Online Ménage (2 page)

Read Online Ménage Online

Authors: Sara Kingston

BOOK: Online Ménage
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“Well, I should really get to work on the latest book. My editor has sent back two chapters that I need to revise,” he replied, playing along with Tyler’s casual conversation and not addressing the hidden meaning behind the simple words and Ty’s body language.

“Baby, you work too hard. You know the saying all work and no play makes…” Tyler drawled as he moved around the island counter toward Ryan.

“Don’t you mean you’re hard and want to play?” Ryan responded, looking down toward Tyler’s crotch and seeing the large, hard bulge justifying his statement.

“Baby, you can’t blame me just because you’re so sexy. You bend that tight ass over right in my face, just begging me to take it,” Tyler replied.

“It wasn’t because I was cleaning up the kitchen and loading the dishwasher. I was actually silently begging you to take me, huh?” Ryan said as he put his hands on his hips, tapping his foot, playing along with Tyler’s game.

“Baby, who am I to refuse the man I love? I have to answer the call.” Tyler grabbed him by the neck and dragged him to his chest. He slanted Ryan’s head and covered his lips with his own. He forced his mouth open and thrust his tongue deep into Ryan’s mouth, rubbing hard against his tongue. He used his other hand to pull him in tighter, grinding his rock-hard cock over Ryan’s and swirling his hips in a circular motion, rubbing their cocks together. He heard Ryan groan in pleasure, knowing Ryan loved it when he was like this, hard and fast.

Tyler broke the kiss. “Drop your pants, baby,” he demanded.

“Here, now?” Ryan questioned.

“Yes, here, now, and quick.” He pulled back and started removing his own pants as Ryan quickly fumbled with his. Helping him slide his pants down, he grabbed Ryan’s ass in each hand and squeezed. “Turn round and bend over the counter, baby,” he whispered, his voice thick with lust, smiling when Ryan immediately turned round and bent over the kitchen counter, as eager as a new puppy. He quickly scanned the kitchen, looking for something he could use as lube, as he didn’t want to kill the mood of fast and furious by going upstairs to fetch some. His eyes settled on the tub of butter sitting on the counter from the dinner preparations. Shuffling along as best he could with his pants round his ankles he grabbed it and returned to Ryan with his prize. He heard Ryan groan as he saw what was in his hand which made his cock throb in approval.

“I’m going to fuck this tight ass of yours, baby. I’m going to bury myself so deep you’ll never get me out.” Tyler then took a glob of butter and smothered his cock in the creamy, yellow mix. He scooped another smaller glob and turned back to Ryan. Looking down at his butter-coated rock-hard cock bouncing with each step had him wanting to come just from the anticipation of what was to come next.

Tyler ran a hand down his back in a gentle caress then kicked the inside of his ankles, silently demanding he widen his stance. Ryan moved his legs, giving Tyler better access, and bent further, thrusting his hips back. “You want me, baby?” Tyler asked.

“Ty, come on and fuck me please, I need it. Don’t make me wait.” Ryan begged.

He pulled Ryan’s cheeks further apart and slathered his butter-coated fingers against his dark rose, pushing and sliding them inside his first tight ring. Ryan pushed back and breathed out. He knew to relax his muscles.

He then started pumping his fingers in Ryan’s ass, scissoring them to loosen the muscles even further. Tyler always worried about hurting him. He knew he was big, and no matter how many times Ryan said he liked the pinch of pain now and again from a brutal assault, he still insisted on getting him ready. “Fuck me now, cowboy. Stop fussing and ride,” Ryan called out, and Tyler smacked his ass hard.

“Don’t sass me, boy. I will ride when I’m good and ready,” he replied.

* * * *

Ryan sucked in a big breath, trying to focus on not coming. Tyler’s smack on his ass nearly pushed him over.

Ryan felt Tyler’s fingers leave his ass and wanted to growl in frustration at the loss, but he knew something so much better was coming, so he kept silent. He felt the blunt tip of Tyler’s cock pushing against his ass, and as soon as he felt his crown breach his ring, he thrust himself backward hard.

“Fuck, Ryan, are you trying to hurt yourself or what?” Tyler groaned.

Ryan knew Tyler was holding on hard and trying not to come too soon. He understood Tyler so well after all their years together. “Just hurry up and fuck me,” he groaned.

* * * *

“I’ll fuck you, all right,” Tyler said.

His control snapped, and he started pounding hard and deep into Ryan’s ass. As he continued his thrusts, he grabbed another gob of butter in his hand and snaked it in front of Ryan, grabbing his iron-hard cock and coating it, too, in the butter. Once Ryan was properly lubed, he took a firm hold as he thrust, which pushed Ryan’s cock through his closed fist.

“Shit, Ty, I will never last…fuck” Ryan moaned.

Struggling to hold back his own orgasm, he had no chance of stopping anything. Ryan’s ass was like a vise squeezing his cock. Angling his hips down slightly, he gave him harder, sharper thrusts, rubbing against Ryan’s prostrate with each stroke, one, two, three.

“Fuck…I’m coming!” Ryan shouted as his cock started to pulse in Tyler’s fist, jetting his cum all over the kitchen cabinets. His ass clamped down on Ty’s cock, and Tyler couldn’t hold back the tide as he shouted his own release. He jetted his cum deep in his lover’s ass and slumped over his back. Both men panted, waiting for their heart beats to return to normal.

* * * *

Left there on the couch alone, Alex set her mind to other things so she didn’t have to focus on the reality of being with him. She flashed back to the memory of the last time they’d sex together.

After his sloppy kisses she’d taken hold of his cock and directed him toward her pussy, spreading her lips and positioning his tip inside her. She’d waited as he thrust inward. She wasn’t in any way excited or wet. Although from past history she’d learned that if she opened herself and he slowly pushed in and out few times, the natural lubricant buried deep in her channel lubricated her enough to not make it painful. She’d started a stopwatch in her mind, counting to see how long he would last this time. One, one thousand, two, one thousand, and by the time she counted to forty-seven one thousands, he was jerking and grunting above her. “Thanks, was great, babe,” he’d said as he withdrew from her.

“Yeah,” she’d agreed with a false smile that he couldn’t see in the dark room. She then poked her tongue out and rolled her eyes for good measure. “Well, I got to go, lover,” he said as he threw the condom in the bathroom trash, already stepping into his pants. “See you tomorrow,” he added as he kissed her forehead and walked out the door, not even waiting for her to reply. She remembered just lying there staring at the closed door, wishing she were somewhere else.

She knew that tonight would go down just the same. It would be history repeating itself. Was this what she wanted? This mindless, soulless rubbing of bodies with the false image of a relationship. She wanted so much more. She wanted to be loved and wanted and needed. Not just an available body for Duncan. Alex just couldn’t do it tonight she just couldn’t carry on this farce of a relationship any longer. She couldn’t survive another round of sex with him. He would get undressed and most probably leave his socks on. His comfort was always more important than her desire. He would then lever himself over her in the missionary position, which seemed to be the only position he knew. Then with no foreplay or warning he would try to push his semihard cock into her. She had once suggested to him he had an erectile dysfunction, which had gone down like a lead balloon. He blamed her and the fact that she’d always insisted on a condom. She was on the pill, although she hadn’t told him. The thought of his cum inside her made her gag.

She just sat there on the couch staring blankly at the television and waiting to see what Duncan would do when she didn’t follow him to the bedroom. She could hear the familiar sounds as first his shoes and then his clothes hit the floor and the creak of the bed as he lay down waiting for her. After a couple of minutes he called out,

“Where are you, babe? I have to leave soon, I need my sleep”

Finally her anger triggered, and instead of pity or empathy she now wanted to hurt him. There was no way she was having sex with him now or ever again. “Duncan, I got my period this morning.” It still surprised her that he never figured out that she got her period twice a month. A small voice in her head whispered, “Because he doesn’t care. You lie and he doesn’t care.” Five minutes later he returned to the living room fully dressed and combing his hair with his hands.

“You could have told me before I came over. Well, I’ll be off then. Night.”

Enough was enough.
Being alone couldn’t be more lonely and miserable than being with Duncan. Tomorrow she was going to end it. She had to stop wasting her time with him.

Chapter Two

Alex dressed for work, excited about what she’d discovered this morning over breakfast while reading the tech section of the newspaper. She couldn’t wait to tell Big Red about the messenger app they had mentioned in the article. Checking her phone to make sure the app was still logged in, she closed her front door and started her commute to work. As she sat on the bus, the telltale ding of her iPhone notifying her that Big Red had logged on grabbed her attention.

Amazon Pixy: Good morning.

Big Red: What are you doing online? Are you sick?

Amazon Pixy: Nope. You won’t believe it, but I found a messenger app for my iPhone so I’m available more often for you.

Big Red: Seriously? Fantastic, I’ll download it today and set up my phone. So where are you?

Amazon Pixy: On the bus headed for work, and you?

Big Red: Sitting at my computer battling writer’s block, chatting with my best friend.

Amazon Pixy: You sweetie, you’re my best friend, too.

Big Red: I don’t mean you.

Amazon Pixy: LOL

Big Red: I thought you’d like that. So how is Duncan?

Amazon Pixy: Hmm…

Big Red: That good, eh?

Amazon Pixy: I’m ending it today. I’m telling him tonight. I just can’t continue this charade of a relationship.

Big Red: Honey!

Amazon Pixy: I know. I’ve been having my own little pity party all night. You know the thing that gets me the most is that I know I don’t love the guy. It’s just…I don’t know. It hurts to know I failed again…

Big Red: Of course it hurts. You have a relationship with him, and you didn’t fail. He just wasn’t the one.

Amazon Pixy: Yeah, well, I thinking I’m going to try batting for my own team. Stuff men. I want my love life to be easier.

Big Red: You honestly think batting for your own team makes playing the game easier? Trust me on this, you know I swing the “my team” way, and yes, it is different, but it’s not easier.

Amazon Pixy: I guess you’re right, and there’s nothing as vicious as a woman scorned.

Big Red: You would also have to give up the man anatomy, and from everything I know about you, you’re a bit of a cock lover.

Amazon Pixy: Yeah, I thought I was doing a little bit of the grass is greener on the other side stuff, but God, why does it all seem so hard? Maybe I should just give up and become the cat lady all the kids in the neighborhood are frightened of.

Big Red: Well, that’s an idea, but don’t you hate cats?

Amazon Pixy: Trust you to be so logical.

Big Red: Don’t give up, honey. The right guy may be just around the corner. Just know that I’m always here for you.

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