One Penny: A Marked Heart Novel (13 page)

Read One Penny: A Marked Heart Novel Online

Authors: M. Sembera,Margaret Civella

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor, #Sagas

BOOK: One Penny: A Marked Heart Novel
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Twenty Three

Nudged awake out of a dead sleep, Seth rolled over feeling Penny beside him. As he blinked his eyes open, he could hear the alarm on his cell phone but the only thing he cared about was that her smile was what he was waking up to.

"Good morning," she whispered still half asleep.

Reaching behind him, Seth shut his alarm off before wrapping his arm around her and pulling her closer.

"Penny," he breathed as he kissed her forehead.

As she snuggled closer, he kissed her temple before continuing down to her cheek and then the side of her neck.

Somewhere between the feel of her skin under his lips, her body pressing into his and her fingers dipping under the waistband of his boxer briefs, Seth started to lose control of himself.

When the words, "Don't stop," passed through her lips that were brushing against the inside of his shoulder, that was it.

Fully committed to the moment, he tugged at her pajama bottoms with sweet relief being the only thought in his mind.


Penny pulled back slightly allowing him to remove her top when she heard her doorknob rattle before turning. She quickly jerked the comforter over them before her door swung open.

"Penny Rosin Caffrey!"

Squeezing her eyes shut, Penny tried to wrap her mind around the fact that after months of not speaking to her, Sarah, her mother, decided to pay her a visit at this exact moment.

"You got a tattoo!"

And there it was...

Feeling Seth frozen at her side, she hollered back, "I'll be out in a sec," from under her comforter.

Her mother sounded shocked as she continued to gripe, "Are those men's shoes?"

"Mom! Please! I'll be out in a minute,"

Thankfully, the sound of the door slamming shut was the next thing she heard.

Scowling at the moment and how ridiculous the situation was, Penny felt Seth kiss her cheek.

"Are you okay?"

"I am so sorry," she assured.

Almost in tears as the shock of her mom stopping her and Seth right on the brink of what she had been patiently waiting for the last few weeks, set in.

"I guess I am meeting your mother this morning," Seth said with an encouraging smile.

Throwing her hands over her face, Penny thought 'Why is this happening'.

Unnerved that her mom had taken the liberty of making a pot of coffee in her kitchen, Penny begrudgingly sipped from her cup as she, Seth, Braden and her mom sat around the table.

"What is wrong with you?"

Setting her cup down, Penny replied, "It's not that big of a deal, mom."

Sarah's voice was harsh as she assured, "No respectable man is going to marry you all marked up like..."

"Mom," Penny blurted, knowing she was referring to Liv.

With a look of indifference Sarah stated, "It was Kieran wasn't it. He's appalling."

Giving her mom an 'Are you serious?' look, she replied, "You're his drawer."

Pointing her finger at Penny, Sarah snapped, "That is completely different."

"How is that different?"

Sarah's face started to turn red as she fussed, "Being the marker is a privilege by birthright and he turned into something disgraceful. His father felt the same way. That is why he had an honorable job."

Scowling at her mom, Penny bit her tongue instead of reminding Sarah that her husband was a bartender.

Knowing there was no way to make her mom see how hypocritically outrageous she was being, Penny conceded.

"Okay mom, I'm sorry."

Sarah gave a condescending nod before turning to Braden.

"And what are you doing here?"

With a 'What did I do?' look on his face Braden started to say, "I'm staying here..." before Sarah cut him off griping, "Let me guess, harlot has moved on to you."

"What?" he blurted as Penny snapped, "Mom!"

"I don't hold any ill will against her. I'm just curious how many of my boys she's going to go through before she's satisfied with tainting our family."

Braden gave his mom a nervous smile as he assured, "Charlotte's still with Auggie mom. The wedding's next Saturday."

Appearing insulted, Sarah looked away from Braden and directly at Seth.

Penny watched as her mom seemed to be mentally scrutinizing him.

With a slight nod, Seth introduced himself saying, "Seth, Mrs. Caffrey."

"Can I assume you are between jobs? Some sort of artist? Low life musician?"

Penny shook her head in disbelief at the lengths of her mom's hypocrisy as Braden gave his mom a 'Gee thanks' look.

"No ma'am, I'm an accountant at JPT Financial."

Sarah stared at him for a moment before her whole face lit up.

"You're Jackson's Seth?"

Giving her a strange look, he replied, "He is my boss."

Grabbing hold of the crucifix around her neck, Sarah said, "After all this time, my prayers are finally answered."

Placing her forehead in the palm of her hand, Penny shook her head.

Penny heard Seth's chair scoot back before he said, "Well, it was nice to meet you. I had better go get ready for work."

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine, Seth," she assured before fussing, "Penny, go walk him out."

Rolling her eyes, Penny stood saying, "Yes ma'am."

Following Seth to the door, Penny thought 'It will be a miracle if he doesn't pick up and move after this'.

Ready to apologize for what he just had to endure, Penny was a little confused to see Seth unsuccessfully repressing a smile.

"You think this is funny?" she questioned in a quiet voice.

Giving her a quick kiss, he replied, "I think I am going to be late for work if I don't go get ready."

Nodding Penny opened the door, receiving another goodbye kiss before he walked out.

After closing the door behind him, Penny walked back into the kitchen.

Instantly stressing her approval, Sarah shared, "You know, there are quite a few family names that would be perfect for your children," as Penny sat down at the table.

Leaning over and placing her forehead against the table Penny covered her head with her arms thinking, 'Why?' as Braden started to laugh.


The day was moving along quickly for Seth. With four active accounts and three pending for his team, he was more than happy to be buried in paperwork. The faster the day went by, the sooner he would get to go home and see Penny.

Walking into Jackson's office, carrying the quarterly reports, Seth had worked himself down to only an hour left. Placing the files on his boss's desk, he watched Jackson motion for him to have a seat while talking on the phone.

Feeling a tiny bit restless, Seth was anxious to get back to his desk and finish out the day.

Shaking his head with a wide smile, Jackson said, "Apparently Sarah has taken a liking to you."

"She seems like an older, meaner version of Penny," he replied without thinking before apologizing, "I'm sorry I didn't..."

Jackson cut him off laughing, "Ren will love that one," before he assured, "Don't worry about it."

"Yes sir," he replied feeling uncomfortable now for just having insulted a member of his family.

Leaning forward, Jackson placed his elbows on top of his desk before folding his hands together informing, "I have been meaning to have a conversation with you for a while now."

Nodding, Seth started to feel uneasy.

"When the Temp Agency sent you here six years ago, I honestly didn't think you would last more than a week or two. But you did. Over the years, I've watched you strive, not toward success, to become your own man."

Seth stood as he watched Jackson push away from his desk before walking over to him.

"Now, I realize I'm overstepping my bounds here but since you are seeing Penny and she's my family, I'm taking the liberty anyway."

There was a hesitation before Seth questioned, "Sir?" not knowing what he was about to say.

Placing his hand on the back of Seth's shoulder, Jackson shook his hand, imparting, "I'm sorry your family doesn't see the man you are. I do though and I am proud of you."

Seth felt his jaw immediately lock, unable to respond.

With an extra pat on the back, Jackson smiled wide at him saying, "Now get back to work so I can give you Friday off for Auggie's bachelor party."

All Seth could do was clench his teeth and nod, finding it hard to process the emotion of having someone he looked up to be proud of him.


Taking her time to finish one more outline, Penny would be moving on to shading after this particular one. The swirls of the mermaid tail were actually a piece of cake compared to the short straight lines that made the scale pattern.

It was a little strange to her that Kieran was making her practice a mermaid, she had never seen one tattooed on someone before, and she had seen a lot of tattoos since working there. But Kieran was all about tradition and he said his dad told him when he started, that you have to master all your basic skills in order to create a flawless one.

As she worked on it, Liv leaned over her shoulder.

"You should give her some personality. Have her smirk and give Kieran the finger," she suggested with a laugh.

Penny let out a laugh of her own, saying, "That'd be funny."

Faintly hearing the bell above the shop door ring, Penny glanced in that direction.

Liv whistled before saying, "Look at Miss Society here."

Walking over to them Charlotte replied, "Bridal shower brunch my ass, it was more like Be a B Day for every snotty woman in this town."

Penny gave her a compassionate expression before noticing Charlotte raise her eyebrows and Liv nod back at her.

Curious, but invested in finishing her mermaid, Penny leaned her head down and focused on the tattoo.

Kieran stepped out of the back saying, "Hey Charlotte, what brings you by?"

Before Charlotte could answer, Liv said, "I'm ready to go."

Without looking up, Penny could tell Liv and Charlotte were up to something.

"As soon as Pen's done," he assured before Liv said, "Charlotte's here and Penny can lock up. Come on, I'm starving."

There was silence for a moment before Charlotte confirmed, "I'll lock the door behind y'all. We'll be fine."

Hesitantly, Kieran agreed before warning, "Alright but no one else needs to be here after hours."

Penny could hear the smile in Charlotte's voice as she swore, "Just me and Penny."

"Come on," Liv demanded before Charlotte walked them to the door.

Once the shop was locked up with Penny and Charlotte inside, Charlotte pulled a chair up next to her.

Finishing her last few lines, Penny asked, "What's up?"

"You are my best friend, Penny."

"I'm also your roommate, maid of honor and soon to be sister in law."

"I know, that's why I'm coming to you."

Finished with the last line, Penny set her gun in its clip next to her table saying, "Please don't tell me you're having second thoughts."

"What? Of course not."

Twisting her chair towards Charlotte, Penny gave her a suspicious look.

"I know what I want to get Auggie for a wedding present."

"Marrying him isn't enough?"

Scooting closer Charlotte shared, "It's not really a gift. It's more like a declaration."


"And I can't do it without you."

Shaking her head with a smile, Penny said, "Okay, what do you want."

"A tattoo."

Stunned, Penny replied, "Oh no."

"Please, it's nothing big."

"Charlotte I can't. I'm not ready. Why don't you just have Kieran do it?"

Appearing to get irritated with Penny, Charlotte shared, "For one, the location of it," as Penny made a face she continued, "Really though, I want it to be a secret."

"Then get him to do it, it's not like he hasn't seen a ton of girls naked before and besides he's like a vault, he won't tell."

"Yea, I wouldn't be so sure of that," Charlotte muttered.

"What do you mean?"

With a loud huff, Charlotte replied, "Nothing, it doesn't matter. The point is, I want you to do it."

Shaking her head, Penny scowled at her persuasiveness.

Charlotte narrowed her eyes at Penny and then smiled.

"Penny, I trust you. Please. It would be an honor to be your first tattoo."

With a heavy sigh, Penny could no longer fight against Charlotte's coercion or her own curiosity over what it would be like to tattoo actual skin.

Taking a deep breath, Penny replied, "What do you want and where do you want it."

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