Operation Zulu Redemption--Complete Season 1 (42 page)

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“Great. Congratulations.” He squinted at her as he stuffed a couple of tac shirts and pants into the bag, then pushed past her to the bathroom. “What’s this got to do with me or Ashland?”

He grabbed a new bar of soap and his shampoo.

“I believe Ashland was part of the team that hit the warehouse.”

Sam straightened and stared at her. Hard. “Ashland.”

She nodded, her wide brown eyes confident yet wary.

Slinging the ruck over his shoulder, he stalked forward. “Five years ago.”

She nodded again.

“That alone tells me you’re barking up the wrong tree. Women weren’t in combat roles like that five years ago, so that tells me you have no idea what you’re talking about.”


Sam frowned. “What?”

“That’s the name of the team that hit the warehouse. It was said the team was the last thing anyone would expect.” She planted her hands on her hips. “Wouldn’t expect females on a special ops team, would you?”

“No, because they weren’t legal.” He nudged her aside and reached for the picture she’d pointed out earlier. After removing the back, he slid the picture free and tucked it in his back pocket. “Now, I don’t know what you think you might know about Ashland, but unless you plan to answer a lot of questions under the threat of electroshock therapy, I suggest you leave.” Sam swung open the door.

“Are you threatening me?”

“I’m warning you, Miss Solomon.”

“How’d you know my name?”

“I read minds,” Sam said, his irritation growing.

“Ashland’s real name might be Annie Palermo.”

“Come back when you have something stronger than pea soup to feed me.” Sam waited for her to exit then locked the door, something that felt futile once the suits arrived.

“What will it take for you to listen to me?”

“A hundred years.”

The long blast of a horn drew his attention around. At the other end of Wapato Lake Road, he saw a caravan of black SUVs.
Sam ran to his Charger and tossed in the sack.

“What’s going on?”

As he slid in, he said, “If I knew that, I wouldn’t be running.” Sam revved the engine—she’d parked him in. “Go!” he shouted to her.

She raced to her black sedan and backed out.

“C’mon, c’mon,” he said, revving the engine. She’d barely made it onto the road when he let ’er rip. The tires spun and rocks spit out, pinging the car. He didn’t care. Not now. The Charger roared back.

He spun the wheel left and let it straighten out, then rammed it into D
and gunned it again.

A black Suburban tore up the road behind him.

Adrenaline ripped through his veins.

It seemed like slow motion. The six-point-six seconds it took his car to rev up to sixty felt like minutes, with that SUV growing larger and larger in his mirror. Sam pushed his driving skills. Spotted Woods Road. Aimed for it.

He downshifted to take the turn, ignoring the big vehicle.

The roar of an engine blazed through his ears seconds before a deafening crunch. A horrendous impact rammed the Charger to the right—off the road. Sam’s head cracked against the windshield. The car came to a dead stop.

Silence and ringing warred for his hearing. Warmth sped down his temple. He groaned, shaking off the stun of the impact. He reached for the steering wheel, a haze filling the car from the deployed airbag, and then his gaze hit the half-dozen suits surrounding the Charger, weapons aimed at him.

Defeat pushed Sam’s hands into the air that still reeked of the powder from the side-curtain airbag.


Roma Slums, Greece

1 June – 1815 Hours

Her heart skipped a beat. “You know them?”

“No, but I know where they stay.”

Could they trust him? Normally she could tell with kids and teens when they were pulling her leg, but this young man…he’d learned a lot living here. She couldn’t read him.

Nuala held Téya’s gaze, question curling her dark brows.

They really had no choice. If they didn’t follow him, and the Lorings really were there… But following this teen… Flashes of the mob last night and the searing pain of the mark. Téya drew her chin up. “Two loaves,” she agreed.

“Cheese, too.” He held out his hand.

“And the cheese—but only after you show us where they’re living.”

He hesitated, glanced over his shoulder at something behind them. Though she scanned the distance, the windows, alcoves, shadows, she saw nothing. Finally, he gave a nod. “A’right then.”

With half a bag of bread and one chunk of cheese left, they trailed the kid through the passages. He moved through the spaces like a pro, no doubt having grown up here and discovered all the ins and outs.

As they neared the far side of the slums, her apprehension grew. Taller buildings towered over them, blocking light and seeming to hold them in the fist of danger. Shadows skittered around them, half of the movement from fluttering sheets or wind gusts that snapped up cardboard and metal roofs. Each snap elicited a flinch or jerk from Téya. Noodle wasn’t faring any better.

“This is getting creepy,” Nuala said.

“Getting?” Téya searched for a familiar landmark, but being closed in on all sides with tall buildings and cement, she shrugged and shook her head, as if she could shake off the chill that had nothing to do with the cooling day. This was like falling deeper and deeper down a rabbit hole. Though she tried to keep her bearings, Téya could feel those cords of control turning into the thin tendrils that defied her grip.

Ahead, dark-headed John continued on without hesitation. She wasn’t sure if it was comforting or discomfiting that he knew where they were going and she didn’t. If it were Trace or Boone ahead…yeah, good. But this kid? The one bribing them for bread in exchange for vital information?

“You sure you know where they live?” Téya mentally reached for her weapon, knowing she
use it if they were faced with an untenable situation. Whether she’d use it on the teen…she couldn’t imagine doing that. Not unless he held a weapon on her, too. Of course, she guessed Trace would argue information could be a weapon and he was holding that on them.

This is crazy. I am not shooting a kid. Not tonight. Not…ever
. She already had the blood of eighteen children on her hands.

Téya skidded her gaze to the shadows, shoulders tense, anxiety high. Every crinkle of paper or tink-tink-tink of a soda can dancing down an alley made her want to reach for the HK USP Compact.

“John, I’m losing confidence in you,” Téya said with warning.

“You’re not the only one,” Nuala said, her pale eyes tracing rooftops. “Wish I were on high ground.”

“I wish I were back at the hotel eating the parmesan steak and shrimp special.” As if echoing her thoughts, her stomach growled.

“Not sure how you can think about food right now.”

“It’s comforting.”

“Okay, that you can eat food for comfort and be that thin makes me sick,” Noodle said.

Téya shrugged. “High metabolism.” She turned a circle, checking their six, as they walked. “Johnny?”

“It’s just around the corner” the kid said.

“What’s your name?” Téya asked, stepping carefully around a shanty that looked like one breath could bring it down.


“Right,” she muttered. “Let me guess—your last name is Smith.”

He threw a grin over his shoulder. “How’d you know?”

“Great.” Nerves fractured, Téya considered heading back. They’d been walking for forty minutes already. The setting sun hid behind the buildings making it darker. Batman would do well here.

“Just ahead,” John said.

Téya studied the buildings a little more carefully, plotting courses to safety. Searching for trouble. They rounded one more corner, and John stopped and thumbed to a brick building on their right. “Third floor. Maybe fourth.”

Four floors? Taking in the building only stirred more apprehension. Téya tilted her head back and let her gaze trek up the levels. Ha. Four floors would be easy. There were six here…well, on one side. The other had been wiped clean of half the floors. Unease slithered through her stomach when she saw the way half the building leaned to the left. The other half seemed to be pulling to the right. If they went in, their weight alone seemed like it could offset the balance and bring it all tumbling down. The stoop seemed the stopping point for fliers and boxes in various states of decay. It didn’t look like
had been through that door in months, if not longer.

“You sure this is the right place?”

“Now why would I lie to you?”

“Two loaves and a block of cheese,” Téya muttered. Nobody had been here. Nobody
He’s pulling a fast one
… “That’s your thirty pieces, huh? John, there hasn’t been anyone in this building in a long time.”

He grinned. “That’s what they want you to think.”

With a hefty sigh, Téya looked at Nuala. “Don’t give him the food till I come back.”

“Now that wasn’t the deal. I said I’d take you to them—”

“And you haven’t.” Téya motioned around them. “You took us to a building. I don’t see the family we’re looking for. And until I do…” She shrugged and navigated the swamp of papers, fliers, bills, and boxes.

This isn’t right. Nobody’s here

But Noodle’s comment about believing the best in people niggled at her. Pushed her past the rank, dank entrance. “Smells like something died in here,” she called back to Nuala, who stood on the street, watching and clutching the bread bag.

The foyer stretched pretty far back, so far in fact that she could not see because of the darkness, though she could make out a few doors nearby. Stairs sat straight ahead then banked left and up over her. Easing her SureFire out, she also lifted her HK. The familiarity of this scenario—Denver—coiled around her. She’d come out of that with two black eyes and too many bruises to count.

Fool me once, shame on you

And then The Turk chasing her down in Paris.

Fool me twice, shame on me

Which was why she was going into this armed and ready for the fight. “Johnny, you’d better be right,” she called. Over her shoulder. Then up the stairs, a glimmer of light at the top gave her a fragment of hope. “Carl and Sharlene Loring?” Her voice chased the cold shadows.

Swallowing, Téya moved to the stairs. Her boot hit the first step.
This is not right
. Alarms blazed in her mind.

“Téya! He’s running!”

She threw herself backward and out the front door.

Nuala was pulling herself off the ground. “He barreled into me and took the food.”

“I don’t think so,” Téya said, holstering her weapon as she spotted him racing around a building. She sprinted after him.

Down one alley and up another. Hustling down a flight of steps that belonged to what might have once been a nice little park setting. He sailed over a half wall like a track star. Téya was closing in on him.

“Johnny! Stop!”

He went left and vanished behind a building marked J
. The kid was fast. He disappeared into a building.

Téya’s stomach clenched as she followed him through the lower level of a shopping center that had been converted into another market. He topped a vendor’s cart and Téya jumped over it. Someone shouted as several women screamed, but Téya wasn’t giving up this pursuit. He was going to answer some questions and he was
getting that food. Enough was enough. She wasn’t taking this lying down anymore.

Light shot through a dark hall, and she realized it was an exit to the outside. She darted that way, the hall, seeming endlessly long. When she broke into the open, she slammed into a wall less than three feet past the door. She groaned and stopped to get her bearings. Right was a dead end. Left… She bolted that way and it brought her out onto a main road. A half mile or so away, she thought she could see Noodle jogging out from another street.

Téya spun. Grunted and slapped a lightpost. “Augh!”

“Lose him?” Nuala’s voice carried faintly from down the street.

Hands on her hips, Téya turned circles, searching. “Johnny!” she shouted long and hard. He’d pay. For taking the food. For duping them.

“Hey,” Nuala said, trotting up to her. “We should get back. It’s getting dark.”

Téya nodded, looking around and realizing she had no idea where they were. Darkness meant trouble. And they were alone. “Stupid kid.”

“Actually, I’d say he was pretty smart. Capitalized on what we needed and wanted.”

“It was rhetorical, Noodle.”

“Sorry. I was
to be funny.”

Téya coiled up her anger and nodded. “I know. Sorry, just—”


Throwing herself around, Téya gasped. “Gunshot!”

Boom! Crack!

“The kid…” Guilt chugged through her. She’d never forgive herself if that kid was shot for bread and cheese. “C’mon!” Téya raced in the direction of the shots. A fence that towered over them by at least five feet confined the slums and poor to one side. She trailed that fence, listening, her hackles rising as she moved.

Tires squalled.

Téya rushed forward, certain of her course now. She burst out into a wide open area—a rear loading dock for a warehouse of some kind.

Adrenaline exploded through her when she saw a man aiming a weapon at a white Land Rover. Just under the belly of the vehicle, she saw shoes. John. The person wasn’t aiming at the SUV, but at John.
He’s going to shoot him
. What was this? A street war? Had the bread and cheese gotten John into trouble?

Téya pulled out her Glock and took aim.

Shouts alerted the glut of men to their presence.

A weapon swung in her direction. Someone sprinted out from behind the vehicle, racing toward a building—

In her periphery, Téya saw the man fire at the teen. Then she registered Nuala aiming and firing. A man stumbled out of the shadows and onto the ground.
Where did he come from?
The other three ran toward the vehicle. But the one she’d sighted didn’t. He aimed. Fired.

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