Read One-Two Punch Online

Authors: Katie Allen

One-Two Punch (6 page)

BOOK: One-Two Punch
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“I’d love to, but your sweet ass will have to wait until I have a little more control,”

he admitted hoarsely and drove his cock into her slippery, wet pussy. Beth clenched around him and Harry groaned. The muscles of his jaw bunched as he clenched his teeth. He pulled out slowly, slowly, until just the head of his cock remained inside her, and then pushed back in, more slowly still. Beth felt every inch of his cock as it slid against her pulsing inner walls, still vibrating from her last climax.

With her legs pressed up, Harry felt huge. Beth almost laughed—Harry was huge!

She could feel the slow friction as he filled her completely, bumping her cervix with the head of his cock, and the heat began to build again in her pussy. Raising her hips to meet his thrusts, Beth was suddenly impatient—she needed more.

“Faster!” she demanded, ignoring a small, hazy part of her brain that was amazed at her bossy tone. “Go faster!”

Growling, Harry obeyed, slamming his hips against her in hard strokes, sliding Beth across the slick floor with the force of his thrusts. His cock disappeared inside her with every plunge and he angled their hips so that he rubbed against her already swollen clit on each downbeat.

Her body tightened again, preparing for release, while her mind protested.
again surely?
It’s too much
, she thought blurrily but toppled over the edge of climax anyway, screaming Harry’s name as she came. Her muscles clamped down on his pistoning cock, yanking him over into his own orgasm, his hips jerking, his hard, muscled arms quivering as they braced against the floor on either side of her head.

With a final groan, Harry collapsed, catching himself at the last second before his heavy body crushed Beth against the hard floor. He tipped his dripping head forward into the curve where her shoulder met her neck and kissed her softly, tasting the salt of her sweat. Boneless and exhausted, Harry felt himself drifting off, almost falling asleep before he realized that they were still on the floor. Of his hallway. His uncomfortable,

Sighing, he pushed himself to his knees, leaning most of his weight onto his undamaged leg. Beth had wrapped her legs and arms around him sometime after that final climax so she followed him up, clinging like a baby monkey. Harry grinned and pushed a lock of hair out of her face. She smiled back sleepily and rested her cheek against his chest.

Glancing down, Harry rolled his eyes. Christ, he hadn’t even bothered to take his shirt off.

“Up you go,” he told Beth, helping her to her feet after she reluctantly released him.

She offered her hand but he brushed it off with masculine bravado as he stood—and almost tripped. Obviously, his sweatpants hadn’t come off completely either. He glared at the fabric that had slid down around his ankles.

Harry shoved his boxer briefs the rest of the way down and kicked his shoes and the whole mess of fabric off his feet. Getting his socks off took some hopping around but he managed, although Beth was giggling at him the whole time. He stripped his shirt off over his head and tossed it away. Her laughter was cut off with a surprised squeak when he hauled her against his chest, holding her up with her feet dangling off the ground. Leaving his discarded clothes where they fell, he headed for his bedroom with Beth in his arms.

Shoving the door open, Harry headed straight for the bed, tumbling them both onto the comforter and landing on top of a laughing Beth.

Chapter Four

The summer light was just fading from the room, turning the walls pink with the sunset. Beth couldn’t help smiling as she looked up at Harry, who met her eyes with a happy grin of his own.

“Are you hungry?” he asked hopefully.

“Again? Don’t you need a break?” Beth teased, tangling one of her legs around his.

,” he clarified, shaking his head. “Such a sweet face with such a dirty mind.”

Beth smacked him with a pillow. “My mind is the dirty one? Whose finger was in whose ass? Wait…that wasn’t very grammatical, was it?”

His eyes darkened. “Were you serious? About wanting to…do that?” he asked, all teasing gone. She felt his cock stir against her leg.

Blushing, she glanced away from his intent gaze. “I never have before and I know this whole thing is brand new, but I…” She trailed off, the color in her cheeks deepening. Taking a deep breath, she bravely met his eyes. “I want to do everything with you.”

Harry jolted at her words, definitely erect now. “Fuck. I mean, me too. I’ve never been so turned on by a woman before and I’m not just saying that because I want to get in your ass.”

“Well, obviously you don’t have to.” She grinned, still blushing. He laughed and started tickling her neck with tiny butterfly kisses.

“Wait, you promised me food!”

“Don’t want to eat anymore,” he muttered sulkily and nipped her earlobe.

“Fine,” she sighed, pretending that her heart wasn’t racing out of control from that little bite. Well, the bite and the way Harry’s full lower lip stuck out when he pouted.

“But it’s my turn,” she insisted, pushing at his shoulder.

Harry allowed her to roll him to his back, tugging her with him so she was sprawled over his chest. “Okay,” he said, mimicking her resigned sigh. “Have your way with me.”

“Yay!” Beth straddled his chest, contemplating the fine specimen beneath her.

Where to start, where to start
, she thought, almost rubbing her hands together in glee. She had been dying to touch him ever since she’d first glimpsed his beautiful ass through the gym door. Combing her fingers through his furred chest, she flicked his small nipples with her nails and watched his reaction, noticing how his cheekbones darkened and his jaw got tight.
, she thought.

She leaned over, her hair falling to brush his chest with a silky tickle, and caught one of the brown nipples lightly in her teeth, holding it captive as she flicked it with her tongue. Beth felt his rumble of pleasure more than she heard the sound as it vibrated his chest beneath her open thighs.

Using her teeth, tongue and lips, she worked her way down to his ridged stomach, tasted his sweat, felt the jerk of his muscles as she licked and nipped at his skin. As she slid lower, she could feel the prod of his wet-tipped erection on her ass. Her belly jumped and warmed.

Beth lifted up and sank down again, trapping his cock beneath her body. It felt like a hot iron bar along her pussy and her moisture seeped out to coat it. Harry’s hips jerked involuntarily and his cock slid easily against her wet flesh, the tip rubbing against her clit.

As his body surged beneath her again, trying to shift to a position where he could push inside her, Beth played, dipping her fingertip into his bellybutton, tugging the hair tracing down to his groin and scratching her nails lightly against his skin.

“Please, Beth?” he groaned, his hands tight on her hips.

“Not yet,” she reproved him teasingly, sliding farther down his body until she knelt between his legs. “I haven’t even gotten to the good part yet.” Beth slid her fingers down the length of his cock before giving him a firm squeeze.

“Jesus,” he swore, his hips bucking under her touch. “You’re going to kill me.”

Beth nuzzled the skin where his leg met his groin and traced the vulnerable crease with her tongue. Cradling his balls in one hand, she closed her other around his shaft and pumped, moving the soft skin with her grip. Harry hissed out a breath and liquid beaded on the tip of his cock, drawing Beth’s curious tongue. She licked at the moisture, spreading it around the head. Harry fisted his hands in her hair.

“Do it, Beth,” he gritted, his eyes glittering. “Now.”

She obeyed, swallowing the length of his cock, concentrating on relaxing her throat and letting him slide even deeper. Her cheeks worked, suctioning him wetly, and her head followed the command of his hands, moving up and down on his slick erection.

Harry’s fingers tightened and he pulled her harder to him at the same time that his hips rose to meet her mouth. Her lips were stretched around him and he filled her almost painfully with his girth but Beth loved the feeling of him taking control, fucking her mouth, butting the back of her throat with the head of his massive cock.

Her hand was wrapped around the base of his erection, fingers wet from following her mouth up his shaft. She slid her hand away and Beth felt him push her even farther down on his rigid cock, driving the head into her throat. She swallowed him as she slipped her fingers beneath his balls, burrowing into the crease between his ass cheeks, finding the small hole hidden in the dark crevice.

Circling the puckered entrance as Harry had done to her, Beth nudged her fingertip into the ring of tight muscle, pushing in gently but relentlessly until her finger was buried in the clenching heat of him. He stiffened momentarily and then his hips began thrusting in short, fast surges, pulling almost off her finger as his cock slid into her mouth and plunging back onto the invading digit as he lowered his hips.

On one upthrust, Beth tucked the tip of a second finger in with the first and Harry slammed down on them with a guttural cry. His muscles clamped onto her fingers as his hands shoved her head down, forcing her to take his cock as deeply into her mouth as she could. He came, shouting his release as his semen jetted down Beth’s willing throat.

Gently sucking on him as he recovered, Beth slid her fingers from his ass. She had never tried that before but she was greatly pleased by the success of her experiment. As she pulled her mouth from his softening cock, Beth glanced a little tentatively at his face. It was all well and good to do all sorts of things in the heat of the moment but afterward might be a little awkward, she worried.

Chest still heaving, Harry’s eyes were closed. He opened them when she glanced at him, as if he felt her gaze. His lips curled at the corners when he saw her anxious expression. He reached for her and hauled her up so that she was lying on his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his rib cage. He kissed her gently.

“That was…really, really good,” he said, pressing his lips to hers again, this time a little harder. “Intense. Amazing. Where did you learn that? Wait—don’t answer that. I don’t want to know about any of your former boyfriends. I’d just want to kill them all.”

“I learned it from you, silly.” She rolled her eyes. “You just did it to me.”

“Huh. I’m a pretty good teacher then.” He grinned at her proudly and Beth laughed and smacked his shoulder.

“Enough gloating, caveman,” she told him, trying to roll off his chest, but his arms tightened, holding her there. “You promised me food
ago.” Narrowing her eyes at him, Beth gave him her best stern glare. “You better not have the man’s version of a stocked kitchen, either.”


“You know—some spoiled milk, a half-empty jar of peanut butter and fifty zillion protein bars.” She poked him in the chest for emphasis.

Harry looked offended. “Of course not. I’ll have you know that my jar of peanut butter is half-

With that, he rolled them both out of bed, Beth laughing and clinging to him as he stood up, swinging her with him. She twisted her legs around his waist and locked her hands behind his neck. “Is your knee okay with this?”

“My knee’s fine,” he responded with enough masculine bravado that Beth knew he wouldn’t ever tell her it was a problem, even if his leg fell off. “Shower first?” he queried.

,” Beth agreed in tones of dramatic resignation, although a shower actually sounded wonderful. He hauled her into the bathroom and directly into the small shower stall. She shrieked as the water hit her back, cold and sudden, stealing her breath.

Smacking his shoulder, she gasped, “You rat! You used me as a shield.”

Harry just blinked at her, all innocence. “How could you say something like that?”

he asked, wounded. “All I care about is your comfort. See, it’s getting nice and warm.”

With those words, he rotated so that his back caught the stream and Beth was left with a bare mist deflected off his wide shoulders.

“Okay, that’s it,” she growled, stifling her laughter. “Put me down, you shower hog.” Wiggling until he relinquished his hold, she slid to her feet and squeezed around him into the spray. “Just wait until I actually know how to box,” she threatened and Harry cringed in mock fear.

“Where’s the body wash?” Beth asked, looking around.

“You mean the soap?” Harry handed her a bar.

Looking at the white rectangle ruefully, she ventured, “So, I’m guessing there’s no point in asking if you have a pouf.”

“A what? Did you just insult me?” he asked, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

“That’s what I thought,” she sighed, soaping her hands. “You probably don’t have conditioner either. Men are such barbarians.”

Harry growled, “I’ll show you a barbarian.” He snatched Beth off her feet, pressing her against the shower wall so he could kiss her.

She turned her face away. “You promised food!” she shrieked, giggling as he bit at her neck, her laughter quickly transformed to sighs as his searing tongue licked at the trails of water trickling down her throat.

“Fine,” he sighed, allowing her feet to find the floor again. “If you prefer food…”

“I didn’t realize it was an either-or kind of thing,” Beth said, arching an eyebrow.

sex?” He sounded so much like an excited little boy that she had to smile.

“I can have both? It’s like heaven.”

She laughed, soaping his chest. “Food, sex and showers. It’s like a spa in heaven. Or at least a locker room in heaven.”

“Let me get in on that,” he ordered, commandeering the soap. “I want to wash your front.”

They washed each other, hands slipping into soapy crevices until they were both panting with need and laughter.

“Food time,” Harry decided, although his voice was rough and growly. Turning off the water, he snagged a towel and started to dry Beth off, rubbing her head briskly.

“I can manage, thanks,” she told him, pulling the towel free. “Keep doing that and I’m going to have BoJo the Clown hair.”

BOOK: One-Two Punch
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