One Weekend (4 page)

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Authors: Sasha White

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: One Weekend
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Since Rick and I had moved in together she’d stopped talking to me, unless she needed a favor, and I noticed how much better I felt about myself when she–and her constant digs about my looks–weren’t around as much.

Case in point, I felt fantastic that morning, and even meeting Carrie wasn’t going to ruin my mood. I jumped out of the shower, and made quick work of drying off. I towel-dried my hair and worked a comb through it while standing in front of the mirror. Pulling my hair back into a high ponytail, I stared at my reflection. There were faint circles under my eyes and a small love bite was visible on the right side of my neck, but I looked good. I looked happy and very relaxed.

Two men and half a dozen orgasms will do that for a girl.

Would it be awkward when I saw the guys again? Rick and I had never talked about having a threesome before. I knew he had a couple in his past, but I’d never asked who they were with.

The smooth way he and Mark played me the night before made me think it hadn’t been their first time together, even if it was mine.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

Knowing that I was going to see them both soon, I chose my outfit with more care than I had time for. Khaki shorts, a push up bra and a tight white tank top that showed off my plumped-up boobs.

Sneakers on, keys and purse in hand I dashed out the door and down the stairs. When I exited the building, the heat smacked me in the face and I grinned. The heat was the whole reason I’d stripped to my lingerie the day before. The heat had started it all, and it was gonna be another hot day.

Chapter Four

―There’s nothing sexier than watching two naked men rub against each other.‖

―They’re not naked.‖

―They’re shirtless, that’s almost naked.‖

―They’re also not rubbing, they’re wrestling.‖

I ignored Carrie’s effort to dismantle my fantasy and stared at the two sweaty men rolling around on the mats in nothing but long shorts. ―I have a good imagination.‖

She shook her head. ―You’re such a pervert.‖

I shrugged. ―Sometimes.‖ I couldn’t deny it, so why even try? Besides, one of the things Rick loved best about me was that I was so…erotically focused. And watching all the slick male muscles bulging and shifting as Rick and Mark grappled on the mats five feet away made me

Saliva pooled in my mouth, and my juices began to flow south. The guys were breathing heavy and grunting as they shuffled around and like Pavlov’s dog my body was reacting. Part of me wanted to strip down and jump between them, but another part of me wanted to don a cloak of invisibility, sit back and watch.

Tearing my gaze from the boys, I glanced at the person next to me. There was something wrong with a woman who couldn’t appreciate the view of the two lean, mean, fighting machines in front of us.

Mark was tall, blond, and blue eyed. His shaggy hair and casual confidence gave him a deceiving air of lazy seductiveness. Tall, dark and dangerously handsome, Rick was his perfect foil. All he had to do was breathe, and I wanted him. Always. It would’ve been embarrassing if he didn’t feel the same way about me. Before Rick, I scoffed at the idea of soul mates and true love, but there was no denying the connection we had.

As if sensing my thoughts, Rick glanced over at where Carrie and I stood in the doorway to the dojo. That split second distraction was all Mark needed, and he flipped Rick onto his back.

Mark turtled over Rick, trapping his arms and pinning his legs until Rick finally tapped the mat.

―Whoo hoo,‖ Mark crowed as he jumped up and threw his arms up in victory. ―Nice try, buddy, but not good enough.‖

Rick laughed and rolled to his feet. ―You got lucky. Next time I’ll come out on top for sure.‖

Images of Mark on all fours as Rick sank his cock into his ass popped into my head, and I bit back a groan. ―I’ve got to get my mind out of the gutter,‖ I muttered to myself.

Rick raised one eyebrow as he got closer. ―What was that?‖

I flushed. ―Nothing. How was your workout?‖

―Almost as good as last night’s,‖ Mark said with a wink as he walked past us to the changing room.

The heat in my cheeks deepened. Nope, there was no awkwardness at all.

Rick leaned in and kissed me softly. ―We’ll shower and be right out. Okay?‖

I nodded and watched as he walked away, chuckling. I wondered if they had separate shower stalls back there, or one big communal one. Imagining the two men together, completely naked and soapy in a steamed-up room had my insides quivering with desire.

―What does it take to get Mark’s attention?‖

Shit. I’d forgotten all about Carrie,
―What do you mean get his attention?‖

She thrust out her bottom lip. ―I mean, I’m standing right next to you and he didn’t even look at me!‖

I tried not to be too pleased at that, or too insulted at her comment, but it was hard on both counts. I just wanted her to leave so I could be alone with the guys again. ―Is that why you wanted to hang out today? So you could see Mark?‖

She smiled her plastic smile at me. ―I wanted to see you too, silly.‖

Yeah, right. It always had been boys before anything, or anyone, else with Carrie.

We stood there, each with our own thoughts, as we waited for the guys to finish changing. I had no clue as to Carrie’s thought process, but mine centered on the tinge of green her question had given birth too. I’d never been possessive of Mark before, but suddenly it felt like he was mine. The idea of Carrie hitting on him, the idea of anyone hitting on him, made my stomach clench. And not in a good way.

Which was really weird because I had Rick. I was in love with Rick. Rick was everything I’d ever wanted, or so I’d always thought.

Carrie straightened up, tossing her hair back and sticking out her chest. ―Here they come.‖

I watched the men walking toward us and my heart thumped against my ribs. Mark was wearing one of Rick’s T-shirts, and the sight of it made me strangely happy. Both men were grinning, relaxed and completely at ease, and it hit me. One night had not been enough.

We went to a movie.

I’d been too stunned by the strength of my own desires when the guys had walked out of the changing room to stop Carrie from taking over our day. She didn’t like the heat. She didn’t want to sweat. She thought an air-conditioned movie theater was a great way to spend the afternoon.

Luckily, the men put up a fight over her choice of movie, and we ended up at the old Rialto watching
Interview with the Vampire
instead of Sandra Bullock’s new feel good drama at the big theater. Anything vampire is making a comeback, you know.

I didn’t pay much attention to the conversation going on around me as we got our tickets and found our seats. Rick sat on one side of Mark and me on the other, my heart swelling at being with them. It was stupid really. It wasn’t like Mark never hung out with Rick and I before, but always before when we’d gone to the movie he’d sat on the other side of Rick. He’d been Rick’s best friend. Now he was also my lover.

―I don’t get why everyone said there were homosexual undertones between Lestat and Louis,‖ Carrie said as we left the theater. ―They didn’t kiss or anything.‖

―That’s why they’re called undertones.‖

Carrie glared at Rick. ―Whatever. I doubt two hot guys like that would be gay.‖

―Most gay guys are pretty hot,‖ I said with a shrug.

―You don’t have to be gay to be attracted to another guy,‖ Mark stated. ―Just like loving someone of the same sex doesn’t automatically make you gay.‖

―If you’re sexually attracted to a member of the same sex, it means you’re gay. That’s the definition of being homosexual.‖

Mark stared at Carrie, dumbfounded. ―That’s so wrong—‖

―Leave it,‖ I told him, reaching out and taking his hand. ―You can’t win this argument with her, no matter what you say.‖

―Did you like the movie?‖ he asked me.

―I would’ve enjoyed it more if the guys

Mark turned to me, his frown fading into laughter as Rick slung an arm around my neck and planted a noisy kiss on my cheek. ―You would.‖

I grinned wickedly. ―Who knows? Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to see a couple of hot guys make out sometime.‖

―Ewwww, gross,‖ Carrie said.

I ignored her and watched as Rick and Mark exchanged a look that made me cream in my panties. It was definitely time to get rid of Carrie.

We got to her car first so we all stopped, and I turned to her. ―It was great seeing you again.‖

Ignoring me she stepped closer to Mark, stuck out her boobs and ran a playful finger over his chest while asking, ―When will I see you again, Mark?‖

A little green monster poked at my insides and Rick’s warm hand wrapped around the fist I hadn’t been aware of clenching. He tugged me close with a wicked gleam in his eye and lowered his lips to mine, effectively distracting me from Carrie and Mark.

Desire that had been sated the night before stirred again, sending curls of arousal through my body. Rick’s hands smoothed up my arms and over my shoulders until he cupped my cheeks, holding me still as his tongue parted my lips and slipped between them. I lost myself in his touch, his taste, as he nipped, licked and nibbled at me. Fingers digging into his hips, I leaned into him, rubbing against him and mewling like a cat in heat. God, he felt so good.

―If you two don’t stop I’m going to pull out my dick and start jerking off right here.‖

Rick lifted his head and the same simmering desire that was flowing through my veins was reflected in his hot gaze.

―Seriously, guys. Lets get out of here.‖

We pulled apart, and I noticed that Carrie was already gone, leaving the three of us alone.

Just the way I liked it.

―Why are you friends with her?‖ Mark asked, breaking the silence that had fallen since we’d left the theater’s parking lot. He was driving, and we were almost back to the apartment.

―She’s not that bad,‖ I defended halfheartedly.

Rick smiled at me from the front seat. ―Yes, she is.‖

Yeah, she was. I’d never really clued in on how negative Carrie had gotten until I’d stopped hanging out with her so much. She blamed the fact we weren’t close any more on Rick, but in reality it was her constant little digs that had finally driven me away. It would’ve happened even if Rick hadn’t come into my life.

―Okay, so maybe she is that bad,‖ I shrugged. ―But I’ve known her since we were kids, and we’ve been through a lot together. Besides, I don’t really have any other friends.‖

―You don’t need friends. You have us.‖

I met Mark’s gaze in the rear-view mirror, and my mind raced. Could I really have them both?

Rick watched Angie’s lips part and her cheeks flush, and contentment filled him. She really liked the idea of having them both. He met Mark’s gaze and winked. There was a time when they’d been lovers, but that had stopped when he’d gotten serious with Angie. He’d worried at first that Mark would resent her for that, but instead he’d fallen for her too. It had been an unspoken secret between the three of them for almost a year, until yesterday.

He’d dreamt of being able to have both Angie and Mark in his bed, but he’d never let himself think about it too much. He’d never thought it might actually be possible.

There was an open parking spot on the immediate left inside the apartment’s lot. Mark pulled into it automatically and turned the car off. Pulse pounding, dick swelling he sat there, waiting to see if he was invited in again. They hadn’t talked about it, not even at the dojo when it was just him and Rick. Talking about it might jinx it.

No one moved for a minute then Angie opened the back door and climbed out. ―You guys coming, or you going to sit there all night?‖

Relief and exhilaration hit him at the same time, making his hands shake as he reached for the door handle. Rick slapped him on the shoulder as they followed Angie inside. ―You ready for this?‖

―More than you can imagine.‖ He laughed at his best friend as he tried not to run up the stairs. Angie was already inside the apartment turning on the fans and opening windows to get cool air flowing through the apartment when they caught up with her.

Stopping dead in the middle of the living room he stared at Angie and shook his head sadly.


She raised an eyebrow. ―Damn?‖

―I was hoping you stripped every time you walked in the door of the apartment,‖ he said.

―But here you are turning on fans instead of taking off your clothes.‖

She grabbed a pillow off the sofa and threw it at him, laughing. ―Idiot.‖

―Well, if you’re not going to strip, I will.‖ He pulled off his T-shirt and tossed it onto the sofa. Her eyes widened and Mark saw her cheeks turn pink before she turned and pulled open the patio curtains.

―Shit,‖ she said, staring out at the patio. ―I forgot all about this mess.‖

Rick came from the kitchen to stand beside her and stare. ―I can’t believe you left it like that this morning. You’re the biggest neat freak I know. Next to Mark that is.‖

Angie arched an eyebrow at him and he shrugged. ―Can’t help it.‖

―Me neither. I would’ve cleaned it this morning but I slept in, and had to run to meet Carrie.‖

Rick smirked. ―Tired you out, did we?‖

Angie shifted, wrapped her arms around Rick’s neck and planted a big kiss on Mark’s face.

Just when Rick was ready to step in and demand his own kiss, she pulled back and grabbed one of the beers from his hand. ―You wish. Now give Mark his beer and help us clean up.‖

Fifteen minutes later they were all sweaty and the patio was clean. The three of them had hung out plenty over the last year, and there’d always been a level of comfort there, but things were different. Things were better. There was no tension between them, but as they trooped back into the apartment there was a certain awareness that had never been there before. Not with Angie anyway.

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