One Week as Lovers (26 page)

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Authors: Victoria Dahl

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: One Week as Lovers
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“I see. And where will
live during the Season?”

He glanced at her through his lashes, then down to the floor. “This is what I wished to discuss with you.”

Her pulse increased at his nervousness.

“I will not…I will not lead the life I had expected. Or that you had expected.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “It’s a difficult subject.”

“Nick, where in the world did you get money to

“I didn’t.”

She waited, but Nick said nothing. “
tell me so we can get past this.”

“All right.” He paced for a moment, brow furrowed, jaw jumping with tension. “I made a proposal to Somerhart. He offered me a five percent stake as part of my compensation.”

“Compensation? I don’t understand.”

“I, um…” Nick cleared his throat. “I have taken a position.”


“I don’t expect you to accept it. It’s nothing a woman of your elevation should have to tolerate. If you can’t…”

She waved his words away. “What kind of position? What in the world do you know about shipping?”

“Nothing. I am to be charming.”

Cynthia cocked her head. “You are always charming.”

“Yes. And now I am to charm people into doing business with Huntington Shipping. For a profit. And a share in the company. I’m to charm my way into being the most coveted guest in New York society. Boston as well. Perhaps Savannah.”

“You’re not serious?”

“Yes.” He set his feet wide and stood straighter. “I’m afraid I am. I have every intention of increasing Huntington Shipping’s profits by threefold within the year. This is the path I’ve chosen, Cyn. If the idea is distasteful or—”

“It’s perfect!”

He pulled his chin in. “What?”

“You cannot possibly fail.”

“Well, don’t say

Unable to contain herself, Cynthia leapt from the chair and ran into his arms. “It’s perfect!” She pressed kisses to his chin and jaw and finally—finally—Nick’s arms were around her. “I’m so proud of you. Ask for my hand,” she urged.

“I will not have the same social assurance I once did. There’s already disapproval over my breaking the engagement with Miss Brandiss. Creditors are howling for my head. And there is talk about why I might have killed Richmond. If it gets out that I am
…We’ve put it about that I’m part-owner, but that is only a half-truth, I suppose.”

“Let them talk.” She sucked at a spot on his neck while he tried to set her away. “I’m an American now. We expect ambition in our men.”

“My mother has taken to her bed and will not speak to me.”

Cynthia laughed. “So long as she does not blame me for it.”

“I will have to travel, Cyn. Not always. I have my duties as viscount, but—”

She kissed his neck. “Take me with you?”

“Yes, of course I will.”

“Ask me,” she whispered.

“Cynthia.” Nick eased one hand up to cup the back of her head in his hand. “Are you sure you understand? It’s not an honorable position for a man of my standing. Or a lady of yours.”

“Nick, this is…Oh, you are so very clever.” She smiled up at him.

Nick must have seen the truth in her eyes, because he finally nodded and pressed his lips to her temple, then lightly to her mouth.

“I am not clever. But I will work so hard to make you proud.”

“You do make me proud.”

His mouth moved to her ear, so that his words seemed to breathe straight into her. “Marry me, Cyn. Be my wife. Bring me joy.”

She’d thought herself impatient to hear this. Ready to marry just to get it over with and have him to herself, pragmatism be damned. But at those words, her heart stopped and swelled so large she couldn’t breathe.

“Cyn? Say yes. Please.”

She’d loved this man her whole life. Having him would be too much. But it was a sacrifice she’d have to make.

“Perhaps. Will you pose for my sketching?” she asked.

“Er, of course,” he answered, shuddering only a little. “I’d be…honored.”

She grinned up into his precious, familiar face. “Then yes,” she said. “Yes.”

That simple word seemed to wipe most thoughts of his pesky gentleman’s honor from his mind. He kissed her hard, and ran his hands over her hips and pressed himself against her belly. When she pulled her negligee up and off, he muttered something about insulting the trust of her aunt and uncle. When she cupped her breasts in her own hands and told him she was lonely, he protested that they would be married within days and he could behave decently until then.

But when she lay on her bed and pressed her wrists together, stretching her arms above her head, Nick didn’t say a word. He was far too busy nibbling his way down her stomach to speak. And Cynthia was too busy being dishonored to care.

ZEBRA BOOKS are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018

Copyright © 2009 by Victoria Dahl

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

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ISBN: 1-4201-1080-2

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