Online Ménage (12 page)

Read Online Ménage Online

Authors: Sara Kingston

BOOK: Online Ménage
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Chapter Eleven

Tyler opened his eyes, his thoughts drifting to Alex as they did every morning. She had been with them now for three amazing months. Time felt like it was on fast-forward or going at warp speed. He watched as Alex finished getting ready for work as he drank his coffee. “Okay, I’m off…I’m late again,” Alex called as she rushed to the door. “Can you tell Ryan I said bye and to forgive me for rushing out again?”

“Don’t worry, Alex. He’ll understand, considering he knows why you’re late.”

“Yes, well, if you two would actually let me sleep, I’d wake up on time.”

“Bye, babe, be safe,” Tyler added as she hurried out the door. Now on with his plan. He checked his cell phone to see if his PA had confirmed the text he’d sent her last night.
Yes, there it was. The ever-efficient Hailey confirmed she had rearranged his schedule so he could have the day off. He wanted to spend some quality time with Ryan. He loved Alex, they both did, but they had stopped spending alone time together. As much as he told himself Ryan still wanted him and still desired him, he needed confirmation. He needed proof that Ryan didn’t need Alex there to make love to him. He also wanted to talk about their living arrangements. Maybe even the rest of their lives, but first he wanted Ryan all to himself. He stripped off his work clothes that he’d put on for Alex’s sake. He felt guilty about tricking her and really he felt a little foolish having to go to these lengths to have some one-on-one time with Ryan. He knew he shouldn’t feel guilty. They had all discussed and agreed that sex between just two of them was ok. They had moved past their jealousy issues. Unfortunately, he had not. It was stupid, he knew, but that little ounce of doubt constantly niggled at him. He knew that when they’d discussed having sex on a one-on-one basis it didn’t mean setting up a purposeful event to exclude the other. But he had to know. He couldn’t continue with the doubt in his mind. He really needed the reassurance. He knew it could be seen as deceiving her, but he just didn’t want her to feel bad. He wanted to make love to Ryan all alone.

He quietly stepped into the bedroom naked as the day he was born and crept into bed. “Hey, baby, you still here?” Ryan asked.

“Yes,” he answered.

“You’re going to be late?”

“No.” Tyler slid his body up Ryan’s, enjoying the feel of his hard, muscular frame. “I thought we could spend some time together like we used to.” Tyler wanted to pump his fist in the air as he felt Ryan’s cock harden and saw lust glaze his eyes. He still had Ryan. He felt stupid for doubting him, but still he wanted to shout in victory.

“Well, then it’s going to be a good day,” Ryan replied. He took hold of his head and brought him hard against his mouth, thrusting his tongue deep in a battle for dominance. Their tongues dueled with neither giving in. Ryan rubbed his rock-hard cock against Tyler’s steel-hard one as they both wiggled their bodies, letting their cocks duel in rhythm with their tongues. He felt Ryan palm his ass, squeezing and kneading. “So, baby, who’s the bottom of this event?”

“You are,” Tyler replied as he spread Ryan’s legs to give him access.

“I don’t think so.” Ryan growled, flipping Tyler over, and covered him. He took his hands and stretched them over his head, holding him down. Then using his knees, he separated Tyler’s thighs and thrust against him with his cock, showing his complete dominance. “Now I have you right where I want you. I’m going to have my way with you,” Ryan stated as he released one of Tyler’s hands to grab the lube. Tyler had not moved. Tyler was going to let him have his time in charge. It had been so long since he’d allowed it. Tyler normally didn’t like giving up control. He needed something…maybe he was feeling unloved? Maybe he doubted their love. Well, he’d show him just how much he still and forever would love him. He took his mouth again, licking at his teeth and sliding against his tongue. He kissed his chin and licked at his neck where it joined his shoulder, following with a bite and then another lick. Tyler moaned again, pulling him tighter against his body.

“Baby, I’d love to make long, slow love to you, but I’m just too excited. I’m going to fuck this beautiful ass, and later I will go nice and slow,” Ryan panted, his voice deep with need.

“God, yes, just fuck me, Ry,” Tyler hollered. Ryan couldn’t wait any longer either. Flicking open the tube of lube, he squeezed a generous dab onto his finger, then spreading Tyler’s ass he slathered the lube onto his puckered love ring, loving the groaning and squirming he was watching. Inserting first one finger he then used the other finger to quickly massage his muscles.

Spreading his legs wide, he waited with baited breath for Ryan’s blunt battering ram to fuck him. Unlike with Alex, he didn’t have to go slow and easy. They both loved a brutal fuck now and then. The pain just added to the pleasure. Ryan lined up his cock and pushed, breaching Tyler’s tight ring, and they both groaned with the pleasure. “God, I love being inside you,” Ryan drawled as he bent over again, taking Tyler’s mouth, the kiss more aggressive, teeth hitting teeth. As Ryan began thrusting deep and hard into him, Tyler’s cock was sandwiched between their stomachs and was being stroked and rubbed by the friction of the savage pounding. Ryan increased his thrusts in both power and speed until he was almost a blur of motion. He growled above him. “God, I love you, Ty,”

“I love you, too, Ry,” Tyler moaned. He tilted his hips so Ryan could go deeper and harder. Over and over again Ryan pumped. Tyler’s cock was squeezed between their sweaty, slick bodies. “I’m going to come,” Ryan groaned as he thrust once, twice, and then tensed as his orgasm hit. Tyler let his own control go, and his cum pumped between their bodies, coating their chests and stomachs. As the panting slowed and their heartbeats returned to normal, Ryan pulled out of Tyler’s ass and flopped down on the bed next to him, reaching his arm over and snuggling close.

“God, that was fantastic,” Ryan said.


“So are you going to admit the reason for this morning or are we going to pretend there wasn’t a motive and you just wanted a day off?”

“What do you mean?” Tyler asked.

“Ty, I know you got dressed for work and saw Alex off, and then you stripped and climbed back into bed with me.”

“Okay…I just…Well, I wanted time for us. I want us to have some alone time every month or so. Is that wrong?”

“Of course not, and I agree. I know Alex will understand. I’m sure she would like alone time with each of us as well.” Tyler hadn’t thought of that, but again Ryan was right.

“Well, if we all agree on some alone time, then I think we should ask Alex to move in with us,” Tyler stated.

“I agree. I think it’s time to move forward. I want forever with you both.”

“You mean as in marriage and children?” Tyler asked.

“Yes, I do. I love you, Ty, and I love Alex. I don’t want to live without either of you. With the three of us, we can have it all, husbands, wife, and kids.”

Tyler sat back and realized that they could have it all. Everything fit. There were no missing pieces. “Let’s ask her to marry us tonight.”

“What? No…We’re going to be romantic. We’re not going to just open a beer and say let’s get hitched,” Ryan stated.

“Well. I wasn’t just going to open a beer. I thought we would say, ‘Alex, we love you. Will you marry us?’”

* * * *

Alex walked into work feeling less than average. She was so tired all the time lately. At first she thought it was just that the boys consumed so much of her time and definitely energy. All the late nights also didn’t help, but the past two weeks she had forced them to allow her eight hours sleep, and still she felt like crap. Maybe she should spend a little time at her own place just to get some rest. She’d had more sex in the past three months than she’d had in her whole life. Maybe she was wearing out literally. She’d been living with them virtually out of a suitcase for the past three months, and it was a pain in the butt. Secretly she’d been hoping they would ask her to move in with them, but it was the early days, and she didn’t want to push it. Everything had been going so well. Jinxing the relationship with questions of commitment and the future was not something she wanted to do. Sometimes, the fear that she was a third wheel also reminded her that giving up her place right now wasn’t the best idea. She needed that little bit of security. Maybe it was immature of her, but they had been together for six years. They lived together in a committed relationship. Hell, if it was legal she was sure they’d be married by now, and here she was the addition. She knew they loved her and wanted her in their life. But that little negative devil that sat on her shoulder from time to time kept reminding her that they hadn’t asked her to live with them. They hadn’t offered her the same commitment they had offered each other. She would never be able to have the same anniversaries as they did. Oh! For heaven’s sake, what was she thinking. She wanted to kick herself. Here she was whining and wanting everything perfect, like some fantasy, when she should be focused on the fact that she had two sexy, gorgeous men who adored her. It had only been three months, and here she was, what, wanting a wedding ring. Taking a deep breath, she promised herself to let all her insecurities go and focus on enjoying the moment. In time it would all be work out.

Walking toward her cubicle, she passed John, and as the smell of his morning espresso wafted through the air, a wave of nausea engulfed her. Alex turned on her heels and ran to the bathroom, holding her hand over her mouth and praying she didn’t throw up before she made it to the toilet.

As she sat on the bathroom floor, her forehead resting on her arm on the edge of the toilet bowl, she knew she had to see a doctor. She wasn’t eating as much as she normally did, she was tired all the time, and now she was throwing up. God, she thought, don’t let it be cancer or some disastrous disease. She had just discovered true happiness. Yes…it was fragile and new, and everyone was still making adjustments, but her future for the first time in her life looked good. She had even started to rehearse how she would introduce the boys to her family. She knew they would be surprised at first, maybe even a bit upset. Who was she kidding? Her father was going to freak. After he cooled down, it would be fine. He’d learned to accept her Uncle David, who recently came out of the closet. He would love to no longer be the gossip centerpiece at every family reunion. Anyhow, if they didn’t accept her choice of partners, then that was their problem, not hers. Even with all the downsides, she wasn’t going to hide their relationship. She wanted the world to know she loved them and they loved her.
God, no, not again
. Her stomach rolled, and she once again threw up. Her mind drifted off their future and family and back to hoping it wasn’t cancer or some nasty disease.

* * * *

“It has to be a mistake. Do the test again,” Alex demanded to the doctor in front of her.

“Ms. Thompson, I can assure you even with the test done again the result will be the same. You are pregnant.” Alex blinked and blinked again. Maybe if she blinked a few more times the image in front of her would change. Maybe, just maybe this was some dream and she would wake up any minute. She pinched her arm, hoping that would wake her up.
Ouch! Nope, not a dream.

“But…but I’m on the pill,” she stammered.

“Ms. Thompson, you should be aware there is no one hundred percent contraceptive, and the pill is only effective if it’s taken at the same time every day.” Alex thought back over the last few months, trying to remember when she’d taken her pills. She had trouble remembering, and then it finally hit her. She’d missed not one but many, maybe even weeks at a time. She had caused this.

“I’m guessing by your current distress that this was not a planned pregnancy. If you want, you could bring the father in to discuss options.” Alex paled again.
The father
. How could she tell the doctor that there were two fathers? She had no idea who the actual genetic father was. She couldn’t deal with this now. She needed space to think.

“Thank you for everything. I need some time to sort things out,” she replied.

“No problems, just know we’re here with information and there are options available to you,” he replied.

“Thanks.” Getting up from the chair, she left the doctor’s office and walked out to the street. She hailed a cab, not wanting the hassle of getting her normal bus. As she sat in the cab headed home, she lost herself in thought. What was she going to do? Was she ready to be a mother? What would she tell the guys? When should she tell the guys? What would the baby look like? Without conscious thought, she rested her hand on her stomach, holding her baby, thinking about if it would have Tyler’s cheeky grin and deep-blue eyes or Ryan’s red hair and warm smile. Well, obviously I’m keeping the baby then, she thought as she opened the front door of her own apartment. Realizing that she didn’t remember paying the cab driver or even walking into her building, she must have been running on autopilot. After closing the door and throwing her bag down, she slumped on the couch.

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