One-Two Punch (28 page)

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Authors: Katie Allen

BOOK: One-Two Punch
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“Oh!” was all she could say. The gloves had tiny gold laces and an ice-blue sapphire set in each of the palms. Her eyes prickled and she waved her hand, fanning her face like a beauty contestant in an unsuccessful attempt not to cry. “Oh,” she said again. “It’s so…”

“Is that good or bad?” Ky asked Harry uncertainly.

“Good, I think.” Harry didn’t sound too sure either.

“Yes!” Beth was laughing and snuffling back her tears at the same time. “It’s good.

It’s wonderful. It’s perfect!” Glancing up at Ky, she almost missed the sweet, sincere smile that touched his mouth for a fleeting moment before it disappeared, morphing back into his habitual scowl. “Did you both pick this out?” she asked, looking back and forth between the two men.

Harry shook his head. “That was all Pokey,” he told her. “He showed it to me, but that was all.”

“Well, I love it.” Beth clutched it against her chest, rubbing at her damp face with her other hand. “Thank you, Ky,” she told him sincerely and he shrugged, looking away in embarrassment. Beth fastened it around her neck, loving the gentle bump of it against her breastbone.

They arrived at their stop and Beth nearly took a header onto the street as she got off the train.

“Okay, you need to stop looking at your necklace and concentrate on walking,”

Harry ordered, catching her arm before she could hit the pavement.

“Hmmm?” Beth murmured, turning the pendant so that the stones caught the glow from a streetlight. “I love the sapphires.”

Harry rolled his eyes at Ky, who smirked. “Harry thought I should have gone with diamonds.”

“I’m a traditionalist,” Harry shrugged. “The blue things are pretty too.”

Beth caught Ky’s gaze. She knew precisely why he had insisted on the sapphires—

they were the exact color of Harry’s eyes when he was excited. At her knowing look, Ky ducked his head.

“Come on, you guys,” he said gruffly. “Do we want to go somewhere or not?”

Chapter Sixteen

They decided to start the evening with beer and pool and then work up to dancing.

Beth glanced down at herself and then shrugged. At least she would look good while playing pool. Maybe flashing a little cleavage while she took her shot would distract the guys and keep them from noticing that she was a dismal pool player.

“Okay, now the five ball in the corner pocket—you have a straight shot,” Harry coached her. She lined up her cue and slid it across her thumb, closing her eyes as stick met ball. At Harry’s triumphant shout, she popped her eyes open, astounded that it had actually gone in. She must have reached that fragile place where she had drank just enough beer and was having just enough luck to be good at pool, she figured, pretending as if she wasn’t completely shocked to be playing well.

Doing a little victory dance, she sang, “Go me, it’s my birthday. Go me, it’s my birthday.”

Ky snorted. Ignoring his nonverbal critique of her singing, she bent over the table to line up her next shot when she heard someone calling her name. Standing back up, she scanned the crowd and saw Sheri heading her way.

“Sheri!” Beth called over the noise, waving at her friend.

Sheri reached her and gave her a hug. “You look fabulous,” she said, pulling back a little so she could eye Beth up and down approvingly. “Not just hot—
hot!” She glanced up at Harry. “Things are going well, I see,” she said to Beth under her breath.

Beth did the introductions, stepping back so Harry could shake Sheri’s hand and smile his heart-blowing grin. Beth could almost see Sheri’s knees turn to jelly. For Ky’s turn, he didn’t move from the pillar he was leaning against but just gave a small flip of his hand as a wave. Sheri looked back and forth between the two men and then grabbed Beth’s hand.

“Excuse us, gentlemen,” Sheri announced, hauling Beth away. “Need to visit the girls’ room—be back in a flash.”

She towed Beth toward the bathroom, ignoring Beth’s questioning, “I do?”

Once inside the bustling, tiled room, Sheri whirled on Beth. “Okay, what’s the story? Your one hottie has multiplied into two and they’re both looking at you like you’re chocolate-mousse pie and they’re starving for a bite—are you cheating on Harry?” she demanded, not letting Beth squeeze a word in.

Beth blushed and hesitated, unsure how to explain the crazy situation she found herself in. Sheri would be the first person to hear about the three of them outside of their little triangle. “Umm…well, define ‘cheat’.”

Sheri stared at her, mouth gaping. “Are you seriously sleeping with both of them, you lucky little slut?” she gasped.

Bright red, Beth gave a helpless shrug. “You make it sound so dirty,” she complained.

dirty!” Sheri yelped. “You going at it with two gorgeous guys? I can’t believe that
of all people…what if one of them finds out?”

Looking at her friend quizzically, Beth explained, “Of course they know. They’re both right there.”

Sheri was struck silent for a good ten seconds before screeching, “

The rush of red color under Beth’s skin returned as she babbled, “You know,

The three of us. Together while we’re…well, together.”

Staring dumbstruck at an apprehensive Beth, Sheri finally began to smile, a slow, awed smile that spread across her face. “That. Is. Awesome!” She leapt at Beth, who flinched, catching her in an enthusiastic hug. “Having both of those guys—I still can’t believe you managed it but however you did, you totally deserve every hot and sweaty moment!”

“Thanks,” Beth said with a little laugh, “I think. You really don’t think it’s insane?”

“Of course it’s insane—totally and completely nuts,” Sheri told her, giving her shoulders a shake. “But it’s every woman’s dream, so enjoy every second!” Lowering her voice, she asked, “So what’s it like? Do they get jealous of each other? Do
get jealous? Is it both of them, umm,
you, or do they get into it with each other?”

Sheri’s eyes bulged at the thought. “How hot is

“I don’t know,” Beth answered awkwardly, not really having everything straight in her own mind yet. “It just works.” She shook her head with a laugh. “I’m not telling you all the details.”

“But I’m dying to hear!” wailed Sheri. “We have to go to lunch so you can spill everything.”

“I’ll go to lunch with you, but nothing’s being spilled—well, except for my lunch, probably,” Beth admitted wryly. Food did tend to end up on her lap.

“Fine,” pouted Sheri but she couldn’t hold back her amazed grin. “I just can’t believe it.” Glancing toward the bathroom door, she sighed, “I should probably get back to my date.”

“You’re on a date?” Beth asked. “Poor guy—he probably thinks you bailed on him.”

“Eh.” Sheri shrugged. “He’s okay—nothing to compare with you in a threesome, though!”

“Go!” Beth gave her friend a shove toward the door. “I promise I’ll have lunch with you soon.”

“Fine—but I’d better be getting at least a few of the details,” Sheri threatened over her shoulder as she reluctantly left the bathroom.

Taking a deep breath, Beth checked her makeup and straightened her top. Actually, telling Sheri about her two men hadn’t been as traumatic as she had expected. In fact, it had been almost, well…fun. With a quick smile at her reflection, Beth hurried out to rejoin her guys.

They were both standing outside the women’s bathroom door.

“We lost,” Harry admitted, throwing an arm over her shoulders.

“I can’t leave you for a minute,” Beth sighed with fake resignation.

“A minute?” Ky scoffed. “You were in there forever.”

“Sheri had some…questions,” she admitted. Both men looked at her in surprise.

“You told her about us?” Ky questioned.

Beth nodded. “Was that okay?” she asked uncertainly, trying to read his expression.

“Yeah,” he said after a thoughtful pause. “Sure. It…I don’t know, it makes it more real or something.”

“Like we’re in a legitimate relationship,” Harry agreed and then grinned. “We’ll be meeting the parents next.”

Ky winced a little at that. “God forbid,” he muttered.

Laughing, Harry threw his other arm around Ky in a sideways hug. “Okay, maybe not yet. Now who’s up for the club?”

Beth sipped her drink, eyeing the dance floor from her vantage point on a balcony overlooking the crowd. The club was packed, a mass of people obscuring the floor as they danced to the pounding bass beat that vibrated inside Beth’s rib cage. She saw Harry and Ky scanning the crowd—looking for her, she figured.

When she had slipped away to the bathroom, she knew that she wouldn’t have long before her self-appointed bodyguards came looking.
Not that I mind
, she thought, smiling to herself as she waved, catching Ky’s eye. He nudged Harry and pointed, and both men motioned for her to join them. She nodded and carefully picked her way down the stairs, wary of her slightly tipsy state and her tall, tall shoes.

“Hey, baby.” A man with the half-lidded eyes of complete drunkenness swayed in front of her. She nodded coolly, dodging around him, a flash of uneasy memory chilling her stomach.

“Hey!” he repeated but she was already deep into the crowd, moving quickly to the safety of her two men. After setting her empty glass on a nearby table, she fought through a mass of hopefuls, both male and female, that had gathered around Harry and Ky.

“Quite the fan club,” she yelled in Harry’s ear. He turned and latched onto her arm, tugging her between him and Ky. They danced to the heavy beat, grinding and sliding against each other, an isolated threesome in the teeming crowd. A few strangers tried to slip in, to move into their small circle, but were deflected by a glare from Ky or a head shake from Harry.

Beth pressed back against Harry, rotating against him as she mirrored Ky’s movements, following his hips, his shoulders, his head with hers. Both men were natural dancers, that liquid, easy motion of their bodies matching the music effortlessly.

As Beth watched a drop of sweat track down the flat plane of Ky’s cheek, she felt incredibly happy, incredibly lucky.

Flattening her hands against the sides of Ky’s face, feeling the slick chocolate skin under her palms, she couldn’t help kissing him. She had to taste him, claim him, to show all the watching, longing dancers surrounding them that he was hers—that they both were hers. She felt Harry’s lips on her neck, the barest graze of his teeth, and she reached a hand up to cup the back of his head, holding him against her. The two men trapped her between their hips, pressing their erections against her, front and back. The club disappeared, the crowd, the noise, until the pounding beat felt like it emerged from the three of them, the echoing, heavy pulse of their bodies, the actual sound of their desperate need.

Ky was the first to pull back. “Let’s go,” he rasped. When Beth just stared at him, dazed, Harry’s mouth still on her neck, Ky grabbed her with one hand and Harry with the other and dragged them out of the club. The cold night air hit them in a sobering blast but Beth’s blood still ran hot and fast as Harry flagged a cab.

The ride home was torture for Beth, sandwiched between the two men, heat radiating from all sides. Each bump in the road jostled her against them and sent jagged shocks of pleasure across her skin. She could feel her panties clinging wetly against her folds and even that inanimate contact made her clit swell and throb.

Shifting on the seat, she couldn’t hold back a quiet moan. Harry’s hand settled onto her leg, right above her knee. Ky’s hand copied his, wrapping around her other thigh.

Beth couldn’t breathe. She was going to come, right in this cab, and she was frantic enough to not care that the driver would hear her screams of release.

She panted in excitement as the two hands climbed her thighs, disappearing under her short skirt and meeting at her panties. Harry’s finger found its way under the silky fabric first, pushing steadily into her soaking, grasping depths. The interior of the cab spun around her as Ky tucked the crotch of her panties to the side and caught her clit between his finger and thumb, the gentle pinch sending her off the seat. As she came back down, Harry’s finger slid more deeply into her and Beth bit her lip hard enough to hurt.

With an abrupt jerk, the taxi stopped in front of the gym. Beth didn’t know whether to be relieved or cry as both hands left her wet and empty. They piled out, all three jostling against each other as they all tried to pay the driver, eventually giving up and thrusting too much cash at the happy cabbie before rushing for the door to the gym.

Ky and Beth pressed against Harry as he fumbled with his keys. The moment the door swung open they tumbled in, barely having the presence of mind to lock the deadbolt behind them before they were stripping off clothes, their own and each other’s, until they were all naked in the dark shadows of the empty gym except for Beth’s strappy heels and her new pendant.

Wanting some revenge for their torture in the cab, Beth dropped to her knees between the two men, wrapping her lips around Harry’s turgid erection, sucking him deep into her mouth. Air hissed between his teeth as his hips involuntarily jerked toward her, driving his cock farther into her mouth until it bumped the back of her throat.

Ky pulled Harry’s head toward his own, taking his mouth with a ravenous hunger.

Beth pulled back, turning so that she could swallow Ky’s cock. Before Harry could groan from the loss, her hand wrapped around his slick erection, pumping up the thick length in rhythm with the bobs of her head as she drew on Ky. The men’s kiss intensified, their mouths grinding against each other, lips and tongues battling as Beth switched again, her fist closing around Ky’s shaft as her mouth pulled at Harry’s cock with slippery, squeezing, mind-blowing pressure.

His face drawn tight, eyes narrowed, Ky pulled free of Beth’s gripping hand and Harry’s hungry mouth. With restrained urgency, he pressed Harry down until he was on his hands and knees on the mat-lined floor. Harry tensed as Ky’s cock, slippery from Beth’s mouth, brushed against the hard cheek of his ass.

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