Oracle Essentials Oracle Database 11g (24 page)

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In Oracle9
, youhave the option of allowing the cost-based optimizer to use CPU

speed as one of the factors in determining the optimal execution plan. An initialization parameter turns this feature on and off. As of Oracle Database 10
, the default cost basis is calculated on the CPU cost plus the I/O cost for a plan.

Even with all the information available to it, the cost-based optimizer did have some noticeable initial flaws. Aside from the fact that it (like all software) occasionally had bugs, the cost-based optimizer used statistics that didn’t provide a complete picture of the data structures. In the previous example, the only thing the statistics tell the optimizer about the indexes is the number of distinct values in each index. They don’t reveal anything about the distribution of those values. For instance, the larger index can contain 5,000 unique values, but these values can each represent two rows in the associated table, or one index value can represent 5,001 rows while the rest of the index values represent a single row. The selectivity of the index can vary wildly, depending on the value used in the selection criteria of the SQL statement. Fortunately, Oracle 7.3 introduced support for collecting histogram statistics for indexes to address this exact problem. You could create histograms using syntax within the ANALYZE INDEX command when yougathered statistics yourself in Oracle versions prior to Oracle Database 10
. This syntax is described in your Oracle SQL reference documentation.

Query Optimization



Influencing the cost-based optimizer

There are two ways youcan influence the way the cost-based optimizer selects an execution plan. The first way is by setting the OPTIMIZER_MODE initialization parameter. ALL_ROWS is the default setting for OPTIMIZER_MODE enabling optimization with the goal of best throughput. FIRST_ROWS optimizes plans for returning the first set of rows from a SQL statement. You can specify the number of rows using this parameter. The optimizer mode tilts the evaluation of optimization scores slightly and, in some cases, may result in a different execution plan.

Oracle also gives youa way to influence the decisions of the optimizer with a technique called
. A hint is nothing more than a comment with a specific format inside a SQL statement. Hints can be categorized as follows:

• Optimizer SQL hints for changing the query optimizer goal

• Full table scan hints

• Index unique scan hints

• Index range scan descending hints

• Fast full index scan hints

• Join hints, including index joins, nested loop joins, hash joins, sort merge joins, Cartesian joins, and join order

• Other optimizer hints, including access paths, query transformations, and parallel execution

Hints come with their own set of problems. A hint looks just like a comment, as shown in this extremely simple SQL statement. Here, the hint forces the optimizer to use the EMP_IDX index for the EMP table:


If a hint isn’t in the right place in the SQL statement, if the hint keyword is mis-spelled, or if you change the name of a data structure so that the hint no longer refers to an existing structure, the hint will simply be ignored, just as a comment would be.

Because hints are embedded into SQL statements, repairing them can be quite frustrating and time-consuming if they aren’t working properly. In addition, if you add a hint to a SQL statement to address a problem caused by a bug in the cost-based optimizer and the cost-based optimizer is subsequently fixed, the SQL statement will still not use the corrected (and potentially improved) optimizer.

However, hints do have a place—for example, when a developer has a user-defined datatype that suggests a particular type of access. The optimizer cannot anticipate the effect of user-defined datatypes, but a hint can properly enable the appropriate retrieval path.

For more details about when hints might be considered, see the sidebar

the Verdict of the Optimizer” later in this chapter.



Chapter 4: Oracle Data Structures

Specifying an Optimizer Mode

In the previous section we mentioned two optimizer modes: ALL_ROWS and FIRST_ROWS. Two other optimizer modes for Oracle versions prior to Oracle Database 10


Forces the use of the rule-based optimizer


Allowed Oracle to choose whether to use the cost-based optimizer or the rule-based optimizer

With an optimizer mode of CHOOSE, which previously was the default setting, Oracle would use the cost-based optimizer if any of the tables in the SQL statement have statistics associated with them. The cost-based optimizer would make a statistical estimate for the tables that lacked statistics. If youare running an older Oracle release using rules, you probably wonder if moving to a newer release with only cost-based optimizer support is a good idea. Let’s have a closer look at the advantages of the cost-based optimizer.

Newer database releases and the cost-based optimizer

The cost-based optimizer makes decisions with a wider range of knowledge about the data structures in the database. Although the cost-based optimizer isn’t flawless in its decision-making process, it does make more accurate decisions based on its wider base of information, especially because it has matured since its introduction in Oracle7 and has improved with each new release.

The cost-based optimizer also takes into account improvements and new features in the Oracle database as they are released. For instance, the cost-based optimizer understands the impact that partitioned tables have on the selection of an execution plan, while the rule-based optimizer did not. The cost-based optimizer optimizes execution plans for star schema queries, heavily used in data warehousing, while the rule-based optimizer has not been enhanced to deal effectively with these types of queries or leverage many other such business intelligence query features.

Oracle Corporation was quite frank about its intention to make the cost-based optimizer
optimizer for the Oracle database through a period of years when both optimizer types were supported. In fact, since Oracle Database 10
, the rule-based optimizer is no longer supported.

We will remind youof one fact of database design at this point. As good as the cost-based optimizer is today, it is not a magic potion that remedies problems brought on by a poor database and application design or a badly selected hardware and storage platform. When performance problems occur today, they are most often due to bad design and deployment choices.

Query Optimization



Accepting the Verdict of the Optimizer

Some of you may doubt the effectiveness of Oracle query optimization if you are on an old Oracle database release, especially prior to Oracle Database 10
where tuning often required running scripts. You may have seen cases in which the query optimizer chose an incorrect execution path that resulted in poor performance. You may feel that you have a better understanding of the structure and use of the database than the query optimizer. For these reasons, youmight look to hints to force the acceptance of the execution path you feel is correct.

We recommend using the query optimizer for all of your queries rather than using hints. Although the Oracle developers who wrote the query optimizer had no knowledge of your particular database, they did depend on a lot of customer feedback, experience, and knowledge of how Oracle processes queries during the creation of the query optimizer. They designed the cost-based optimizer to efficiently execute all types of queries that may be submitted to the Oracle database.

In addition, there are three advantages that the query optimizer has over your discre-tion in all cases:

• The optimizer sees the structure of the entire database. Many Oracle databases support a variety of applications and users and it’s quite possible that your system shares data with other systems, making the overall structure and composition of the data somewhat out of your control. In addition, you probably designed and tested your systems in a limited environment, so your idea of the optimal execution path may not match the reality of the production environment, especially as it evolves.

• The optimizer has a dynamically changing view of the database and its data. The statistics used by the cost-based optimizer can change with each automated collection. In addition to the changing statistical conditions, the internal workings of the optimizer are occasionally changed to accommodate changes in the way the Oracle database operates. Since Oracle9
, the cost-based optimizer takes into account the speed of the CPU, and since Oracle Database 10
leverages statistics on I/O. If you force the selection of a particular query plan with a hint, you might not benefit from changes in Oracle.

• A bad choice by the optimizer may be a sign that something is amiss in your database. For the most part, the query optimizer selects the optimal execution path. What may be seen as a mistake by the query optimizer can, in reality, be traced to a misconception about the database and its design or to an improper implementation. A mistake is always an opportunity to learn, and you should always take advantage of any opportunity to increase your overall understanding of how Oracle and its optimizer work.




Chapter 4: Oracle Data Structures

We recommend that youconsider using hints only when youhave determined them to be absolutely necessary by thoroughly investigating the causes for an optimization problem. The hint syntax was included in Oracle syntax as a way to handle exceptional situations, rather than to allow you to circumvent the query optimizer. If you’ve found a performance anomaly and further investigation has led to the discovery that the query optimizer is choosing an incorrect execution path, then and only then should you assign a hint to a query.

Even in this situation, we recommend that you keep an eye on the hinted query in a production environment to make sure that the forced execution path is still working optimally.

Saving the Optimization

There may be times when youwant to prevent the optimizer from calculating a new plan whenever a SQL statement is submitted. For example, you might do this if you’ve finally reached a point at which you feel the SQL is running optimally, and you don’t want the plan to change regardless of future changes to the optimizer or the database.

Starting with Oracle8
, youcould create a
stored outline
that stored the attributes used by the optimizer to create an execution plan. Once you had a stored outline, the optimizer simply used the stored attributes to create an execution plan. As of Oracle9
, you could also edit the hints that were in the stored outline.

With the release of Oracle Database 11
, Oracle suggests that you move your stored outlines to
SQL plan baselines
. Now, in addition to manually loading plans, Oracle can be set to automatically capture plan histories into these SQL plan baselines.

Included in this gathered history is the SQL text, outline, bind variables, and compilation environment. When a SQL statement is compiled, Oracle will first use the cost-based optimizer to generate a plan and will evaluate any matching SQL plan baselines for relative cost, choosing the plan with the lowest cost.

Comparing Optimizations

Oracle makes changes to the optimizer in every release. These changes are meant to improve the overall quality of the decisions the optimizer makes, but a generally improved optimizer could still create an execution plan for any particular SQL statement that could result in a decrease in performance.

The SQL*Analyzer tool is designed to give youthe ability to recognize potential problems caused by optimizer upgrades. This tool compares the execution plans for the SQL statements in your application, flagging the ones in which the plans differ.

Query Optimization



Once these statements are identified, SQL*Analyzer executes the SQL in each environment and provides feedback on the performance and resource utilization for each. Although SQL*Analyzer cannot avoid potential problems brought on by optimizer upgrades, the tool can definitely simplify an otherwise complex testing task.

Oracle Database 11
also includes a feature called Database Replay. This feature captures workloads from production systems and allows them to be run on test systems. With this capability, you can test actual production scenarios against new configurations or versions of the database, and Database Replay will spot areas of potential performance problems on the changed platform.

Performance and Optimization

The purpose of the optimizer is to select the best execution plan for your queries. But there is a lot more to optimizing the overall performance of your database. Oracle

performance is the subject of Chapter 7 of this book.

Understanding the Execution Plan

Oracle’s query optimizer automatically selects an execution plan for each query submitted. By and large, although the optimizer does a good job of selecting the execution plan, there may be times when the performance of the database suggests that it is using a less-than-optimal execution plan.

The only way youcan really tell what path is being selected by the optimizer is to see the layout of the execution plan. You can use two Oracle character-mode utilities to examine the execution plan chosen by the Oracle optimizer. These tools allow you to see the successive steps used by Oracle to collect, select, and return the data to the user.

The first utility is the SQL EXPLAIN PLAN statement. When you use EXPLAIN

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