Only Love (The Atonement Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Only Love (The Atonement Series)
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“Even if our mother still can’t get over our father’s death and hasn’t been the same since it happened? You’re willing to risk her life for your own happiness? What
of human being are you?”

“Since similar minds think alike, I would prefer to believe I am taking a page out of your book, sister dearest. Good night and goodbye.”

Before I had a chance to say anything to the contrary, she ended the call and I shut my phone off and calmed down until the urge to throw the iPhone against the wall passed me.

That bitch! We had always been so close as siblings and here she was lecturing me about what I could and shouldn’t talk about. If I wanted to have a true relationship with Drake then he would have to know what happened, what really transpired the night our father died and I would tell him because I trusted him with all my heart.

I knew it sounded like a case of insta-love and I couldn’t possibly know him well enough to tell him my deepest darkest secrets but some part of me knew I could trust him and that was the part of my soul I always trusted.

The time would eventually arrive when I would have to tell Drake about what really happened and the precise reason why I ended my engagement to Colin but thank God that time wasn’t at that moment.

Part Two


Autumn 2013

Chapter Thirteen


Drake didn’t approach me about what happened at the time of my conversation with Caitlyn and to be honest, a part of me actually rejoiced.

The next few weeks were pure bliss between the two of us and I while the tension between Colin and I was almost more than I could bear to handle.

It turned out he had started an affair with another woman and for those few weeks, I was oblivious to who this mystery woman might be. I was in that hormonal bliss that happened right before a relationship was consummated.

I was back to normal after my miscarriage and Drake was nothing but a gentleman. We often met at Rouge and had dinner there on his nights off or when he was working, we would spend his lunch break together. He would sip on a San Pellegrino or a Perrier while I nursed a glass of wine or one of the many imported champagnes the restaurant featured.

While I didn’t realize Colin’s choice of women was too close for comfort, I was still reeling from my first meeting with Drake’s ex that had taken place approximately a month after I returned to work. I had just ended my shift at Ground Beans and as usual, I drove over to Rouge and had my vehicle valet parked before I walked in and took a seat at the bar.

Drake joined me several minutes later and kissed my cheek before he wrapped his arms around me. “You look gorgeous as always. Busy day at work?”

I smiled as the bartender, Brice, poured me a new pink Dom Perignon champagne they’d just received and I took it with flourish before I slid over a fifty dollar bill.

“Always but it’s refreshing and easy work. How about you? What have you been up to?”

He gave me a shy smile while those gorgeous aquamarine eyes of his twinkled dangerously. “Actually, I have been a good boy and on my best behavior. The lady boss has arrived and she will frown on the two of us being seen together.”

Drake barely had the words out of his mouth before an incredibly tacky and obviously newly rich woman stalked over in a tacky leather, gold and turquoise Versace suit. The skirt barely skimmed her ass and her gold Tribute sandals clashed with all the gold jewelry she wore from a choker to gold bangles and gold rings which decorated several fingers on each hand.

Her hair was dyed white blonde and it was obvious she had a head full of extensions because her hair reached mid-back in thick, luxurious waves while there were several well-hidden, much shorter pieces of hair blended perfectly. She had a perfectly golden tan and it only emphasized her ice blue eyes, sharp Slavic cheekbones and collagen enhanced, scarlet-stained lips.

“Mr. O’Connell, shouldn’t you be
?” she inquired with an heir of authority while talon-length, French manicured nails clicked on the marble counter of the bar.

“Actually, I am on my lunch break, Ms. Shevchenko,” he responded in a business-like tone and continued to sip from his Perrier.

“And who is this
you are seated next to? I’ve seen you in here quite often. I am surprised we haven’t received a lawsuit from you due to your unfortunate incident five weeks ago,” she said though her eyes stayed pinned to Drake.

I waited for her to make eye contact and held her gaze. “I have no intention of suing the restaurant. It’s nice to make your acquaintance. You must be Mikayla Shevchenko. My name is Deirdre Bardot.”

Mikayla seemed taken aback by my forwardness but she quickly gathered her composure. “Mr. O’Connell is one of the best chefs alive and we are thrilled to have him here at Rouge. It’s hard because during your lunch break, clients complain and they won’t order until you return to the kitchen. You are
us business.”

I raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow before I stared at Drake again. “I guess I better let you get back to work then. I wouldn’t want you to get into any more trouble than it seems like you already are in. You better run back to the kitchen before you
get into hot water, so to speak.”

He smiled though it did not reach his pale greenish blue eyes and quickly kissed me on the lips. “I’ll see you when I get off in a couple of hours.”

“Do you want me to wait or meet you back at your place?”

“Meet me back at my place.” He caressed the side of my face with a gentle left hand before he stood and walked back into the kitchen without acknowledging his business partner.

Mikayla took his spot and ordered a dirty Martini with Belvedere vodka. She glared my way again though she continued to do nothing other than click her fake fingernails on the counter.

Brice delivered the drink and said nothing before he waltzed off to get started on other patron’s drink orders.

“So, you’re the one who has been keeping our Drake occupied and the reason why he is no longer dedicated to the job?” she inquired in a dry California accent.

“I wouldn’t say that,” I responded before I sipped from my champagne. “Drake is very much dedicated to his job and my presence wouldn’t lessen that. I suppose before I came into the picture his life wasn’t as varied as it is now—”

“That has
to be the understatement of the year,” she interrupted rudely. “I had a chef dedicated to his job and now that you have gone and gotten him all pussy-whipped, he can’t concentrate worth a damn.”

I wanted to mention to her that Drake and I had yet to make love but seriously, who was it going to help? Perhaps he had allowed her to draw her own conclusions and hadn’t contradicted her either.

Mikayla pursed scarlet-covered lips. “Well, is it or isn’t it true, Ms. Bardot? I’m dying to know whether or not it is fair your reputation precedes you.”

“I honestly don’t think it’s any of your business so I refuse to answer any questions about my relationship with Drake,” I replied as I turned to stare at her with a look so frosty, she almost choked on her dirty martini.

“Don’t be too sure. You’re assuming a lot in this situation and one of those assumptions is that you are the only woman lusting after Drake. He’s been popular with the ladies for quite a while and has left his share of heartbroken females in his wake, myself included. I would give anything just to have another chance with him but that’s not the kind of person he is. Once he’s made up his mind, he doesn’t go back.”

I physically turned my body towards hers, “What does this have to do with me?”

“I’m just saying…he’s not the type of guy who believes in second chances. He’s stubborn as hell and lives life by his own rules. If you care about him then you wouldn’t dare do anything to put what you two have at risk,” she explained in a quiet voice.

I finished the rest of my champagne before I stood and grabbed my simple and black Birkin leather
handbag. “Thanks for the advice but I have been over twenty-one for quite a while and I can take care of myself.”

I didn’t wait for her to reply before I walked out of the restaurant and directly to the valet where I handed him the slip to my car so he could bring it around.

At least I knew where I stood and I was convinced now more than ever that if I didn’t make a move, and soon, with Drake that he might be lost to me forever.



Although we had agreed to meet back at his condo after he got off work, I had a few hours to kill and it was about time Colin and I sat down for a real talk. To me, whatever we had between us was over and there would be no happy ending. I hated the thought he might believe I was leading him on and keeping him around just in case the situation between Drake and I didn’t work out.

This was not the case at all. Whether we got together or not, I wouldn’t be going back either and as far as I was concerned, the love I possessed for Colin was nothing more than platonic. This wasn’t me slowly convincing myself of the inevitable but something that had occurred organically. Our relationship simply was not meant to be and I could accept that but would he?

I pulled up to the house he’d purchased in La Jolla which was a modern, art-deco nightmare with an ocean view. He wasted so much money and if his high-rise condo in Seattle was an “investment” then the house in La Jolla was also one because it had cost him a little over one million dollars.

BOOK: Only Love (The Atonement Series)
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