Only You (16 page)

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Authors: Kaleigh James

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Only You
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Camden shivered when she felt Shane's breath caressing her clit. She screamed when he suddenly pressed his mouth to it and sucked. The sensation was so intense it was almost painful. His tongued licked her center before pressing deeply inside her. Within moments, she was shuddering on the wave of an orgasm. Shane gave her a sexy grin, and then slowly made his way up her body, repeating the teasing and tasting of the journey down.

When he reached her neck, Shane stopped to give his full attention to marking her. He loved when she wore evidence of him after lovemaking. He brought his mouth to her ear. The warm heat of his breath tickled her, and she gripped his shoulders with her hands to force him to remain still.

"I want to make love to you forever," he murmured.

Camden turned her face to his, and Shane met her in a languid kiss full of promise. His hands trailed softly up and down her sides, and his tongue met hers in a slow dance of passion. Her legs felt like Jell-O and fell to the side, leaving her entrance open. Without breaking the kiss, Shane slowly entered her, a tortuously slow thrust. He pumped at a steady pace, while he covered her face and neck in kisses.

Camden had been affected the first time they had made love. She thrived on the intensity and passion in it. But this was something entirely different. This sexual encounter was an unbreakable vow, and she could feel it to her bones. She had never felt so connected to one person before, and the feeling was so intense, tears escaped her eyes as Shane continued to make love to her, whispering promises of forever in her ears. She had always felt at home with her family, but now, Camden knew. She had just been biding her time. Here, in Shane's arms, she was finally home.


Chapter 19

The moment Camden opened her eyes, memories of the night before flooded her mind. It had been perfect, and Shane had been insatiable. She grinned as she rolled to face him. His chocolate locks were in disarray and his deep blue eyes were open. A grin that rivaled her own rested on his lips as he watched her.

"Mornin', baby," he whispered. The butterflies in her stomach went bananas.

"Mornin'," she whispered back. She watched, confused for a moment as he leaned down, pulling the sheet with him. He placed a gentle kiss low on her stomach.

"Mornin', baby," he repeated, and Camden's heart melted a little more.

Feeling suddenly shy, she covered her chest with her arm. Shane smirked at her and stood up, walking to his dresser. He pulled on a pair of blue plaid pajama pants, but thankfully did not hide his delicious six-pack from her.

"Want me to make breakfast?" he asked. "I was thinking I'd make sundae waffles," he teased, recalling a treat they'd shared in the Shepherd house many times growing up. It had been Camden’s favorite…waffles covered in ice cream sundae toppings.

"I'd love to," she spouted, "but I can hardly keep down saltines this early in the morning."

Shane grinned.

"Thanks for your sympathy, Hunt," she growled.

"I can't help it," he argued. He stepped to the bed and rested his hand on her stomach once again. "It reminds me that you're carrying my baby." He caressed her cheek with this free hand, and placed a sweet, chaste kiss on her lips.

"Now, get dressed, woman," he teased. "I'll get your breakfast à la saltines. We have to get downstairs for a staff meeting at ten, and your brother will be here."

Camden's eyes widened. "Do you think he's mad that I stayed the night here?"

"I don't think he knows," Shane chuckled.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because my door is still on its hinges, and my face isn't battered."

Shane didn't like the frown that appeared on Camden's face.

"He'll come around," he assured her. "If it makes you feel better, why don't you check in with Eric?" It was so much easier not to hate the guy now that Shane knew the true nature of Eric's and Camden's friendship.

"Yeah, I think I'll do that," Camden agreed.

Shane headed to the kitchen, leaving Camden to make her call.


Brody felt momentarily blinded when he stepped into the bar. He flipped the light switch, realizing that for the first time ever, he was the first to arrive to a team meeting at Shane's bar. He grimaced as he imagined what might be keeping Shane. Brody's fists tightened involuntarily. Before he could get lost in his thoughts, loud voices drew his attention.

"Mira, mujer. All I'm saying is that you need to keep your baby's daddy out of the bar. Shane has too much going on to deal with your shit, too." Javier practically growled as he headed straight to the bar, shaking his head in frustration.

"Javi," an annoyed voice replied. Brody turned around, and was not surprised, to see it was Melia. What was with these two? They were ALWAYS at each other's throats. "You need to mind your own business," she replied. "You have no say in what happens between me and Shane."

Brody chuckled darkly, while Javier laughed loudly.

"Melia," Brody began. "No offense, but there is no 'you and Shane'."

Melia's head snapped to Brody's when she realized that he was in the room.

"It might as well be me and Shane," she retorted. "He isn't with anyone else." She tossed back her hair and placed her hand saucily on her cocked hip.

Javier smirked. "About that, Melia." She looked at him in confusion and irritation. The phone behind the bar rang, but Javier continued, grinning evilly. "I hate to burst your bubble."

When the phone continued ringing, Javier sighed and moved to answer it. He'd have to finish his torture of Melia later. He couldn't wait until the meeting to see her reaction to Shane's news.

"Cam's Bar and Grill," Javi answered. His tan complexion paled when he heard the voice on the other end of the line. Brody began to ask what was wrong when the door to the bar opened, and more of the team entered.


Brody turned to see Crystal, one of their full-time waitresses heading his way. She was cute, and they'd spent a night together, but thankfully she wasn't looking for anything real at the time, and the two had remained friends.

"Hey Crys. How's it going?" He gave her a short hug.

"Mitch proposed!!!" She held up her left hand in excitement, proudly displaying the engagement ring now resting on her hand. Brody smiled.


"Thanks," she grinned. "I still can't believe it. It all seems so surreal." She narrowed her eyes at him. "So when are YOU going to settle down. Any special lady in your life?"

Brody shook his head as the first image to come to him was Stella.

"I'm still dating Tiffany." He didn't miss the look of displeasure on Crystal's face.

"Wow. That's like a record for you," she stated, still looking unhappy with the news.

"Nope. Surprisingly, not even close," he muttered, this time missing the look of confusion on Crystal's face.

Within several minutes, the room had filled with servers, cooks, and bar staff, but there was still no sign of Shane. Javier joined Brody and Crystal, his earlier exuberance gone. He didn't even look excited that Melia was going to be pissed at the outcome of this meeting. Brody tried to make eye contact, but Javi was deliberately not looking his way.

When the conversation quieted, Brody looked toward the stairs to see Shane entering the room. The meeting wasn't scheduled to start for a few more minutes, so Shane headed to Brody and Javier.

“Hey man,” Javi started. “Ready to start this meeting? Everyone is going to flip when they find out you’re leaving.”

"I haven't told Camden yet. I didn't get the chance, but I think she'll be okay with it."

Brody nodded in agreement. He looked at Shane with a super serious expression.

"You crossed a line, man. You broke the code.”

Shane met Brody's eyes, a serious look in his eyes as well.

"I love her, man. She's it for me."

"How long?" Brody replied.

“Brody, nothing ever happened before the camping trip. I swear. That was the first time she knew how I felt.”

“No, bonehead,” Brody growled. “How long have you felt that way about my sister?”

Shane looked stricken for a moment, almost reluctant to admit the truth. Finally, he answered, but his words were low.

“I knew I liked her when I was twelve.” Brody’s eyes widened and Shane continued. “But I knew I loved her when I was fifteen – that time she broke her leg falling off the trampoline. I’d never been so scared. That’s when I knew.”

Brody continued to stare at Shane in shock, a touch of hurt in his gaze. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” he demanded.

“Brody, you would have kicked my ass. I’ve seen how protective you are of her.”

Brody nodded in reply. “Yeah, I’d have probably beaten your ass, but we’re best friends. We aren’t supposed to keep shit like this from each other.”

Shane gave Brody a piercing look, and Brody realized how hypocritical he was being. He definitely had secrets he hadn’t shared with even Shane.

“I am glad, though,” Brody began. “If anyone is going to treat her right, I know it will be you.” Brody paused. “Since we were fifteen, man?”

A sheepish grin spread across Shane’s face. “Yeah. She’s everything to me, Brody.”

Brody’s harsh expression finally went away, and an honest grin spread across his face. He clapped Shane on his shoulder.

“Well, then I’m happy for you man. I’m happy for both of you. Just keep in mind that if you hurt her, I’ll hurt you.”

Shane smirked. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Tired of being ignored through this entire exchange, Javier finally interrupted. “If you two girls are finished sharing your feelings and shit, are we ready to start the meeting? I’m dying to see the look on Melia’s face when Shane shatters her dreams.” He chuckled and looked across the room to the brunette in question.

“Yeah, man. I’m ready,” Shane replied. “I was just waiting on Camden to get here. She should be downstairs any second.” Shane glanced around the room, noting that all his employees were present. According to his watch, it was time to start the meeting, so he called for everyone to find a seat, and Shane walked to the front of the group. He found his way to the corner stage, where local bands sometimes performed during the weekends, and leaned against it, waiting for everyone to settle into their seats. The sudden silence that settled over the room was quickly interrupted by an outburst from Melia.

“Who the hell are you?!?!” she demanded.

Every eye in the room suddenly shifted to the stairs, and Shane realized that Camden had arrived. He was ready to scold Melia, but Camden had never been a pushover, and her reply was immediate.

“Who‘s asking?” she sneered.

“Melia. I’m dating Shane.” Shane almost choked at Melia’s response, but Javier actually fell out of his chair, writhing on the floor in laughter.

“Funny,” Camden commented. “He didn’t mention that when I was in his bed last night.”

“Oh, gross, Cammie!!!!! My ears are bleeding,” Brody yelled.

Camden laughed and turned back to Melia. “I doubt you are dating him, since I’m his girlfriend. I think I’d know. My name is on the building outside, and I’m carrying his baby.”

The room erupted into conversation at the news, and Melia visibly paled. She had obviously been put in her place, and she realized that her hopes for a relationship with Shane had crashed and burned. Shane, on the other hand, thought his face would split from the size of his grin. He couldn’t believe Camden had declared herself his girlfriend. He’d love that, but his plans were a little more permanent.

“Think you can compete with that?” Camden finished her challenge.

Melia shook her head, cheeks flushed in embarrassment, and began to flee the room. Shane’s authoritative voice stopped her.

“Melia,” he started. “You need to stay for this meeting. It’s very important.” She nodded, her eyes remaining on the ground, and stood frozen in place. Surprisingly, Javier walked over to her and gently grabbed her arm. Even more surprising, Melia didn’t flinch or protest. Javi led her to the group and pulled her into the seat next to him.

“Now, we have a lot to cover, so I’d appreciate if you guys held questions to the end.” Shane looked around the room to make sure his staff understood. He motioned for Camden to come to him. Once she was at his side, he slipped his arm around her waist and continued.

“I’d like to introduce Camden Shepherd, my girlfriend. She is also Brody’s sister, for those confused by his earlier outburst.” Shane winked at Brody, causing Brody to groan.

“Come on, man. She’s my baby sister! No details!”

Everyone erupted into laughter. Shane grinned as he felt Camden giggle beside him.

“As Camden announced so unceremoniously…” Camden blushed at the reminder of her outburst. “We are expecting a baby. It’s still very early in the pregnancy, but we wanted everyone to know, because it will affect business operations.” Camden looked at Shane in confusion. He continued.  “Starting Monday, I will be taking a leave of absence.”

Gasps could be heard around the room. It was common knowledge that Shane spent upwards of eighty hours each week at the bar. It was finally turning a profit, but he had worked so hard to make it a success, no one could believe he would willingly take time away from it. They had all been in shock a month ago when he had taken off work for the weekend.

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