One Night with the Prince (10 page)

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“I don’t think so mister! Y-You just stay away!” I said, trying to sound firm but failing miserably.


“Why do I need to stay away? Do I make you nervous?” He asked with a slight knowing smile. I pretended to be sick.


“Oh yeah, because of you that’s why!” I said defensively. He stepped closer to me so I could feel his body heat.


“Are you nervous now?” He asked softly tucking some hair behind my ear. I shook my head gulping loudly.


“N-No.” My voice shook and I silently cursed myself. He chuckled lowly making me want to squirm. He stepped even closer to me so our chests were touching.


“I think I do.” He said. Before this got out of hand I stepped back.


“Let’s talk?” I offered, trying to maintain my sanity and dignity. And his smell was not helping my train of thought. He smelled like sandalwood and something else. He sighed, but was still smiling slightly,


“Of course. Let’s go to the balcony?” He offered, and so he led me out to his balcony. The view was incredible. The moon was high now and made everything glow. There were rolling hills and in the distance I saw the ocean.


“It’s beautiful.” I murmured. He nodded.


“So, tell me about yourself?” He asked. I shrugged leaning against the railing that was marble.


“Not much to tell. I live at home with my mom as my dad ran away with a twenty-year-old. I don’t care though since he was a moron. I’m a straight A student and I think working hard is the only way to get anywhere in life. I don’t like liars and can’t stand stuck up girls, and obviously they can’t stand me, via Elise. Your turn.” I smiled. He laughed beside me.


“Okay. I live here in the castle obviously. My best friend is Demetrius, and I’m not 100% sure if I want to be King. Nor did I want to do this competition to happen. However lately it doesn’t seem so bad.” He finished looking at me with a soft smile.


We stopped speaking for a few moments, enjoying the sounds of the distant ocean. I could feel myself start to develop some feelings for this guy beside me. It scared me, because I have always been in control of things around me. Zach made me feel out of control.


The atmosphere changed, and I found myself looking up at him. He was looking down at me too making me feel like there was a herd of Bessie’s in my stomach. His hand came up and cupped my cheek. It felt like time froze, but the distant sound of a seagull broke me away from my daze.


I turned my head so his lips landed on my cheek. “I can’t…I don’t really know you.” I said with a slight wince, but I saw he wasn’t upset or mad like I thought he might be. In fact he looked understandingly down at me.


“You don’t need to look apologetic. I’m the one that’s sorry. I should always respect a lady’s wishes.” He said softly and tucked some hair behind my ear


His lips pressed softly against my forehead making me fan girl on the inside.


When I opened my eyes I saw his starring back at me full of want and something else I didn’t want to think about.


“Too soon?” He asked with his voice very low and raspy. I nodded still unable to speak. He pulled me to him again and just held me, burring his face in my hair.


“I will win you over Anna.” He vowed to me. I sighed.
You already started to.
I thought and closed my eyes, enjoying his closeness. Dem is going to have a field day with this.





Chapter fifteen






Zach pulled away after a few moments and I finally got some fresh air to clear my head. What was I doing? I stepped away further as I got more and more panicked. I shook my head back and forth, having a mini panic attack.


“Anna? What’s wrong?” Zach asked trying to come closer to me. I side stepped him and tried to run out of the room.


“Anna!” He called after me. As soon as I got to the door I sprinted down the hallway. Tears were blurring my eyes and I ignored the concerned looks. How could I be so stupid?! That wasn’t supposed to happen! My lungs were burning as I kept running. I didn’t realize I was outside until the cold air hit me like a slap in the face.


Collapsing on the ground I buried my face in my hands groaning to myself. I was internally yelling at myself. One part was saying why was I running away? While the other half was saying I was completely stupid for wanting to kiss him, and for developing these feelings for him. I suddenly felt a hand on my back and I stiffened, praying it wasn’t Zach.


“What’s wrong dear?” I heard a woman’s voice. I looked up to see Lillian the Queen. I hugged her tight, needing a motherly hug right now since mine was half way around the world. She hugged me back making her blonde hair fall around us. I was crying and I hated it! I hated to show that I’m weak!


“What did my son do? I don’t care if he is my son, I will punish him if he did something!” She vowed. That earned a giggle on my part, because all I could picture was Lillian hitting Zach over and over again like a small boy. I wiped my eyes and looked up at her.


“No, he didn’t do anything. That’s the problem. He’s sweet, and funny, I just, I just…” I couldn’t find the words.


“You’re just scared.” She finished. I nodded, and she gave me a warm smile that reminded me much of my mom’s as her green eyes twinkled with compassion.


“I was where you are now years ago. I didn’t want to be in this competition deary.” She told me. I looked at her confused, and she elaborated.


“I was young like you, when I received an invitation in the mail to participate in the said competition. My mother was thrilled, where I was not. I grew up in France and came from a line of noble blood, but I never wanted any titles or the status. I wanted a normal life.” She paused and chuckled.


“So naturally, I threw a hissy fit, but my mother made me go as it was the rudest thing you could do was turn it down. It would’ve brought shame to my family. When I arrived I was hard set on making sure Julian didn’t like me. I was rude, and said horrible things to him. But that only seemed to intrigue him more.” She looked down at me and brushed some hair out of my face.


“I was petrified as the longer I knew him the more my heart ached for him. All I wanted was for this competition to be over so I can return home to my family and friends. I soon began to realize the harder I fought against him, the harder I fell for him.” She had a soft smile on her face as she remembered.


“One day I was avoiding him as per usual. That was my routine you see. I avoided him at all cost until the weekend would come where he got to choose who goes to his bedroom for the night, and naturally with Julian’s stubbornness he kept choosing me.


Well, anyways, I was sitting by the reflecting pool trying to think when I literally slapped myself on the head!” She laughed at her memories of a younger her.


“I was thinking, ‘why am I fighting this man when I love him so much?’ That’s when I came to my senses deary. I learned long ago, that sometimes you have to face your fears. I see the way my boy looks at you.


This isn’t just some game to him anymore, although I’m not sure if it ever was. When you see him tell me what you feel.” She asked. I blushed, not sure whether or not I wanted this discussion with his mother. But she encouraged me on.


“My heart speeds up, and I feel like I can’t breathe right unless he’s near me in some form. When he’s right next to me I feel all wound up and dizzy. But Lilly it’s not possible for me to feel like this, this soon! It just isn’t! I’m so scared.” I finished in a whisper. She took a hold of my face and made me look her in the eye.


“Anna, I’m not saying to jump in bed with him!” I blushed at that. Wow, she was literal! “But I am saying to face your fear. I can tell something has burned you to the idea of love, but don’t lose faith so young! Take it slow if you have to, but please take it somewhere.” She said gently but reverently. I nodded at her and stood up, dusting myself off.


“Thank you Lilly. I need to go find Zach.” She chuckled and stood up herself and hugged me.


“Lilly? I like it. Now you go to my son and explain what you want. No more running?” She offered. I ginned and nodded.


“No more running.” I promised. I went to go find Zach and hoped he wasn’t angry for me at running out on him. Running through the hall I bumped into Dem.


“Oof!” I cried when my butt hit the marble. Dem looked concerned and a little annoyed at me. I gave him a sheepish smile knowing he probably already talked to Zach, and I held my hands up to him in defense.


“I know! I know! I screwed up! I’m going to go find him now. Where is he?” I asked. He looked relieved that I was going to go talk to Zach and told me he was in the gym. Running to where he pointed it took a while to get there, and by the time I arrived I was out of breath again. Guilt ate at me at what I saw.


He was punching the punching bag with full force shirtless. I enjoyed the view but hated that he was mad because of my insecurities. I cleared my throat to get his attention. He stopped and looked at me with a hurt in his eyes. We were both breathless. Me from all the running and him from kicking the crap out of the punching bag.


“Hi. Can we talk?” I asked quietly. He nodded wordlessly. I took a seat on the dark blue mat with my back against the cream colored wall. He joined me and I was about to start when he beat me to it,


“Listen, I’m sorry! I should’ve stopped when you were pulling away at first! I’m truly sorry-” I cut him off.


“No. I’m sorry.” I apologized looking down at my lap. It was silent for a moment when Zach put a finger under my chin to make me look at him.


“I don’t understand.” He stated. Sighing, I explained.


“You scare me Zach. I have a hard time with the idea of
that could lead to love or anywhere near it. I blame my dad for that, but anyways I can’t give you anything serious. If that’s what you’re looking for then I’m sorry. For now if you’re really wanting this,” I gestured between the both of us,


“Then it has to go slow. I’d understand if you’re looking for something more intimate.” I blushed at that thought. He looked at me with a soft expression that made me want to kiss him. He cupped my face so he had my undivided attention.


“I’m willing to take it as slow as you need it to. There’s something about you Anna and I can be satisfied with just to hold your hand, as long as you’re comfortable.” He finished, taking my hand in his. I could see the red marks on his knuckles from going so hard on the punching bag.


I stared at our hands together and I felt my insides warm. I gently kiss his knuckles and I heard his quick intake of breath. I blushed.


“Sorry.” I whispered. He chuckled.


“Looks like we both need to keep ourselves in check.” He mused. Standing back up he mimicked me still holding my hand gently.


“How about we go back to my room and try this again?” He asked. I smiled.


“I’d like that.” I answered gratefully. Although I can’t bring myself to regret the moment we had on the balcony, it still scared the crap out of me. I’ve never felt anything so strong and it was staggering. We were chatting aimlessly until we got to his room again. He opened the door for me.


“Ladies first.” He smiled. I blushed and walked in. The room was just as we left it with the candles still burning bright.


“So, where am I supposed to sleep?” I asked. He looked amused at me and pointed at the very large bed.


“With me of course.” I looked at him shocked and he laughed at my expression and came closer to me.


“We just established some boundaries that I’m not about to test tonight.” He said. Tonight? So does that mean later down the road he’s going to test them? I couldn’t help the shiver of anticipation run down my spine.


I crawled into the bed and stayed on the far side. He sat down on his side looking amused at my guarded expression.


“I think you’re the first girl I’ve met that has not tried to get as close to me as possible.” He mused. I laughed.


“Well obviously those girls had nothing in between their ears.”


He laughed at that and lied down. I mirrored his actions cautiously. He laughed and then pulled me to him. I gasped,


“W-What are you doing?!” I asked, trying not to enjoy his touch.


“Just let me hold you please?” He asked. I sighed and rested my head on his chest not liking the fact that I am liking this more than I probably should. His hands trapped me to him and I drifted off to sleep.



I stirred and felt something soft trace down my back and up again hum in appreciation. I peeked my eyes open to see Zach looking down at me with a soft smile on his face. I could get used to waking up like this. I mentally shook my head at that. Too soon. Call me stubborn but I refuse to give my heart out only for it to be stomped on.


“Good morning.” He murmured quietly. I smiled up at him and stretched.


“Good morning.” I replied. I sat up reluctantly and blushed at the sight of his chest, but quickly adverted my eyes so he wouldn’t notice me checking him out. His voice was husky with sleep as he talked to me.


“My younger brother is coming in today. He’s coming back from his schooling for good.” He said rubbing his eyes smiling sideways at me. I quirked an eyebrow.


“Not that this isn’t interesting but why do I need to know?” I asked. He chuckled deeply.


“I’m just warning you. You’re a beautiful girl and he will not hesitate to charm you into his bed.” He explained, and I laughed.


“So a mini you?” I chortled.


He acted offended, and placed a hand to his heart.


“Malady, I would never do that!” He said. I looked pointedly at where we were now, and he laughed.


“Yes, I guess I did get you in my bed.” He replied. I rolled my eyes and stood up ruffling my hair trying to get the tangles out. It was silent now as he was just staring at me. I shifted under his gaze.


“I guess I should get going? I need to get dressed…” I trailed off. He nodded seeming a little sad I had to leave. Heck, so was I if I was being honest. He walked me to the door and grabbed my hand and placed a small kiss on it. I blushed and hurried out of there.


I reached my room with no troubles as everyone was not up yet, and got dressed. I chose a black tank top that hugged my curves but no too tight and then paired it with some torn up shorts since it was very warm here, but I put on my cowboy boots from my stuff that the castle people have so kindly brought to me yesterday from my old hotel room.

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