey. "Yes, Mistress."

John turned Lisa back toward him and kissed her again.

His tongue quested deep into her mouth, and she thrust her own tongue into his. When they broke apart, John gently cupped her breast, clearly enjoying the enhanced view of her cleavage. "This is a
good look for you."

"I thought you liked much bigger breasts," Lisa teased him.

"I do," John agreed. "They're fun to play with. But firm, soft breasts like yours with hard pert nipples..." He paused in his description to emphasize his point by squeezing each breast and rubbing his thumbs appreciatively across her tits.

"Breasts like these," he finished, "are so much more responsive and exciting."

Lisa loved the way John touched her. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of John's thumbs on her still-clothed nipples. "Mmmm."

John kissed her cheek, her ear, her neck, all the while running his thumbs in light circles across her tits. "I suppose,"


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

he whispered, "that your present can wait. It might do her good to hear what true lovemaking sounds like. Do you want your little toy to watch or to wait in the bathroom?"

Lisa opened her eyes. She wanted John right now! But she also liked to tease him. She inserted her hand inside his robe and cupped his testicles, feeling their size and measuring their weight. Then she squeezed, starting out gently but growing increasingly firm. With her free hand she undid John's belt and opened his robe. John's full erection sprang out to meet her, just as large as she remembered.

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