Online Ménage (7 page)

Read Online Ménage Online

Authors: Sara Kingston

BOOK: Online Ménage
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Chapter Six

Alex raised her hands and touched their chests. Feeling the rapid pounding of their hearts, she looked into their eyes and saw the matched glow of desire for her in each of their eyes. “Speaking of watching porn, have either of you watched a ménage porn movie before? ’Cause I’d love some direction of what to do next, guys,” Alex said as she licked at Ryan’s chest, the salty tang sparking her desire for more.

* * * *

“Sadly no, but it’s just topped my future viewing list,” Tyler replied with a groan at the thought of them all watching a porn movie together. Having Alex’s mouth on his body gave him images of her lips wrapped round his cock with that wicked tongue of hers rubbing up and down its length. “How about we just make our own?” He purred as he molded her breasts in his hands and moved his head lower to lick at her budded nipples. Taking one between his teeth, he sucked it into his mouth, getting a growl from Alex. He watched as she grabbed Ryan and pushed him down onto the bed, giving her the desired access to his marvelous cock. Taking one big lick along the entire length, she swiped at it just as she would an ice-cream cone, paying particular attention to the crown, lapping and nibbling as if it was her favorite flavor. He loved watching Alex laving Ryan’s cock and taking it deep into her mouth, and the sight of her ass swaying back and forth with that swollen, waxed, wet pussy was too much. He had to have her. So, using his fingers, he tested her readiness, rubbing them along her slit, dipping his index finger in her to gather some more moisture so he could rub her clit. Her moans vibrated around Ryan’s cock that was still deep in her throat, and Tyler watched the tortured expression on Ryan’s face as that vibration nearly sent him over the edge.

“Please? Tyler, fuck me,” Alex pleaded.

That was enough to snap the last shreds of gentlemanly thought Tyler had. So positioning himself behind her, he rubbed his cock against her warm, moist entrance, and when he saw her wiggling back against him, he thrust hard, sheathing himself completely.

“Fuck…God, I forgot how good a pussy felt…umm so hot, so wet, so soft.” Pistoning in and out, he watched as his cock slid into her, watched as her pink flesh consumed him, watched as that wonderful, soft, silken hole gobbled him up.

“Tell me, Ty, tell me how her pussy feels.” Tyler looked over at Ryan, who gazed back at him with so much love and pleasure.

“Can’t talk. Trying to hold on. Won’t last,” he replied.

“Fuck! Man, I’m holding on with a death grip, too. Alex’s mouth is amazing.”

Tyler watched and panting he closed his eyes trying his hardest not to come. Knowing they both were going to lose control soon, he slowed his pace to deep, powerful thrusts. He then reached round and started to rub Alex’s clit, and judging by the moaning and groaning coming from her, she was enjoying the extra stimulation.

“Ry, squeeze her nipples. Let’s take our girl with us.”

Ryan immediately started pinching, pulling, and rolling her nipples, and Tyler felt the convulsing of the muscles in her pussy. It felt like a fist holding him in heaven. One, two, three more thrusts and Alex detonated, screaming her release. Ryan grabbed her head to stop her from pulling off of his cock as he came in her mouth. Tyler couldn’t hold back either. As Alex milked his cock, he jetted his seed deep into her. On and on he came. He couldn’t remember a time when he had come so hard. Opening his eyes, he looked at Ryan, feeling a twinge of panic that Ryan might be upset or jealous that he had come so hard. As he took in the sight of Ryan, he realized he was in the same boat and that both of them had been drained by this beautiful pixy. Pulling out, he then remembered he had forgotten to use protection. Being with Ryan for so many years and both of them being faithful to each other, he didn’t even think of it. “Shit, Alex, honey, I forgot about protection…I can promise you both Ryan and I are clean. We haven’t slept with anyone except each other for the past six years.”

Alex had collapsed on the bed, half covering Ryan. “It’s okay. I’m on the pill. I’ve never had sex without a condom in my life, and I’m clean.” She panted, obviously trying to get her breathing back under control. Tyler looked at Ryan to see if he, too, was as amazed by her response. Some primal part of him was pleased that his seed was the only one that had ever entered her body. He wanted to cover her in it, marking her as his and Ryan’s. Ryan looked as though he wanted to do the same. Maybe he would talk to her about his fantasy of coming on her. Given the passion she had just shown, he guessed that she would be open to the idea.

* * * *

Alex held her hand to her chest, trying to get her heart to settle. She had come harder than she ever had in her life, the orgasm so intense she could still feel the muscles of her pussy clenching like a heartbeat. Her brain felt like it had received a massive electric shock, and all she had been able to do was scream and writhe as her body liquefied. It had touched her that Tyler was so concerned about protection, and for the first time in her life, she hadn’t thought about it. She didn’t want it. She wanted to be skin to skin. Then there was swallowing Ryan’s cum. She’d never done it either, and even the thought of it had repulsed her. She had given blow jobs before but had always pulled away before they ejaculated. Even pre-cum had made her want to gag, but Ryan’s and even the thought of Tyler’s made her want it. She wanted to be filled and covered by them. “Well, I guess we sorted out what to do then,” Alex said with a chuckle.

“Shit, baby, if we did it better, I think I would have died,” Ryan replied.

“Yeah, but what a way to go,” Tyler added.

* * * *

Ryan lay back, looking up at the ceiling and wondering if he and Tyler needed to discuss this change. He’d read the ménage erotica books, and he had even thought about what would happen between them all if and when they got together, but this was so much more. Nothing could have prepared him for the emotions, the connection he felt to Alex and Tyler. Even as sated as he was, he also wanted more. He wanted to come home to this every day, but did that mean he loved Tyler less? He didn’t feel so, but what if…Ryan laid his arm across Alex’s stomach, searching for Tyler’s hand. Tyler must have needed the reassurance as well because when their hands touched, they both held on for dear life to each other. This was a big new change, and they needed to reassure each other that their love had not changed and they were still together as strong as ever. Just thinking of Alex stirred his flaccid cock back to life, but now was not the time. They needed to talk before they moved their relationship any further.

“So, boys, what do you have to do to get fed around here?”

Ryan burst into laughter.

“Well, I can think of a few things that would motivate me to feed you,” Tyler said seductively.

“Yeah, like what? Wait, let me take a few guesses. Uhmm…pinch you, no wait, hit you around a little. No, I’ve got it. You need me to damage that beautiful, big cock of yours, and then you are sure to feed me.”

“Big beautiful, eh?”

“Are you fishing for compliments?”

“A man can never have too many compliments about his manhood.”

“All right, you two, let’s get some food. We need the energy for later.” Ryan laughed.

“Okay, now that’s a reason to feed you,” Tyler replied as he grabbed Alex’s hand and helped her off the bed. Ryan threw his shirt toward her as he pulled on his favorite boxer shorts and headed out to the kitchen.

* * * *

Alex couldn’t believe her luck. She was standing in the kitchen of her best friend Big Red and her Mr. Hottie after having one of the most mind-blowing sexual experiences of her life. She watched as Ryan and Tyler moved around the kitchen like an old married couple so comfortable in their roles, chatting to each other as they worked. Taking another sip of her wine, she wondered if she was the third wheel, and if she was upsetting a happy family. Could they love her? Not that she was looking for them to love her or her to love them just yet, but still, what if?

Ryan spilt some of the gravy sauce he was making on his abdomen, and she had the overpowering desire to lick it off. She maneuvered herself between the two men and knelt in front of Ryan, licking at the spill until his stomach was coated in her saliva and kisses instead.

* * * *

Tyler watched as the scene unfolded in front of him. He wanted to be a part of it. “You like the sauce, do you, Alex? Well, come here and get some more.” He took the spoon from the mixture and tested the temperature on his wrist first. No need to burn his sensitive flesh. Then with his other hand he hooked the waist of his boxer shorts and pulled them down, and using the spoon, he coated his exposed cock with the gravy. He watched Alex. The dilation of her eyes and the quickening of her breathing showed she was pulsing in desire. As he removed the spoon, he was taken aback by how fast she moved in front of him, lapping as his now erect cock. The feel of her little pink tongue rubbing and lapping, molding around his hard rod, was nearly his undoing…Now he understood what Ryan said about her having a wicked mouth. He nearly swallowed his own tongue as she engulfed his cock in her mouth and sucked the life out of him. Moaning and groaning, he tried to hold back or else he would embarrass himself and come like some sex-starved teen in the middle of the kitchen. “Fuck!” he called.

“I told you she had a wicked mouth, didn’t I?” Ryan replied as he moved behind Tyler and pulled him tight against his chest, the heat of his body boiling his blood. “Look at that mouth wrapped so tightly over your cock.” Ryan was like the little devil on his shoulder whispering naughty things to him. “Look, Ty, look at your beautiful cock swallowed by our Alex.”
Our Alex.
He liked that. He looked down at Alex, and again he had to try to calm himself. Just watching those luscious red lips pulled tight round his cock, and the expression of pleasure and lust covering her face, and Ryan rubbing himself against him was too much. “Alex, stop for a second, honey. We’re going to drive Ty crazy.” Ryan groaned more for himself than for Ty. Alex stopped sucking and, pulling her mouth from him, raised her eyes to them both. “Calm down, baby. We want to make this so much better for all of us. Lean forward against the bench, Ty, but leave room for Alex.” Tyler moved into position.

“Alex, honey, I want you to suck on his cock as I take his ass, is that okay with you?” He wanted to cross his fingers, hoping that this was not too much for Alex. He knew she understood they were lovers and she thought they were gay, but knowing and seeing were two very different things.

“Pass me the lube and I’ll get him ready for you if you want,” she replied.

“Fuck!” both Tyler and Ryan said at the same time.

“Okay, honey, here you go.” Ryan handed her the tube, thinking he had either died and was in heaven or there really was a Santa Claus. Tyler looked over his shoulder at him. Pure lust shone on his face.

“I’m going to get you back for this,” he stated.

“Please do…God, please do,” Ryan replied. He was torn. One part of him wanted desperately to be in Tyler’s position, and other part wanted to fuck his man’s ass so hard and deep that they would be joined for all eternity.

Chapter Seven

Tyler watched as Alex licked his cock one last time before she raised her head. He jerked and bucked in anticipated pleasure as she then squeezed lube onto her fingers. “Are you ready, Ty, my pet? Are you ready to feel Ryan’s long, hard cock spreading you wide and sliding deep?”

“Honey, that mouth of yours is not only good for sucking. Your dirty talk is lighting my fire.” He gasped.

“Ryan, spread our boy,” she called. Tyler felt Ryan palm his ass and spread him wide for Alex. She then took him back into her mouth as she lathered his ass with the lube, rubbing and circling his ring with her fingers. So driven by need, he tried to force himself onto her fingers. He wanted and needed something inside him. Alex moved her fingers away before he could get what he wanted. “Ah-ah!” she said, her voice muffled by his cock. He huffed like a petulant child and wiggled his ass some more, trying to find something, anything to satisfy his burning need.

“God, that’s a beautiful sight,” Ryan said from behind them. “Watching Alex’s fingers playing with your ass as she slurps and sucks on your cock.” Pleasure and acceptance rang in Ryan’s statement. Alex massaged Tyler’s ring and inserted a finger. Stroking some more, she buried two fingers to the knuckle and started slowly scissoring them.

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