Operation Solo (49 page)

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Authors: John Barron

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Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
North Vietnam
Dennis, Eugene; appointment of John Gates to replace Morris; arrest of; Hall named as successor; as leader of the American Communist Party; release from prison
Devine, Thomas J.
Dimitrov, Georgi
Disinformation Department
Djilas, Milovan
Dole, Robert
Doomsday graph
Double agents
Dubcek, Alexander
East Germany
Eisler, Gerhardt
Emory University
Escalante, Anibel
European Security Conference
Evacuation and resettlement plan
Fallback story
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation: Analytical Unit; appointment of Kelley as director; arrest of top leaders of American Communist Party; arrest of Valery Markelov; assignment of Langtry as Burlinson's deputy; bugging of party offices; Chicago field offices for SOLO; code designations for Morris and Jack; concealment of identity of Morris; concern for publicizing classified information; congressional investigation; dangle operations; death of J. Edgar Hoover; decision to end SOLO; delivery of Krushchev's speech to State Department; demand by Select Senate Committee for files; formation of Underground Squads; Gray as interim director; leak to columnist concerning money transfers; mail drop; mandatory retirement of agents; Operation SASH; operational conference; participatory-management; prevention of terrorist bombings; reaction to newspaper leak; recording of KGB radio transmissions; recruitment of Ben Childs; recruitment of black agents; recruitment of civilians as conspirators; recruitment of Jack Childs; recruitment of KGB officer; recruitment of Langtry; recruitment of Morris Childs; recruitment of Rosslyn Childs; surveillance of Martin Luther King; “TOPLEV” program
Federal Reserve Bank
Field compromise
Fighter aircraft
Ford, Gerald: explanation of SOLO operations; Soviet reaction to defeat of; summit conference with Brezhnev
Foreign Relations Committee
Foster, William Z.
Fox, James; administrative leave from FBI; analysis of FBI reports; dinner with Morris and Eva; eulogy of Morris; at Eva's funeral; at Morris' funeral; retirement dinner
Fox, John William.
Childs, Jack
Freedom of Information Act
Freeh, Louis
Freyman, Carl.
See also
Operation SOLO: attempt to recruit Morris; duration of service with Operation SOLO; at Eva's funeral; influence on Morris; interviews with; at Morris' funeral; reaction to FBI leak; report on Sino-Soviet split; retirement from FBI; retirement years; support for Boyle
Friendship monuments
Fries, Ronald
Fulbright, William
Gannett, Betty
Gates, John
Germany: communist party in; declaration of war against the U.S.; delivery of money to communist underground; invasion of Soviet Union
Ghandi, Indira
Giuliani, Rudolph
Glavny Vrag
Goldberg, Arthur
Golitsyn, Anatoly
Gomulka, Wladyslaw
Gorbachev, Mikhail; meeting with Reagan
Gordievsky, Oleg
Gouzenko, Igor
Gray, L. Patrick: as interim director of FBI; resignation of
Grechukhin, Aleksandr
Greenham Common
Gromyko, Andrei
Guk, A.V.
Haiphong Harbor
Halderman, H.R.
Hall, Elizabeth
Hall, Gus; approval of Eva Lieb; currying favor with; at funeral for Ho Chi Minh; as general secretary of American Communist Party; hospitalization of; letter warning Soviets of misinterpretations; meeting with Brezhnev and Central Committee members; meeting with Brezhnev to provide information on U.S. news; preparation for Brezhnev's trip to U.S.; profile of; reaction to Riesel article; reaction to Soviet-U. S. disarmament agreements; reaction to suspension of MORAT; recommendation that Morris enter hospital; requests for money transfers; Soviet letter to; suspicion of FBI office bugging; tour of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
Hangchow, China
Hanover Trust Company
Harris, Lem
Held, Richard: investigation of Boyle allegedly impersonating an FBI agent; meeting with Morris to congratulate on mission success; operational conference; talk to Boyle concerning his attitude towards headquarters
Helsinki Accords
Hitler, Adolf
Ho Chi Minh
Holberg, Arvo.
Hall, Gus
Hoover, J. Edgar; death of; firing of William Sullivan
Houser, David E.: meeting to consider Morris' and Eva's trip to Twenty-Fifth Party Congress; operational conference
International Department of the Central Committee
Income taxes
Indian Communist Party
Individual terrorism
Ingram, James O.
Instructions to Communist Parties
Internal Revenue Service
International Department of the Central Committee; assumption of function of Comintern; control of Operation MORAT; Hall named to succeed Dennis; Jack's sixtieth birthday party; memorandum from Morris; subsidies to American Communist Party
International Publishers
Irina (Eva Childs' escort)
Israel; report that Soviets may recognize country; Soviet attitude toward; Soviet interest in
Italian party
Jackson, James
Jewish citizens: persecution by Stalin; Ponomarev attempt to improve relations with Americans
Johnson, Beatrice: friendship with Jack; meeting with Castro
Johnson, Lyndon
Journal American
Kazakov, Vladimir: analysis of
book; interview of Morris; invitation to Jack's sixtieth
birthday party; message to Hall; week-long interrogation of Jack
Kelley, Clarence; admiration of Morris and Eva; appearance before Church Committee; appointment as director of FBI; decision to inform Ford and Kissinger of SOLO operations; decision to keep Boyle in Chicago; exposure of SOLO to Senate Select Committee
Kennedy, John F.: assassination; Castro's theory of assassination; Cuban Missile Crisis; defense of Martin Luther King; Soviet opinion of
Kennedy, Robert F.
KGB: contact in the American Communist Party; Disinformation Department; fear of nuclear war; Jack's training for use of short-range communications; message to suspend contact; officers in SOLO; Operation RYAN; operational message radioed to Jack; radio transmission difficulties; radio transmissions from Moscow; relay of transfer money; signal and meeting sites; transfer of funds to American Communist Party
KGB: The Secret Works of Soviet Secret Agents
Khmer Rouge
Khrushchev, Nikita: Chinese contempt for; denunciation of China; denunciation of Stalin; erosion of power; meeting of Soviet General Staff; recognition of Morris' heroism; birthday greetings from Morris; deposition of; as sycophant
Kim Il Sung
King, Coretta
King, Martin Luther
Kissinger, Henry: build-up of Soviet trust; disagreements with Brezhnev; discussion with Brezhnev on disarmament agreement; explanation of SOLO operations; insistence that SOLO continue; negotiation with China; secret trip to Peking; Shanghai Communiqué
Klehr, Professor Harvey
Knox, Charles
Kolobashkin, Aleksey
See also
North Korea; South Korea: Boyle's service in
Korianov, Oleg: discussion of Castro with Jack; as Mostovets' assistant
Koryavin, Konstantin
Kosygin, Anatoly: Peking conference; relations with China after deposition of Khrushchev; secret discussions with Chou En Lai; Stenogram of 1966 conversation with Mao
Kremlin: assignment of vault to Morris; fear of nuclear war
Krumbein, Charles
Kryuchkov, Vladimir
Kuusinen, Otto
Kuzkov, Yevgeny
Labor unions
Langtry, John: arrangement of signal and meeting sites; assignment as Burlinson's deputy; college education; communication with Boyle and Burlinson; concern over investigation of SOLO operations; duration of service with Operation SOLO; family background; FBI training; illness; informing Morris and Jack of Senate committee's knowledge of SOLO; interviews with; knowledge of KGB officers; knowledge of New York City; letter of immunity from prosecution; military service; operational conferences; placement of Morris and Jack under surveillance; rebuke from headquarters; recruitment into FBI; relay of transfer money; retirement years; weekend work
Latin America
Leavitt, Thomas W.: informing Morris and Jack of Senate committee's knowledge of SOLO; operational conference
Lenin School
Lessiovsky, Victor
Levison, Roy.
Bennett, Roy
Levison, Stanley David
Lewis, John L.
Lieb, Eva.
Childs, Eva Lieb
Lin Piao
Liu Saho-Chi
Liu Shao-Chi
Lovestone, Jay
Mail-order firm established for Morris
“Main Enemy”
Major, David
Mao Tse Tung; attitude toward Soviets; meeting with Kosygin; Ponomarev's briefing concerning; reaction to U.S. bombings in Vietnam; Stenogram of 1966 conversation with Kosygin
Markelov, Valery
Mascola, Elizabeth
Mayo Clinic
McFarlane, Robert
McGovern, George
Mediterranean Sea
Middle East
Milburn, James
Miller, Edward S.
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Money transfers: relay of; Riesel article; week-long interrogation of Jack concerning
Operation MORAT
Morgan, Robert
Morning Freiheit
Morris, Ben
Moser, Barbara
Mostovets, Nikolai; desire for Cuban trip; dinner with Morris and Eva; greeting for Morris and Eva in Moscow; meeting with Hall and Morris; warning to Jack
Mr. X
Nasser, Gamal Abdul
National Committee
National Security Council
Nazi party: Morris' Senate campaign against; treatment of German communists
Negro and Southern Affairs
New York City; communication with Chicago office
New York comrades
New York Times
Nikolai (KGB officer)
Nixon, Richard: build-up of Soviet trust; communication with Brezhnev; conversion of China from adversary to ally; disarmament agreement; negotiation with China; reaction to North Vietnamese offensive against South Vietnam; resignation of; Soviet reaction to election as President; summit conference
Nolan, James
North Korea
North Vietnam: offensive against South Vietnam; reaction to U.S. bombings in Vietnam
Nosenko, Yuri Ivanovich
Novick, Paul
Novotny, Anton
Nuclear war
October Revolution
O'Dell, Hunter Pitts.
O'Dell, Jack
O'Dell, Jack
OGPU (secret political police)
Operation MORAT.
See also
Operation SOLO; control of; message to Jack from KGB to suspend contact; new communications' code
Operation RYAN
Operation SASH
Operation SOLO.
See also
Operation MORAT;
specific participants
: assistance in converting China from U.S. adversary to ally; Boyle's assignment to SOLO; Chicago field offices; dates and destinations of missions; early intelligence from; early years of; KGB officers in; operational conferences; results of fifteenth mission; results of fourteenth mission; retitled from Operation SASH
Operation TARPRO
Operational conferences
Order of the Red Banner
Oswald, Lee Harvey
Oswald, Lee Harvey, Mrs.
Paris Peace Accords
Parliamentary delegation
Participatory management
Peace and disarmament campaign
Pearl Harbor
Peking, China: anti-Soviet demonstrations; Kissinger secret trip to
Peking conference
Penkovsky, Colonel Oleg
Peoples' Republic of China.
Perlman, Molly
Pershing missiles
Picheau, George
Political police.
Polonik, Mikhail
Ponomarev, Boris; attempt to improve relations with American Jews; attitude toward China; attitude toward Nixon administration; Boyle's knowledge of; briefing of Morris on China; on China as international threat; concern for security of operation; leak of activities supplied in American intelligence reports; meeting with Hall and Morris; meeting with Jack; meeting with members of Congress; meeting with Morris after Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia; meeting with Morris after suspension of MORAT; message to Hall; opinion of Ford; preparation for Brezhnev's trip to U.S.; reassessment of Ford-Brezhnev summit meeting; reception of Morris; response to Hall's letter; response to Soviet-U.S. disarmament agreements; on Soviet attitudes toward China; Soviet involvement in Kennedy's assassination; at state dinner honoring Ben Bella

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